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Ahadin Abubakar Rahman
"Rumah sakit melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan yang multi kompleks juga memproduksi berbagai jenis limbah. Salah satu jenis limbah yang diproduksinya adalah limbah klinis yang mengandung bahan-bahan infeksius, beracun dan radioaktif. Bahan-bahan ini mempunyai risiko bagi kesehatan manusia di sekitarnya serta sumber pencemaran bagi lingkungannya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen limbah cair di Pavilyun Kartika RSPAD Gatot Soebroto. Penelitian ini lebih difokuskan pada kualitas limbah cair sebelum dan setelah pengolahan untuk dibandingkan dengan baku mutu limbah cair yang berlaku.
Hasil analisis efluen air buangan bila dibandingkan baku mutu hanya untuk parameter pH dan suhu menunjukkan kadar di bawah baku mutu. Sedangkan untuk BOD, COD, TSS, NH3 babas, P04, E.coli dan Coliform di atas baku mutu yang ditetapkan dengan Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 58 tahun 1995 yang akan dibertakukan mulai tahun 2000.
Hipotesis yang diuji adalah bahwa kualitas limbah cair akan menjadi lebih baik setelah diolah oleh IPAL. Uji t terhadap kadar limbah cair sebelum dan sesudah pengolahan menunjukkan penurunan yang bermakna (p < 0,05) untuk parameter BOD, COD, pH dan E.coli. Sedangkan untuk parameter TSS, NH3, P04 dan suhu secara statistik tidak menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna.
Pengawasan terhadap kualitas efluen berjalan baik yaitu dilakukan analisis kadar efluen secara teratur setiap tiga bulan. Kinerja IPAL juga masih baik yaitu mampu menurunkan kadar BOD, COD, E.coli pada kisaran 70% - 98 %. Manajemen pengolahan limbah cair di Pavilyun Kartika RSPAD Gatot Soebroto masih belum memadai. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari : peralatan IPAL seperti sump pit pump, collection pump, comminutor, air blower dan chlorine pump yang telah mengalami kerusakan lebih dari 6 bulan. Tenaga operator dan pemeliharaan mempunyai tugas pokok pada bagian teknik dan belum pemah mendapat pelatihan khusus di bidang pengolahan limbah cair.
Untuk itu maka perlu dilakukan suatu terobosan yaitu dengan menyusun suatu perencanaan yang baik untuk menerapkan sistem manajemen lingkungan rumah sakit (SMLRS) dan program pencegahan pencemaran rumah sakit (P2RS) di Pavilyun Kartika RSPAD Gatot Soebroto.
......Wastewater Treatment Management in Kartika Pavilion of RSPAD Gatot SoebrotoHospital runs various multicomplex activities and also products various sewage things. One of them which was producted by Hospital is clinical sewage which contain infected, poisonous and radioactive materials. These materials have a big risk for human healthy and also as pollution sources for its environment.
This research has a purpose for knowing wastewater management in Pavilyun Kartika RSPAD Gatot Soebroto. More focused on quality of wastewater before and after treatment, this research compare with regulated quality standard of wastewater.
Analitical results of wastewater, compared with quality standard of wastewater only on parameters pH and temperature show a value under quality standard value.
Meanwhile for free of BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, P041 E.coli and Coliform above quality standard which has been stated by Environment Govenrmental Minister jugdment No. 58 year 1995 attachment B which will be regulated on 2000. Tested Hyphotism is wastewater quality will became better after treated by IPAL (Sewage Treatment Plant) Test t on wastewater portion before and after treatment show significant decrement (p < 0.05) on parameters : BOD, COD, pH and E.coli. But for TSS, NH3, PO4 and temperature statistically not show significant differences.
Supervising on effluent quality run well, at least once in three months effluent portion analitic is done. IPAL performance also still in prime condition, has ability to decrease BOD, COD, E.coli portion on the range 70% - 98 %.
Wastewater treatment Management in Pavilyun Kartika RSPAD Gatot Soebroto hasnot been optimized yet. This mater can show on IPAL installation such as Sump pit pump, collection pump, comminutor, air blower and chlorine pump which has been gotten break more than 6 months. Operator and maintenance power has main duty on technical section and hasnot ever gotten special training on wastewater treatment. It is important to be done an intervention with arrange good plan to implement Hospital Environment Management System (SMLRS) and Prevention of Pollution of Hospital (P2RS) in Pavilyun Kartika RSPAD Gatot Soebroto."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1989
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rochani Nani Rahayu
Industri mempunyai pengaruh terhadap lingkungan, karena mengubah sumber alam menjadi produk baru, sekaligus menghasilkan limbah, yang apabila limbah tersebut dibiarkan dapat mencemari lingkungan.
Industri tahu merupakan industri kecil, yang jarang dilengkapi dengan unit pengolah limbah. Limbah cair yang dihasilkan oleh industri ini berjumlah cukup besar, dan berpotensi untuk mencemari lingkungan. Hal ini disebabkan karakteristik limbah mempunyai kadar tinggi, misalnya COD 4000 - 8000 mg/l, BOD 2000-4000 mg/1, padatan tersuspensi 500-2000 mg/l. Di samping itu, mempunyai pFi rendah, yaitu 3-5. Pada umumnya limbah cair ini langsung dibuang ke badan air penerima, misalnya empang, atau sungai, akibatnya kualitas badan air tersebut menurun.
Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Salah satunya adalah melalui penelitian pengolahan limbah, guna memperoleh inbrmasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam upaya mengatasi masalah tersebut.
Penelitian yang telah dilakukan ialah mengenai pengolahan limbah cair pabrik tahu secara anaerob menggunakan reaktor UASB berbentuk tabung dengan masukan influen dari bawah, dan keluaran efluen dari bagian alas.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat efisiensi reaktor, melalui penganekaragaman waktu tinggal dalam reaktor (Hydraulic Retention Time =HRT), yaitu berturut 12, 6, dan 4 jam.
Efisiensi reaktor diamati melalui tingkat penurunan COD, padatan tersuspensi, padatan volatil, dan BOD. Selain itu diamati pula perilaku pH, suhu, dan alkalinitas selama proses. Kondisi operasi yang diberlakukan pada proses ini ialah pada pH 7-7,5; suhu kamar, dan alkalinitas 2000 - 3000 mg CaCO311.
Percobaan dilakukan di dalam reaktor UASB yang terbuat dari gelas, dengan ukuran volume 13,51 diameter 10 cm, dan tinggi 150 cm. Reaktor dilengkapi dengan pampa yang mempunyai head 6m guna memasukkan umpan ke dalamnya. Percobaan secara sinambung, sampai diperoleh keadaan stabil, yaitu tercapainya tingkat penyisihan COD yang relatif tetap.
Hasil dan kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah:
1. Pengamatan perilaku COD, pH, alkalinitas, padatan tersuspensi, dan padatan volatil, menunjukkan pola yang sama, yaitu bentuk logaritmik Y= k+abX, sedangkan perilaku suhu Y= a+bX.
2. Hasil yang dicapai pada pengolahan dengan HRT 12, 6, dan 4 jam berturutturut adalah penurunan COD = 60%, 51%, dan 30%; BOD = 59%, 48%, dan 29%; padatan tersuspensi = 30%, 29%, dan 26%; padatanvolatil = 50%, 46%, dan 28%; sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa efisiensi tertinggi dicapai pada pengolahan dengan HRT 12 jam, jadi semakin kecil HRT, efisiensi yang diperoleh semakin rendah.
3. Dan hasil efisiensi tersebut disimpulkan bahwa efluen yang diperoleh belum memenuhi syarat baku mutu limbah cair sesuai dengan SKGub.KDKI 5821 1995. Oleh karena itu, reaktor UASB yang diteliti tidak dapat digunakan sebagai unit tunggal pengolah limbah cair pabrik tahu, melainkan hams dilengkapi dengan unit pendukung seperti unit fsika kimia atau menggunakan reaktor UASB lebih dari satu.;Tofu Wastewater Treatment Using Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) ReactorIndustries influence our environment by converting natural resources, and at the same time creating wastes as its by product. These wastes when left without proper treatment may damage our environment.

This is because of the characteristic of' the waste stream that contain high COD level 4000-8000 mg/1,BOD level 2000-4000 mg/I, Suspended Solid 500- mg 1, as well as pH level 3-5. Frequently, this waste stream flow to receiving water without proper treatment, thus lowering water quality in our river. Control measures to overcome this problem is therefore necessary. One way to provide rim with good control measure is research in wastewater treatment technology.
This research is concerned with the treatment of wastewater from tofu industry in UASB reactor (column reactor in which the wastewater enters the reactor at the bottom and then flows in upward direction to the effluent). The overall aim is to investigate removal efficiency in various HRT (Hydraulic Retention Time), namely 12, 6, and 4 hours.
Removal efficiency is measured in terms of COD removal, Suspended Solid removal, Volatile Solid removal, and BOD removal. In addition, observation on the fluctuation of pH level, temperature, and alkalinity are also carried out during the process. Operating condition is set in pH level 7-7.5; normal room temperature; and alkalinity in the range of 2000-3000 mg CaCOil. Wastewater is taken from tofu factory in Kukusan Village (Depok). Paunch manure taken from Cakung Slaugther House is used as bacterial seed. UASB reactor used in this test is made of glass with 13.5 1 in volume, 10 cm in diameter, 150 cm in height. The handy pump with 6 m head are employed to feed the reactor. The reactor operates continuosly until it reaches steady state condition that characterized by constant COD removal.
The results are follow:
1. The behaviour of COD, pH, Alkalinity, Suspended Solid, and Volatil Solid can express as Y = k+abX. Temperature behaviour can express as Y = a+bX.
2. Removal efficiency for each HRT can reported as the following:
a. 12 hours retention time result in 60% COD , 59% BOD reduction, 30% Suspended Solid reduction, and 49% Volatil Solid reduction.
b. 6 hours retention time result in 51% COD reduction, 48% BOD reduction, 29% Suspended Solid reduction 46%, and Volatil Solid re
c. 4 hours retention time result in 30% COD reduction, 29%BOD reduction, 26% Suspended Solid reduction, and 28% Volatil Solid reduction. The highest removal efficiency reached by 12 hours HRT
3. From those result, it was concluded that the UASB effluent still above threshold
limit level indicated in SKGUB.KDKI NO:582/1995. For that reason additional physical and chemical treatment units are required, or using more than one reactor.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanna Hasyanah
"Degradasi air limbah deterjen telah dikembangkan dengan menggunakan berbagai metode. Teknik ozonasi dalam RHOP merupakan salah satu metode degradasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi operasi optimal dalam proses degradasi limbah deterjen menggunakan teknik ozonasi dalam RHOP. Variasi kondisi operasi dilakukan pada pH, senyawa limbah (LAS dan ABS), dan suhu air limbah.
Dari hasil penelitian diketahui kondisi operasi terbaik terjadi pada pH netral dan suhu ruang (27oC) dengan persen degradasi mencapai 91,79%. Selain itu, degradasi pada limbah LAS menujukkan hasil yang jauh lebih baik dibandingkan pada limbah ABS. Kondisi terbaik ini juga didukung oleh nilai TOC limbah LAS dan ABS sebesar 14,8 mg/L dan 22,6 mg/L.
......Degradation of detergent waste water is developed by various methods. Ozonation technique in RHOP is one kind of degradation method. The aim of this research is to find out optimum operation condition in detergent waste water degradation process by ozonation technique in RHOP. Variations of condition operation are pH, wastewater compound (LAS and ABS), and wastewater temperature.
These result demonstrate that the best operation condition occurs at neutral condition and room temperature (27oC) with degradation percentage 91.79% reached. Furthermore, degradation of LAS waste water is better than ABS waste water. These conditions are supported by TOC value which LAS and ABS are 14.8 mg/L and 22.6 mg/L."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haniena Divi
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang ikut serta pada SDGs dimana salah satu sasarannya adalah peningkatan pelayanan air bersih dan sanitasi yang diiringi dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan PVC. Industri soda kostik / klor menghasilkan air limbah mengandung merkuri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui waktu kontak optimum penyisihan konsentrasi merkuri dengan bakteri Pseudomonas aeruginosa menggunakan Trickling Filter (TF) dengan nutrisi dari air limbah domestik. TF merupakan unit pengolahan biologis dengan biomassa terlekat. Kinerja TF diketahui melalui eksperimental menggunakan sistem batch dengan waktu kontak 2, 4, 6, dan 8 jam. Air limbah yang digunakan merupakan buatan dengan konsentrasi merkuri 4,3 mg/L yang melebihi baku mutu PerMen LH No 5 Tahun 2014 sehingga perlu diolah. Sedangkan air limbah domestik pada penelitian memiliki konsentrasi COD berkisar 302 ? 375 mg/L, BOD 194,3 mg/L, N 89 mg/L, dan P 2,96 mg/L yang memenuhi rasio BOD/COD (≥ 0,5) dan nutrisi untuk bakteri (BOD:N:P = 60:30:1) sehingga berpotensi dijadikan nutrisi bakteri. Waktu kontak optimum agar memenuhi PerMen LH No 5 Tahun 2014 tidak didapatkan tetapi efisiensi penyisihan merkuri berkisar 96,4 ? 97,8 %. TF dirancang menjadi two-stage dengan waktu kontak 2 jam dan memiliki diameter 8 m dan tinggi 5 m.

Indonesia is one of the participant countries in the SDGs where aimed at improvement of clean water access and sanitation services which are accompanied with the increasing the need of PVC. Chlor-alkali industry produce wastewater containing mercury. This study aims to determine optimum contact time of mercury concentrations that wiil be used as a design criteria of Trickling Filter (TF) unit. TF is an attached biological treatment unit. TF?s performance was knowledge through experimental process using batch system with 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours contact time. The chlor-alkali industry wastewater is artificial with mercury concentrations 4.3 mg/L which exceeded the quality standard of PerMen LH No. 5 of 2014 so the wastewater needs to be treated. While municipal wastewater in the study had a COD concentration ranges from 302-375 mg / L, BOD 194.3 mg / L, N 89 mg / L, and P 2.96 mg / L which meets ratio BOD / COD (≥ 0.5) and nutrients for bacteria (BOD: N: P = 60: 30: 1) so the municipal wastewater potentially to be used as bacterial nutrients. The optimum contact time in order to meet the PerMen LH No. 5 of 2014 are not met but the mercury removal efficiency ranged from 96.4 to 97.8%. TF designed as a two-stage with a contact time of 2 hour and had a diameter of 8 m and height of 5 m."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrea Angelin
"FOG deposit (FD) adalah kumpulan minyak dan lemak di saluran pembuangan air limbah yang dapat menyebabkan penyumbatan dan akumulasi gas yang dapat mengakibatkan ledakan di jaringan tertutup. FD membawa tantangan serius bagi pemeliharaan dan pengoperasian sistem pembuangan limbah karena dampak negatifnya. Dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik air limbah, penelitian ini berupaya menganalisis laju pembentukan FD pada jaringan air limbah di Jakarta Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan sampel dari dua lokasi berbeda untuk membandingkan kondisi saluran air limbah yang tidak memiliki FD dan memiliki FD (A dan B secara berurutan). Hasil wawancara dan observasi menunjukkan bahwa rumah makan dan catering Padang merupakan sumber utama pencemar yang mempengaruhi pembentukan. Konsentrasi FOG pada sampel B 2 x 107 kali lebih besar dibandingkan sampel A, sedangkan konsentrasi TSS 1,8 x 104 kali lebih besar. Eksperimen reaktor selama 8 jam dilakukan dengan menggunakan toples dan balok beton sebagai media pengendapan untuk melihat proses pembentukannya. Sampel B menghasilkan akumulasi yang signifikan (0,72% minyak mengendap setelah 8 jam), sementara reaktor sampel A gagal menunjukkan tanda-tanda pembentukan. Asam lemak bebas (FFA) yang dominan adalah asam palmitat (51%) yang menyebabkan endapan relatif lebih padat. Software pemodelan OriginLab digunakan untuk menganalisis perhitungan laju agregasi dan menghasilkan nilai k = 0,41/jam untuk reaktor B. Rata-rata error dengan model yang diperoleh sebesar 6,17%, sehingga model dapat dikatakan memiliki prediksi yang baik.
......FOG deposits (FD) are significant aggregation of fat, oil, and grease in sewerage that can cause blockages and gas accumulation that may result in explosions in closed networks. FD carries serious challenges for the maintenance and operation of sewerage systems because of its negative impacts. By considering the characteristics of the wastewater, this study seeks to analyze the formation rate of FD South Jakarta's sewerage system. This study has been conducted using samples from two different locations to compare the condition of sewerage that doesn't have FD and has FD (A and B, respectively). The results of both interviews and observations indicate that rumah makan padang and catering are the primary sources of contaminants that influence the formation. The FOG concentrations in sample B were 2 x 107 times greater than those in sample A, while the TSS concentrations were 1.8 x 104 times greater. An 8-hour reactor experiment was conducted using a jar and concrete blocks as settling media to see the formation process. While sample B produced significant accumulation (0.72% oil precipitated after 8 hours), sample A's reactor failed to display any signs of formation. The dominant free fatty acid (FFA) is palmitic acid (51%), which causes the deposit to be relatively denser. OriginLab modeling software was used to analyze the calculation of the aggregation rate, resulting in k = 0.41/hour for reactor B. The average error with the model obtained is 6.17%, so the model can be said to have good predictions. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Soerjani
Keserasian hubungan antara lingkungan hidup dan tumbuhnya kawasan industri perlu dijaga dan diatur, supaya beban limah industri tidak merusak sumberdaya kehidupan. Pemantauan Air Buangan Industri Kimia Dasar di Kawasan Industri Tangerang adalah salah satu upaya untuk mengetahui tingkat pembebanan badan-badan sungai oleh limbah industri tersebut. Sehubungan dengan ini telah dilakukan analisa air buangan industri-industri yang tergabung dalam Industri Kimia Dasar, meliputi dua industri ban, lima industri fiber sintetik, tip. indus.tri kertas, Dan dua industri resin sintetik.
Di antara industri-industri ini ada beberapa yang sudah melakukan pengolahan limbah. Namun sampai berapa jauh hasil usaha pengolahan limbah ini dapat diandalkan untuk tidak mengganggu kelestarian lingkungan hidup, baru dapat dilihat dari hasil pemantauan.
2. T U J U A N
Tujuan pemantauan ialah untuk mendapatkan data tentang keadaan lingkungan khususnya air buangan di sekitar industri kimia dasar di Kawasan Industri Tangerang."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 1985
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uly Amrina
"Sektor pengelolaan limbah domestik menghasilkan emisi GRK dalam jumlah signifikan. Pengelolaan air limbah di Indonesia didominasi dengan sistem on-site, akan tetapi minimnya studi mengenai emisi GRK dari kegiatan pengelolaan limbah pada sistem on-site. Sehingga pemilihan sistem pengolahan air limbah menentukan besarnya emisi yang dihasilkan seperti metana (CH4), karbon dioksida (CO2) dan dinitrogen oksida (N2O).
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa dan memproyeksi emisi gas rumah kaca dari skenario BAU dan tiga alternatif skenario dari kegiatan pengelolaan air limbah dengan sistem setempat (on-site) di Kota Depok periode 2017-2040, serta merekomendasikan skenario terbaik dan alternatif strategi untuk mencapai target skenario tersebut dengan analisa SWOT. Ruang lingkup yang dihitung meliputi proses pengolahan air limbah domestik, proses pengolahan lumpur, konsumsi bahan bakar untuk pengumpulan lumpur, dan kegiatan konsumsi listrik untuk operasional IPLT dengan menggunakan metode IPCC (2006) dan faktor emisi. Data didapatkan dari kegiatan operasional IPLT, wawancara dengan pihak terkait, dan juga data masterplan Kota Depok.
Total emisi yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2017 sebesar 232,45 Gg CO2eq, yang terdiri atas 232,39 Gg CO2eq emisi langsung dan 0,0662 Gg CO2eq emisi tidak langsung. Emisi tersebut meningkat sebesar 70,51% di tahun 2040 berdasarkan kondisi BAU. Studi ini menunjukan bahwa skenario ketiga merupakan skenario terbaik dalam usaha penurunan emisi GRK, dimana penurunan mencapai 50,34% di tahun 2040 dari kondisi BAU, dengan intervensi berupa pemanfaatan biogas pada IPAL Komunal dan unit anaerobic digester di IPLT.

The biggest source of liquid waste is from household activities, so that good management of wastewater is very important so it does not cause problems for the environment or public health. Good management of wastewater also needs to take into account the emissions generated from the treatment. The selection of a wastewater treatment system determines the amount of emissions produced such as methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O).
The purpose of this study is to analyze and project greenhouse gas emissions from the BAU scenario and three alternative scenarios from on-site wastewater management activities in Depok City for the 2017-2040 period, and recommend the best scenarios and alternative strategies to achieve the target scenario is a SWOT analysis. Emission levels are calculated from domestic wastewater treatment processes, sludge treatment processes, fuel consumption for mud collection, and electricity consumption activities for the IPLT operation using the IPCC method in 2006.
Total emissions generated in 2017 amounted to 232.45 Gg CO2eq, which consists of 232.39 Gg of direct emissions CO2eq and 0.0662 Gg of indirect emissions CO2eq. These emissions increased by 70.51% in 2040 based on BAU conditions. This study shows that the third scenario is the best scenario in reducing GHG emissions, where the decline reached 50.34% in 2040 from BAU conditions, with interventions in the form of biogas utilization in Communal WWTPs and anaerobic digester units in the IPLT.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devi Dwiyanti Suryono
"Limbah domestik merupakan salah satu pencemar yang sangat berpotensi untuk menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan, terutama limbah domestik yang berasal dari tangki septik. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kota-kota besar di Indonesia sudah tercemar oleh buangan toilet (black Water), yang diperkirakan 70-80% dari limbah ini langsung mencemari air tanah dangkal.
Berdasarkan kenyataan tersebut kebutuhan fasilitas pengolahan limbah tangki septik harus diperhatikan, karena kualitas efluen hasil pengolahan di dalam tangki septik ternyata masih berpotensi untuk mencemari lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu alternatif penyelesaian untuk memperbaiki kualitas efluen limbah tangki septik.
Penelitian pengaruh bahan starter terhadap efektivitas pengolahan limbah tangki septik ini dilakukan sebagai alternatif untuk menyelesaikan masalah pengolahan limbah tangki septik. Dengan penambahan bahan starter, berarti ada penambahan sejumlah mikroorganisme ke dalam sistem pengolahan limbah tangki septik yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pengolahannya.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh bahan starter M-Bio dan isi rumen terhadap efektivitas penurunan kadar parameter COD, PO43-, N03-, N02-, padatan tersuspensi, dan E. coli, serta untuk membandingkan pengaruh kedua bahan starter tersebut dalam berbagai variasi dosis.
Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah:
1. Penambahan bahan starter M-Bio dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pengolahan limbah tangki septik terhadap parameter COD, P043- N03-, N02-, padatan tersuspensi, dan E. coli,
2. Penambahan bahan starter isi rumen dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pengolahan limbah tangki septik terhadap parameter COD, PO43-, N03-, N02-, padatan tersuspensi, dan E. coli.
Penelitian eksperimental dilakukan dalam skala laboratorium dengan rancangan penelitian acak lengkap yang disusun secara faktorial, yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Lingkungan, FTUI. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan interval waktu pengamatan 8 jam, yaitu 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, dan 48 jam, serta pengamatan dilakukan hingga 72 dan 96 jam. Variasi dosis bahan starter,yakni M-Bio dan isi rumen adalah 2,5 ml/L, 5 ml/L, dan 7,5 ml/L, kemudian setiap pengamatan dibandingkan terhadap kontrol. Sampel limbah tangki septik diambil dari asrama mahasiswa UI, Depok. Parameter utama yang diukur adalah COD, PO43-, N03-, N02-, padatan tersuspensi, dan E. coli. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik ANOVA, dan rumus kinetika reaksi biokimia M-Bio dan isi rumen.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ternyata bahan starter M-Bio meningkatkan efektivitas pengolahan limbah tangki septik yang ditunjukkan dengan penurunan bermakna terhadap konsentrasi parameter COD, PO43-, N03-, N02-, padatan tersuspensi, dan E. coli. Sedangkan bahan starter isi rumen tidak dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pengolahan limbah tangki septik terhadap parameter COD, PO43-, N03-, NO2-, padatan tersuspensi, bahan starter isi rumen hanya dapat meningkatkan efektivitas penurunan parameter E. coli.
Perhitungan konstanta kinetika reaksi biokimia M-Bio menghasilkan laju penguraian bahan organik (rsu) antara 6,7552-90,4693 mg/L/jam, dan pertumbuhan bersih mikroorganisme antara 0,0852-0,4011 sel/jam. Sedangkan, perhitungan konstanta kinetika reaksi biokimia isi rumen menghasilkan laju penguraian bahan organik (rsu) antara 1,6735-10,6951 mg/L/jam, dan pertumbuhan bersih mikroorganisme antara 0,0078-0,0852 sel/jam.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah:
1. Penambahan bahan starter M-Bio dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pengolahan limbah tangki septik yang ditunjukkan oleh penurunan terhadap konsentrasi parameter COD, P043-, N03-, N02-, padatan tersuspensi, dan E. coli.
2. Penambahan bahan starter M-Bio memberikan tingkat efisiensi penurunan konsentrasi parameter COD sebesar 83,06%, P043- sebesar 86,76%, N03- sebesar 65,14%, N02- sebesar 73,40%, padatan tersuspensi sebesar 71,15%, dan E. coli sebesar 83,78%.
3. Penambahan bahan starter M-Bio pada dosis 5 ml/L menunjukkan tingkat penurunan yang paling tinggi dibandingkan dosis lainnya pada parameter COD, P043-, N03-, N02-, dan padatan tersuspensi, sedangkan tingkat penurunan parameter E. coli yang paling tinggi ditunjukkan oleh bahan starter M-Bio dosis 7,5 ml/L.
4. Penambahan bahan starter isi rumen tidak dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pengolahan limbah tangki septik terhadap konsentrasi parameter COD, P043-, N03-, NO2-, padatan tersuspensi, tetapi hanya efektif untuk menurunkan jumlah E. coli.
5. Laju Pertumbuhan bersih mikroorganisme (µ) dan laju penguraian substrat (rsu) pada pengolahan limbah tangki septik dengan dosis 5 ml/L adalah µ = 0,4011/jam dan rsu = 90,4693 mg/L/jam.

Starter Influence on Domestic Wastewater Treatment Affectivity (A Case Study on Septic Tank Wastewater of Indonesia University Dormitory, Depok) Domestic wastewater is one of the pollutants that caused environmental pollution, especially septic tank wastewater. The surveys show that some of city of Indonesia has been polluted by septic tank wastewater (black water), that estimated 70-80% polluted directly the ground water.
Based on this condition, the necessity of septic tank wastewater treatment facility should be attended, because the effluent quality as result of a treatment in septic tank still have chance to pollute the environment. So that, the solving alternative is needed to make septic tank wastewater effluent quality better. This research about starter influence on septic tank wastewater treatment affectivity was conducted as an alternative to solve septic tank wastewater treatment problem. By the starter addition, it means there are a number of microorganisms were added into septic tank wastewater treatment system to increase that treatment affectivity.
The aim of this research is to understand the starter influence of M-Bio and paunch manure on removal affectivity of parameters COD, P043 N03, N02-, suspended solid, and E. coil, and to compare the various dose of both of starter influence.
The hypotheses of this research are:
1. The addition of M-Bio starter increase the treatment affectivity of septic tank wastewater on parameters COD, P043-, N03-, N02-, suspended solid, and E. coli
2. The addition of paunch manure starter increase the treatment affectivity of septic tank waste on parameters COD, PO43-, N03-, N02-, suspended solid, and E coli.
The experimental study with factorial testing used complete random design and was conducted in the Environmental Laboratory of Engineering, University of Indonesia. The experiment was conducted with interval time of observation 8 hours, that is 0, 8,16, 24, 32, 40, and 48 hours, and the observation was still conducted until 72 and 96 hours. The various dose of both of starter, that is M-Bio and paunch manure is 2,5 ml/L, 5 ml/L, and 7,5 ml/L, and then each observation was compared with control. Septic tank waste samples were taken from Indonesia University dormitory, Depok. The main parameters that were measured were COD, P043-, N03-, N02-, suspended solid, and E. coli. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and standard formula to find kinetic constants of M-Bio and paunch manure biochemical reactions.
The final result of both of starter influenced indicate, that M-Bio starter increase the affectivity of septic tank wastewater treatment on parameters COD, PO43-, NO3-, NO2-, suspended solid, and E. coli. While, paunch manure starter not increase the affectivity of septic tank wastewater treatment on parameters COD, PO43-, NO3-, NO2-, suspended solid, paunch manure starter just can increase parameters E. coli. The calculation for kinetic constant of M-Bio biochemical reactions obtained the result that the rate of decomposition of organic material (rsu) was between 6,7552-90,4693 mg/L/hour, and the net growth rate of microorganism was between 0,0852-0,4011 cells/hour. While, the calculation for kinetic constant of paunch manure biochemical reactions obtained the result that the rate of decomposition of organic material (rsu) was between 1,6735-10,6951 mg/L/hour, and the net growth rate of microorganism was between 0,0078-0,0852 cells/hour.
The conclusions of this study are:
1. M-Bio starter increase the affectivity of septic tank wastewater treatment on parameters COD, PO43-, N03-, NO2-, suspended solid, and E. coli.
2. The removal efficiency of COD result in 83,06%, PO43- = 86,76%, NO3- = 65,14%, N02- = 73,40%, suspended solid = 71,15%, and E. coli = 83,78%.
3. The most effective dose for parameters COD, PO43-, NO3-, NO2-, suspended solid is 5 ml/L. And, the most effective dose for parameter E. coli is 7,5 ml/L.
4. The addition of paunch manure starter can not increase the treatment affectivity of septic tank waste on parameters COD, PO43-, NO3-, NO2-, suspended solid, but paunch manure effectively increase on E. coli.
5. The rate of decomposition of organic material (r) for dose 5 ml/L is 90,4693 mg/L/hour, and the net growth rate of microorganism (µ) is 0,4011 cell/hours. While, The rate of decomposition of organic material (rsu) for dose 7,5 ml/L is 6,7552 mg/L/hour, and the net growth rate of microorganism (µ) is 0,1582 cells/hour."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edward Tanari
Limbah yang dalam persepsi manusia dipandang sebagai barang yang harus disingkirkan karena mengandung logam berat yang dapat membahayakan makhluk hidup, ternyata dalam beberapa hal masih dapat digunakan kembali (reuse) atau didaur-ulang (recycle). Dalam hal pemanfaatan limbah tersebut, beberapa penelitian terdahulu memberikan gambaran bahwa lumpur limbah sebagai hasil akhir dari suatu proses pengolahan limbah, dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk organik pada tanaman. Potensi tersebut perlu dimanfaatkan mengingat kuantitas jumlah limbah sebagai hasil sampingan dari suatu produk industri berkorelasi positif dengan kuantitas jumlah produk yang dihasilkan.
Di dalam upaya penanganan dan pengendalian limbah yang semakin lama semakin remit dan komplek, maka pemusatan industri dalam suatu lokasi dalam bentuk industrial estate, kawasan berikat, lahan peruntukan industri, perkampungan industri kecil, atau sentra industri merupakan langkah yang sangat strategis.
Berkaitan dengan upaya tersebut, maka keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh adalah bahaya adanya pencemaran lingkungan dapat diminimalisasi dan proses daur ulang (recycle) limbah yang masih mungkin dimanfaatkan kembali (reuse) untuk keperluan lain dapat dilakukan dengan efisien .
Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut di atas, maka percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengamati pertumbuhan tanaman jagung yang diberi perlakuan pemupukan dengan lumpur limbah industri, menganalisis kandungan logam berat (Cr, Cd, Pb, dan Ni) yang diserap oleh tanaman selama fase pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif, dan menentukan tingkat dosis lumpur limbah industri sebagai pupuk organik yang optimal bagi tanaman.
Percobaan ini dilakukan di rumah kaca (green house) dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 (lima) tingkatan dosis lumpur limbah industri ditambah kontrol (tanpa lumpur limbah industri), masing-masing ditambah tanah hingga mencapai total berat 5 kg. Setiap perlakuan diulang 3 (tiga) kali sehingga total jumlah sampel 18 kantong (polybag). Adapun tanaman yang dicobakan adalah tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.) varietas Pioner 5 (P5) yang peka terhadap pemupukan.
Hipotesis yang diuji pada penelitian ini adalah:
1. Penggunaan lumpur limbah industri sebagai pupuk pada tanaman berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jagung yang dicobakan.
2. Pemupukan dengan lumpur limbah industri pada berbagai dosis akan memberikan respon yang berbeda terhadap semua parameter tumbuh fisiologis (tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat kering batang, berat kering daun, dan berat kering tongkol buah jagung) yang diteliti.
3. Terdapat perbedaan kandungan logam berat yang diserap oleh bagian tanaman (batang, daun, dan tongkol buah) jagung terhadap lumpur limbah yang diaplikasikan sebagai pupuk.
Adapun tingkat dosis campuran Lumpur limbah dan tanah yang digunakan adalah:
· LO = 5.000 gr tanah tanpa lumpur limbah (kontrol).
· L1 = 4.800 gr tanah + 200 gr lumpur limbah
· L2 = 4.600 gr tanah + 400 gr lumpur limbah
· L3 = 4.200 gr tanah + 800 gr lumpur limbah
· L4 = 3.400 gr tanah + 1.600 gr lumpur lirnbah.
· L5 =1.800 gr tanah +.3.200 gr lumpur limbah.
Data basil percobaan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode statistik ANOVA (Analysis of Varians) dengan menggunakan SPSS for MS Window release 6.0 dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Bela Nyata Terkecil (BNT) atau Least Significant Difference (LSD). Sedang lumpur limbah industri yang digunakan serta jaringan organ tanaman dianalisis di laboratorium dengan menggunakan metode titrasi dan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) untuk mengetahui kadar logam berat yang terlonggok
Bardasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan kesimpulan:
1. Lumpur limbah PT. Kawasan Industri jababeka Cikarang dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk pada tanaman jagung. Hal itu dimungkinkan karena kandungan unsur hara mikro (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, dan Co) dalam lumpur limbah industri itu cukup tinggi dan dapat diserap oleh tanaman untuk pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatifnya. Pemanfaatanlumpur limbah sebagai pupuk dapat menguntungkan secara fisiologis bagi tanaman. Di samping itu, juga dapat memberi keuntungan dan segi lingkungan di mana kemungkinan pencemaran tanah dan air akibat lumpur limbah industri dapat dikontrol dengan baik.
2. Tanaman jagung yang dipupuk dengan lumpur limbah industri secara fisiologis menampakkan daun yang tegak dan keras. Batang tanaman kuat dan mempunyai ruas yang tinggi dan tegak. Kondisi seperti itu terjadi pada semua level dosis pemupukan yang dicobakan, kecuali pada tingkat dosis 3.200 gr lumpur limbah + 1.800 gr tanah (L5). Pada tingkat dosis dengan perlakuan LS, tanaman nampak kerdil dan kekar, ruas batang pendek-pendek sehingga daun berbentuk roset (bertumpuk-tumpuk).
3. Batas toleransi rnaksimal penggunaan lumpur limbah sebagai pupuk organik pada tanaman dari tingkat dosis yang dicobakan adalah 1.600 gr lumpur limbah dalam 3.400 gr tanah. Pemberian lumpur limbah melebihi dosis tersebut akan berpengaruh negatif pada tanaman. Pengaruh negatif yang ditimbulkan adalah tanaman menjadi kerdil dan sistem perakarannya jelek (akar tanaman pendek dan tidak memiliki bulu-bulu akar).
4. Dari hasil percobaan didapatkan tingkat dosis lumpur limbah yang optimal dan toleran untuk pertumbuhan tanaman adalah 400 gr lumpur limbah + 4.600 gr tanah (L2) dart 800 gr lumpur limbah + 4.200 gr tanah (L3). Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat kering batang dan berat kering daun yang nilai rata-ratanya relatif lebih tinggi dibanding perlakuan lainnya. Selain itu, sistem perakaran tanaman sangat baik.
5. Dibandingkan dengan potensinya, jagung jenis Hibrida varietas Pioner 5 (P5) yang dipupuk dengan lumpur limbah, menghasilkan organ tanaman (batang, daun dan tongkol buah) yang masih jauh dari potensi hasilnya. Hal itu dikarenakan tingkat kesesuaian tanah (media) untuk pertanaman tergolong sedang dan unsur hara makro yang dibutuhkan tanaman relatif masih sangat minim dari kebutuhan yang seharusnya.
Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas, maka untuk aplikasi lumpur limbah agar mendapatkan hasil pertanaman Jagung yang optimal, sebaiknya media tumbuh diberi tambahan unsur NPK karena kandungan unsur NPK dalam lumpur limbah industri tergolong relatif kedl dibanding untuk kebutuhan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman.
Akibat adanya komplikasi ekologis yang sering menyertai peningkatan basil produksi pertanian yang dipupuk dengan Sari Kering Limbah (SKL) industri, maka pada setiap dampak positif dari peningkatan produksi jangan pula dilupakan kemungkinan timbulnya hal-hal negatif. Oleh karena itu, pada setiap proyek pembangunan hendaknya perencanaan dan pengelolaan limbah hars dipikirkan sematang-matangnya.
Agar keamanan dari penggunaan Lumpur limbah dari kemungldnan bahaya keracunan atau pelonggokan logam berat melalui rantai makana.n, maka disarankan agar aplikasi limbah sebagai pupuk dilakukan pada tanaman nonpangan.

Man's perception on waste is that the material must be removed since it contains heavy metals that can endanger living creatures. However, it turned out that on several occasions it can be reused or recycled. In utilizing waste, several earlier studies showed that sludge as final product of waste processing could be used as organic fertilizer of plants. Such a potential need to be utilized considering the quantity of waste as a by product of an industrial product correlates positively with the quantity of product that is produced.
In an effort towards waste management and control which became increasingly difficult and complicated, hence, centralizing industry in one location in the form of industrial estate, bounded zone, area allocation for industry, small scale industry settlements or industrial centres constitute a very strategical step.
The benefits obtained related to such efforts include minimalization of environmental pollution and recycling of wastes that can still be utilized or reused for other purposes, can still be carried out efficiently.
This experiment then, has as objectives, to observe the growth of maize fertilized by industrial waste sludge, to analyze the heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni) contents absorbed by the plants during the vegetative and generative phases of growth and to decide the dosage of industrial waste sludge as optimal organic fertilizer for plants.
This experiment was carried out in a green house by using the Complete Random Design with 5 (five) different dosages of industrial waste sludge and additional control (without industrial waste sludge)_ Each specimen received additional soil so that a total weight of 5 kg. was achieved. Each were repeated 3 (three) times so that the total number of samples were 18 polybags. The plant used in the experiment is maize of the Pioner 5 (P5) variety that is sensitive towards fertilizers.
The hypothesis tested in this study were:
1. That industrial waste sludge has the chemical elements' composition that can be used as fertilizer to support the growth of plants. Has the waste sludge positive influence on the growth of maize?
2. Different dosages of industrial waste sludge resulted in different responses towards all parameters of physiological growth (height, total number of leaves, dry stem and leaves weigth, and dry corn stalk) under study.
3. The heavy metals' content that were absorbed by the different parts of the plant (stem, leaves, corn stalk) differ towards the waste sludge applied.
The dosages of waste sludge and soil mixtures used were as follows:
L0 = 5.000 gr soil without waste sludge(control)
L1 = 4.800 gr soil + 200 gr waste sludge
L2 = 4.600 gr soil + 400 gr waste sludge.
L3 = 4.200 gr soil + 800 gr waste sludge
L4 = 3.400 gr soil +1 .600 gr waste sludge.
L5 = 1.800 gr soil + 3.200 gr waste sludge.
Data of the experiment was analysed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with SFSS for MS Window release 6.0. It was then tested by the Least Significant Difference (LSD). Whereas the industrial waste sludge and plant organs' tissue were analized at the laboratory by using the titration method and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) to know the heavy metal concentration.
Based on the study results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The Cikarang Jababeka industry Zone PT. waste sludge can be used as fertilizer on maize plants. Such was made possible because the fertilizer micro elements' content (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Co) of the industrial waste sludge is sufficiently complete and can be absorbed by the plants for vegetative and generative growths. However, the maximal limit of the dosage level experimented on was 1.600 gr of waste sludge in 3.400 gr soil. The provision of waste sludge exceeding the said dosage will negatively influence the plants. The negative influence took the form of bad roots' system and stunted growth.
2. Maize plants fertilized by industrial waste sludge showed physiologically hard and upright leaves, strong stems with high and upright nodes. Such condition took place for all levels of dosages experimented on, except at 3.200 gr dosage of waste sludge + 1.800 gr of soil (L5). At this dosage level, the plant dwarfs rigidly, the nodes were short so that the leaves took the form of rosettes.
3. The experimental results showed that the optimal and tolerant dosage levels were 400 gr of waste sludge + 4.600 gr of soil (L2) and 800 gr of waste sludge + 4.200 gr of soil (L3). In these cases, the height of the plant, the number of leaves and dry weights of stems and leaves have an average higher value compared with other dosage levels. In addition, the root system was also very good
4. Concentration of heavy metals in the waste sludge of waste processing result of Jababeka Industrial Zone FL is high enough. But if it is compared with the turn of heavy metals in compost fertilizer which is based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard, the contens of heavy metal Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni axe still below the allowed tolerancy limit.
5. Compared to its potential, Hibrid maize of Pioneer variety (P5) fertilized by waste sludge, produced plant organs (stem, leaves and corn stalk) which are far from its potential. Such was caused by the level of media suitability for plants of intermediate group and macro fertilizer elements needed by the plants are still relatively very minimal than what is really needed.
Based on the above conclusions, therefore, to apply waste sludge in order to obtain optimal maize plants' production, the media should be given additional NPK elements. This is due to the minimal NPK contents in industrial waste sludge compared to the needs for growth and production of the plants in question.
For ecological complication often accompanies the increase of agriculture production result which is fertilized with industrial Waste Dry Essence, so do not forget the possibility of appearance of negative effects in every positive impact of production increase. Because of that in every development project the planning and processing of waste should be thought very seriously and widely.
For safety reasons and the possibility of poisioning or accumulation of heavy metals in the food chain, it is recommended that the application of waste sludge as fertilizer is carried out in non-food plants.;The Impact Of Industrial Waste Sludge Aplication As Fertilizer On PlantMan's perception on waste is that the material must be removed since it contains heavy metals that can endanger living creatures. However, it turned out that on several occasions it can be reused or recycled. In utilizing waste, several earlier studies showed that sludge as final product of waste processing could be used as organic fertilizer of plants. Such a potential need to be utilized considering the quantity of waste as a by product of an industrial product correlates positively with the quantity of product that is produced.
In an effort towards waste management and control which became increasingly difficult and complicated, hence, centralizing industry in one location in the form of industrial estate, bounded zone, area allocation for industry, small scale industry settlements or industrial centres constitute a very strategical step.
The benefits obtained related to such efforts include minimalization of environmental pollution and recycling of wastes that can still be utilized or reused for other purposes, can still be carried out efficiently.
This experiment then, has as objectives, to observe the growth of maize fertilized by industrial waste sludge, to analyze the heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni) contents absorbed by the plants during the vegetative and generative phases of growth and to decide the dosage of industrial waste sludge as optimal organic fertilizer for plants.
This experiment was carried out in a green house by using the Complete Random Design with 5 (five) different dosages of industrial waste sludge and additional control (without industrial waste sludge)_ Each specimen received additional soil so that a total weight of 5 kg. was achieved. Each were repeated 3 (three) times so that the total number of samples were 18 polybags. The plant used in the experiment is maize of the Pioner 5 (P5) variety that is sensitive towards fertilizers.
The hypothesis tested in this study were:
1. That industrial waste sludge has the chemical elements' composition that can be used as fertilizer to support the growth of plants. Has the waste sludge positive influence on the growth of maize?
2. Different dosages of industrial waste sludge resulted in different responses towards all parameters of physiological growth (height, total number of leaves, dry stem and leaves weigth, and dry corn stalk) under study.
3. The heavy metals' content that were absorbed by the different parts of the plant (stem, leaves, corn stalk) differ towards the waste sludge applied.
The dosages of waste sludge and soil mixtures used were as follows:
L0 = 5.000 gr soil without waste sludge(control)
L1 = 4.800 gr soil + 200 gr waste sludge.
L2 = 4.600 gr soil + 400 gr waste sludge.
L3 = 4.200 gr soil + 800 gr waste sludge
L4 = 3.400 gr soil +1 .600 gr waste sludge.
L5 = 1.800 gr soil + 3.200 gr waste sludge.
Data of the experiment was analysed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with SFSS for MS Window release 6.0. It was then tested by the Least Significant Difference (LSD). Whereas the industrial waste sludge and plant organs' tissue were analized at the laboratory by using the titration method and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) to know the heavy metal concentration.
Based on the study results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The Cikarang Jababeka industry Zone PT. waste sludge can be used as fertilizer on maize plants. Such was made possible because the fertilizer micro elements' content (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Co) of the industrial waste sludge is sufficiently complete and can be absorbed by the plants for vegetative and generative growths. However, the maximal limit of the dosage level experimented on was 1.600 gr of waste sludge in 3.400 gr soil. The provision of waste sludge exceeding the said dosage will negatively influence the plants. The negative influence took the form of bad roots' system and stunted growth.
2. Maize plants fertilized by industrial waste sludge showed physiologically hard and upright leaves, strong stems with high and upright nodes. Such condition took place for all levels of dosages experimented on, except at 3.200 gr dosage of waste sludge + 1.800 gr of soil (L5). At this dosage level, the plant dwarfs rigidly, the nodes were short so that the leaves took the form of rosettes.
3. The experimental results showed that the optimal and tolerant dosage levels were 400 gr of waste sludge + 4.600 gr of soil (L2) and 800 gr of waste sludge + 4.200 gr of soil (L3). In these cases, the height of the plant, the number of leaves and dry weights of stems and leaves have an average higher value compared with other dosage levels. In addition, the root system was also very good.
4. Concentration of heavy metals in the waste sludge of waste processing result of Jababeka Industrial Zone FL is high enough. But if it is compared with the turn of heavy metals in compost fertilizer which is based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard, the contens of heavy metal Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni axe still below the allowed tolerancy limit.
5. Compared to its potential, Hibrid maize of Pioneer variety (P5) fertilized by waste sludge, produced plant organs (stem, leaves and corn stalk) which are far from its potential. Such was caused by the level of media suitability for plants of intermediate group and macro fertilizer elements needed by the plants are still relatively very minimal than what is really needed.
Based on the above conclusions, therefore, to apply waste sludge in order to obtain optimal maize plants' production, the media should be given additional NPK elements. This is due to the minimal NPK contents in industrial waste sludge compared to the needs for growth and production of the plants in question.
For ecological complication often accompanies the increase of agriculture production result which is fertilized with industrial Waste Dry Essence, so do not forget the possibility of appearance of negative effects in every positive impact of production increase. Because of that in every development project the planning and processing of waste should be thought very seriously and widely.
For safety reasons and the possibility of poisioning or accumulation of heavy metals in the food chain, it is recommended that the application of waste sludge as fertilizer is carried out in non-food plants.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juheini Amin
"To enforce the overall Layout Plan 1985 - 2005 DKl Jakarta, the Provincial Government has relocated dairy farm from several densely populated location to the suburban area, i. e. Pondok Ranggon District, Cipayung East Jakarta. At the time of research, there were 26 dairy farmers with a total of 726 cows. Waste produced by dairy farms consists of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes. One of the potential wastes of the dairy farms to cause problems is the wastewater. Releasing dairy wastewater directly to the recipient water body will make the high concentration of organic matter of the wastewater to decrease dissolved oxygen concentration in the water. This in turn could be followed by the formation of toxic compounds and unwanted odors. This could endanger aquatic life and humans. To lower the concentration of organic pollutants, physical treatment using sedimentation tanks were applied at BPLC to process dairy farm wastewater.
However, the output did not meet the wastewater quality standard. So, as to make the wastewater to meet above mentioned standard, this research was focused on the effort to improve BPLC of the Pondok Ranggon Dairy Farm.
The objective of this research is to elucidate the characteristics of the dairy farm wastewater, effectiveness of the existing BPLC and to obtain picture on how the processed wastewater affects the recipient water body (Jambore irrigation water), the effectiveness of the biological process of the Pondok Ranggon Dairy Farm was also studied at laboratory scale.
The hypotesis is proposed to meet the limit of wastewater standard quality, so the dairy farm wastewater treatment is more effective by using combination of physical and biological treatment (Activated Sludge) than using physical or biological treatment.
Ex Post Facto method was used to obtain an illustration concerning the characteristics of dairy farm wastewater, the effectiveness of dairy farm BPLC and the effect of the wastewater on the Jambore irrigation water. Samples were taken from BPLC inlet; BPLC inlet and outlet; BPLC outlet, specific outlet of dairy farm and from Jambore irrigation canals at three locations i. e. before, with and after entrance of the wastewater. Analysis of samples was conducted in the Laboratory of Sucofindo, the Health & Environmental Engineering Laboratory of the University of Indonesia and at the Laboratory of the Office of Urban & Environmental Studies. Data obtained were descriptively analyzed; i.e. compared to wastewater Quality Standard for Commercial installation DKI Jakarta. Descriptive analysis was also conducted for data obtained to elucidate the effects of wastewater to the Jambore irrigation water. Result obtained were compared to the C Class Quality Standard for River Water (fisheries and cattle breeding) and the C Class Quality Standard for River Water being Operational Targeted, to be achieved by the Year 2000. All Quality Standard applied are in accordance with the Decree of the Government of DKI Jakarta No. 582, 1995.
Experimental method is used to elucidate the performance of the Activated Sludge in the treatment of the dairy farm wastewater. Examinations of parameter values of suspended solids, color, COD, BOD5, ammonia and phosphates were conducted to samples taken at the influent, aeration tank and effluent of the Activated Sludge unit. The experimental result data were then analyzed statistically through ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) using the SPSS for MS Windows Release 6.0 Program, followed by Least Significance Difference Test (LSD).
Results obtained are as follows:
1. The characteristics of the dairy farm wastewater shows that the parameter values of the dissolved solids, suspended solids, ammonia, fluoride, sulfide, mangan, phenols, oils and fats, organic matters, BOD5, and COD have not met the limit of wastewater standard quality as stipulated in the Decree of the Government of DKI, Jakarta No. 582, 1995. The ratio value BODSICOD is ± 0,4. However based on the biodegradability of dairy farm wastewater, the biological treatment can be implemented on dairy farm wastewater before released to Jambore irrigation water.
2. The effectiveness of dairy farm BPLC in decreasing pollutant were 51,16% for suspended solids; 42,33% for ammonia; 43,69% for BOD5 and 45,23% COD. The effectiveness of dairy farm BPLC could be upgraded by implementing the biological treatment with the Activated Sludge process.
3. The quality of the Jambore irrigation water at the meeting point with the wastewater of the mentioned dairy farm showed that the parameter values of dissolved solid substance, DO, ammonia, sulfides, oils and fats have not met the limit of C Class Quality Standard for River Water (for fisheries and cattle breeding) as the values of parameters of suspended solids, phosphates, BOD5, COD and organic matters are far exceeding the limit of the C Class Quality Standard for River Water Targeted in the Year 2000, and it could therefore pollute fish ponds utilizing the water.
4. The results of the experiment using biological treatment with Activated Sludge process could decrease the burden of waste pollutants, and this was observed through the values of 76,59% for suspended solids; 79,92% for color, 83,25% for COD; 86,25% for BOD5; 61,32% ammonia and 51,65% for phosphates. Result shows a better effectiveness compared to treatment process using the existing dairy farm BPLC. Statistical test shows that the treatment (control, aeration and sedimentation) gave a significant effect to the parameter value of suspended solids, color, COD. BOD5, ammonia and phosphates with a 95% degree of confidence.
5. The plan to develop wastewater treatment used in the Pondok Ranggon dairy farm is a combination of physical and biological (Activated sludge) treatment. Treatment units should include screening, equalization basin, primary sedimentation tanks, extended aeration type, activated sludge that includes aeration tanks, secondary sedimentation tanks and the treatment of sludge The values of parameter obtained from the calculation result of the planned processing, could met the limit of wastewater quality standard as stipulated in the Decree of the Goverment of DKI Jakarta No.582, 1995.
It can be concluded that based on results obtained the upgrading of the dairy farm wastewater treatment at the Pondok Ranggon using the combination of physical and biological processing (Activated Sludge) could increase the physical processing performance of the existing BPLC.
The upgrading program of Pondok Ranggon dairy farm wastewater treatment by using the existing wastewater treatment plant, in cooperation with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government should be conducted in order to prevent any negative impact on the environment.

Dalam rangka pelaksanaan Rencana Umum Tata Ruang Tahun 1985 - 2005 di DKI Jakarta, Pemerintah Daerah setempat telah melakukan relokasi usaha peternakan sapi perah dari beberapa lokasi padat di dalam kota ke daerah pinggiran kota, yaitu di Kelurahan Pondok Ranggon, Kecamatan Cipayung Jakarta Timur. Pada saat penelitian, peternak yang ada berjumlah 26 orang dengan 726 ekor sapi.
Limbah yang dihasilkan peternakan meliputi limbah padat, cair dan gas. Salah satu jenis limbah yang diperkirakan dapat menimbulkan masalah dan usaha peternakan, adalah limbah cair. Jika limbah cair peternakan tersebut langsung dibuang ke badan air penerima, maka kandungan zat organik yang tinggi di dalam limbah tersebut, dapat menurunkan kadar oksigen terlarut di dalam air, sehingga dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya senyawa-senyawa toksis dan menimbulkan bau busuk. Hal ini akan membahayakan kehidupan biota perairan serta kehidupan manusia.
Dalam upaya menurunkan kadar pencemar organik tersebut, pengolahan fisik dengan menggunakan bak-bak sedimentasi pada BPLC ditetapkan untuk mengolah limbah cair petemakan sapi perah Pondok Ranggon, namun hasilnya belum dapat memenuhi Baku Mutu Limbah Cair. Agar kualitas Iimbah cair peternakan hasil pengolahan dapat memenuhi Baku Mutu tersebut. maka penelitian ini difokuskan pada upaya perbaikan BPLC peternakan sapi perah Pondok Ranggon.
Penelitian ini bertujuan, mengetahui karakteristik limbah cair pada usaha peternakan tersebut, efektivitas BPLC yang ada serta gambaran bagaimana pengaruh limbah cair hasil olahan tersebut pada badan air penerima (saluran air Jambore). Selain itu juga dilakukan penelitian tentang efektivitas proses biologis pada pengolahan limbah cair peternakan sapi perah Pondok Ranggon dalam skala laboratorium.
Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah untuk dapat memenuhi Baku Mutu yang ditetapkan, maka pengolahan limbah cair peternakan sapi perah akan lebih efektif jika diproses dengan kombinasi pengolahan fisik dan biologis (Lumpur Aktif) dibandingkan dengan pengolahan fisik atau pengolahan biologis saja.
Metode Ex Post Facto digunakan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang karakteristik limbah cair peternakan, efektivitas BPLC peternakan sapi perah dan pengaruh limbah cair tersebut pada saluran air Jambore. Pengambilan sampelnya, berturut-turut adalah pada tempat masukan (inlet) BPLC; inlet dan tempat keluaran (outlet) BPLC serta outlet BPLC, saluran khusus limbah cair peternakan sapi perah dan pada saluran air Jambore dengan tiga lokasi yaitu sebelum, pada dan sesudah dimasuki limbah cair tersebut. Pemeriksaan sampel dilakukan berturut-turut di laboratorium Sucofindo, Laboratorium Teknik Penyehatan dan Lingkungan, Jurusan Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia serta di laboratorium Kantor Pengkajian Perkotaan dan Lingkungan (KPPL) DKI, Jakarta. Hasil pemeriksaan untuk mengetahui karakteristik limbah cair dan efektivitas BPLC peternakan sapi dianalisis secara deskriptif, yaitu dibandingkan dengan Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Perusahaan/Badan di DKI Jakarta. Analisis deskriptif juga dilakukan pada hasil pemeriksaan yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh limbah cair peternakan pada saluran air Jambore. Hasil pemeriksaan dibandingkan dengan Baku Mutu Air Sungai, Golongan C (untuk perikanan dan peternakan) dan Baku Mutu Air Sungai Golongan C yang menjadi Target Operasional, yang harus dicapai pada Tahun 2000. Seluruh Baku Mutu yang digunakan, sesuai dengan SK. Gubernur Kepala DKI Jakarta No. 582 Tahun 1995.
Metode Eksperimental digunakan untuk mengetahui kinerja Lumpur Aktif dalam pengolahan limbah cair usaha peternakan tersebut. Pemeriksaan nilai parameter zat padat tersuspensi, kekeruhan, COD, BOD5, ammoniak dan fosfat dilakukan pada sampel yang diambil dari influen atau masukan, bak aerasi dan efluen atau keluaran dari unit Lumpur Aktif. Data hasil percobaan dianalisis dengan uji statistik ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) melalui penggunaan program SPSS for MS Windows release 6.0 dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) atau Least Significant Difference (LSD).
Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, adalah:
1. Karakteristik limbah cair peternakan sapi perah yang dihasilkan, memberikan gambaran bahwa nilai-nilai parameter, yaitu zat padat terlarut, zat padat tersuspensi, ammoniak, fourida, sulfida, mangan, senyawa fenol, minyak dan lemak, zat organik, BOD5 dan COD belum memenuhi Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Perusahaan. Hasil perhitungan dari nilai kandungan BOD5 yang dibandingkan dengan COD, diperoleh ± 0,4. Namun berdasarkan sifat limbah cair peternakan sapi perah yang mudah diuraikan oleh biota, maka pengolahan biologis dapat diterapkan pada limbah cair peternakan, sebelum dibuang ke saluran air Jambore.
2. Efektivitas BPLC peternakan sapi perah dalam penurunan bahan pencemar, adalah zat padat tersuspensi 51,16%; ammoniak 42,33%; BOD5 43,69% dan COD 45,23%. Nilai-nilai parameter pada efluen (keluaran BPLC), juga belum memenuhi Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Perusahaan. Efektivitas BPLC ini dapat ditingkatkan dengan mempertimbangkan faktor tekonologi dan lingkungan, yaitu penerapan pengolahan biologis dengan proses Lumpur Aktif.
3. Hasil pemeriksaan kualitas saluran air Jambore pada lokasi pertemuan dengan limbah cair peternakan sapi perah, memperlihatkan, bahwa nilai-nilai parameter zat padat terlarut, DO, ammoniak, sulfida serta minyak dan lemak belum memenuhi Baku Mutu Air Sungai Golongan C, sedangkan parameter zat padat tersuspensi, BOD5 , COD dan zat organik jauh lebih tinggi dari Baku Mutu Air Sungai Golongan C yang ditargetkan pada Tahun 2000, sehingga dapat menimbulkan pencemaran pada kolam ikan yang menggunakan air tersebut.
4. Hasil percobaan laboratorium menggunakan sistem pengolahan biologis dengan proses Lumpur Aktif, dapat menurunkan beban pencemar limbah peternakan, meliputi nilai zat padat tersuspensi sebesar 76,59%; wama 79,92%; COD 83,25%; BOD5 86,25%; ammoniak 61,32%; dan fosfat 51,65%. Hasil ini memperlihatkan efektivitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan hasil pengolahan dengan BPLC peternakan sapi perah. Uji statistik memperlihatkan, bahwa perlakuan (kontrol, aerasi dan sedimentasi) memberikan pengaruh yang sangat bermakna pada nilai parameter zat padat tersuspensi, warna, ammoniak, BOD5 , COD dan fosfat dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%.
5. Perencanaan pengembangan pengolahan limbah cair yang digunakan pada usaha peternakan sapi perah Pondok Ranggon ini, adalah kombinasi pengolahan fisik dan biologis (Lumpur Aktif), sehingga unit pengolahannya meliputi saringan, bak ekualisasi, bak sedimentasi awal, Lumpur Aktif tipe aerasi yang diperpanjang waktunya (extended aeration) terdiri dari bak aerasi dan bak sedimentasi akhir serta pengolahan lumpur. Nilai-nilai parameter yang dihasilkan dari hasil perhitungan dengan kombinasi pengolahan yang direncanakan, dapat memenuhi Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Perusahaan, sesuai dengan SK Gubernur KDKI, Jakarta No. 582 Tahun 1995.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa perbaikan pengolahan Limbah cair peternakan sapi perah Pondok Ranggon dengan kombinasi pengolahan fisik dari biologis (Lumpur Aktif) dapat meningkatkan kinerja pengolahan fisik BPLC yang ada.
Upaya perbaikan pengolahan Limbah cair peternakan sapi perah Pondok Ranggon dengan mengoptimalkan bangunan yang ada, bekerja sama dengan Pemda DKI, Jakarta perlu dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya dampak yang tidak diinginkan."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1998
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