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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1983
303.32 PEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dili: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1989
303.323 POL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridha Aditya Nugraha
"Civilian drones are revolutionizing the skies, ushering in several beneficial possibilities and along
with it several questions. From checking damage to a roof and aerial photography to border
patrolling and emergency response, drones are increasingly put to civil and commercial use. Such
a common use requires regulation. Technology has always grown exponentially, whereas the
law governing such technology has to contend with such growth. Developed western countries
are not the only ones grappling with reigning in these drones. The unique geographic conditions
and national interests of Indonesia, India, and Thailand, find more utility for civilian drones,
welcoming in the technology and the disruption it brings along. Each of these nations has adopted
a measure of regulation for civilian usage of drones, which is the subject of this paper; An overview
of its impact on this burgeoning phenomenon is provided, by comparing the existing legal
framework in these three countries. Further, an attempt has been made to draw out suggestions
for the Governments by highlighting factors that will require more deliberation in the process of
establishing a sound legal and regulatory environment for civilian drones. Finally, the possibility
of regional co-operation in establishing uniform standards, practices, and legal framework is
Kehadiran pesawat nirawak (drone – dalam konteks ini untuk penggunaan sipil) dengan berbagai
kemungkinan manfaat barunya, yang tentunya disertai munculnya isu-isu (hukum) terkait, telah
mengubah dunia. Penggunaannya, dimulai dari sekedar mengecek kerusakan pada loteng rumah
dan memotret lingkungan sekitar hingga untuk patroli wilayah perbatasan maupun keadaan
darurat, telah menguatkan keberadaan pesawat nirawak baik untuk penggunaan sipil maupun
komersial. Tentunya diperlukan peraturan terkini sehubungan pengaturan penggunaan pesawat
nirawak. Mengingat teknologi tersebut berkembang begitu pesat, hukum-pun harus mampu
mengimbanginya; dimana saat ini tidak hanya negara maju saja yang berupaya menyinkronkan
keberadaan pesawat nirawak kedalam hukum positifnya. Perkembangan teknologi tersebut
juga dimanfaatkan oleh Indonesia, India, dan Thailand mengingat keunikan kondisi geografis
beserta kepentingan nasionalnya. Ketiga negara tersebut telah menerapkan berbagai kebijakan
unik dalam mengadopsi peraturan mengenai pesawat nirawak, yang mana akan menjadi subjek
pembahasan artikel ini. Suatu gambaran mengenai dampak dari fenomena pesawat nirawak
akan disajikan dengan membandingkan hukum positif dari tiga negara tersebut. Kemudian,
berbagai pertimbangan dan saran mengenai perancangan peraturan pesawat nirawak yang
ditujukan kepada pemerintah ketiga negara tersebut akan turut disajikan. Pada akhirnya
wacana akan kemungkinan terbentuknya kerjasama regional, tepatnya dalam hal menciptakan
standar, praktek, maupun hukum positif yang seragam akan dieksplorasi."
Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sukonthapan, Pisawat
"This article focuses on “trafficking in persons” (TIP) in fisheries in Indonesia and Thailand which refers to key international instruments on TIP and continues by discussing recent cases of TIP in fisheries in Indonesia that were reported in the first half of year 2015. It also explores respective Indonesian and Thai domestic legislation in relation to measures to combat trafficking in the region. Bilateral and multilateral treaties such as the Treaty between the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Relating to Extradition and the ASEAN Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters are also addressed as cooperation tools which should be used by Indonesia and Thailand in prosecuting traffickers. To attain success in prosecuting law breakers and to be fair to all concerned, the author discourages those who are preoccupied with TIP from prejudging all unlawful acts as incidents of TIP since many of them might not fall under the criteria of TIP. Additionally, the article addresses the U.S. Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, which classifies countries under one of the tiers stipulated therein. The author indirectly suggests that, via the Act, the U.S. puts pressure upon other countries to suppress TIP intensively and properly protect victims of TIP. Therefore, the author urges Indonesia and Thailand to take special care in handling incidents of TIP in fisheries.
Artikel ini berfokus pada “perdagangan manusia” (“trafficking in persons” atau TIP) dalam sektor industry perikanan laut di Indonesia dan Thailand. Artikel ini merujuk pada perangkat internasional mengenai TIP dengan membahas beberapa kasus terkini terkait TIP dalam sector perikanan laut di Indonesia yang dilaporkan terjadi pada semester pertama tahun 2015. Artikel ini juga mendalami peraturan domestik Indonesia dan Thailand dalam memerangi perdagangan manusia di kawasan dan juga perjanjian bilateral dan multilateral, di antaranya Perjanjian antara Pemerintah Kerajaan Thailand dan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia tentang Ekstradisi yang merupakan instrument yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan penuntutan kepada para pelaku perdagangan manusia. Demi kesuksesan penuntutan para pelaku dan demi keadilan bagi pihak-pihak yang terkait, penulis tidak menyarankan dilakukannya praduga bersalah atas tindakan-tindakan melanggar hukum sebagai kasus perdagangan manusia karena tidak semua tindak pelanggaran hukum masuk dalam kriteria perdagangan manusia. Di samping itu, artikel ini juga merujuk pada U.S. Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act tahun 2000, yang menggolongkan negara-negara dalam beberapa tingkat. Penulis secara tidak langsung menyarakan agar melalui peraturan tersebut, Amerika Serikat dapat memberikan dorongan bagi negara lain untuk menekan perdagangan manusia dan memberikan perlindungan yang layak bagi para korban perdagangan manusia. Dengan demikian, penulis mendorong Indonesia dan Thailand untuk secara serius menangani kasus-kasus perdagangan manusia dalam sektor industri perikanan laut."
Depok: Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Najmu L. Sopian
"The issue of law enforcement is central to land property rights. Modes of property rights
enforcement can be performed either with or without intervention of the state. This article focuses
on the latter mode of enforcement; that is, how people manage to enforce their land rights without
the involvement of state institutions and to what extent informal arrangements can offer effective
enforcement and secure land property rights. This article also contributes to the debate on how
formal and informal institutions can be used to secure property rights and resolve disputes over
land ownership. In particular, this paper examines how the people of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara
Province, settle land disputes among themselves. Many available studies indicate that the residents
of Flores rely heavily on informal land dispute resolution based on adat (customary) law rather
than formal or legal rules. Adat provides certain sense of security and has been proven effective in
resolving conflicts in a relatively closed and homogenous community. Moreover, it offers greater
accessibility, flexibility and legitimacy that support reconciliation process between the disputing
Isu penegakan hukum merupakan masalah inti dalam perlindungan hak-hak kebendaan atas
tanah. Perlindungan atas hak kebendaan tersebut dapat diberikan baik oleh Negara maupun
oleh aktor-aktor lain selain Negara. Artikel ini fokus pada perlindungan yang diberikan oleh
aktor bukan Negara, yaitu bagaimana masyarakat mampu untuk melindungi hak-hak kebendaan
mereka tanpa keterlibatan institusi Negara. Pertanyaannya adalah,sejauh mana institusi informal
dapat bekerja secara efektif untuk memberikan perlindungan atas hak kebendaan atas tanah?
Artikel ini juga berkontribusi terhadap debat mengenai bagaimana institusi formal dan informal
dipergunakan oleh masyarakat untuk melindungi hak milik mereka dan untuk menyelesaikan
konflik terkait dengan tanah dalam masyarakat. Secara khusus, artikel ini membahas mengenai
bagaimana masyarakat di Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur mempergunakan hukum adat untuk
menyelesaikan konflik yang terjadi dalam masyarakat. Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
masyarakat Flores masih sangat bergantung kepada mekanisme hukum Adat ketimbang hukum
nasional. Hukum Adat terbukti memberikan perlindungan kuat terhadap hak kebendaan dan
dapat mengatasi konflik secara efektif, terutama dalam sebuah komunitaskecil yang homogen.
Selain itu, hukum Adat memberikan akses yang lebih besar, lebih fleksible, dan memiliki legitimasi
yang kuat dalam proses rekonsilitasi diantara para pihak yang bersengketa."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Munafrizal Manan
"This article discusses the implementation of the right to education in Indonesia. It uses human rights and historical approaches. Human rights approach is used to describe international human rights instruments on the guarantee of the right to education that is applied universally. This approach is also dealing with international human rights instrument on the right to education that has been ratified by Indonesia as well as national regulation instruments on the right to
education applied in Indonesia. Historical approach highlights the role of Indonesian governments in education sector after the Independence Day, especially regarding the implementation of the right to education. The discussion focuses on the development that has been achieved and the difficulty that has been faced in the implementation of the right to education. Despite there have been significant progresses achieved in implementing the right to education, the Indonesian governments remain facing the difficulty to fulfil the right to education for the entire of Indonesian citizens. However, in the middle of such a difficulty, it raises a creative idea and concrete action from civil society in terms of providing education service for marginalized and indigenous peoples.

Artikel ini membahas implementasi hak pendidikan (the right to education) di Indonesia.
Pembahasan menggunakan pendekatan hak asasi manusia dan historis. Pendekatan hak asasi manusia memaparkan instrumen-instrumen hak asasi manusia internasional tentang jaminan hak pendidikan yang telah berlaku secara universal. Pemaparan juga dikaitkan dengan instrumen hak asasi manusia internasional tentang hak pendidikan yang telah diratifikasi oleh Indonesia serta instrumen regulasi nasional terkait dengan jaminan hak pendidikan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Pendekatan historis menyoroti peran pemerintahan-pemerintahan Indonesia dalam sektor pendidikan setelah Proklamasi Kemerdekaan, khususnya terkait dengan implementasi jaminan hak pendidikan. Pembahasan difokuskan pada perkembangan yang telah dicapai dan kesulitan yang dihadapi dalam implementasi hak pendidikan. Di samping ada kemajuan signifikan yang telah dicapai dalam impelementasi jaminan hak pendidikan, Indonesia masih menghadapi kesulitan memenuhi jaminan hak pendidikan untuk seluruh warga negara Indonesia. Namun, di tengah kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh pemerintah, muncul ide kreatif dan aksi konkret dari masyarakat sipil dalam bentuk memberikan pelayanan pendidikan bagi warga negara Indonesia yang hidup terpencil dan terpinggirkan."
Depok: Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The development of Indonesian contract law has been influenced by enacment of new law, court verdicts and legal practices. It has been influenced by civil law and common law systems applied in other countries as well. The enacment of Consumer Protection Act strenghtens position of consumers against profesional seller. The Basic Agrarian Law and its Implementation Laws improve certainty in ownership of land. Courts have recognized, the doctrine of undue influence, acceptance by conduct, but they have not recognized pre contractual liability and have not applied the doctrine of unjustified enrichment in disputes regarding illegal contract. As practical matter, the integration clause under common law system stipulated in contract governed by Indonesian law, whereas Internasional Convention on Sale of Good regarding this issue adopts civil law system."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Sardjono
"The conception of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) is generally misunderstood by among common people. In order to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of IPR, we may as well start with the most dominant point of view, namely that from the perspective of the State and Government.This point of view is dominant because the State and Government are the institutions which havethe authority to make law, to implement law and to interpret the law in the various forms of itsimplementation. A study of IPR can be taken from wider view, as cultural perspectivetake the approach of looking at various events related to the implementation of the laws concerned. It also provide various situations to analyze related to the implementation of Copyright Law in various regions all over Indonesia.
Within current situation, after Indonesia has ratified the WTO/TRIPs, the consequence now is binding, politically, legally and economically, although we may freely provide the needs of our people, in this case : IPR protection system. There are of course many other things in the spirit of the Constitution and the Indonesian nation that can be explored further and applied in the IPR protection system. In the end, IPR as the part of the culture can be developed further by taking into consideration and looking into possibility that much suitable to the needs of Indonesian respective communities."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lidwina Inge Nurtjahyo
"This study is aimed to analyze how customary law is practiced in strategizing dispute settlement among the villagers. In some cases, the parties who had the disputes brought their cases to the non states intermediaries to give the best remedies that fulfill their own senses of justice. As we know in the Access to Justice approaches, the disputes could be solved not only using both with state law and non-state law. These facts showed how people doing law community members in relation to dispute resolution mechanism based on customary law from the perspective of access to justice. By applying customary law, the indigenous communities could settle their disputes and reach a solution that satisfies their sense of justice.
This paper attempts to describe and analyze the mechanisms of dispute settlement within the indigenous peoples of Tulehu, Central Maluku based on their customary law. This paper is based on a research paper titled 'Customary Criminal Dispute Resolution of Indigenous Peoples in Central Maluku.' The focus of this paper is the analysis of the strategies implemented by the community members in Tulehu, Central Maluku in relation to dispute settlement mechanism based on their customary law from the perspective of access to justice."
Depok: Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library