Rony Satrio Utomo
Abstrak :
Hipertensi merupakan masalah kesehatan dunia karena jumlah penderita yang
banyak serta komplikasi yang diakibatkannya. Pengendalian tekanan darah pada
pada pasien hipertensi masih belum adekuat. Penyebab utama kegagalan
pengendalian tekanan darah pada pasien hipertensi adalah ketidak-patuhan berobat,
adanya therapeutic inertia dan penyakit yang resisten.
Mengetahui proporsi therapeutic inertia pada pasien dengan tekanan darah tidak
terkontrol, tingkat medication adherence dan proporsi pengendalian tekanan darah
pada pasien hipertensi yang telah berobat lebih dari enam bulan dengan melakukan
pengisian kuesioner mengenai kepatuhan berobat dan evaluasi dari rekam medis
mengenai tatalaksana hipertensi.
Telah dilakukan penelitian potong lintang pada bulan April 2015 sampai Mei 2015
terhadap 126 pasien dengan hipertensi dan telah berobat lebih dari enam bulan di
poliklinik Ginjal-Hipertensi RSCM Jakarta-Indonesia. Subjek dilakukan
wawancara terstruktur dan pengukuran tekanan darah dan diminta untuk mengisi
kuesioner 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Score (MMAS-8) untuk menilai
kepatuhan berobat serta evaluasi rekam medis pasien untuk menilai tatalaksana
hipertensi yang diterima, serta tekanan darah selama berobat.
Didapatkan 113 subjek yang sesuai dengan kriteria penelitian. Dari hasil penelitian
didapatkan pengendalian tekanan darah adalah sebesar 69,3% dari seluruh
kunjungan pada pasien dengan tekanan darah tinggi, dari 30,7% pasien dengan
tekanan darah tidak terkontrol, tingkat therapeutic inertia mencapai 84,1%.
Kepatuhan berobat yang baik didapatkan pada 85,8% pasien dengan hipertensi
Tingkat pengendalian tekanan darah pada pasien hipertensi sudah cukup baik.
Kepatuhan berobat pasien dengan hipertensi sudah baik. Tingkat therapeutic
inertia pada pasien hipertensi dengan tekanan darah tidak terkontrol masih tinggi.
Hypertension is a worldwide medical problem because of huge amount of
hypertensive patient and complication tha follows. The blood pressure control of
hypertensive patients is inadequate. The main reason failure in controlling blood
pressure of hypertensive patient are medication inadherent, therapeutic inertia and
resistant disease.
To determine the proportion of therapeutic inertia in hypertensive patient with
uncontrolled blood pressure, medication adherence level and blood pressure
control rate in hypertensive patient who has been on medication for over than six
month by filling questionnaire on medication adherence and evaluation of medical
record on hypertension therapy.
A cross-sectional study was conducted in April 2015 through May 2015 on 126
hypertensive patient and has been on hypertension medication for over than six
month at Nephrology-Hypertension clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta-
Indonesia. We conducted structured interview and blood pressure measurement to
the subject, and requested to fill 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Score
(MMAS-8) to evaluate medication adherence and reveiw of medical record to
evaluate hypertension therapy and blood pressure during ambulatory visit.
There were 113 subject that meet the study criteria. The blood pressure control rate
were 69.3% from all visit of hypertensive patient. From 30.7% visit with
uncontrolled blood pressure, therapeutic inertia were 84,1%. Good medication
adherence were found in 85.8% hypertensive patient.
Blood pressure control rate in hypertensive patient is good. Medication adherence
in hypertensive patient were also found good. We found that the theraputic inertia
level among hypertensive patient with uncontrolled blood pressure is high., Background
Hypertension is a worldwide medical problem because of huge amount of
hypertensive patient and complication tha follows. The blood pressure control of
hypertensive patients is inadequate. The main reason failure in controlling blood
pressure of hypertensive patient are medication inadherent, therapeutic inertia and
resistant disease.
To determine the proportion of therapeutic inertia in hypertensive patient with
uncontrolled blood pressure, medication adherence level and blood pressure
control rate in hypertensive patient who has been on medication for over than six
month by filling questionnaire on medication adherence and evaluation of medical
record on hypertension therapy.
A cross-sectional study was conducted in April 2015 through May 2015 on 126
hypertensive patient and has been on hypertension medication for over than six
month at Nephrology-Hypertension clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta-
Indonesia. We conducted structured interview and blood pressure measurement to
the subject, and requested to fill 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Score
(MMAS-8) to evaluate medication adherence and reveiw of medical record to
evaluate hypertension therapy and blood pressure during ambulatory visit.
There were 113 subject that meet the study criteria. The blood pressure control rate
were 69.3% from all visit of hypertensive patient. From 30.7% visit with
uncontrolled blood pressure, therapeutic inertia were 84,1%. Good medication
adherence were found in 85.8% hypertensive patient.
Blood pressure control rate in hypertensive patient is good. Medication adherence
in hypertensive patient were also found good. We found that the theraputic inertia
level among hypertensive patient with uncontrolled blood pressure is high.]
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