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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Utoyo Widayat
Jakarta : Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, 1991
657.9 UTO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azzahra Tharisya Syarif
"Laporan magang ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi tata kelola dan pengendalian internal atas transaksi penjualan dengan diskon pada PT DKS. Evaluasi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh timbulnya pengakuan utang kepada distributor dari transaksi pemberian diskon penjualan oleh PT DKS. Evaluasi yang dilakukan di dalam laporan magang ini menggunakan Prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance/GCG) dan Kerangka Pengendalian Internal Terintegrasi COSO. Evaluasi GCG akan difokuskan pada prinsip akuntabilitas, pertanggungjawaban, transparansi, dan kewajaran. Sedangkan evaluasi pengendalian internal akan difokuskan ke tiga komponen pengendalian internal, yaitu aktivitas pengendalian, informasi dan komunikasi, serta pengawasan. Evaluasi dilakukan pada lebih dari 1.000 transaksi pemberian diskon penjualan selama tiga tahun. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi yang telah dilakukan, sekitar 10% dari transaksi tersebut tidak mencapai prinsip GCG, yaitu akuntabilitas, pertanggungjawaban, transparansi, dan kewajaran. Lalu, berdasarkan hasil evaluasi pengendalian internal pada PT DKS, utang atas pemberian diskon yang muncul di PT DKS disebabkan karena belum memadainya pelaksanaan pengendalian internal atas sistem pelaksanaan penjualan, pengungkapan informasi, dan pengawasan atas penjualan. Akibatnya, terjadi kelebihan diskon yang diberikan kepada distributor, sehingga timbul pengakuan utang kepada distributor pada PT DKS. Laporan magang ini juga berisi refleksi diri atas pengalaman magang yang telah dijalani.
......This internship report was created with the aim of evaluating governance and internal control over discounted sales transactions at PT DKS. This evaluation is motivated by the emergence of debt recognition to distributors from sales discount transactions by PT DKS. The evaluation conducted in this internship report uses the Principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and COSO's Integrated Internal Control Framework. The evaluation will focus on the principles of accountability, responsibility, transparency, and fairness. Meanwhile, the evaluation of internal control will be focused on the three components of internal control, such as control activities, information and communication, and monitoring. Evaluation was conducted on more than 1,000 sales discount transactions for three years. Based on the results of the evaluation that has been conducted, around 10% of these transactions do not achieve the principles of GCG, such as accountability, responsibility, transparency, and fairness. Then, based on the results of the evaluation of internal control at PT DKS, the debt for giving discounts that arose at PT DKS was due to the inadequate implementation of internal control over the sales implementation system, information disclosure, and sales monitoring. As a result, excess discounts were given to distributors, resulting in debt recognition to distributors at PT DKS. This internship report also contains self-reflection on the internship experience that has been undertaken."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tambunan, Abelardo Sebastian
"Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi prosedur audit yang dilakukan oleh KAP KIM terhadap akun penjualan PT RTI untuk laporan keuangan per 31 Desember 2022. PT RTI adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengelolaan dan budidaya perkebunan kelapa sawit dan pabrik pengolahan minyak sawit mentah, serta penjualan produk akhir terkait produk sawit. Prosedur audit yang dievaluasi adalah pengujian rinci untuk menguji asersi manajemen. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan prosedur yang dilakukan selama masa magang dengan kerangka teori yang berlaku. Kerangka teoritis menggunakan SA 315, SA 330, SA 500, dan SA 520. Evaluasi pengujian rinci bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi risiko salah saji material dengan menguji asersi manajemen. Laporan magang juga bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi refleksi diri penulis selama 3 bulan masa magang. Analisis refleksi diri dilakukan dengan membandingkan analisis dari Harvard Business Review. Refleksi diri tersebut akan menjadi pelajaran berharga bagi penulis di kemudian hari.
......The internship report aims to evaluate audit procedures carried by KAP KIM on the sales account of PT RTI for the financial statement as of December 31, 2022. PT RTI is a company engaged in the management and cultivation of oil palm plantations and crude palm oil processing mills, and the selling of the related end products of palm products. The audit procedures evaluated were tests of details for testing the management assertions. The evaluation was carried out by comparing the procedures conducted during the internship period with the theoretical framework applicable. The theoretical framework using the SA 315, SA 330, SA 500, and SA 520. The test of details evaluation aims to identify the risk of material misstatement by testing the management assertions. The internship report also aims to evaluate the author's self-reflection during the 3 months internship period. The self-reflection analysis was carried out compared with the analysis from Harvard Business Review. The self-reflection will become a valuable lesson for the author in the future.


Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rininta Hayuningtyas
"Laporan magang ini membahas analisis proses audit laporan keuangan PT NOV yang dilakukan oleh KAP RIN pada periode yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2016, khususnya terhadap akun yang relevan terhadap transaksi pembelian dan penjualan. Proses audit yang dibahas terbatas pada tahap perencanaan serta tahap pengujian dan pengumpulan bukti, yang terdiri atas prosedur substantif. KAP RIN menemukan risiko salah saji material yang disebabkan oleh eror terkait dengan adanya permasalahan cut-off pembelian dan penjualan. KAP RIN mengajukan jurnal penyesuaian untuk mengoreksi eror tersebut. Proses audit yang dilakukan terhadap PT NOV mengacu pada International Standards on Auditing ISA . Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses audit yang dilakukan KAP RIN telah sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku.

This internship report discusses the analysis of the audit process of PT NOV rsquo s financial statements conducted by KAP RIN for the period ended on 31 December 2016, in particular on accounts related to purchase and sales transaction. The audit process discussed is limited to planning, and testing and evidence collection phase, comprising substantive procedures. KAP RIN found a risk of material misstatement due to error related to the problem in purchase and sales cut off. KAP RIN proposed adjustment entries to correct the error. The audit process applied to PT NOV refers to International Standards on Auditing ISA . Based on the analysis, it was concluded that audit process is in accordance with the applicable standards."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Revelino Naufal Permono
"Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk membahas dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan perikatan prosedur yang disepakati oleh KAP TRU atas transaksi penjualan yang dilakukan oleh PT DF dengan distributor. PT DF merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi bahan bangunan dan memiliki program penjualan berupa potongan harga bagi distributornya sehingga PT DF membutuhkan verifikasi nilai transaksi atas seluruh penjualan dengan distributor selama program berlangsung. Laporan magang ini disusun dengan membandingkan kesesuaian antara prosedur yang dilakukan KAP TRU dengan standar yang berlaku. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan perikatan prosedur yang disepakati telah sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku, yaitu SJT 4400 serta teori yang terkait. Laporan magang ini juga berisikan refleksi diri selama pelaksanaan magang beserta rencana tindak lanjut untuk pengembangan diri di masa depan.
......This internship report aims to discuss and evaluate the implementation of the engagement of agreed upon procedures by KAP TRU for sales transactions carried out by PT DF with distributors. PT DF is a company engaged in the production of building materials and has a sales program in the form of discounts for its distributors so that PT DF requires verification of the transaction value of all sales with distributors during the program. This internship report is made by comparing the conformity between the procedures performed by KAP TRU with applicable theories and standards. The results of the evaluation show that the implementation of the agreed upon procedures agreement is in accordance with applicable standards, which are SJT 4400 and related theories. This internship report also contains self-reflection during the internship along with follow-up plans for future selfdevelopment."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Information on genetic divergence of inbred lines and performance of the hybrids developed from the lines is a great value in maize hybrid program. A study was conducted to evaluate genetic diversity of six QPM and five normal maize inbred lines, to determine the relationship between genetic distance based on SSR markers and the grain yield of single cross hybrid, and to get information promising hybrid from the single cross of QPM hybrid. Twenty four polymorphic primers that covered the 10 maize chromosomes were used to fingerprint the lines, detecting in 94 alleles (average of 3.9 and a range of 2-6 alleles per locus). Genetic divergences were determined using the Jaccard’s similarity coefficient, and a dendrogram was constructed using the UPGMA. Cluster analysis divided the inbreds into two clusters that were confirmed by principal coordinate analysis. Two promising QPM hybrids that are crossed from different heterotic group were found. The estimated value of simple correlations (r) of GDs with the gain yield of single cross hybrid was negatif (-0.07). There is a need to conduct more field trials to obtain more accurate correlations, particularly in a practical utility for predicting maize hybrid performance for grain yield."
JURAGBIO 4 (2) 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitriyeni Oktavia
"Penjualan merupakan sumber utama pendapatan perusahaan dan menjadi tujuan penting bagi proses operasional perusahaan, sebagai salah satu strategi penjualan, sales on credit menjadi pilihan untuk meningkatkan permintaan barang yang dijual namun, hal tersebut berdampak negative terhadap bisnis perusahaan jika tidak dikelola dengan baik. Penelitian i9ni bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses penjualan dan system pengendalian internal pada siklus penjualan PT XYZ. Kegiatan usaha utama perusahaan adalah penjualan Koran. Aset terbesar perusahaan terdapat pada piutang sebesar 50 dari jumlah asset perusahaan per tanggal 31 Desember 2016. Perusahaan memiliki tingkat piutang tertagih yang rendah dengan jumlah piutamng yang telah jatuh tempo lebih dari 10 tahun. Masalah lain yang dihadapi perusahaan adalah rugi usaha, return penjualan yang tinggi. Berangkat dari semua permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan analisis deskriptif dengan menganalisis penjualan dan komponen pengendalian internal. Data dikumpulkan dengan menanyakan personil kunci, observasi dan melakukan dokumen walktrough. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah saran untuk perbaikan pengendalian internal dan juga memberikan desain analisis risiko dengan menggunakan perhitungan risiko agar perusahaan dapat mengambil tindakan tegasa untuk risiko dampak yang besar tersebut.
......Sales is a major source of corporate earnings and become an important goal for the company 39 s operational processes. As one of sales strategy, Sales on credit become an option to increase demand for goods sold. However, it has negative impact on the company 39 s business if it is not properly managed. This study aims to analyze the sales business process and internal control system in the sales cycle of PT XYZ. The main business activity of company is selling and has the largest assets on the receivables for 50 from company rsquo s total assets as of 31 December 2016. The company has low rate of collectible receivable with long outstanding receivable for more than 10 years. Other problems faced by the company is operating loss, high sales return. Departs from all that issues, this research is conducted by using qualitative approach and descriptive analysis by analyzing the sales and components of internal control. Data is collected by inquiries the key personnel, observation and perform walktrough documents. The result of this research is the suggestions for improvement of internal control and also provides a risk analysis design using risk calculations to enable the firm to take decisive action for those big impact risks."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The objective of this research is to develop a web based database application for the procurement, inventory and sales at PT. Interjaya Surya Megah. The current system at PT. Interjaya Surya Megah is running manually, so the company has difficulty in carrying out its activities. The methodology, that is used in this research, includes interviews, observation, literature review, conceptual database design, logical database design and physical database design. The results are the establishment of a web-based database application at PT. Interjaya Surya Megah. The conclusion is the company can be easier to run the day-to-day activities because data processing becomes faster and more accurate, faster report generation and more accurate, more secure data storage.
621 COMMIT 5 (1-2) 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library