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Pengembangan kapas transgenik dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan serat kapas yang mencapai 464.400 ton per tahun, untuk industri tekstil di Indonesia. Produksi kapas Indonesia hanya dapat memenuhi 2% kebutuhan dalam negeri sehingga sisa kebutuhan kapas harus dipenuhi melalui impor. Rendahnya produktivitas kapas di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya iklim, teknologi budidaya, ketersediaan bibit unggul serta gangguan hama dan penyakit. Faktor-faktor tersebut mengakibatkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman terganggu sehingga potensi produksi tanaman kapas menjadi tidak optimal. Kapas transgenik Bollgard adalah salah satu produk rekayasa genetik yang dikembangkan melalui teknik rekombinan ADN. Gen Bt yang ditransfer ke tanaman kapas memiliki efektivitas pengendalian yang tinggi terhadap hama utama tanaman kapas H. armigera sehingga melalui pengembangan kapas transgenik diharapkan produktivitas tanaman kapas dapat ditingkatkan. Di samping meningkatkan produktivitas, dalam pengembangan kapas transgenik Bollgard harus dilakukan pengkajian terutama pada saat dilepas ke lingkungan, mengingat protein crylAc yang dihasilkan oleh Bt di dalam kapas Bollgard kemungkinan dapat tertransfer ke tanaman lain, berpengaruh pada serangga non-target maupun jumlah mikroba tanah yang dapat mempengaruhi kesuburan tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun suatu model dinamik yang dapat menggambarkan secara holistik pengaruh pengembangan kapas Bollgard pada lingkungan, baik lingkungan alami yang dicerminkan melalui dinamika populasi serangga hama dan mikroba tanah, lingkungan sosial dalam hal ini adalah dinamika penduduk dan kehidupan sosial ekonomi penduduk khususnya petani, melalui tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat yang memperoleh manfaat dari budidaya tanaman kapas, maupun lingkungan buatan berupa ekosistem perkebunan kapas. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk membuat prediksi pengaruh pengembangan tanaman transgenik pada lingkungan melalui simulasi model dinamik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan gabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode system dynamics. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan melalui tahap: (1) desk study, untuk mengkaji hasil-hasil penelitian sebelumnya, (2) tahap deskriptif analitik dengan metode survei, dan (3) pembuatan model. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa diagram simpal kausal yang menyusun model pengaruh pengembangan kapas transgenik pada lingkungan membentuk empat simpal positif (reinforcing loop) dan empat simpal negatif (balancing loop). Pada subsistem penduduk bekerja satu simpal positif dan satu simpal negatif. Pada subsistem produksi kapas terbentuk duo simpal positif dan dua simpal negatif sedangkan pada subsistem serangga hama terbentuk satu simpal positif dan satu simpal negatif. Simulasi yang dilakukan pada model dinamik pengaruh pengembangan kapas transgenik pada lingkungan menyimpulkan bahwa pengembangan kapas transgenik Bollgard menunjukkan adanya dampak pada penurunan populasi serangga hama. Berdasarkan prediksi, populasi serangga hama akan meningkat kembali sejalan dengan timbulnya resistensi serangga hama terhadap protein crylAc yang dihasilkan tanaman kapas Bollgard. Jumlah total mikroba tanah berkurang akibat protein crylAc, dan diprediksi berkurangnya mikroba tanah dapat mengurangi tingkat kesuburan tanah. Penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa pengembangan kapas transgenik menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pada tingkat kesejahteraan petani. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, beberapa upaya yang disarankan antara lain: menerapkan teknik budidaya yang tepat dengan mengurangi penggunaan herbisida dan pupuk kimia untuk mengatasi berkurangnya mikroba tanah yang dapat mempengaruhi kesuburan tanah. Pengendalian serangga hama yang dapat mengganggu keseimbangan ekosistem dan stabilitas produksi dengan pengelolaan resistensi hama melalui penerapan strategi refugia. Selain itu, perlu dilakukan pengkajian lebih lanjut mengenai dampak tanaman transgenik pada komponen tanah lain yang ikut menentukan kesuburan lahan, seperti komponen fisik tanah, kimia tanah, serta bahan organik tanah.
The development of transgenic cotton is performed to fulfill cotton demand by Indonesian textile industries at the amount of 464.000 ton per year. Indonesia's production supply only 2% of local demand, while the rest is imported. The low cotton productivity in Indonesia is influenced by climate condition, cultivation technology, the availability of high quality seed stock, and pest attack. The effect from those factors will inhibit plant's growth, which resulted on the low cotton productivity. The transgenic Bollgard cotton is produced by genetic engineering using DNA recombinant techniques. Bt gene transferred to cotton plant cell can effectively control H. Amigera cotton's main. Development of this transgenic cotton is expected increase cotton plant productivity. Research on the impact of transgenic Bollgard cotton cultivation to the environment should be done due to the possibility that crylAc protein produced by Bt which is inserted to Bollgard cotton can possibly transferred to other plant and then influence either the non-target insect or the number of soil microorganism and has the effect to soil fertility. The objective of this research is to build a dynamic model that can describe holistically the impact of developing Bollgard cotton to the environment, either natural environment indicate by the dynamics of pest population and soil microorganism, social environment indicate by the dynamics of population and socio-economic aspect mainly farmer with the prosperity level who get the benefit of cotton cultivated, or man-made environment indicate by cotton field eco-system. The other objective research is to predict the impact of developing transgenic plant to the environment by means of system dynamics model simulation. The research is used the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches and System Dynamics method. The research is divided into 3 phases: (1) desk study to review and study the previous research (2) descriptive analyses, done by survey method, and (3) build a dynamics model. The research finds that the causal loop diagram created to study the impact of transgenic cotton to the environment forms 4 positive loops (reinforcing loops) and 4 negative loops (balancing loops). In population subsystem, there are 1 reinforcing loop and 1 balancing loop. In cotton production subsystem, there are 2 reinforcing loops and 2 balancing loops, and pest insect subsystem formed 1 reinforcing loop and 1 balancing loop. Based on the simulation of the dynamics model on the impact of development, of transgenic cotton to the environment, it is concluded that there is an impact to the decrease of pest insect population. It is predicted that, insect pest population will increase along with the increasing resistance of the pest to crylAc protein produced by Boligard cotton plant. The number of total soil microorganism will decrease due to the presence of crylAc protein and is predicted to decrease the soil fertility index. This research finds that there is an impact to the farmer's income from the cultivation of transgenic cotton. It is suggested to implement the suitable cultivation technique to resolve the decreasing number of soil microorganism that affect to soil fertility, the effects of applying refugee strategy to control pest insect population. Further researches concerning the impact of transgenic plant to another soil component which would be influenced soil fertility and plant productivity should be done.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Galun, Esra
London: Imperial College Press, 1998
631.523 3 GAL t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
An ex ante valuation was carried out to determine economic feasibility and sustainability of transgenic Bt and RR corn seeds adoption at farm level. Farm surveys were conducted in East Java and Lampung provinces to collect data form the existing com farms. Data were analyzed using methods of input - output analysis, contingent valuation methods (CVM) and multi - attribute value theory (MAVT). Simulated input - output analysis (with vs without) was conducted using previously available trial data and transgenic corn, , some experts were requested to weigh potential alternatives based on various criteria, sub - criteria and indicators employing analytical hierachy process (AHP) technique. Feasilibity valuation showed that transgenic corn provides higher farm revenue that that of conventional hybrid corn i,e. Rp. 10,7 - 14,4 million and Rp.10,2-12,4 million per hectare, respectively. Majority of farmers were willing to pay higher price. Sustainability index calculated at farm level showed slightly higher aggregate index of transgenic corn seeds adoption compared to that of existing hybrid corn. Institutional framework and capacity, regulation and public perception were seen as the most critical factors in ensuring successful adoption of transgenic seeds in Indonesia.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maksum Radji
Abstrak :
Vaccines have played an important role in preventive medicine since Edward Jenner discovered that cowpox induced protection against human smallpox. Until recently, a vaccination has meant a needle in the arm. However, with the increasing need for inexpensive, easily administered vaccines, along with the improvements in genetic engineering, the concept of edible vaccines is fast becoming reality. This is especially important in developing countries, where it is estimated that three to five million children die each year from common diseases, which could have easily been prevented with the proper vaccination. Compared to traditional labsynthesized vaccines, plants are capable of producing proteins at lower cost, and need not be isolated for injection. Plant-based vaccines are also safer than traditional vaccines because they use selected sub-units of the disease rather the attenuated whole disease-causing organism.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rissler, Jane
Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1996
631.523 RIS e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Northwest: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2008
R 633.304 HAN
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library