ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat asosiasi hubungan antara pola komunikasi keluarga dan conduct problems pada remaja di DKI Jakarta. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada lima kotamadya di DKI Jakarta, menggunakan Revised Family Communication Pattern Ritchie, 1991 untuk mengukur pola komunikasi keluarga dan The Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire Goodman, 1997 untuk mengukur conduct problems. 632 responden pada penelitia n ini merupakan siswa SMA berusia 15-19 tahun yang tinggal bersama kedua orangtua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan pada kedua dimensi pola komunikasi yang diterapkan ibu dengan conduct problems, dimana dimensi conformity orientation menunjukkan hubungan positif sedangkan conversation orientation memiliki hubungan negatif. Namun demikian, pada pola komunikasi yang diterapkan oleh ayah, hanya dimensi conformity orientation yang memiliki hubungan positif signifikan dengan conduct problems remaja. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka sangat penting bagi orangtua terutama ibu dalam menerapkan pola komunikasi yang efektif, sebab hal tersebut berhubungan dengan masalah kesehatan mental remaja yaitu conduct problems.
ABSTRACTThis correlational research aimed to investigate the association as correlation of family communication pattern and conduct problems among adolescent in DKI Jakarta. This research were conducted in five urban cities in DKI Jakarta province. Family communication were measured with Revised Family Communication Pattern Ritchie, 1991 and conduct problems were measured with The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Goodman, 1997 . 632 respondents were high school student aged 15 19 years old who live together with their parents. The result of this research showed a significant correlation on those dimension of family communication pattern which applied by mother, whereas the conformity orientation dimension had positive correlation otherwise conversation orientation has negative correlation on conduct problems. On the other hand, family communication pattern which applied by father showed that only conformity orientation dimension had a significant ands positive correlation on conduct problems. This research indicated that it is very important to parents, especially mother to use the effective communication pattern to their children, because it is related to adolescent rsquo s mental health problems called conduct problems. "