"Studi ini merupakan penelitian dengan eksperimen 2x2 between-groups design. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 60 partisipan yang merupakan gabungan dari mahasiswa The University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, dan Griffith University (Perempuan = 21, Laki-Laki = 35, Lain-Lain = 4, M = 23.90). Partisipan selanjutnya akan ditempatkan secara acak dalam variasi kondisi bekerja (individual dan kolektif) dan variasi identifikasi (teridentifikasi dan tidak teridentifikasi). Kemalasan sosial diukur menggunakan tugas kinerja, dimana partisipan diminta untuk membuat daftar ide untuk topik tesis akhir selama 10 menit. Dari data yang diperoleh, didapatkan hasil yang tidak signifikan antara partisipan yang bekerja secara individual maupun kolektif dalam kemalasan sosial. Begitu pula dengan partisipan di dalam kondisi kolektif teridentifikasi dan kolektif tidak teridentifikasi, didapatkan hasil yang tidak signifikan dalam kemalasan sosial. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah untuk mencari faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mencegah kemalasan sosial.
......Previous studies saw that social loafing could be looked at using identifiability but the task that was used has no immediate impact and not personally involving for participants, where the results of the task may impact their future accolades. This study looked at how motivation (through identifiability) could mitigate social loafing. By using a 2x2 between-groups design, 60 university volunteers were randomly assigned to work individually (coactively) or in groups (collectively), and to either the identified or not-identified condition. The participants were told to generate a list of thesis topic ideas for 10 minutes to measure social loafing. The result we obtained rejects the first hypothesis, where independent groups t-tests revealed that there is no significant difference in thesis topic ideas generated between the participants who worked coactively and the participants who worked collectively and as for the second hypothesis, the result also showed that there is no significant difference between thesis topic ideas generated from both collective-identified condition and collective-not identified condition. As people are more wary of their future endeavours, future research is encouraged to find new factors that could mitigate social loafing."