"Kondisi penegakan hukum lalu lintas yang belum maksimal hampir terjadi di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, termasuk juga di wilayah Polda Metro Jaya. Sebagai ibukota, Jakarta dan sekitarnya menghadapi masalah yang cukup komplek dalam penegakan hukum lalu lintas, baik yang terkait infrastruktur sarana dan prasarana maupun kondisi sosial masyarakat. Pentingnya Implementasi kebijakan Elektronic Traffic Law Enforcement (Etle) Terhadap Penurunan Jumlah Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas sangatlah penting. Sehingga bisa mewujudkan Kamseltibcarlantas yang maksimal pada wilayah Hukum Polda Metro Jaya dan sekitarnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, implementasi penegakan hukum menggunakan E-TLE di wilayah Hukum Polda Metro Jaya masih kurang efektif ditandai dengan perbedaan jumlah pelanggaran lalu lintas yang menggunakan E-TLE dengan yang tidak. Kedua, manajemen dan kemampuan sumber daya manusia dalam pengoperasian E-TLE di Polda Metro Jaya masih belum efektif. Perlunya pemberian insentif kepada anggota polisi lalu lintas yang bertugas di wilayah ETLE untuk meningkatkan efektifitas, maka nilai implementasi kebijakan ETLE juga akan meningkat.
......The condition of traffic law enforcement that has not been maximized has almost occurred in various regions in Indonesia, including the Polda Metro Jaya area. As the capital city, Jakarta and its surroundings face quite complex problems in traffic law enforcement, both related to infrastructure, facilities and infrastructure as well as social conditions. The Importance of Implementing the Electronic Traffic Law Enforcemnt (Etle) policy towards the reduction of the number of traffic violations is very important. So that it can realize maximum security and security in the legal area of Polda Metro Jaya and its surroundings. The results showed that first, the implementation of law enforcement using E-TLE in the legal area of Polda Metro Jaya was still ineffective, indicated by the difference in the number of traffic violations using E-TLE and those that did not. Second, the management and human resource capabilities in operating E-TLE at Polda Metro Jaya are still ineffective. It is necessary to provide incentives to traffic police officers assigned to ETLE areas to increase effectiveness, so the value of implementing ETLE policies will also increase."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021