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Syaifiyatul H.
Latar belakang: Pematangan sperma di epididimis terjadi melalui interaksi
antara protein yang disekresikan oleh epitel dengan spermatozoa. Proses tersebut
diregulasi oleh androgen dan lingkungan spesifik di region epididimis. Androgendependent
gene yang hanya terekspresi di region tertentu namun tidak terekspresi
di region lain menimbulkan dugaan peran androgent reseptor (AR) koregulator.
Gelsolin (Gsn) adalah AR koregulator ditemukan predominan di epididimis
Holstein, namun perannya masih belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengkarakterisasi Gsn pada epididimis mencit.
Metode: In silico untuk memprediksi struktur gen dan domain fungional.
Quantitative Real Time RT-PCR untuk menganalisa sebaran jaringan,
ketergantungan terhadap faktor endokrin dan faktor testikular, dan regulasi
Hasil: Gsn merupakan protein yang mengandung signal peptide. Ekspresi Gsn
tidak spesifik di epididimis. Gsn dipengaruhi oleh androgen dan faktor testikular.
Pasca gonadektomi, ekspresi Gsn menurun setelah 3 hari dan injeksi T eksogen
meningkatkan ekspresi Gsn. Hasil ini diperkuat dengan pemberian flutamide yang
menurunkan ekspresi Gsn. Ekspresi Gsn pada perkembangan individu konstan
postnatal 5 hari.
Kesimpulan: Gsn adalah protein yang disekresikan oleh epitel epididimis,
diregulasi oleh androgen dan faktor testikular. Ekspresi Gsn yang tidak spesifik
pada region tertentu di epididimis, diperlukan penelitian lanjut untuk mengetahui
peran Gsn dalam menentukan ekspresi gen-gen yang terlibat dalam pematangan

Background: Sperm maturation in epididymis occurs through interaction
between proteins secreted by epithels with spermatozoa. The process is regulated
by androgen and specific environment in epididimal region. The androgendependent
gene that is only expressed in a particular region, but not expressed in
other regions led to allegations of androgen receptor (AR) coregulator action.
Gelsolin (Gsn) is AR coregulator found predominant in epididimal Holstein, but
its role still unknown. The aim is to characterize Gsn in mouse epididymis.
Methods: In silico analyses to predict gene strucure and functional domain.
Quantitative Real Time RT-PCR to analyse tissue distribution, androgen
dependent, testicular factor and postnatal regulation.
Results: Gsn is protein that contains signal peptide. Gsn is not spesific expressed
in epididymis. It is regulated by androgen and testicular factor. Post gonadectomy,
Gsn expression decrease in 3 days while injected by T exogen increasing Gsn
expression. This expression confirmed by flutamide that decreasing Gsn
expression. Gsn expression was constant at day 5 in postnatal development.
Conclusions: Gsn is protein that secreted by epididymal epitels and regulated by
androgen and testicular factor. Gsn expression was not spesific in epididymal
region. It is needed to do future research to know the role of Gsn in determining
genes expression that related to sperm maturation, Background: Sperm maturation in epididymis occurs through interaction
between proteins secreted by epithels with spermatozoa. The process is regulated
by androgen and specific environment in epididimal region. The androgendependent
gene that is only expressed in a particular region, but not expressed in
other regions led to allegations of androgen receptor (AR) coregulator action.
Gelsolin (Gsn) is AR coregulator found predominant in epididimal Holstein, but
its role still unknown. The aim is to characterize Gsn in mouse epididymis.
Methods: In silico analyses to predict gene strucure and functional domain.
Quantitative Real Time RT-PCR to analyse tissue distribution, androgen
dependent, testicular factor and postnatal regulation.
Results: Gsn is protein that contains signal peptide. Gsn is not spesific expressed
in epididymis. It is regulated by androgen and testicular factor. Post gonadectomy,
Gsn expression decrease in 3 days while injected by T exogen increasing Gsn
expression. This expression confirmed by flutamide that decreasing Gsn
expression. Gsn expression was constant at day 5 in postnatal development.
Conclusions: Gsn is protein that secreted by epididymal epitels and regulated by
androgen and testicular factor. Gsn expression was not spesific in epididymal
region. It is needed to do future research to know the role of Gsn in determining
genes expression that related to sperm maturation]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andika Setyoadi

Latar Belakang: Beberapa gen yang terekspresi spesfik di epididimis diduga

terlibat dalam proses pematangan sperma. Karakteristik gen yang terlibat dalam
pematangan sperma selain ekspresinya spesifik di epididimis juga dipengaruhi
oleh androgen, faktor testikuler, dan terekspresi pada saat masa pubertas. Salah
satu famili gen yang cukup banyak ditemukan terekspresi di epididimis adalah
Beta Defensin. Gen Beta Defensin diketahui memiliki peran sebagai pertahanan
terhadap mikroba, namun diduga memiliki keterlibatan dalam proses pematangan
sperma karena ekspresinya banyak ditemukan di epididimis. Oleh karena itu,
penelitian pada gen Beta Defensin terhadap perannya dalam proses pematangan
sperma perlu dilakukan. Berdasarkan studi sebelumnya diketahui bahwa salah
satu gen Beta Defensin yang terekspresi di epididimis yaitu Beta Defensin 2
(Defb2), namun karakterisasi terhadap gen ini belum dilakukan. Dengan
demikian, pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi gen Defb2 terkait
dengan perannya pada proses pematangan sperma.
Metode: Analisis bioinformatika digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi
mengenai struktur gen, signal peptide, dan domain fungsional pada gen Defb2.
Analisis qRT-PCR untuk mengetahui ekspresi relatif gen Defb2 pada berbagai
jaringan, regulasinya oleh androgen, pengaruh dari faktor testikular dan
ekspresinya pada perkembangan postnatal.
Hasil: Defb2 merupakan protein sekretori karena memiliki signal peptide. Defb2
memiliki domain fungsional berupa N-myristoylation dan protein kinase-C. Gen
Defb2 terekspresi spesifik di epididimis khususnya pada bagian caput epididimis.
Defb2 ekspresinya dipengaruhi oleh androgen terbukti setelah perlakuan
gonadektomi, ekspresi Defb2 menjadi menurun dan kembali mengalami kenaikan
ketika diberikan testosteron eksogen. Defb2 juga ekspresinya dipengaruhi oleh
faktor testikuler terbukti setelah diberi perlakuan
Efferent Duct Ligation (EDL)
maka ekspresi Defb2 langsung menurun bahkan terjadi apoptosis sel sehingga
pola ekspresi gen Defb2 sudah tidak bisa diamati. Begitu juga pada analisis
postnatal development terlihat ekspresi gen Defb2 mulai terdeteksi jelas pada hari
ke-15 yang merupakan masa pubertas mencit jantan.
Kesimpulan: Defb2 merupakan gen yang terlibat dalam proses pematangan
sperma di epididimis yang dibuktikan dengan ekspresi spesifik di epididimis,
diregulasi oleh androgen dan faktor testikuler, serta mulai terekspresi pada masa

Background: Some of the specific genes expression in the epididymis are

suspected to be involved in the process of sperm maturation. Characteristics of the
genes involved in sperm maturation in the epididymis-specific expression in
addition also influenced by androgens, testicular factors, and expressed at the time
of puberty. One of a family of genes that is pretty much found expressed in the
epididymis is a Beta Defensins. Beta Defensin genes known to have a role as a
defence against microbes, but suspected to have involvement in the process of
sperm maturation because the expression is found in the epididymis. Therefore,
research on Beta Defensin genes against its role in sperm maturation process
needs to be done. Based on previous studies it is known that one of the Beta
Defensin genes which expressed in the epididymis that is Beta Defensins 2
(Defb2), but the characterization of this gene has not been made against. Thus,
this research aims to characterize genes associated with the Defb2 role in the
process of sperm maturation.
Methods: Bioinformatics analysis was used to obtain information about the
structure of genes, signal peptides, and functional domains of the Defb2 gene.
qRT-PCR analysis to find out the relative gene expression of Defb2 on various
tissue, regulation by androgens, the effect of testicular factors and its expression
in postnatal development.
Results: Defb2 is a secreted protein because it has signal peptides. Defb2 has a
functional domain in the form of N-myristoylation and kinase-C protein. Specific
genes expression of Defb2 in the epididymis is especially in the caput epididymis.
Defb2 expression influenced by androgens is proven after the gonadectomy, the
expression of Defb2 to be decreased and start increase again when exogenous
testosterone is given. Defb2 also its expression influenced by testicular factors
that proven after being given the treatment by Efferent Duct Ligation (EDL), then
the Defb2 expressions directly decreased and the cell apoptosis occurs even so
that the pattern of gene expression Defb2 already could not be observed. So also
on analysis of postnatal development seen gene expression Defb2 begins to be
detected clearly at day 15 which is a male mice puberty.
Conclusions: Defb2 is a gene which is involved in the process of maturation of
sperm in the epididymis that is evidenced by specific expression in the
epididymis, be regulated by androgens and testicular factors, and as well as start
expressed at puberty.

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silvani Permatasari
Latar belakang: Proses pematangan sperma terjadi melalui interaksi spermatozoa dengan protein yang disekresikan ke lumen oleh sel epitel epididimis. Sekresi protein pada epididimis ditentukan oleh gen-gen yang terekspresi spesifik di epididimis. Ekspresi gen di epididimis dapat dipengaruhi oleh androgen atau faktor testikular. CD52 telah diketahui terekspresi di epididimis, namun regulasi yang mempengaruhi ekspresi gen CD52 di epididimis belum diketahui. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ekspresi dan regulasi gen CD52 agar dapat memprediksi perannya di epididimis mencit. Metode: Analisis bioinformatika dilakukan untuk memprediksi sinyal peptida dan domain fungsional dari CD52. Quantitative real time RT-PCR digunakan untuk mengukur ekspresi relatif gen CD52 pada analisis spesifisitas jaringan, ketergantungan terhadap androgen dan faktor testikular, serta postnatal development. Hasil: CD52 memiliki sinyal peptida yang menunjukkan ciri protein sekretori dan terekspresi secara spesifik di epididimis. Ekspresi CD52 yang tertinggi terdapat di bagian cauda. Ekspresi CD52 pada mencit diregulasi oleh androgen yang ditandai dengan penurunan pada hari pertama dan ketiga setelah digonadektomi dan pemberian testosteron eksogen setelah gonadektomi dapat menjaga ekspresi CD52 50% dari kadar normalnya. Eksperimen dengan memberikan reseptor androgen antagonis (flutamide) juga mendukung bahwa ekspresi CD52 sangat tergantung terhadap androgen. Ekspresi CD52 menurun sangat bermakna hingga mencapai 93% dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Selain androgen, ekspresi CD52 juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor testikular. Ekspresi CD52 mengalami penurunan bermakna dari hari pertama hingga kelima setelah perlakuan efferent duct ligation (EDL) hingga mencapai 75% dari kontrol. Selain itu ekspresi CD52 juga dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan pasca lahir. Ekspresi CD52 meningkat di hari ke-15 hingga hari ke-60 pasca lahir. Kesimpulan: CD52 merupakan gen penyandi protein sekretori yang terekspresi spesifik di epididimis pada region cauda dan regulasinya dipengaruhi oleh androgen, faktor testikular, dan perkembangan pasca lahir.

Background. Epididymal sperm maturation is occurs via interactions between sperm and proteins secreted by epididymal epithelium. These proteins are encoded by genes that are specifically expressed in a region-specific manner. Previous studies have demonstrated that epididymal genes are regulated by androgen and testicular factors. CD52 is an epididymal gene putatively involved in sperm maturation. However, the regulation of its expression in the epididymis has not been fully understood and little is known about its role during sperm maturation process. Therefore, this study was aimed to analyze the expression and regulation of CD52 in the mouse epididymis. Method. Bioinfomatic analyses were perfomed to predict signal peptides and functional domains of CD52. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was used to analyze tissue distribution, androgen, testicular factors dependency and postnatal development. Results. CD52 amino acid sequence contains a signal peptide, indicating it is a secretory protein. CD52 exhibited region-spesific expression in the epididymis with the highest level was in cauda. Mice CD52 expression was regulated by androgen indicated by a decrease started at day 1 following a gonadectomy. Interestingly, testosterone replacement therapy was able to maintain the expression at 50% of normal level. Experiment by given androgen receptor antagonist, flutamide showed decrease of CD52 expression about 93% than control. It?s confirming that CD52 expression depend on androgen. Moreover, testicular factors also influenced CD52 expression. This was revealed by efferent duct ligation in which CD52 expression was reduced at day 1 to day 5 following the ligation. Finally, CD52 expression was developmentally regulated, this was indicated by increase in the level of expression start at day 15 postnatally. Conclusion: CD52 is a secretory protein and exhibited region-spesific expression in the cauda epididymis. It is regulated by androgen, testicular factors, and also affected by development stage.
, Background. Epididymal sperm maturation is occurs via interactions between sperm and proteins secreted by epididymal epithelium. These proteins are encoded by genes that are specifically expressed in a region-specific manner. Previous studies have demonstrated that epididymal genes are regulated by androgen and testicular factors. CD52 is an epididymal gene putatively involved in sperm maturation. However, the regulation of its expression in the epididymis has not been fully understood and little is known about its role during sperm maturation process. Therefore, this study was aimed to analyze the expression and regulation of CD52 in the mouse epididymis. Method. Bioinfomatic analyses were perfomed to predict signal peptides and functional domains of CD52. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was used to analyze tissue distribution, androgen, testicular factors dependency and postnatal development. Results. CD52 amino acid sequence contains a signal peptide, indicating it is a secretory protein. CD52 exhibited region-spesific expression in the epididymis with the highest level was in cauda. Mice CD52 expression was regulated by androgen indicated by a decrease started at day 1 following a gonadectomy. Interestingly, testosterone replacement therapy was able to maintain the expression at 50% of normal level. Experiment by given androgen receptor antagonist, flutamide showed decrease of CD52 expression about 93% than control. It’s confirming that CD52 expression depend on androgen. Moreover, testicular factors also influenced CD52 expression. This was revealed by efferent duct ligation in which CD52 expression was reduced at day 1 to day 5 following the ligation. Finally, CD52 expression was developmentally regulated, this was indicated by increase in the level of expression start at day 15 postnatally. Conclusion: CD52 is a secretory protein and exhibited region-spesific expression in the cauda epididymis. It is regulated by androgen, testicular factors, and also affected by development stage.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library