ABSTRAKSkripsi ini bertujuan memberi gambaran secara sintaksis tentang ciri-ciri ketakrifan dalam bahasa Arab serta menganalisis secara semantik tentang makna ketakrifan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, dengan pendekatan sintaks-emantik. Hasil penelitian; ciri-ciri tak takrif, dapat diketahui melalui pemarkah tanwin di akhir nomina dan nomina berdiri sendiri. Sedangkan, takrif dapat diketahui melalui pronomina, nama diri, pronomina demonstratif, pronomina relatif, nomina yang didahului artikel takrif _al-_ ( ?? ), adverbia, dan melalui interjeksi. Analisis yang dihasilkan yaitu, terdapat makna khusus dan umum di dalam bentuk takrif.
AbstractThis undergraduate thesis aims to give description according to syntax about the characteristics of definiteness in Arabic and to analyze according to semantic about the meaning of the definiteness. This research using descriptive method with syntax-semantic approach. The results of the study are knowing the characteristics of indefinite through the _tanwin_ markers at the end of nouns and nouns that stand alone or cannot be propped up with another noun. Meanwhile, definite can be identified by the pronouns, proper names, demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns, nouns preceded by the article 'al-' ( ?? ), phrase, and by interjection. The analysis result is founding special and general meaning of the definite noun."