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Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hardi Kamdani; Lisdiyanto
Abstrak :
Dalam memasuki Pembangunan jangka Panjang Tahap kedua, masih banyak sarana dan prasarana yang harus dibangun baik oleh pemerintah Indonesia maupun pihak swasta.

Untuk pembangunan ini diperlukan modal, sumber daya manusia, teknologi dan peralatan penunjang lainnya. Peralatan penunjang ada yang sudah diproduksi didalam negeri, tapi masih banyak juga yang terpaksa harus di impor karena tidak efisien untuk memproduksi sendiri ataupun karena menguasai teknologi tersebut.

Pesatnya pembangunan gedung bertingkat di kota-kota besar untuk mencukupi kebutuhan akan ruangan perkantoran, apartemen tempat tinggal dan hotel merupakan jaminan dan tingkat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan negara indonesia.

Pembangunan gedung bertingkat memerlukan peralatan pendukung antara lain hoist. Hoist merupakan suatu alat transportasi vertikal untuk menaik turunkan bahan bangunan dan pekerja ke tingkat bangunan yang diinginkan.

Sampai tahun akhir tahun 80 an, produk hoist Alimak sebagai perusahaan pemula menguasai pangsa pasar dunia, khususnya di Indonesia. Masuknya produk hoist RRC ke pasaran Asia termasuk Indonesia dengan strategi low cost dan kualitas hoistnya yang pada saat itu dirasa memenuhi syarat maka pasar Asia dan Indonesia yang selama ini dikuasai oleh perusahaan pernula atau leader segera mengalami pergeseran. Pergeseran ini mengharuskan perusahaan Alimak sebagai market leader di bidang produk hoist untuk segera mengevaluasi dan memodifikasi bauran pemasarannya agar dapat mempertahankan keunggulan bersaingnya.

RRC yang mempunyai keunggulan bersaing karena dapat memproduksi hoist dengan harga sangat murah dan biaya trasportasi yang relative murah karena faktor geografis dibandingkan dengan para pesaingnya.

Industri hoist di Indonesia kini memasuki tahap maturity growth ditandai dengan karakteristik pasar yang cenderung menurun dan jumlah pesaing yang relative banyak. Pertumbuhan pasar yang menurun disebabkan sudah cukup banyak produk hoist yang masuk ke Indonesia sedangkan produk ini mempunyai masa pemakaian yang panjang (durable product).

Untuk bisa bersaing dan mempertahankan posisi market leader dari serangan produk hoist China yang menggunakan strategi low cost, maka Alimak harus menggunakan strategi diferensiasi terfokus untuk menciptakan keungulan bersaing, antara lain dengan melakukan diferensiasi pada kualitas produk dan service.

Dari analisa persaingan pasar dan analisa karakteristik industri hoist maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi diferensiasi Alimak dapat memanfaatkan sisa potensi pasar pada tahap maturity growth dan mementahkan serangan low cost strategi dan produsen China, khususnya di Indonesia. Penerapan strategi ini harus bersifat fleksibel dan dinamis dalam arti dapat mengikuti Iingkungan industri yang turbulen.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Hamsal
Abstrak :
Recently, research on paradoxical strategies is receiving considerable attention from both researchers and practitioners. The value of paradoxical strategies is currently considered critical in increasing firm performance and winning in the competitive dynamic landscape, which is characterized by uncertainty and rapid changes in the industry and business environment (Barney and Hesterly, 2006). Such perceived environmental characteristics require firm to apply paradoxical strategies; combining strategic flexibility and strategic consistency (Pamell, 1994).

This study addresses four main questions. First, what is the effect of strategic flexibility on Erm performance. Second, what is the effect of strategic consistency on firm performance. Third, what is the effect of combining strategic flexibility and strategic consistency on firm performance. Fourth, what are the contingent effects of perceived environmental uncertainty on the relationship between paradoxical strategies and firm performance. This study conceprualizes the application of paradoxical strategies as a set of capabilities that enable an organization not only adapt to changing environmental conditions, but also to maintain current strategies and actions for a considerable period of time.

Recognizing the broad nature of strategic flexibility, it is measured in terms of pre-emptive moves, exploitative moves, protective moves, and corrective moves. Strategic consistency is measured in terms of proactive consistency and reactive consistency. Perceived environment is measured in terms of munificence, dynamism, and complexity. Overall firm perfonnance is measured in terms of financial performance and strategic performance, among others are profit, profitability, income, market share, position in the industry, and customer loyalty.

A survey was conducted in the Indonesian banking industry to measure the degree of perceived environmental uncertainty, the level of strategic flexibility and strategic consistency, and the resulting firm performance. Questionnaires were distributed to 131 CEOs or members of top management team of commercial banks (including sharia banks) and the 59 retumed responses were analyzed to test hypotheses.

The results indicate that strategic flexibility has positive effect on bank performance, while strategic consistency does not have positive effect on bank performance. In terms of combining these two paradoxical strategies, the results of this study conhnn that the effect of strategic flexibility on bank performance depends on strategic consistency and/or perceived environment. Contrary to expectation of this study, the effect of strategic consistency on bank performance insignificantly depends on perceived environment.

This study makes several important contributions to growing literature on paradoxical strategies and strategic management discipline. First, this study is one of limited researches on the effect of paradoxical strategies on firm performance. It examines the effect of combining paradoxical strategies on fum performance with considering perceived environmental uncertainty as the antecedent. Second, it also fills in the gap in previous study on managing paradoxes in service operations setting at the corporate/strategic level. Third, this study develops a set of measures of strategic consistency and strategic perfomrance that captures building on prior concepts.

The fundings in this study offer inputs for the development of banking industry in Indonesia. For bank management, to sustain its growth, banks should increase its infomation technology capabilities, which are mainly supported by flexible systems and knowledgeable people. For the banking regulator and the government agency alike, the inputs are as follows: carry out the detailed research on the impact of regulation and govemment policy on bank flexibility; take Bank NTT, Bank Jatim, and Bank Sumsel as samples for other regional development banks as the agile banks with high performance; create regulation and policy to drive innovative banking product development; encourage the commercial banks to undertake information technology investments to boost innovative financial products and services; create speciiic regulation about outsourcing service provider; and encourage further development of Internet banking services by improving system infrastructure environment, enabling policy and regulatory environment for this business, and building up a comprehensive e-security public policy framework.
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library