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Ramlah Arief
Abstrak :
Unit Pelaksana Teknis Terapi dan Rehabilitasi Badan Narkotika Nasional memberikan pelayanan publik kepada masyarakat melalui Rehabilitasi Sosial bagi korban penyalahgunaan narkoba. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dimana data primer didapatkan melalui wawancara, dan pengamatan (obeservasi), sedangkan data sekunder didapatkan melalui telaah dokumen. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian yang diinginkan yaitu ingin mengetahui proses internal rehabilitasi sosial unit pelaksana teknis terapi dan rehabilitasi Badan Narkotika Nasional. Penelitian ini meneliti selama 1 (satu periode) April 2007 s/d Mei 2008. Berdasarkan tujuan penelitian yang ingin diketahui maka didapatkan kesimpulan hasil penelitian sebagai berikut : 1)Proses internal pada Rehabilitasi Sosial di UPT T&R BNN berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan system open managemen yang digunakan Rehabsos Hal ini dibuktikan dengan kualitas SDM, Anggaran dana pelaksanaan Rehabsos, metode yang digunakan, kualitas pelayanan, alat serta bahan serta sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki rehabsos sangat baik. Hal-hal yang dirasa masih belum optimal adalah pada parameter keberhasilan program, serta pendampingan kepada residen pasca menjalani terapi dan rehabilitasi 2)Faktor-faktor yang menjadi kendala di Rehabilitasi Sosial UPT T&R BNN ialah kualitas konselor addict serta system controlling, monitoring terhadap konselor addict yang secara komprehensif belum tertangani dengan baik 3)Pencapaian target di Rehabilitasi Sosial UPT T&R BNN Target pelayanan yang ditetapkan oleh Rehabsos memberikan pelayanan terapi dan rehabilitasi, dengan jumlah target sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2008 adalah sebesar 75% dan diharapkan diakhir tahun 2008 jumlah target dapat tercapai dengan baik Sebagai saran-sarannya adalah sebagai berikut : 1)Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan yang prima maka perlu dibuat parameter keberhasilan program di Rehabsos, serta evaluasi efektifitas dan efisiensi program di rehabsos 2)Untuk meningkatkan profesionalitas dan keberhasilan tugas Konselor, maka perlu adanya upaya mengatasi kendala-kendala dalam pelaksanaan tugas Konselor khususnya dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan TC di Rehabsos UPT T&R BNN. 3)Mengingat pentingnya pelaksanaan tugas Konselor diharapkan adanya pelatihan-pelatihan berkesinambungan serta studi lanjut bagi petugas konselor khususnya konselor addic 4)Meningkatkan kerja sama Regional yaitu Negara-negara tetangga yang memiliki perhatian kepada masalah narkoba, instansi terkait, Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat dalam upaya penyelenggaraan pelatihan tenaga pelaksana kegiatan TC terutama tenaga Konselor.
The Therapy and Rehabilitation Technical Implementation Unit, National Narcotics Agency give public services to the community through Social Rehabilitation for Drug tresspassers victims. This research used descriptive methods with qualitative approach, where primary data is acquired through interview and observation, and secondary data is acquired through documentation analysis. This is done to achieve the aim of the research, which is to know about the Internal Process of Social Rehabilitation in the Therapy and Rehabilitation Technical Implementation Unit, National Narcotics Agency. This research is conducted for 1 periode from April 2007 till May 2008. According to the aim of this research, several conclusion is achieved from the result of this research : 1) The Internal process of Social Rehabilitation in UPT T&R BNN, is already performing well according to the open management system used by the Social rehabilitation. This is proven by the quality of the Human Resources, budget funds for the implementation of Social Rehabilitation, methods used, the quality of service, tools and material, and the facilitation and equipment of the Social Rehabilitation is appraised very good. Several things which is not optimal and need to be improve and defined is the criteria of success of the program, and the companion of the client after having therapy and rehabilitation. 2) Factors which pursue the Social Rehabilitation in UPT T&R BNN, is the quality of the addict counselor and the controlling system of the addict counselor which is not handled efectively. 3) The target of achievement of the Social Rehabilitation in UPT T&R BNN is to give service in therapy and rehabilitation for drug tresspassers, and the sum of target drug tresspassers having therapy and rehabilitation is achieved 75 % from the target, for each month. Recommendation : 1)To increase the quality of service to be excellent, it is important to define the criteria of success of the Social Rehabilitation program, and evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the program. 2)To increase the professionalism and achievement of the counselor?s job, it is needed to handle factors that pursue the duty of the counselor, especially in the implementation of the TC activity in Social Rehabilitation UPT T&R BNN. 3)Due to the importance of the counselor?s job, it is important to have a continous and further education for the counselor, especially addict counselor. 4)Increase Regional cooperation with neighbor countries which has great attention in Drugs issues, related Organization, Non governmental organization, in conducting training program for person involved in TC activities, especially counselors.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
T 25581
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sulaeman Pringgodigdo
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ireza Wiryani
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
A. Kunti Pratiwi
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh Ardila Amry
Abstrak :
Pada statistik penyalahguna narkoba dengan status drug relapse di Indonesia mencapai 70% pada tahun 2019 (BNN, 2019). Kondisi ini menggambarkan bahwa mekanisme rehabilitasi sosial bagi drug relapse di Indonesia masih berpeluang hadir tanpa shaming. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berusaha melihat signifikansi lifestyle-related shaming sebagai bagian penting dari mekanisme penerapan shaming bagi, khususnya para drug relapse di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan analisis teori John Braithwaite tentang reintegrative shaming yang menyatakan bahwa respon masyarakat terhadap pelaku terbagi menjadi 2 (dua) yaitu reintegrative shaming yang berarti penerimaan kembali dan stigmatisasi. Shameless berpeluang memberikan stigma negatif secara permanen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi dokumentasi, wawancara delphi, FGD, survei dan wawancara mendalam. Selain itu, peneliti memanfaatkan dan mencoba mengembangkan konstrukti teoretis (grounded theory) dengan menghadirkan konsep (variabel) sesuai dengan keterjangkauan data penelitian sehingga menghasilkan temuan baru mengenai pentingnya lifestyle-related shaming dalam drug relapse. Lifestyle-related shaming adalah bagian dari kombinasi teori reintegrative shaming, teori desistensi dan teori aktivitas rutin. Diharapkan nantinya, kajian ini mampu memberikan pemahaman yang luas kepada pemerintah untuk menyiapkan program terbaik untuk mengatasi fenomena shameless, khususnya penyalahgunaan narkoba di Indonesia. Selain itu juga bermanfaat dalam ilmu pengetahuan sebagai dasar penerapan shaming di Indonesia. ......In statistical calculations, drug abusers with the status of drug relapse in Indonesia reached 70% in 2019 (National Narcotics Agency: 2019). This condition illustrates that the social rehabilitation mechanism for drug abusers in Indonesia still has the opportunity to present shameless. Therefore, this study seeks to see the significance of Lifestyle-related shaming as an important part of the mechanism for implementing shaming for the shameless, especially drug relapse offenders in urban areas. This study was conducted based on the analysis of John Braithwaite's shaming theory which states that the public's response to perpetrators is divided into 2 (two) namely reintegrative shaming which means re-acceptance of the shameless by giving shame to them and stigmatization which means treating the shameless by giving a negative stigma permanently. The method used here was literature review, deplhi, FGD, survey and in-depth interview by utilizing and trying to develop existing theories (grounded theory) by presenting concepts (variables) in accordance with the affordability of study data so as to produce new findings regarding the significance of Lifestyle-related shaming in its role for drug relapse offenders. Lifestyle-Related Shaming is part of a combination of reintegrative shaming theory, desistance theory and routine activity theory. In the literature study conducted, the combination of (3) three macro theories produces Lifestyle-related shaming which is closely related to urban lifestyle. It is expected that later, this study will be able to provide a broad understanding to the government to prepare the best program for solving shameless phenomenon, especially drug abuse in Indonesia. Furthermore, it is also useful in science as a basis for the application of shaming in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library