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Ditemukan 75 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Yusi Amalia
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Kejang merupakan gejala yang sering ditemukan pada tumor primer intrakranial dan penyebab utama morbiditas terhadap pasien.Pemeriksaan EEG diperlukan untuk menentukan kesesuaian antara fokus kejang dengan lokasi tumor pada MRI yang akan menentukan prognosis kejang serta banyak faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesesuaian antara fokus kejang dengan lokasi tumor. Belum adanya data mengenai kejang pada tumor primer intrakranial serta kesesuaian berdasarkan gambaran EEG dan MRI menjadi dasar dilakukannya penelitian ini. Tujuan.Mengetahui kesesuaian antara aktivitas epileptiform pada EEG dan lesi tumor dengan MRI pada pasien tumor primer intrakranial dengan klinis kejang. Metode.Desain penelitian berupa studi potong lintang (cross sectional).Subyek penelitian adalah semua pasien dengan tumor primer intrakranial yang ada di ruang rawat inap dan rawat jalan neurologi, bedah saraf, radiologi RS Cipto Mangunkusumo yang sudah dilakukan EEG dan MRI.Ditentukan aktivitas epileptiform dan dianalisa kesesuaiannya dengan lokasi tumor berdasarkan MRI. Hasil.Dari 33 subyek dengan tumor primer intrakranial dengan klinis kejang , didapatkan hanya 17 subyek yang menunjukkan aktivitas epileptiform (51,5%), perempuan lebih banyak dari lelaki, dengan rerata usia adalah 34 tahun. Sebagian besar mengalami kejang parsial dan secondary generalized seizure(SGS) merupakan tipe kejang parsial terbanyak (16 dari 17 subyek). Kejang sering ditemukan pada tumor di frontal (11 dari 17 subyek) dan pada jenis tumor primer Low grade(8 dari 17 subyek). Kesesuaian aktivitas epileptiform dengan lokasi tumor didapatkan pada 8 dari 17 subyek dengan lebih banyak yang sesuai pada lobus temporal. Kesimpulan.Dari seluruh pasien tersangka tumor primer intrakranial dengan klinis kejang hanya didapatkan 8 dari 17 subyek yang sesuai antara aktivitas epileptiform pada EEG dengan lesi tumor pada MRI.Gambaran aktivitas epileptiform pada EEG tidak dipengaruhi oleh usia, bentuk bangkitan kejang, jenis tumor, lokasi berdasarkan lobus, lokasi berdasarkan parenkim otak, durasi sakit, dan ukuran tumor.
Background.Seizures are a common symptom in primary intracranial tumors and a major cause of morbidity to the patient. EEG examination is necessary to determine the suitability of the seizure focus to the location of the tumor on MRI that will determine the prognosis of seizures as well as a lot of factors that affect compatibility between focal seizures with tumor location. The absence of data on seizures in primary intracranial tumors and suitability based on EEG and MRI picture is the basis of this study. Purpose.Knowing the correspondence between epileptiform activity on EEG and MRI tumor lesions in patients with primary intracranial tumors with clinical seizures. Method.Design research is a cross-sectional study (cross-sectional). Subjects were all patients with primary intracranial tumors that exist in the inpatient and outpatient neurology, neurosurgery, radiology Cipto Mangunkusumo already done EEG and MRI. Epileptiform activity determined and analyzed for compliance with the location of the tumor by MRI. Result. From 33 subjects with primary brain tumors with clinical seizures, obtained only 17 subjects demonstrated epileptiform activity (51.5%), more women than men, with a mean age was 34 years. Most had partial seizures and secondary generalized seizures (SGS) is a type of partial seizure majority (16 of 17 subjects). Seizures are often found in tumors in the frontal (11 of 17 subjects) and the type of primary tumor Low grade (8 of 17 subjects). Suitability of epileptiform activity by tumor location obtained in 8 of 17 subjects with more appropriate in the temporal lobe. Conclusion.From all patients suspected of primary brain tumors with clinical seizures obtained only 8 of the 17 subjects that fit between epileptiform activity on EEG with tumor lesions on MRI. Picture of epileptiform activity on EEG was not influenced by age, shape seizures, tumor type, location based lobes, based on the location of the brain parenchyma, duration of illness, and tumor size.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadli Syamsuddin
Abstrak :
Perawat spesialis neurosains berperan dalam praktik keperawatan berupa pemberi asuhan keperawatan lanjut, melakukan pembuktian ilmiah dan agen pembaharu. Asuhan keperawatan dilakukan pada kasus pasien dengan Tumor Otak dan 30 pasien gangguan neurologis dengan pendekatan Model adaptasi Roy. Perilaku maladaptif paling banyak terganggu pada mode fisologis dengan diagnosa resiko ketidakefektifan perfusi jaringan serebral. Evidence Based Nursing dilakukan dengan menerapkan thermal tactile stimulation pada 3 pasien stroke yang mengalami disfagia dengan hasil yang signifikan p value 0,038 . Program inovasi menerapkan enam screening tools yaitu Insomnia Severity Index ISI , National Institute Health Stroke Scale NIHSS , 3 Incontinence Question 3 IQ , Berg Balance Scale BBS , Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test FAST dan Adult Non Verbal Pain Scale ANVPS pada pasien dengan gangguan neurologi yang terbukti memudahkan perawat dalam menegakkan diagnosa keperawatan yang tepat. Model Adaptasi Roy telah berpengaruh besar terhadap profesi keperawatan. Model ini adalah salah satu model yang paling banyak digunakan dalam memandu penelitian, pendidikan dan praktik keperawatan ABSTRACT Neuroscience nurse specialist play role in nursing practice as advanced nursing care providers, conduct scientific evidence and innovator. Roy adaptation model approach was used in the nursing care of the tumor brain patients and 30 patients of neurological disorders cases. Risk of cerebral tissue perfusion ineffectiveness was the most often of nursing diagnosis enforced which was caused maladaptive behavior in physiological mode. Evidence based nursing was implemented by thermal tactile stimulationin 3 stroke patients with disfagia with significant results p value 0.038 . The Innovation program application six screening tools are Insomnia Severity Index ISI , National Institute of Health Stroke Scale NIHSS , 3 Incontinence Questions 3 IQs , Berg Balance Scale BBS , Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test FAST and Adult Non Verbal Pain Scale ANVPS in neurological disorders patients proven to facilitate nurses in establishing nursing diagnoses. Roy Adaptation Model has greatly influenced the profession of nursing. It is one of the most frequently used models to guide nursing research, education and practice
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizal Sanif
Abstrak :
Penelitian survival secara historical cohort pada enam puluh dua penderita tumor ovarium borderline. Terdapat 9 penderita stadium FIGO IA, 9 stadium IC, 3 stadium IIIA, 2 stadium IIIB, 4 stadium IIIC, 1 stadium IV dan 34 stadium inadekuat. Dua puluh satu penderita dilakukan pembedahan radikal, 10 penderita hanya dilakukan histerektomi total dan salfingo-ooforektomi bilateral, 6 penderita dilakukan pembedahan konservatif, 24 penderita hanya dilakukan unilateral salfingo-ooforektomi atau kistektomi dan 1 penderita hanya biopsi saja. Enam belas penderita mendapat kemoterapi adjuvan kombinasi dengan platinum base, yaitu 8 penderita stadium inadekuat, 7 stadium III dan 1 stadium IV. Lama pengamatan lanjut antara 0,002 sampai 10,48 tahun dengan median 3,5 tahun. Lima puluh sembilan penderita tetap hidup. Tiga penderita meninggal karena penyakitnya. Residif terjadi pada 4 penderita. Ketahanan hidup penderita 2 tahun 96% dan 10 tahun 94%. Pada test ?log rank? didapatkan residu dan tipe histologi merupakan faktor prognostik yang bermakna mempengaruhi survival. (Med J Indones 2002; 11: 222-9)
Sixty-two patients with borderline tumors of ovary were historical cohort analyzed for survival characteristics. There were 9 patients with FIGO stage IA, 9 with stage IC, 3 with stage IIIA, 2 with stage IIIB, 4 with stage IIIC, 1 with stage IV and 34 with inadequate stage tumors. Twenty one patients had surgical staging with radical surgery, 10 patient had at least a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, 6 patient had surgical staging with conservative surgery, 24 patient had at least a unilateral salphingo-oophorectomy or ovarian cystectomy and 1 patient had biopsy. Sixteen patients received cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy, that were 8 with inadequate stage tumors, 7 with stage III tumors and 1 with stage IV tumor. Follow-up range from 0.02 to 10.48 years, with a median of 3.5 years. Fifty nine patient were alive. Three patients died, all of disease. Recurrence were found in 4 patients. The overall 2-years survival rate was 96% and 10-years survival rate was 94%. In log rank test, residual disease and histology type were significant predictor of survival. (Med J Indones 2002; 11:222-9)
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Adrenal incidentalomais an adrenal tumor, which is unidentified before the imaging procedures conducted for an abnormality which is initially unforeseen as an adrenal disease....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Wahjudiana
Abstrak :
Tumor ganas maksila tidak sering dijumpai. Gejala permulaan samar-samar, dapat menyerupai radang sinus paranasal. Umumnya penderita datang telah ada benjolan sehingga penyakit telah meluas, dan telah mengenai struktur yang berdekatan. Diagnosa biasanya dibuat setelah stadium lanjut. Pengobatannya kompleks dan pronogsanya kurang baik.

Penanganan tumor ganas maksila di RSCM, disamping oleh bagian bedah, juga dilakukan oleh bagian THT. Akan dilaporkan kasus tumor ganas maksila yang dirawat di bagian bedah RSCM 1985-1986.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Marsintauli Hasudungan
Abstrak :
Tumor otak (TO) merupakan penyebab kematian kedua dari semua kanker yang terjadi pada anak. TO memiliki gambaran klinis, radiologis dan histopatologis yang sangat bervariasi karena proses pengembangan sel-sel jaringan otak masih berlanjut sampai usia 3 tahun. Data penelitian mengenai TO pada anak masih sedikit. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui gambaran klinis, radiologis, histopatologis dan faktor prognostik TO di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI/ RS. Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta periode tahun 2010 - 2015. Metode Penelitian: Kohort retrospektif dilakukan pada semua anak dengan TO primer yang berobat/dirawat di Departemen Ilmu Kesehahatan Anak FKUI/RS Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta. Hasil: Didapatkan 88 pasien TO primer, terdiri dari 16 pasien berusia kurang dari 3 tahun dan 72 pasien berusia lebih dari 3 tahun, laki-laki 53% dan perempuan 47%. Anak usia kurang dari 3 tahun mengalami gejala sakit kepala (63%) dan kejang (56%), berdasarkan radiologis letak TO yang terbanyak adalah di cerebral ventrikel (25%) dan cerebellum (24%), berdasarkan histopatologis jenis TO yang terbanyak adalah Astrositoma (31%) dan Medulloblastoma (25%). Anak usia lebih dari 3 tahun mengalami gejala sakit kepala (81%) dan gangguan penglihatan (65%), berdasarkan radiologis letak TO yang terbanyak adalah di cerebellum (24%) dan suprasellar (10 %), berdasarkan histopatologis jenis TO yang terbanyak adalah Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) dan Glioma (17%). Angka kehidupan TO adalah 37 %. Tidak didapatkan faktor prognostik TO yang bermakna. Kesimpulan: Gejala TO tersering adalah sakit kepala, berdasarkan radiologis letak tumor terbanyak adalah di cerebellum serta berdasarkan histopatologis jenis tumor terbanyak adalah Medulloblastoma dan Astrositoma. Tidak didapatkan faktor prognostik TO pada anak.
Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology features. Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features. and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015. Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until their death or until the end of October 2015. Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3 years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%) and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%), based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar (10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor. Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology features. Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features. and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015. Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until their death or until the end of October 2015. Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3 years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%) and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%), based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar (10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor. Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology features. Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features. and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015. Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until their death or until the end of October 2015. Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3 years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%) and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%), based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar (10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor. Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology features. Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features. and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015. Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until their death or until the end of October 2015. Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3 years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%) and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%), based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar (10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor. Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology features. Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features. and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015. Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until their death or until the end of October 2015. Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3 years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%) and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%), based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar (10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor. Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology features. Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features. and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015. Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until their death or until the end of October 2015. Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3 years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%) and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%), based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar (10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor. Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology features. Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features. and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015. Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until their death or until the end of October 2015. Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3 years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%) and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%), based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar (10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor. Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology features. Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features. and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015. Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until their death or until the end of October 2015. Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3 years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%) and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%), based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar (10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor. Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology features. Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features. and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015. Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until their death or until the end of October 2015. Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3 years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%) and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%), based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar (10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor. Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology features. Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features. and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015. Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until their death or until the end of October 2015. Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3 years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%) and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%), based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar (10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor. Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor., Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and histopathology features. Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features. and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015. Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until their death or until the end of October 2015. Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3 years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%) and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%), based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar (10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor. Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Balai Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2001
616.994 TUM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian longitudinal prospektif analitik untuk menilai ketepatan prediksi timbulnya penyakit trofoblas ganas melalui sistem penilaian prognosis mola hidatidosa yang dikembangkan oleh NETDC (New England Trophoblast Disease Center) telah dilakukan. Di antara parameter faktor risiko yang dinilai; usia penderita, jenis mola hidatidosa, pembesaran uterus, kadar hCG serum, kista lutein, serta ada-tidaknya komplikasi merupakan factor risiko yang bermakna untuk timbulnya keganasan setelah mola hidatidosa dievakuasi (p=0,032). Penelitian dilakukan pada 50 penderita mola hidatidosa dengan pengamatan lanjutan selama 1 tahun (Januari 2001-Desember 2002) di Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi RS Mohammad Hoesin, Palembang. Hasilnya menunjukan prediksi keganasan skor NETDC 50% pada risiko tinggi dan 10% risiko rendah untuk berkembang menjadi ganas (p<0,05). Hasil ini lebih besar dibandingkan dengan nilai yang diajukan WHO yaitu 19-30%. Risiko untuk terjadinya keganasan pasca mola hidatidosa pada kelompok risiko tinggi ialah 9,0 kali lebih tinggi disbanding pada kelompok risiko rendah (CI: 1,769-45,786). (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 40-6)
A prospective longitudinal analytic study assessing the efficacy of NETDC (New England Trophoblastic Disease Center) prognostic index score in predicting malignancy after hydatidiform mole had been performed. Of the parameter evaluated; age of patients, type of hydatidiform mole, uterine enlargement, serum hCG level, lutein cyst, and presence of complicating factors were significant risk factors for malignancy after hydatidiform mole were evacuated (p<0.032). The study were done on 50 women diagnosed with hydatidiform mole with 1 year observation (January 2001-December 2002) at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang. The results showed that the NETDC prognostic index score predicted malignancy in 50% of high risk group and 10% in low risk group (p<0.05). This showed a higher number than that found by the WHO (19%-30%). The risk for incidence of malignancy after hydatidiform mole in the high risk group is 9.0 times higher compared to that of the low risk group (CI: 1.769-45.786). (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 40-6)
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 13 (1) January March 2004: 40-46, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wachyu Hadisaputra
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kadar serum penanda biologis: interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), matrik-metaloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), dan vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) pada endometriosis stadium I-II dan stadium III-IV.

Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian potong lintang pada empat puluh pasien endometriosis yang didiagnosis berdasarkan laparoskopi. Sampel serum diambil sebelum operasi, pemeriksaan penanda biologis dilakukan pada akhir penelitian dengan metode ELISA. Rerata kadar serum dibandingkan dengan menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan. Variabel yang memiliki perbedaan rerata bermakna diuji dengan pemeriksaan ROC dan ditentukan titik potong optimal.

Hasil: Kadar serum IL-6, TNF-a, dan MMP-2 tidak berbeda bermakna pada pasien endometriosis stadium I-II dan stadium III-IV dengan hasil rerata 1,58 ± 0,78 vs 1,55 ± 0,98 pg/mL; 1,5 ± 0,47 vs 1,49 ± 0,29 pg/mL; 152,04 ± 27,32 vs 140,98 ± 28,08 ng/mL. Hanya kadar VEGF yang memiliki perbedaan yang bermakna (289,76 ± 188,13 vs 581,29 ± 512,85 pg/mL (p < 0,05)). Perbedaan rerata VEGF memiliki nilai AUC 74,5%. Titik potong optimal VEGF = 314,75 pg/mL dengan sensitivitas 78,6% dan spesifisitas 69,2%.

Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan penanda biologis serum VEGF (tetapi tidak IL-6, TNF-a, dan MMP-2)dapat digunakan untuk mengukur derajat keparahan endometriosis. Kadar VEGF dari 314,75 pg/mL merupakan titik potong antara stadium yang lebih rendah dan lebih tinggi dari derajat keparahan.
Background: The focus of this study was to compare serum biomarkers: interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), matrix-metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in endometriosis stage I-II and stage III-IV.

Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Forty endometriosis patients were diagnosed using laparoscopy procedure. Serum sample was taken before the surgery. The serum biomarkers (IL-6, TNF-α, MMP-2, and VEGF) were analyzed with ELISA method at the end of research. Mean of serum biomarkers in endometrosis stage I-II and stage III-IV were compared using unpaired t-test. Variables that show significant mean difference were tested using ROC measurement and the optimal cut-off point was determined.

Results: There was no significant difference in mean serum biomarkers level of IL-6, TNF-α, and MMP-2 between endometriosis stage I-II and stage III-IV (1.58 ± 0.78 vs 1.55 ± 0.98 pg/mL, 1.5 ± 0.47 vs 1.49 ± 0.29 pg/mL, and 152.04 ± 27.32 vs 140.98 ± 28.08 ng/mL, respectively). On the other hand, the comparison of VEGF level in endometriosis stage I-II and stage III-IV demonstrated significant difference (289.76 ± 188.13 vs 581.29 ± 512.85 pg/mL (p < 0.05)). Mean difference of VEGF had AUC of 74.5%. Optimal cut-off point for VEGF was ≥ 314.75 pg/mL with sensitivity 78.6% and specificity 69.2%. Conclusion: This study showed that serum biomarkers of VEGF level (but not IL-6, TNF-α, and MMP-2) can be used to measure the degree of severity in endometriosis. VEGF level of 314.75 pg/mL represents the cut-off point between lower and higher stage of severity.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 20113
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
PURPOSE: Rectal gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare. Accordingly, their clinical features are not well-documented and optimal treatment has not been established. The objective of this study is to clarify the rates and patterns of recurrence after surgical resection of rectal GISTs, with a focus on outcomes and therapeutic modalities.

METHODS: The registry was designed to collect data on rectal GISTs recorded between January, 2003 and December, 2007 at 40 participating institutions of the Kinki GIST Study Group. The principal variables were the rates and patterns of recurrence of rectal GISTs. Other study variables were age, sex, tumor size, mitotic count, distance from the anal verge, tumor location, surgical procedures, surgical margins, and recurrence-free survival.

RESULTS: Twenty-four cases were registered, 11 (45.8%) of which were classified as high-risk by the modified NIH criteria. Locoregional recurrence (7/23, 30.4%) was the predominant recurrence pattern after curative resection, with rates that did not differ after local excision (33.3%; 3/9) vs. extended resection (28.6%; 4/14). The recurrence rates were high (25.0%) even for patients with low-risk disease. There was only one case of recurrence among patients who received perioperative treatment with imatinib.

CONCLUSIONS: Rectal GISTs showed high rates of local recurrence regardless of the surgical procedure. Perioperative treatment with imatinib may improve outcomes.
Tokyo: Springer, 2017
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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