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Astuti Pitarini
Pendahuluan Penggunaan megaprostesis sebagai pilihan dalam manajemen LSS
memberikan harapan baru bagi pasien tumor tulang di Indonesia. Namun, sampai
saat ini belum ada data hasil luaran dari tata laksana ini.
Metode Penelitian ini merupakan prospektif observational pada 34 pasien tumor
tulang di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo pada tahun 2011-2015. Diagnosis ditegakkan
melalui Clinical Pathological Conference. Evaluasi pascaoperasi dilakukan pada
bulan ke-3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, dan 48 dengan menggunakan skoring dari MSTS.
Luaran onkologi dievaluasi dengan adanya rekurensi dan metastasis jauh.
Komplikasi berupa infeksi, dislokasi, cedera saraf dan pembuluh darah, serta
gangguan mekanisme ekstensor juga dievaluasi.
Hasil Dua orang ahli bedah muskuloskeletal onkologi melakukan operasi LSS dan
rekonstruksi dengan megaprostesis. Dua pasien dieksklusi karena keputusan
intraoperatif untuk memakai non modular endoprostesis. Kehilangan darah
intraoperatif memiliki median (RAK) 890,0 (700,0?1200,0) ml. Skor MSTS
sebagian besar pasien menunjukkan kategori baik dan sangat baik, yaitu 67.9%
baik pada MSTS 6 bulan, 79,2% baik pada MSTS 9 bulan, 63.4% sangat baik
pada 12 bulan, 90% sangat baik pada 24 bulan dan 100% sangat baik pada MSTS
36 bulan. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara karakteristik pasien yaitu jenis
tumor (p=0,001), usia (p=0,039), jenis kelamin (p=0,049), dan hasil laboratorium
ALP (p=0,031) dengan luaran fungsional MSTS 3 bulan. Terdapat hubungan
bermakna antara karakteristik pasien yaitu perdarahan intraoperatif (p=0,013) dan
ALP (p=0,009) dengan mortalitas; dan juga antara tumor tulang yang menjalani
rekonstruksi jaringan lunak ekstensif dengan komplikasi (p=0,019) namun antara
lokasi tumor dan komplikasi tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna.
Kesimpulan Luaran fungsional pada pasien yang dilakukan rekonstruksi
megaprostesis adalah baik dan sangat baik sehingga dapat menjadi tatalaksana
pilihan bagi pasien tumor tulang yang akan menjalani LSS. Luaran onkologi pada
pasien yang dilakukan prosedur LSS baik dengan rendahnya rekurensi lokal, metastasi, dan komplikasi. ABSTRACT
Introduction Advancement in bone tumor management has elaborated surgeon?s
choice of treatment not merely sentenced the patients into a limb ablation.
Likewise, patients with bone tumors, regardless its malignant nature and limited
survival time, had an equal privileges to opt for LSS to experience a better quality
of life. In this study, we manage to evaluate the functional and oncologic outcome
of lower extremity bone tumors following a LSS using megaprosthesis.
Methods Thirty-four patients with lower extremity bone tumors were
prospectively reviewed between 2011 and 2015 in a tertiary referral general
hospital. All patients were managed through a Clinical Pathology Conference.
Functional outcome was evaluated using MSTS score and follow up was recorded
at 3, 6, 12 months; and 2, 3, 4 years.
Results Two orthopedic musculoskeletal oncologic surgeons were performing the
surgeries. Two patients were excluded because the final instruments used were
not a modular type. The final result of functional score was good to excellent with
67.9% good at 6 months, 79,2% good at 9 months, 63.4% excellent at 12 months,
90% excellent at 24 months and 100% excellent at 36 months. Complications
occurred and varied. A statistical significant result was found between age
(p=0,001), age (p=0,039), gender (p=0,049), SAP (p=0,031) and 3 months
functional outcome; between intraoperative blood loss (p=0,013) and mortality,
as well as SAP with mortality (p=0,009); between tumor that underwent extensive
soft tissue reconstruction procedure and complication (p=0,019).
Conclusion Megaprosthesis reconstruction in bone tumors gives a good and
excellent result, which provides orthopaedic oncologic surgeons a rationalization
to make a selective decision-making in tumor cases regardless its survival and
tumor type. Oncologic outcome as well gave out good result with low incidence of far metastasis and local recurrence.;Introduction Advancement in bone tumor management has elaborated surgeon?s
choice of treatment not merely sentenced the patients into a limb ablation.
Likewise, patients with bone tumors, regardless its malignant nature and limited
survival time, had an equal privileges to opt for LSS to experience a better quality
of life. In this study, we manage to evaluate the functional and oncologic outcome
of lower extremity bone tumors following a LSS using megaprosthesis.
Methods Thirty-four patients with lower extremity bone tumors were
prospectively reviewed between 2011 and 2015 in a tertiary referral general
hospital. All patients were managed through a Clinical Pathology Conference.
Functional outcome was evaluated using MSTS score and follow up was recorded
at 3, 6, 12 months; and 2, 3, 4 years.
Results Two orthopedic musculoskeletal oncologic surgeons were performing the
surgeries. Two patients were excluded because the final instruments used were
not a modular type. The final result of functional score was good to excellent with
67.9% good at 6 months, 79,2% good at 9 months, 63.4% excellent at 12 months,
90% excellent at 24 months and 100% excellent at 36 months. Complications
occurred and varied. A statistical significant result was found between age
(p=0,001), age (p=0,039), gender (p=0,049), SAP (p=0,031) and 3 months
functional outcome; between intraoperative blood loss (p=0,013) and mortality,
as well as SAP with mortality (p=0,009); between tumor that underwent extensive
soft tissue reconstruction procedure and complication (p=0,019).
Conclusion Megaprosthesis reconstruction in bone tumors gives a good and
excellent result, which provides orthopaedic oncologic surgeons a rationalization
to make a selective decision-making in tumor cases regardless its survival and
tumor type. Oncologic outcome as well gave out good result with low incidence of far metastasis and local recurrence.;Introduction Advancement in bone tumor management has elaborated surgeon?s
choice of treatment not merely sentenced the patients into a limb ablation.
Likewise, patients with bone tumors, regardless its malignant nature and limited
survival time, had an equal privileges to opt for LSS to experience a better quality
of life. In this study, we manage to evaluate the functional and oncologic outcome
of lower extremity bone tumors following a LSS using megaprosthesis.
Methods Thirty-four patients with lower extremity bone tumors were
prospectively reviewed between 2011 and 2015 in a tertiary referral general
hospital. All patients were managed through a Clinical Pathology Conference.
Functional outcome was evaluated using MSTS score and follow up was recorded
at 3, 6, 12 months; and 2, 3, 4 years.
Results Two orthopedic musculoskeletal oncologic surgeons were performing the
surgeries. Two patients were excluded because the final instruments used were
not a modular type. The final result of functional score was good to excellent with
67.9% good at 6 months, 79,2% good at 9 months, 63.4% excellent at 12 months,
90% excellent at 24 months and 100% excellent at 36 months. Complications
occurred and varied. A statistical significant result was found between age
(p=0,001), age (p=0,039), gender (p=0,049), SAP (p=0,031) and 3 months
functional outcome; between intraoperative blood loss (p=0,013) and mortality,
as well as SAP with mortality (p=0,009); between tumor that underwent extensive
soft tissue reconstruction procedure and complication (p=0,019).
Conclusion Megaprosthesis reconstruction in bone tumors gives a good and
excellent result, which provides orthopaedic oncologic surgeons a rationalization
to make a selective decision-making in tumor cases regardless its survival and
tumor type. Oncologic outcome as well gave out good result with low incidence of far metastasis and local recurrence.;Introduction Advancement in bone tumor management has elaborated surgeon?s
choice of treatment not merely sentenced the patients into a limb ablation.
Likewise, patients with bone tumors, regardless its malignant nature and limited
survival time, had an equal privileges to opt for LSS to experience a better quality
of life. In this study, we manage to evaluate the functional and oncologic outcome
of lower extremity bone tumors following a LSS using megaprosthesis.
Methods Thirty-four patients with lower extremity bone tumors were
prospectively reviewed between 2011 and 2015 in a tertiary referral general
hospital. All patients were managed through a Clinical Pathology Conference.
Functional outcome was evaluated using MSTS score and follow up was recorded
at 3, 6, 12 months; and 2, 3, 4 years.
Results Two orthopedic musculoskeletal oncologic surgeons were performing the
surgeries. Two patients were excluded because the final instruments used were
not a modular type. The final result of functional score was good to excellent with
67.9% good at 6 months, 79,2% good at 9 months, 63.4% excellent at 12 months,
90% excellent at 24 months and 100% excellent at 36 months. Complications
occurred and varied. A statistical significant result was found between age
(p=0,001), age (p=0,039), gender (p=0,049), SAP (p=0,031) and 3 months
functional outcome; between intraoperative blood loss (p=0,013) and mortality,
as well as SAP with mortality (p=0,009); between tumor that underwent extensive
soft tissue reconstruction procedure and complication (p=0,019).
Conclusion Megaprosthesis reconstruction in bone tumors gives a good and
excellent result, which provides orthopaedic oncologic surgeons a rationalization
to make a selective decision-making in tumor cases regardless its survival and
tumor type. Oncologic outcome as well gave out good result with low incidence of far metastasis and local recurrence.;Introduction Advancement in bone tumor management has elaborated surgeon?s
choice of treatment not merely sentenced the patients into a limb ablation.
Likewise, patients with bone tumors, regardless its malignant nature and limited
survival time, had an equal privileges to opt for LSS to experience a better quality
of life. In this study, we manage to evaluate the functional and oncologic outcome
of lower extremity bone tumors following a LSS using megaprosthesis.
Methods Thirty-four patients with lower extremity bone tumors were
prospectively reviewed between 2011 and 2015 in a tertiary referral general
hospital. All patients were managed through a Clinical Pathology Conference.
Functional outcome was evaluated using MSTS score and follow up was recorded
at 3, 6, 12 months; and 2, 3, 4 years.
Results Two orthopedic musculoskeletal oncologic surgeons were performing the
surgeries. Two patients were excluded because the final instruments used were
not a modular type. The final result of functional score was good to excellent with
67.9% good at 6 months, 79,2% good at 9 months, 63.4% excellent at 12 months,
90% excellent at 24 months and 100% excellent at 36 months. Complications
occurred and varied. A statistical significant result was found between age
(p=0,001), age (p=0,039), gender (p=0,049), SAP (p=0,031) and 3 months
functional outcome; between intraoperative blood loss (p=0,013) and mortality,
as well as SAP with mortality (p=0,009); between tumor that underwent extensive
soft tissue reconstruction procedure and complication (p=0,019).
Conclusion Megaprosthesis reconstruction in bone tumors gives a good and
excellent result, which provides orthopaedic oncologic surgeons a rationalization
to make a selective decision-making in tumor cases regardless its survival and
tumor type. Oncologic outcome as well gave out good result with low incidence of far metastasis and local recurrence."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riza Aprizal
Latar Belakang: Simple bone cyst (SBC) adalah tumor tulang jinak, berisi cairan.
Tujuan utama terapi SBC adalah mendapatkan penyembuhan tulang, mencegah
fraktur patologis, dan manajemen gejala khususnya nyeri. Terdapat berbagai
metode pengobatan SBC, namun saat ini masih kontroversial karena angka
kesembuhan dan tingkat invasi operasi. Terapi injeksi perkutaneus steroid
merupakan metode operasi dengan tingkat invasi rendah sehingga penyembuhan
tulang dan luaran fungsional lebih baik.
Metode: Total terdapat 10 pasien (6 laki-laki, 4 perempuan, rerata usia13 tahun)
SBC yang terbagi dalam dua kelompok. 5 pasien (proksimal femur 3; proksimal
humerus 1; calcaneus 1) dilakukan terapi injeksi perkutaneus steroid dan 5 pasien
(proksimal femur 2; proksimal humerus 2, radius 1) terapi kurease dengan
hidroksiapatit. Injeksi perkutaneus steroid dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali dengan
interval waktu tiap satu bulan. Rerata follow up adalah 12-26 bulan. Evaluasi
penyembuhan tulang dinilai secara radiologi dengan kriteria Chang dkk. Luaran
fungsional dinilai berdasarkan skor MSTS.
Hasil: Penyembuhan tulang komplit didapatkan pada kedua kelompok, namun
solid union lebih cepat terjadi pada kelompok terapi injeksi perkutaneus steroid.
Luaran fungsional didapatkan nilai yang lebih baik pada kelompok injeksi
perkutaneus steroid terutama pada bulan ke-3 (55%) dan ke-6 (84%) pasca operasi
berdasarkan skor MSTS dibandingkan terapi kuretase dengan hidroksiapatit
(bulan ke-3 47% dan ke-6 69,3%).
Simpulan: Terapi injeksi perkutaneus steroid masih tetap menjadi pilihan utama
metode terapi SBC dengan solid union lebih cepat, tingkat prosedur operasi invasi rendah, lebih mudah, efektif, dan aman.
Background: Simple bone cysts (SBC) are a benign bone tumor, fluid-filled. The main
goals of the therapy are to get the bone healing, prevent pathological fractures, and
management of pain symptom. There are various methods of the SBC treatment, however
still remains controversial because of their healing rate and invasiveness of surgery.
Steroid injection therapy is a surgical procedure with a low level of invasiveness so that
better bone healing and functional outcomes.
Methods: A total of 10 patients (6 males, 4 females, mean age 13 year) SBC were divided
into two groups. 5 patients (proximal femur 3; proximal humerus 1; calcaneus 1)
performed percutaneous steroid injection therapy and 5 patients (proximal femur 2; 2
proximal humerus, radius 1) performed curretage with hydroxyapatite therapy.
Percutaneous steroid injection was performed three times at intervals of each month. The
mean follow-up of 12-26 months. Evaluation of bone healing radiological asseesed by
Chang criteria and the functional outcome by MSTS score.
Results: Complete bone healing was found in both group, but solid union occurred faster
in steroid injection theraphy group. The functional outcomes found better value in the
steroid injection theraphy group, particulary at 3 months (55%) and 6 months (84%) than
curettage with hydroxyapatite therapy(3 months 47% and 6 months 69,3%) post
operation based on MSTS score.
Conclusions: Percutaneus steroid injection therapy is still the main choice of SBC
treatment with faster solid union, a lower level operating procedures invasion, easy, effective, and safe.;Background: Simple bone cysts (SBC) are a benign bone tumor, fluid-filled. The main
goals of the therapy are to get the bone healing, prevent pathological fractures, and
management of pain symptom. There are various methods of the SBC treatment, however
still remains controversial because of their healing rate and invasiveness of surgery.
Steroid injection therapy is a surgical procedure with a low level of invasiveness so that
better bone healing and functional outcomes.
Methods: A total of 10 patients (6 males, 4 females, mean age 13 year) SBC were divided
into two groups. 5 patients (proximal femur 3; proximal humerus 1; calcaneus 1)
performed percutaneous steroid injection therapy and 5 patients (proximal femur 2; 2
proximal humerus, radius 1) performed curretage with hydroxyapatite therapy.
Percutaneous steroid injection was performed three times at intervals of each month. The
mean follow-up of 12-26 months. Evaluation of bone healing radiological asseesed by
Chang criteria and the functional outcome by MSTS score.
Results: Complete bone healing was found in both group, but solid union occurred faster
in steroid injection theraphy group. The functional outcomes found better value in the
steroid injection theraphy group, particulary at 3 months (55%) and 6 months (84%) than
curettage with hydroxyapatite therapy(3 months 47% and 6 months 69,3%) post
operation based on MSTS score.
Conclusions: Percutaneus steroid injection therapy is still the main choice of SBC
treatment with faster solid union, a lower level operating procedures invasion, easy, effective, and safe.;Background: Simple bone cysts (SBC) are a benign bone tumor, fluid-filled. The main
goals of the therapy are to get the bone healing, prevent pathological fractures, and
management of pain symptom. There are various methods of the SBC treatment, however
still remains controversial because of their healing rate and invasiveness of surgery.
Steroid injection therapy is a surgical procedure with a low level of invasiveness so that
better bone healing and functional outcomes.
Methods: A total of 10 patients (6 males, 4 females, mean age 13 year) SBC were divided
into two groups. 5 patients (proximal femur 3; proximal humerus 1; calcaneus 1)
performed percutaneous steroid injection therapy and 5 patients (proximal femur 2; 2
proximal humerus, radius 1) performed curretage with hydroxyapatite therapy.
Percutaneous steroid injection was performed three times at intervals of each month. The
mean follow-up of 12-26 months. Evaluation of bone healing radiological asseesed by
Chang criteria and the functional outcome by MSTS score.
Results: Complete bone healing was found in both group, but solid union occurred faster
in steroid injection theraphy group. The functional outcomes found better value in the
steroid injection theraphy group, particulary at 3 months (55%) and 6 months (84%) than
curettage with hydroxyapatite therapy(3 months 47% and 6 months 69,3%) post
operation based on MSTS score.
Conclusions: Percutaneus steroid injection therapy is still the main choice of SBC
treatment with faster solid union, a lower level operating procedures invasion, easy, effective, and safe."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Hermani
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2007
PGB 0194
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anne Dina Soebroto
Latar belakang: Indonesia memiliki angka kejadian Cerebral Small Vessel Disease CSVD yang tinggi yaitu 45 dari kesuluruhan stroke iskemik dengan hipertensi sebagai faktor risiko utama. CSVD menyebabkan disabilitas fungsi kognitif dan sampai saat ini diagnosisnya tergantung pada pemeriksaan Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI . CSVD merupakan gangguan mikrosirkulasi intrakranial dimana struktur ini memiliki homogenitas mikrovaskular dengan retina. Oleh karena itu nilai kecepatan aliran arteri sentralis retina ASR dapat menggambarkan aliran mikrovaskular intrakranial pada penderita CSVD.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi asosiatif potong lintang yang bersifat analitik. Evalusasi dilakukan terhadap 39 subyek penelitian yang merupakan pasien hipertensi yang masuk dalam kriteri inklusi. Setiap pasien dilakukan pemeriksaan MRI kepala, fungsi kognitif melalui pemeriksaan MoCA-INA, trail-making test A B dan groove pegboard dan kecepatan aliran ASR melalui pemeriksaan Orbital Doppler Ultrasound.Hasil: CSVD didapatkan pada 79.5 subyek penelitian. PFV ASR pada subyek penelitian 17,93 7,1-42,58 cm/s cenderung lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan nilai normal 10.3 2.1 6.4-17.2 cm/s . Pada subyek dengan CSVD sebanyak 74,2 mengalami gangguan fungi kognitif dan peningkatan PFV ASR. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara PFV dengan ada tidaknya CSVD. Selain itu juga tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara PFV dengan ada tidaknya gangguan fungsi kognitif. Terdapat kecenderungan peningkatan PSV pada CSVD dan gangguan fungsi kognitif.Kesimpulan: Perubahan kecepatan aliran ASR dapat memberikan gambaran CSVD dan gangguan fungsi kognitif pada penderita hipertensi.

Background Indonesia has a high number of incidents of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease CSVD , i.e. 45 of the total ischemic stroke with hypertension as the main risk factor. CSVD led to disability in cognitive functions and up until now the diagnosis is based on the Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI . CSVD is an intracranial microcirculation disturbance in which such structure has a microvascular homogeneity with the retina. Thus, the flow velocity of the Central Retinal Artery CRA may be feasible to reflect the intracranial microvascular flow to CSVD patients.Method This research was an analytic associative cross sectional study. This evaluation was done to 39 research subjects which were hypertension patients within inclusion criteria. Each patient undergone a head MRI, Cognitive functions through MoCA INA test, Trail making test A B and Groove Pegboard and CRA flow velocities evaluation through an Orbital Doppler Ultrasound.Result CSVD was found on 79,5 of research subjects. PFV of CRA on research subjects 17,93 7,1 42,58 cm s tend to be higher than normal levels 10.3 2.1 6.4 17.2 cm s . In subjects with CSVD as much as 74.2 had impaired cognitive function and increased PFV of CRA. There was no significant correlation between PFV of CRA and the existence of CSVD. There was also no significant correlation between PFV of CRA and the presence of cognitive function impairment. There was a tendency of increased PFV of CRA on CSVD and cognitive function impairment.Conclusion Changes in PFV of CRA may reflect CSVD and cognitive function disturbance on hypertension patients."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The work describes a new method of sphincter salvage in surgery of rectal cancer. Low tumors of the rectum are traditionally treated with amputation of the rectum. However, this operation is not well-received by patients, since it results in a permanent colostomy. By contrast, intersphincteric resection allows sphincter salvage even in low tumors and is now widely accepted among experts in the field of colorectal surgery. The book will describe the basics (pathology,physiology, radiology) as well as the surgical technique and its different modifications."
Wien: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library