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Lutfia Martviana
"Aktivitas fisik menjadi salah satu faktor utama penyebab noncomunicable disease. 80% remaja di dunia tahun 2016 memiliki tingkat aktivitas fisik rendah. Aktifitas fisik remaja dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain usia, jenis kelamin, dukungan sosial, motivasi, dan urbanisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi aktivitas fisik remaja di Kota Depok dengan melibatkan 364 responden siswa sekolah menengah pertama dan menengah atas dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa remaja memiliki tingkat aktivitas fisik rendah (n=208; 57,1%), motivasi aktivitas fisik rendah n=188; 51,6%, dukungan aktivitas fisik rendah dari orang tua n=205; 56,3%, dan dukungan aktivitas fisik rendah dari teman sebaya n=203; 55,8%. Disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar remaja Kota Depok memiliki tingkat aktivitas fisik yang rendah, sehingga perlu adanya promosi maupun intervensi aktivitas fisik yang tidak hanya diberikan kepada remaja saja melainkan juga pada lingkungan sosial remaja (keluarga, sekolah, dan teman sebaya).
Physical activity is one of the main factors causing non-communicable diseases. In the world, 80% of adolescents have low physical activity in 2016. Physical activity influenced by several factors, such as age, gender, social support, motivation, and urbanization. This study aimed to identify the physical activity of adolescents in Depok by involving 364 respondents of middle and high school students who used consecutive sampling techniques. The results of this study indicated that adolescents have low of physical activity n=208; 57,1%, low of physical activity motivation n=188; 51,6%, low of physical activity support from parents n=205; 56,3%, and low of physical activity supports from peers n=203; 55,8%. It concluded that the majority of adolescents in Depok have low physical activity. Thus, promotion or intervention of physical activities is given to adolescents but also and social environment of adolescents family, school, and peers.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kanya Paramastri
Waktu yang terlalu lama dihabiskan di depan layar media elektronik dapat berdampak negatif pada anak, seperti cenderung kurang peduli terhadap lingkungan sehingga kurang peka terhadap kehadiran teman-teman sebaya disekitarnya. Dengan demikian, hubungan relasi dengan teman sebaya menjadi buruk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapat gambaran screen time terutama pada pelajar sekolah menengah pertama dan sekolah menengah atas. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk mencari hubungan antara screen time dan masalah relasi teman sebaya pada pelajar sekolah menengah pertama dan sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian potong lintang, dan instrumen Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), yang diisi secara online oleh pelajar SMP dan SMA selama periode Juli-September 2018. Sebanyak 447 data yang terkumpul kemudian dilakukan teknik pengambilan sampel berupa pemilihan acak sederhanadan didapatkan sejumlah 362 data yang akan dianalisis. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan uji Chi-square menggunakan windows SPSS versi 20. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan rerata (SB) usia = 15,88 (1,238), 15,5% SMP, dan 84,5% SMA. Rerata (SB) screen time televisi = 99,66 menit (83,17), rentang = 5-480 menit, median = 60. Rerata (SB) screen time komputer = 133,09 menit (103,95), rentang = 5-600 menit, median = 120. Rerata (SB) screen time telepon seluler = 373,43 menit (216,59), rentang = 15-1080 menit, median = 300. Rerata (SB) screen time tablet = 73,41 menit (85,37), rentang = 5-480 menit, median = 60. Rerata (SB) screen timevideo games = 101,01 menit (89,21), rentang = 10-480 menit, median = 90. Terdapat hubungan antara screen time televisi dengan masalah relasi teman sebaya (OR = 1,8 IK 95% 1,150-2,926, p < 0,05). Terdapat hubungan antara screen time tablet dengan masalah relasi teman sebaya (OR 2,4 IK 95% 1,064-5,413, p < 0,05). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, diketahui gambaran screen time paling banyak adalah pada penggunaan telepon seluler. Hubungan antara screen time dengan masalah relasi teman sebaya pada pelajar SMP dan SMA terdapat pada penggunaan televisi dan tablet (p < 0,05). Oleh karena itu, hasil penelitian dapat dijadikan bahan edukasi untuk masyarakat agar muncul kesadaran adanya pengaruh screen time berlebih pada relasi teman sebaya.

The amount of time being spent in front of electronical device screen can negatively affect children, such as making them to be ignorant with their environment hence decrease their awareness towards their peers. Due to that, relationship among peers can be worsened. The main objective of this research was to get the idea of screen time especially on junior high school and high school students. The second objective was to find whether there was any relationship between screen time and peer problems among junior high school and high school students. This research used cros-sectional study design and SDQ instrument, which filled online by junior high school and senior high school students during July to September 2018. An initial of 447 data has been collected and was taken for sampling using random sampling method and a final 362 data prepared for analysis. The analysis was done by a Chi-square technique using SPSS windows version 20. From this research, a result of mean (SD) of age = 15.88 (1.238), 15,5% for junior high school students, and 84.5% for senior high school students was obtained. Mean (SD) television screen time = 99.66 (83.17), range = 5-480 minutes, median = 60. Mean (SD) computer screen time = 133.09 (103.95), range = 5-600 minutes, median = 120. Mean (SD) cellular phone screen time = 373.43 (216.59), range = 15-1080 minutes, median = 300. Mean (SD) tablet screen time = 73.41 (85.37), range = 5-480 minutes, median = 60. Mean (SD) video games screen times = 101.01 (89.21), range = 10-480 minutes, median = 90. An association was found between television screen time with peer problems (OR = 1.8 IK 95% 1.150-2.926, p < 0.05). An association was found between tablet screen time with peer problems (OR 2.4 IK 95% 1.064- 5.413, p < 0.05). According to the result, it was identified that the most significant screen time image found in cellular phone usage. Meanwhile, the relationship between peer problems among junior high school and senior high school students significantly existed in television and tablet usage (p < 0.05). Therefore, the result can be applied aseducational aspect for the society to raise awareness of the influence in excessive screen time effects among peers. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library