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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dwika Yuni
Abstrak :
[Penelitian ini meneliti faktor-faktor penentu kinerja perpajakan di Indonesia. Mengingat penerimaan pajak sangat penting untuk membiayai pembangunan di Indonesia, kinerja perpajakan yang baik dari setiap propinsi diperlukan dalam rangka mencapai jumlah penerimaan pajak yang diinginkan. Dengan meneliti data dari seluruh propinsi pada tahun 2009-2011 menggunakan model Fixed effect, ditemukan bahwa pendapatan per kapita, kepadatan penduduk, PDRB sektor pertanian, sektor pertambangan, sektor industri pengolahan, sektor perdagangan, hotel, dan restoran, dan sektor jasa, serta rasio jumlah petugas pajak terhadap jumlah angkatan kerja adalah faktor-faktor penting yang mempengaruhi kinerja perpajakan, khususnya KPP Pratama yang menghimpun pajak dari wajib pajak dengan level jumlah pembayaran pajak relatif rendah dan wajib pajak baru, di Indonesia.;This study investigates the determinant of tax performances in Indonesia. Since tax revenue is very important to finance development in Indonesia, a good tax performance contributed by provinces are necessary to achieve the required amount of tax revenue. In terms of small taxpayers offices which collects taxes from small and new taxpayers in Indonesia, by investigating data across provinces in 2009-2011 using Fixed effect model, this study finds that income per capita, population density, the share of agriculture, the share of mining, the share of manufacture, the share of trade, hotel, and restaurant, the share of services in GRDP, and the ratio of the number of tax officials to labor force are the important factors affecting tax performance in Indonesia., This study investigates the determinant of tax performances in Indonesia. Since tax revenue is very important to finance development in Indonesia, a good tax performance contributed by provinces are necessary to achieve the required amount of tax revenue. In terms of small taxpayers offices which collects taxes from small and new taxpayers in Indonesia, by investigating data across provinces in 2009- 2011 using Fixed effect model, this study finds that income per capita, population density, the share of agriculture, the share of mining, the share of manufacture, the share of trade, hotel, and restaurant, the share of services in GRDP, and the ratio of the number of tax officials to labor force are the important factors affecting tax performance in Indonesia]
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rini Yuniarti
Abstrak :
[Studi ini meneliti apakah perusahaan akan mengelola penghasilan mereka sebagai respon atas perubahan tarif pajak penghasilan badan di Indonesia. Sampel dari penelitian ini meliputi 172 perusahaan yang telah terdaftar dan menerbitkan laporan keuangan mereka di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) selama tahun 2007- 2010. Studi ini meneliti perbedaan reaksi antara perusahaan yang memperoleh laba dan perusahaan yang mengalami kerugian dalam menanggapi penurunan tarif pajak penghasilan badan . Studi ini juga meneliti apakah terdapat perbedaan manajemen laba melalui kegiatan perencanaan pajak di antara perusahaan yang memperoleh laba dan perusahaan yang mengalami kerugian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan yang memperoleh laba lebih besar kemungkinannya untuk memiliki akrual diskresioner negatif pada tahun sebelum terjadinya penurunan tarif pajak penghasilan badan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa manajemen laba yang berhubungan dengan perencanaan pajak antara perusahaan yang memperoleh laba dan perusahaan yang mengalami kerugian juga berbeda;This study investigates whether firms will manage their earnings in response to corporate income tax rate changes in Indonesia. The sample of this study includes 172 firms that have listed and published their financial statements in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the years 2007- 2010. I examine the difference in reactions between profit firms and loss firms due to reduction in corporate income tax rate. I also examine whether earnings management through tax planning activities is different between profit and loss firms. The results suggest that profit firms are more likely to have negative discretionary accruals than loss firms in the year preceding tax rate reduction. In addition, the tax-related earnings management between profit firms and loss firms is also different., This study investigates whether firms will manage their earnings in response to corporate income tax rate changes in Indonesia. The sample of this study includes 172 firms that have listed and published their financial statements in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the years 2007- 2010. I examine the difference in reactions between profit firms and loss firms due to reduction in corporate income tax rate. I also examine whether earnings management through tax planning activities is different between profit and loss firms. The results suggest that profit firms are more likely to have negative discretionary accruals than loss firms in the year preceding tax rate reduction. In addition, the tax-related earnings management between profit firms and loss firms is also different.]
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anton Setiadi
Abstrak :
Upaya peningkatan PAD dan menuju kemandirian daerah perlu dilakukan di era otonomi, diantaranya dengan mengefektifkan pemungutan sumber penerimaan dari pajak daerah, sebagai salah satu sumber PAD. Di Kota Solok, diantara sumber-sumber pajak yang perlu dievaluasi, pajak hotel dan pajak restoran, karena sampai saat ini, perkembangan realisasi kedua jenis pajak, relatif lebih besar dari target pajak yang ditetapkan, dengan pertumbuhan realisasi pajak, juga relatif lebih tinggi dari rata-rata inflasi, pertumbuhan penduduk, pertumbuhan ekonomi, kurun waktu 2003-2008. Akan tetapi, kontribusinya terhadap total penerimaan pajak daerah, masih dibawah 4 % untuk pajak restoran, dan dibawah 1 % untuk pajak hotel. Terlebih jika dibandingkan kontribusi pajak penerangan jalan terhadap total penerimaan pajak, yang mencapai hampir 90 %. Kondisi tersebut menjadikan penerimaan pajak Kota Solok, masih sangat bergantung kepada pajak penerangan jalan. Oleh sebab itu, perlu diketahui telah seberapa baik realisasi penerimaan pajak, dalam kurun waktu 2003 ? 2009, dengan mengetahui upaya pemungutan pajak, dan optimalisasi potensi pajak, serta efektifitas pemungutan pajaknya. Penelitian ini menemukan, tax effort kedua jenis pajak adalah rendah, demikian pula dengan tingkat efektifitas maupun tax coverage ratio. Selain itu, juga diketahui bahwa : i. penetapan target pajak yang belum baik dilihat dari tax capacity yang dimiliki dan dibandingkan dengan kota-kota lainnya di Sumatera Barat; ii. Tarif pajak efektif yang diberlakukan untuk pajak restoran dan pajak hotel, masih jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan tarif Perda. iii. Telah dipertimbangkannya faktor omzet sebagai dasar penetapan besarnya pajak terutang dalam implementasi pemungutan pajak. Sebagaimana hasil regresi pengaruh omzet terhadap efektifitas pemungutan, yang menunjukkan adanya signifikansi hubungan antar kedua variabel, walaupun korelasinya tidak tinggi. Hal ini menjadi sesuatu yang sedikit menggembirakan.
Improvements in generating additional local sources revenue is essential in autonomy era and to promote local self sustenance. One effectively ways to achieve these goals by mobilizing local taxes, as a parts of local government revenues. At Solok municipal, among local taxes sources, have to evaluate are hotels tax and restaurants tax. The main reasons, because of realization of these taxes indicating tendency to persistence positive growth and potential for mobilizing sufficient resources during 2003 to 2008 Its based on tax collection indicator, which compare yearly taxes realization to yearly target of each taxes, and elasticity calculation by comparing average tax growth to average growth of inflation; average growth of population; average economic growth. But, on top that, the percentage of average contributions to total local taxes revenues still under 4 % for restaurants tax and under 1 % for hotels tax. Besides undeniable fact at Solok local taxes sources, there is a high depedency on public electrical consumption tax, which almost 90 %. The evaluation try to focus on tax effort, tax coverage ratio, and effectiveness as performance indicators to judge the goodness of tax revenue realization. This study found tax effort of hotels tax and restaurants tax are low, in line with tax coverage ratio indicator, effectiveness collecting ratio indicator to 3 hotels and 43 samples of restaurants tax payers at Solok. Furthermore, also was known : i. Tax targetting in planning documents was being set to low, compare to other municipalities in West Sumatera Province with the similarity of economic structures to Solok, 2003-2008; ii. Tax rates lower than statutory hotels tax law and restaurants tax law during 2003-2008; iii. Tax payers income has been considered in execution of tax collection, even the implementing procedures conduct by negotiation process between tax payers and official of DPPKA Solok. This is ones of a good news among the bad performance indicators results.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library