"Latar Belakang : International Olympic Committee (IOC) menganjurkan untuk melakukan monitoring kondisi kesehatan berkesinambungan namun belum tersedia self-reported tools yang dapat digunakan untuk monitoring di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Kuesioner OSTRC tentang cedera dan sakit ke dalam versi Bahasa Indonesia dan digunakan untuk monitoring kondisi kesehatan. Metode: Adaptasi dilakukan menurut kaidah ISPOR, dengan tahap uji validitas dan reliabilitas dilakukan kepada 40 atlet remaja selama 2 minggu, dan tahap surveilans yang dilakukan kepada 46 atlet remaja selama 8 minggu. Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas di hitung berdasarkan hasil surveilans 8 minggu. Hasil : Kuesioner OSLO versi Bahasa Indonesia (Sakit dan Cedera) memiliki validitas yang baik dengan Pearson Correlation Test (p<0.001). Cronbach-α mencapai 0,905, 0,940, 0,933 dan 0,840. Interclass corelation coefficient kuesioner sakit 0,905, kuesioner cedera bahu 0,94, kuesioner cedera lutut 0,933 dan kuesioner cedera pergelangan kaki 0,840. Sensitivitas kuesioner sakit mencapai 97,6% dan spesifisitas 99,4%, sedangkan sensitivitas kuesioner cedera mencapai 100% dan spesifisitas mencapai 99,4%. Kesimpulan: OSLO Sports Trauma Research Center Injury and Health Problem versi Bahasa Indonesia valid dan reliabel serta memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang tinggi.
Background: The International Olympic Committee (IOC) recommends continuous monitoring of health conditions, but until now, there are no self-reported tools that can be used for monitoring in Indonesia. This research aims to develop the OSTRC Questionnaire into Bahasa version and use it to monitor athlete conditions. Method: Adaptation was carried out according to ISPOR rules, with the validity and reliability testing, and the surveillance stage carried out for 8 weeks. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated based on the results of 8 weeks of surveillance. Results: The Indonesian version of the OSLO Questionnaire (Pain and Injury) has good validity with the Pearson Correlation Test (p<0.001), with cronbach-α reached 0.905, 0.940, 0.933 and 0.840. The interclass correlation coefficient for the pain questionnaire was 0.905, the shoulder injury questionnaire was 0.94, the knee injury questionnaire was 0.933 and the ankle injury questionnaire was 0.840. The sensitivity of the pain questionnaire reached 97.6% and specificity 99.4%, while the sensitivity of the injury questionnaire reached 100% and specificity reached 99.4%. Conclusion: The Indonesian version of OSLO Sports Trauma Research Center Injury and Health Problems is valid and reliable and has high sensitivity and specificity."