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Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Seelam Srikanth
"The accuracy of measured traffic flow on a roadway largely depends on the correctness of the PCU factors used for converting traffic counts. PCU is the number of passenger cars that are displaced by a single heavy vehicle of a particular type under prevailing roadway, traffic and control conditions. The aim of the present study is to develop more appropriate models for estimating the equivalency units of different vehicle types on multilane highways, considering the limitations of available methods. Estimation of equivalency units for vehicle types is described by developing speed models based on multiple non-linear regression approaches. The equivalency units estimated by using models are found to be realistic and logical under heterogeneous traffic flow conditions. The PCU values estimated by the multiple non-linear regression method are compared with and found to be relatively higher values than the values obtained by the dynamic PCU. The accuracy of the models is checked by comparing the observed values of speed with estimated speeds. The multiple non-linear regression approach is also used for estimating the equivalency units on six-lane divided highways. Results indicate that the proposed methodology can be used for estimation of equivalency units for vehicle types under mixed traffic conditions."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:5 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bramastyo Priaji
Tesis ini membahas hasil penelitian mengenai Efektivitas pelaksanaan DikmasLantas terhadap kepatuhan lalu lintas pelajar tingkat smu SMU di Wilayah HukumPolresta Bogor Kota. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif yangbersumber dari data primer dan sekunder dengan metode pengumpulan datadilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan metode dokumentasi. Hasilpenelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1 Berbagai bentuk pelanggaran lalu lintas yangdilakukan para pelajar tingkat SMU di wilayah hukum Polresta Bogor Kota adalah:tidak memakai helm, menerobos lampu merah, tidak memiliki SIM/STNK, tidakmenghidupkan lampu pada siang hari dan berboncengan lebih dari dua orang.Namun demikian, dari hasil wawancara dengan beberapa pelajar diperoleh faktabahwa terdapat faktor penyebab terjadinya pelanggaran yang dilakukan para pelajartersebut, yakni adanya dorongan orang tua dan tidak adanya larangan yang diberikanpihak sekolah apabila membawa kendaraan sendiri ke sekolah. 2 Beberapa bentukkegiatan Dikmas Lantas yang dilakukan Satlantas Polresta Bogor Kota di berbagaiSekolah SMU di wilayah hukum Polresta Bogor Kota, diantaranya: Polisi SahabatAnak, Police Goes to School, Safety Riding; Taman Lalu Lintas, Pramuka SakaBhayangkara dan Cara Aman ke Sekolah; 3 Pelaksanaan Dikmas Lantas yangdilakukan oleh Satlantas Polresta Bogor Kota di berbagai SMU di Wilayah HukumPolresta Bogor Kota dikakatan berjalan dengan efektif, yang ditandai oleh beberapaindikator, diantaranya: terjadi trend penurunan angka kecelakaan lalu lintas yangterjadi pada usia pelajar di wilayah hukum Polresta Bogor Kota dari tahun 2015 ketahun 2017 sebesar 55 persen. Selain itu semakin banyaknya para pelajar yang patuhterhadap tertib berlalu lintas di jalan raya sehingga mengurangi terjadinyapelanggaran lalu lintas dan kecelakaan lalu lintas; 4 Terdapat beberapa faktor yangmenjadi kendala Satlantas Polresta Bogor Kota dalam pelaksanaan Dikmas Lantas,diantaranya: faktor Sumber Daya Manusia, faktor anggaran dan faktor saranaprasana atau fasilitas pendukung. Berdasarkan hasil temuan penelitian tersebut,maka disarankan: 1 agar kegiatan Dikmas Lantas yang dilakukan pada saat initetap dipertahankan bahkan kalau perlu ditingkatkan frekuensi kegiatannya; 2 UnitDikyasa Satlantas Polresta Bogor Kota melakukan banyak kerjasama denganstakeholder terkait, sehingga dalam pelaksanaan Dikmas Lantas tidak terkendalamasalah anggaran dan sarana dan prasarana; 3 Para personel yang melakukankegiatan Dikmas Lantas diberikan kesempatan mengikuti pendidikan dan kejuruandalam bidang Dikmas maupun public relation, dan 4 Satlantas Porlestas BogorKota menerapkan reward kepada Unit Dikyasa.

This thesis discusses the results of research on the effectiveness of theimplementation of Dikmas Lantas against compliance of traffic of high schoolstudents SMU in Bogor City Police Law Area. This research conducted done byobservation, interview and documentation method. The results showed Variousforms of traffic violations by high school students in the Bogor City Police area are not wearing helmets, red lights, no SIM vehicle registration, not turning on lightsduring the day and riding more than two people. Nevertheless, the results ofinterviews with some students found that there were factors that caused theviolations committed by the students, namely the encouragement of parents and theabsence of prohibitions provided by the school when bringing their own vehicles toschool 2 Some forms of Dikmas Lantas activities conducted by Satlantas PolrestaBogor Kota in various high schools in Bogor City Police area, such as PolisiSahabat Anak, Police Goes to School, Safety Riding Traffic Park, SakaBhayangkara Scout and Safe Way to School 3 Implementation Dikmas Lantasthen conducted by Satlantas Polresta Bogor City in various high schools in LegalPolice Bogor City running effectively, which is marked by several indicators,including a trend of decreasing the number of traffic accidents that occurred at theage of students in the jurisdiction Polresta Bogor City from 2015 to 2017 by 55percent. In addition, more and more students who are obedient to the traffic order onthe highway thus reducing the occurrence of traffic violations and traffic accidents 4 There are several factors that become obstacles Satlantas Bogor City Police inthe implementation of Dikmas Lantas, including Human Resources factors, budgetfactors and facilities or facilities facilities support. Based on the findings of theresearch, it is suggested 1 to ensure that the current Dikmas Lantas activities aremaintained even if it is necessary to increase the frequency of its activities 2 UnitDikyasa Satlantas Polresta Bogor Kota do a lot of cooperation with relatedstakeholders, so that in the implementation of Dikmas Lantas so it is not constrainedbudget problems and facilities and infrastructure 3 The personnel who do DikmasLantas activities are given the opportunity to follow the education and vocational inthe field of Dikmas Lantas and public relations, and 4 Satlantas Porlestas BogorKota apply reward to Units Dikyasa."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library