Nama : Rachmawati Ayu Azhariya
Program Studi : Magister Kedokteran Kerja, FKUI
Judul: Pengaruh Stres Kerja Berat Terhadap Kecenderungan Gangguan
Mental Emosional Pada Staf Manajerial Perusahaan Penanaman
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Staf manajerial merupakan aset krusial sebuah Perusahaan karena peranannya dalam memimpin, mengatur, merencanakan dan mengelola sumber daya guna mencapai tujuan Perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, staf manajerial diharapkan sehat baik secara fisik, mental dan sosial.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan stres kerja berat dengan kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional pada staf manajerial.
Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Mei 2016 di Perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing di Jawa Barat menggunakan metode comparative cross sectional. Stres kerja diukur dengan kuesioner Suvei Diagnosis Stres (SDS) sedangkan kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional dinilai dengan kuesioner Symptom Check List 90 (SCL 90). Jumlah responden pada penelitian ini adalah 105 orang yang terlebih dahulu diminta mengisi kuesioner stres kerja. Kemudian untuk menilai kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional, sebanyak 30 responden dipilih secara acak dari masing-masing kelompok stres kerja ringan-sedang dan stres kerja berat dan diminta mengisi kuesioner SCL-90.
Prevalensi stres kerja berat pada karyawan manajerial adalah sebesar 35,2%. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara stres kerja berat dengan kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional (OR 47; 95% CI 7,37-300,17; p<0,001). Komponen stresor kerja yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan gangguan mental emosional adalah beban kerja kualitatif (OR 10,67; 95%CI 1,03–109,94; p 0,047) dan perkembangan karir (OR 10,83; 95%CI 1,03–114,15; p 0,047). Pendidikan merupakan faktor individu yang memiliki hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik terhadap kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional (OR 0,17; 95% CI 0,03-0,83; p 0,029). Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor pekerjaan terhadap terjadinya kecenderungan gangguan mental emosional.
Kata kunci: stres kerja, gangguan mental emosional, manajer
Name : Rachmawati Ayu Azhariya
Study Program: Postgraduate program on Occupational Medicine,
Universitas Indonesia
Title : Association of Severe Occupational Stress with Mental Emotional
Disorder Tendency among Managerial Staff at a Foreign Cooperation
Managerial staff are a crucial asset for their role in lead, organize, plan and manage resources to achieve the Company's objectives. Therefore, managerial staff are expected to be healthy physically, mentally and socially.
This study aims to determine the relationship of severe occupational stress with mental emotional disorder tendency among managerial staff.
This study used a comparative cross-sectional design. The aim of this study is to assess the risk of mental emotional disorder tendency in both group with mild-moderate and severe occupational stress. Based on the sample calculation, required respondents from each group are 30 people. Previously, a descriptive study was conducted to sort the respondents into mild-moderate and severe occupational stress. A total of 105 respondents were randomly selected from the total population of 220 people. Respondents were asked to do self-rating survey with SDS (Stress Diagnostic Survey) questionnaire which assess the occupational stress. Furthermore, 30 respondents were randomly selected from each group of mild-moderate and severe occupational stress to assess the tendency of mental emotional disorder. Symptoms Check List 90 (SCL-90) questionnaire was used to measure the tendency of mental emotional disorders.
The prevalence of severe occupational stress on managerial staff is 35.2%. There was a significant association between severe occupational stress with the tendency of mental emotional disorder (OR 47; 95% CI 7.37-300.17; p <0.001). Components of occupational stressors which statistically significant with mental emotional disorder is the qualitative workload (OR 10.67; 95% CI 1.03-109.94; p 0.047) and career development (OR 10.83; 95% CI 1.03 -114.15; p 0.047). Education is the individual factor statistically significant against the tendency of mental emotional disorder (OR 0.17; 95% CI 0.03 to 0.83; p 0.029). There was no significant relationship between work factors with the tendency of mental emotional disorder.
Keyword: occupational stress, mental emotional disorder, manager.