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Aisyah Arimurti Afandi
Abstrak :
COVID-19 yang dinyatakan sebagai pandemi pada tahun 2020 merupakan bencana non-alam yang menambah satu poin kompleksitas permasalahan di perkotaan, termasuk di antaranya kota-kota yang ada di Indonesia. Pertambahan kasus konfirmasi positif COVID-19 yang sangat signifikan mendasari dikeluarkannya kebijakan untuk menjalankan isolasi mandiri di rumah sebagai solusi atas permasalahan keterbatasan kapasitas fasilitas kesehatan pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Namun, adanya kasus kematian saat melaksanakan isolasi mandiri menjadi permasalahan baru yang dihadapi kota dalam proses penanganan COVID-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis penyebab kasus kematian saat isolasi mandiri di rumah pada masa pandemi COVID-19 di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur, mengevaluasi mekanisme penanganan COVID-19 di perumahan dan kawasan permukiman Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur selama pelaksanaan isolasi mandiri di rumah pada masa pandemi COVID-19, dan merekomendasikan strategi penanggulangan pandemi di perumahan dan kawasan permukiman Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui kegiatan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi serta pengambilan sampel yang menggunakan teknik rujukan berantai atau snowball sampling. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor utama penyebab kematian saat isolasi mandiri di rumah pada masa pandemi COVID-19 adalah faktor klinis yang meliputi usia, riwayat penyakit penyerta atau komorbid, dan derajat keparahan COVID-19. Mekanisme penanganan COVID-19 yang telah diimplementasikan di perumahan dan kawasan permukiman Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur selama pelaksanaan isolasi mandiri di rumah pada masa pandemi COVID-19 dinilai belum sepenuhnya berhasil dengan adanya kasus kematian saat melaksanakan isolasi mandiri di rumah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mengusulkan beberapa rekomendasi strategi penanggulangan pandemi dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan ketahanan di perumahan dan kawasan permukiman Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur dalam jangka panjang sebagai bentuk antisipasi apabila terjadi pandemi baru di masa yang akan datang. ......COVID-19, which was declared as a pandemic in 2020, is a non-natural disaster that adds one point to the complexity in a city, including cities in Indonesia. The significant increase in positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 underlies the issuance of a policy to carry out home-isolation as a solution to the problem of limited capacity of health facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the existence of death cases while carrying out home-isolation is a new problem faced by the city in the process of handling COVID-19. The aim of this research are to analyze the causes of death cases during home-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic in the East Jakarta Administrative City, to evaluate the mechanism for handling COVID-19 in housing and settlements of the East Jakarta Administrative City during the implementation of home-isolation during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to recommend strategies to deal with the pandemic in housing and settlements in the East Jakarta Administrative City. This study use qualitative approach with data collection carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation using snowball sampling. The findings of this study indicate that the main factors causing death during home-isolation are clinical factors which include age, comorbidities, and the spectrum of severity of COVID-19. The mechanism for handling COVID-19 that has been implemented in housing and settlements of the East Jakarta Administrative City during the implementation of home-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic has not been fully successful with cases of death while carrying out home-isolation. Therefore, this study recommends several strategies as a response against pandemic with the aim to improve resilience in housing and settlements in the East Jakarta Administrative City for a long term as a coping mechanism against another pandemic in the future.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marina Rospitasari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berfokus pada kekerasan simbolik yang dialami oleh perempuan yang memiliki multi-peran sebagai seorang ibu, istri, dan mahasiswa pendidikan pasca-sarjana. Konteks pandemic Covid-19 memberikan beban ganda yang sangat signifikan terhadap perempuan yang harus mengikuti perkuliahan online. Tanggung jawab mereka menjadi tumpang tindih karena tidak ada batas tempat antara pekerjaan rumah tangga dan tugas perkuliahan. Dalam perspektif feminis, beban ganda ini merupakan implikasi dari konstruksi gender yang mengakar pada masyarakat tentang domestifikasi perempuan. Ideologi patriarki yang tertanam kuat pada keluarga membuat perempuan menanggung semua beban, baik secara fisik, psikologis, dan ekonomi. Berdasar pada Teori Kekerasan Simbolik Pierre Bourdieu, penelitian ini hendak membongkar dominasi patriarki yang terselubung dalam bahasa, simbol, dan representasi. Dengan menggunakan metode fenomenologi, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa cinta, rasa bersalah, dan kekeluargaan memiliki dominasi dalam mengukuhkan doxa patriarki yang membentuk habitus perempuan untuk selalu mengalah dan berkorban kepada suami, kakak laki-laki, dan ayahnya. Adanya proses misrecognition, condescension, consent, and complicity membuat perempuan tidak sadar atas penindasan dan subordinasi yang menimpanya. Kapital ekonomi (penghasilan) dan kapital budaya (gelar pendidikan) yang dimiliki oleh Scholarship Momstudent justru diarahkan untuk mereproduksi budaya patriarki secara homology di berbagai arena kehidupannya.  ......This study focuses on the symbolic violence experienced by women who have multiple roles as mothers, wives, and graduate education students. The context of the Covid-19 pandemic places a very significant double burden on women who have to attend online lectures. Their responsibilities become overlapping because there is no place limit between household work and coursework. In a feminist perspective, this double burden is an implication of the gender construction that is rooted in society regarding the domestication of women. The patriarchal ideology that is firmly entrenched in the family makes women bear all the burdens, both physically, psychologically, and economically. Based on Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Symbolic Violence, this study aims to uncover the hidden patriarchal domination of language, symbols, and representations. By applying the phenomenological method, this research finds that love, guilt, and kinship have the dominance in strengthening the doxa of patriarchy that forms the habitus of women to always succumb and sacrifice to their husbands, older brothers, and fathers. The existence of a process of misrecognition, condescension, consent, and complicity makes women unaware of the oppression and subordination that befell them. The economic capital (income) and cultural capital (education degree) owned by the Scholarship Momstudents are precisely directed to reproduce patriarchal culture homology in the various arenas of their life.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jugiarie Soegiarto
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Film Mother Dao The Turtlelike(fMD) merupakan sebuah film yang disusun dari penggalan-penggalan film dokumenter Hindia-Belanda (1912-1933). Penggalan film dari masa kolonial tersebut disusun dalam bentuk kolase dan dibubuhi sonor berupa bunyi-bunyian, tembang dalam bahasa Jawa dan Sunda, puisi dalam bahasa Indonesia serta sebuah mitos penciptaan Nias. Disertasi ini berusaha mengungkap cara sineas memanfaatkan unsur-unsur sinematografis dan naratif untuk menawarkan suatu memori kolektif poskolonial yang lebih kritis. Dengan memperlakukannya sebagai teks, analisis struktur film dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori naratologi film. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan perbedaan pandangan tentang kolonialisme antara para kinematograf film Hindia-Belanda(fHB) dan sineas fMD. Bagi para kinematograf dan pemesannya kolonialisme diyakini sebagai upaya pengentasan penduduk dan pengembangan wilayah koloni. Pandangan sineas fMD sebagaimana tercermin dalam sonor memperlihatkan hal yang bertentangan: kolonialisme adalah eksploitasi manusia atas manusia dan alam. Susunan berbentuk kolase dan pengimbuhan sonor mengubah gambaran kolonial dalam fHB. Dengan cara itu sineas menjadikan filmnya sebagai langkah awal pembentukan memori poskolonial yang lebih kritis.
ABSTRACT The documentary film Mother Dao the Turtlelike (MDT) is not a remake but composed from footages of the Ducth East Indies (DEI) films made between 1912 and 1933. A sound-over is then added on this collage composition which consist of Javanese and Sundanese songs, Indonesian poems, and the mythology of creation of Batu Islands, Nias. This dissertation tried to find out the way the filmmaker uses the cinematographic and narrative elements in an attempt to construct a new postcolonial collective memory. Assuming film as a text, the film?s structure is then analysed using the theory of film narratology. Despite the highly complicated structure, sinds there is no commentary added to the collage composition, a comprehensive analyses have to be conducted. The analysis showed the different perspectives of the cinematographers of DEI films and of MDT. Colonialism is still believed as an effort to develop the colony and its people. On the contrary the composition of collages and sonores in MDT clearly show the missery and extreme sufferings of the indigenous people. As well as the exploitation of their nature for the sake of the welfare of the colonialist. The composition of colages and sonores in MDT change the colonial image of DEI films. The colage and the sonores in MDT give the chance to the viewer to see what colonialism really meant. MDT will enhance spectators critical thinking as well as their an humanistic postcolonial collective memory;The documentary film Mother Dao the Turtlelike (MDT) is not a remake but composed from footages of the Ducth East Indies (DEI) films made between 1912 and 1933. A sound-over is then added on this collage composition which consist of Javanese and Sundanese songs, Indonesian poems, and the mythology of creation of Batu Islands, Nias. This dissertation tried to find out the way the filmmaker uses the cinematographic and narrative elements in an attempt to construct a new postcolonial collective memory. Assuming film as a text, the film?s structure is then analysed using the theory of film narratology. Despite the highly complicated structure, sinds there is no commentary added to the collage composition, a comprehensive analyses have to be conducted. The analysis showed the different perspectives of the cinematographers of DEI films and of MDT. Colonialism is still believed as an effort to develop the colony and its people. On the contrary the composition of collages and sonores in MDT clearly show the missery and extreme sufferings of the indigenous people. As well as the exploitation of their nature for the sake of the welfare of the colonialist. The composition of colages and sonores in MDT change the colonial image of DEI films. The colage and the sonores in MDT give the chance to the viewer to see what colonialism really meant. MDT will enhance spectators critical thinking as well as their an humanistic postcolonial collective memory.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfan Nurhadi Satria
Abstrak :
Financial technology or FinTech refers to technology-enabled financial transaction solutions while financial inclusion refers to wider financial access to as-yet-unreached people. Some agencies such as the World Bank state that Fintech and Financial Inclusion have synergistic roles in developing a better economy. Based on Global Findex data of more than 140 countries, this research shows that FinTech and Financial Inclusion are positively correlated and have a causality effect on each other. I used a cross-section regression model adopted from Wang & Guan (2017) using regional Dummy variables   distinguishing OECD, Developing World, and ASEAN countries with 2014 and 2017 data. The findings suggest that the role of Fintech in increasing financial inclusion is the strongest in OECD countries in the examined period. To develop financial inclusion in the countries, the use of Fintech should be pushed up, especially in developing countries like Indonesia.
Teknologi keuangan atau FinTech mengacu pada solusi transaksi keuangan yang didukung teknologi, sedangkan inklusi keuangan mengacu kepada akses keuangan yang lebih luas untuk orang-orang yang belum terjangkau. Beberapa lembaga seperti Bank Dunia menyatakan bahwa Fintech dan Inklusi Keuangan memiliki peran sinergis dalam mengembangkan ekonomi yang lebih baik. Berdasarkan data Global Findex di lebih dari 140 negara, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa FinTech dan Inklusi Keuangan berkorelasi positif dan memiliki efek kausalitas satu sama lain. Saya menggunakan model regresi cross-section yang diadopsi dari Wang & Guan (2017) menggunakan variabel Dummy regional yang membedakan negara-negara OECD, Dunia Berkembang, dan ASEAN dengan data 2014 dan 2017. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa peran Fintech dalam meningkatkan inklusi keuangan adalah yang terkuat di negara-negara OECD pada periode yang diperiksa. Untuk mengembangkan inklusi keuangan di negara-negara, penggunaan Fintech harus didorong, terutama di negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Dinda Mawarni
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mengkaji Nalitari sebagai komunitas tari yang mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai inklusifitas dalam kegiatan berkeseniannya. Dengan metode etnografi, penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kegiatan menari serta metode yang digunakan oleh Nalitari dalam mengimplementasikan inklusifitas. Adapun bentuk implementasi inklusifitas dalam Nalitari dilakukan melalui latihan menari rutin (jamming), workshop, serta pementasan atau eksibisi tari. Lebih lanjut kegiatan menari artinya menjadikan tubuh sebagai medium utama dalam berkesenian, sehingga tulisan ini mengeksplorasi konsep mengenai tubuh individual dan tubuh sosial serta kaitannya dengan penggunaan metode contact improvisation. Nalitari mencipta dan mereproduksi ruang ketiga dengan beragam fungsi melalui tarian. Pertama, ruang aman sebagai ruang yang memberikan rasa aman untuk berekspresi bagi penarinya. Kedua, ruang melawan dari diskursus tari konservatif dengan mengabaikan benar/salah atau luwes/kaku. Ketiga, ruang berelasi sebagai ruang bagi para penari untuk membangun relasi sosial dan memberikan dukungan sosial.
This research examines Nalitari as a dance community that implemented the notion of inclusivity in their artwork. Using the ethnographic method, this research describes Nalitaris act of dancing and its method in order to implement inclusivity notions. Moreover, this research captures Nalitaris methods to implement their notions of inclusivity, which includes dance practice or jamming, workshop, and dance exhibitions. Given the fact that Nalitari incorporated body as the main medium in their artwork, this research explores the concept of individual and social body and seeks the interconnection between these two concepts to the usage of contact improvisation method. Furthermore, Nalitari produced and reproduced the third space that has several functions, which includes: (1) a safe space that enables its dancers to express safely; (2) a resisting space that enables its dancers to resist against the conservative dancing methods by ignoring the standard of right or wrong or flexible or stiff; and (3) a space for relations that enable its dancer to develop social relationships and support each other.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eversti Nevalia
Abstrak :
Pada artikel ini, saya menguji hubungan antara institutional ownership dan tingakatan corporate social performance untuk beberapa negara berkembang di Asia Tenggara. Berdasarkan beberapa artikel yang telah diuji sebelumnya, bagaimana institutional ownership mempengaruhi tingkatan corporate social performance diukur bedasarkan data yang tersedia di Asset4 database dan beberapa indikator yang berbeda untuk mengukur variabel dependen, corporate social performance, dan menguji variabel independen berdasarkan spesifikasi dari setiap indikator dari data yang didapatkan dari ORBIS database. Artikel ini menyumbangkan hasil mengenai hubungan antara institutional ownership kepada corporate social performance. Hubungan tersebut dianalisa lebih dalam dengan membandingkan mengenai beberapa tipe penanam modal institusi yang berbeda dan dipidahkan kedalam dua kategori, yaitu pressure-sensitive atau pressure-insensitive juga lokasi geografis dari setiap investor. Artikel ini memberikan hasil bahwa banyaknya jumlah penanam modal internasional memiliki pengaruh yang positif kepada corporate social performance. Penanam modal internasional yang bersifat Pressure-sensitive tidak memiiki efek corporate social performance. ......In this article, I examine the relationship between institutional ownership and the level of corporate social performance for several emerging countries in Southeast Asia. Basing upon several articles, how institutional ownership affects the level of corporate social performance is measured by using data from the Asset4 database and several other indicators to measure the dependent variable, corporate social performance, and examining the independent variable based on specifications of each indicator of the data obtained from ORBIS database. The article provides conclusions pertaining to the significant relationship of institutional ownership towards corporate social performance. This relationship is analyzed even further for different types of institutional investors based on two categories, whether they are pressure-sensitive or pressure- insensitive and their geographic locations. Further findings conclude that that a larger proportion of foreign institutional investors are positively correlated with corporate social performance. Moreover, pressure-sensitive institutional investors will have no impact to corporate social performance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oxford: Blackwell, 2004
152.4 EMO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sudharto P. Hadi
Yogyakarta: Gajahmada University Press, 1997
304.2 SUD a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pymble, Australia: Harper Educational, 1995
620.009 94 ENG
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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