"Tesis ini membahas tentang pengaruh komponen ? komponen geopolitik yaitu wilayah, energi dan power terhadap sengketa teritorial di Laut China Selatan antara China dan Vietnam periode 2009 - 2011. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksplanatif untuk menjelaskan hubungan kausalitas antar variabel serta menggunakan metode pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan.
Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ketiga komponen geopolitik mempengaruhi sengketa teritorial di Laut China Selatan . Pertama, komponen wilayah yang dijelaskan melalui kedekatan geografis dan panjang garis pantai menunjukkan adanya klaim kepemilikan dan tingkat resiko bagi apabila terjadi sengketa di kawasan tersebut. Kedua, komponen energi yang dijelaskan melalui pengukuran tingkat pemenuhan kebutuhan energi menunjukkan bahwa rendahnya tingkat pemenuhan kebutuhan energi mempengaruhi eskalasi konflik akibat eksplorasi energi di kawasan yang masih menjadi sengketa. Sedangkan komponen power, kapabilitas militer yang kuat menimbulkan peningkatan agresivitas China ? Vietnam untuk mengklaim kawasan LCS. Selain itu, strategi China ? Vietnam untuk mempertahankan klaim juga mempengaruhi hubungan konfliktual di antara kedua negara ini.
The focus of this study is analyzing the impact of the components of geopolitics i.e. territory, energy and power toward the territorial dispute between China and Vietnam in the South China Sea at the period of 2009 - 2011. This study is quantitative research that aims to analyze the causal relationship between each variable.
This study summarize that the component of geopolitics give impact to the conflict escalation in the South China Sea dispute between Vietnam and China. In terms of territory, the geographic proximity and the coastline have explained the ownership claim and the country's risk should the dispute escalate into large-scale conflict or even war. In terms of energy, the rate of energy sufficiency ability gives impact to the dispute since it will cause a country to explore the disputed area in order to fulfill the energy demand. And in terms of power, the military capability has been the basis for China-Vietnam to act aggressively in the South China Sea. In addition, China ? Vietnam have also chosen different strategies to maintain their claims that in turns gives impact to the conflicting relationship among them.;The focus of this study is analyzing the impact of the components of geopolitics i.e. territory, energy and power toward the territorial dispute between China and Vietnam in the South China Sea at the period of 2009 ? 2011. This study is quantitative research that aims to analyze the causal relationship between each variable. This study summarize that the component of geopolitics give impact to the conflict escalation in the South China Sea dispute between Vietnam and China. In terms of territory, the geographic proximity and the coastline have explained the ownership claim and the country‟s risk should the dispute escalate into large-scale conflict or even war. In terms of energy, the rate of energy sufficiency ability gives impact to the dispute since it will cause a country to explore the disputed area in order to fulfill the energy demand. And in terms of power, the military capability has been the basis for China-Vietnam to act aggressively in the South China Sea. In addition, China ? Vietnam have also chosen different strategies to maintain their claims that in turns gives impact to the conflicting relationship among them."