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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nerissa Nur Arviana
"Latar Belakang Kelenjar tiroid merupakan salah satu kelenjar endokrin terbesar yang terletak di bawah kartilago tiroid. Kanker tiroid merupakan keganasan yang muncul dari sel parenkim tiroid yang mana sel sel tumbuh secara tidak normal dari jaringan kelenjar tiroid juga berpotensi menyebar ke bagian tubuh lainnya. Berdasarkan World Health Organization (WHO), data kanker tiroid di dunia pada tahun 2020 secara keseluruhan mencapai 586.202 kasus. Sementara, di Indonesia sendiri, kasus kanker tiroid pada tahun 2020 mencapai 13.114 dengan angka kematian mencapai 2.224 yang mana lebih banyak terjadi pada perempuan dengan jumlah 9.053 kasus. Berdasarkan penelitian, prevalensi kanker tiroid pada anak adalah 0,2-5 % dibandingkan dengan sekitar 30% pada orang dewasa. Melihat permasalahan ini, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi kanker tiroid pada anak di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo yang belum ada datanya terutama berdasarkan karakteristik dan faktor risikonya. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional deksriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel yang digunakan berupa total sampling pada penderita kanker tiroid anak di RSCM periode 2016 hingga 2022.
Hasil Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan prevalensi kanker tiroid pada anak di RSCM pada Tahun 2016 – 2022 sebsar 1,4%. Dengan karakteristik sosiodemografi, 95,7% berusia 11 hingga 18 tahun, 78,3% berjenis kelamin perempuan dan 21,7% berjenis kelamin laki- laki, serta 65,2% tinggal di perkotaan. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan 95,7% riwayat keluarga tidak ada dan 47,8% mempunyai BMI ideal. Hasil karakteristik klinis, 78,3% pasien dengan jenis kanker tiroid papilar, 87% pasien stadium1, 43,5% mengalami T2, 39,1% mengalami N1, dan 13% dengan M1. Terapi utamanya operasi sebanyak 86,9% dengan jenis total tiroidektomi sebesar 60%. Tidak terdapat perbedaan karakteristik antara jenis kanker tiroid papilar dan folikular.
Kesimpulan Penelitian ini memberikan angka prevalensi serta data deskriptif terkait persentase dan frekuensi masing-masing variabel yang dapat dijadikan acuan untuk penelitian selanjutnya berupa analitik terkait prognosis dan mortalitas serta hubungan setiap variabel.
......Introduction The thyroid gland is one of the largest endocrine glands which is located under the thyroid cartilage. Thyroid cancer is a malignancy that arises from thyroid parenchyma cells in which the cells grow abnormally from the thyroid gland tissue which also has the potential to spread to other parts of the body. Based on the World Health Organization (WHO), data on thyroid cancer in the world in 2020 reached 586,202 cases. Meanwhile, in Indonesia alone, cases of thyroid cancer in 2020 reached 13,114 with a death rate of 2,224 which was more common in women with a total of 9,053 cases. Based on research, the prevalence of thyroid cancer in children is 0.2 – 5% compared to about 30% in adults. Seeing this problem, this study aims to determine the prevalence of thyroid cancer in children at RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo for which there is no data, mainly based on the characteristics and risk factor.
Method This study used a descriptive observational method with a cross sectional approach. The sample used was total sampling in children with thyroid cancer at RSCM for the period 2016 to 2022.
Results The results of this study found that the prevalence of thyroid cancer in children at RSCM in 2016 - 2022 was 1.4%. With sociodemographic characteristics, 95.7% were aged 11 to 18 years, 78.3% were female and 21.7% were male, and 65.2% lived in urban areas. Other results showed that 95.7% had no family history and 47.8% had an ideal BMI. Results of clinical characteristics, 78.3% of patients had papillary thyroid cancer, 87% of patients had stage 1, 43.5% had T2, 39.1% had N1, and 13% had M1. The main therapy was surgery for 86.9% with total thyroidectomy at 60%. There are no differences in characteristics between papillary and follicular types of thyroid cancer.
Conclusion This research provides prevalence figures as well as descriptive data regarding the percentage and frequency of each variable which can be used as a reference for further research in the form of analytics related to prognosis and mortality as well as the relationship between each variable."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Damayanti
"Kanker adalah pertumbuhan sel baru yang tidak terkontrol, mampu menyebar danmenginvasi sehingga mengancam kehidupan. Insiden kanker dilaporkan daritahun ke tahun terjadi peningkatan. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untukmenurunkan morbiditas dan mortalitas kanker. Karya Ilmiah Akhir KIA iniadalah sebagai laporan praktik residensi keperawatan medikal bedah peminatanonkologi di RS Kanker Dharmais Jakarta. Karya ilmiah ini berisi tentang: 1 penerapan teori Konservasi Levine pada pasien kanker Tiroid, 2 IntervensiMenghirup Aromaterapi untuk mengurangi kerusakan kelenjar ludah selama dansetelah pemberian Terapi Radioactif Iodine 3 proyek inovasi manajemen edukasipre intra dan pasca ablasi pada pasien kanker tiroid yang menjalani terapiradioactive iodine I-131.
Kesimpulan: bahwa teori Konservasi Levin tepatdigunakan untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan energy pada pasien kanker tiroid.Intervensi menghirup aromaterapi kombinasi citrus lemon dan jahe dapatdigunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif pilihan manajemen unuk mengurangikerusakan kelenjar ludah pada pasien kanker tiroid selama dan setelah pemberianterapi radioactive iodine. Edukasi berbasis multi median pre inra dan pasca ablasidiharapkan mampu memberikan pendidikan kesehatan yang bermanfaat bagipasien kanker tiroid yang akan menjalani terapi radiactif iodine

Cancer is the growth of new cells that are not controlled, capable of spreading andinvading so life threatening. The increase of incidence cancer is reported fromyear to year. Various attempts have been made to reduce cancer morbidity andmortality. This Final Scientific Work is a practice report of medical oncologymedical residency of oncology in Dharmais Jakarta Cancer Hospital. Thisscientific work contains 1 the application of Levine Conservation theory inThyroid cancer patients, 2 Aromatherapy Inhalation Intervention to reducesalivary gland damage during and after the administration of Radioactive IodineTherapy 3 innovation project management of intra and post Ablation educationin patients Thyroid cancer through radioactive iodine I 131 therapy.
Conclusion Levin conservation theory is appropriately used to increase theavailability of energy in patients rsquo thyroid cancer. Interventions inhalingaromatherapy combinations of citrus lemon and ginger can be used as analternative management option to reduce salivary gland damage in patients withthyroid cancer during and after administration of radioactive iodine therapy. Preintraand post ablative multimedia based education is expected to provide a usefulhealth education for patients with thyroid cancer who will radiodic iodine therapy."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Braunstein, Glenn D., editor
"Concurrently, there have been a number of recent advances in surgical treatment, as well as diagnostic modalities that allow us to detect small amounts of residual local and metastatic disease. Additionally, a reexamination of past treatment regimens has led to new recommendations regarding the use of radioactive iodine, and to new therapeutic options, such as targeted therapy which have supplanted the use of more toxic chemotherapy for metastatic cancer. Multiple academic organizations have developed consensus guidelines for the management of thyroid cancer, occasionally with conflicting recommendations.
In Thyroid cancer, a renowned group of authors presents a broad overview of the pathology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of thyroid cancer, with an emphasis on recent evidence-based information. "
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ditha Diana
Latar belakang: Karsinoma papiler tiroid KPT merupakan 85-90 dari seluruhkanker tiroid. KPT adalah tumor epitel folikel ganas yang menunjukkan diferensiasisel folikular disertai perubahan inti dan/ atau pembentukan struktur papiler. Siklin D1dapat digunakan sebagai penanda invasi sel tumor. Tujuan penelitian inimembandingkan ekspresi siklin D1 pada kelompok KPT tanpa metastasis, KPTdengan metastasis ke kelenjar getah bening KGB leher, dan KPT dengan metastasistulang.
Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode potong lintang. Sampel terdiri atas 13kasus untuk masing-masing kelompok KPT tanpa metastasis, KPT dengan metastasisKGB leher, dan KPT dengan metastasis tulang. Dilakukan pulasan siklin D1 danpenilaian pulasan berdasarkan intensitas dan jumlah inti sel yang terpulas. Dilakukanpenghitungan histoscore dan persentase setiap kasus. Hasil penghitungandikelompokkan menjadi derajat satu yaitu hasil kurang dari 10 , derajat dua yaituhasil 10-50 , dan derajat tiga yaitu lebih dari 50.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil pulasan siklin D1 derajat tigaditemukan pada sebagian besar kelompok KPT dengan metastasis tulang dan tidakditemukan pada KPT tanpa metastasis. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antaraekspresi siklin D1 pada kelompok KPT tanpa metastasis, kelompok KPT denganmetastasis KGB leher, dan KPT dengan metastasis tulang interval kepercayaan 95 0,01-0,74; p

Background: Papillary thyroid carcinoma PTC represents 85 of all thyroidcancer. PTC is a malignant epithelial tumor showing evidence of folliculardifferentiation and characterized by distinctive nuclear features with or withoutpapillary structures. Cyclin D1 can be used as a marker of tumor cell invasion. Theaim of the study was to compare expression of cyclin D1 in PTC without metastasisgroup, PTC with neck lymph node metastasis, and PTC with distant metastasis.
Methods: This was cross sectional study. Samples consist of 13 cases for each groupPTC without metastasis, PTC with neck lymph node metastasis, and PTC with distantmetastasis stained with cyclin D1 antibody. Quantification was based on the intensityand distribution of nuclear staining. The appraisal was done with estimatinghistoscore and percentage. Calculation result was graded as follows grade one isfewer than 10 of tumor cells, grade two is 10 50 , and grade three is more than50.
Results: The result of the study shows that grade three of cyclin D1 staining found inmajority cases of PTC with distant metastasis and not found in PTC withoutmetastasis. There is a significant differences of cyclin D1 expression among group ofPTC without metastasis, PTC with neck lymph node metastasis, and PTC with distantmetastasis 95 confidence interval 0,01 0,74 p.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library