Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Pemerintah sebaiknya mencabut kebijakan pembebasan PPN pada tingkat produsen untuk menghindari cascading effect pada harga jual produk ternak unggas dan tidak menimbulkan distorsi kebijakan PPN sehingga mampu mengurangi beban pajak yang timbul (cost of taxation) baik dalam bentuk compliance cost yang terdiri dari direct money cost, time cost maupun psychological cost yang berdampak pada efisiensi industri terkait. Selain itu, Badan Kebijakan Fiskal sebaiknya mengganti instrumen insentif pembebasan PPN yang tidak komprehensif dan kontraproduktif dengan upaya meningkatkan produktivitas sesuai prinsip supply side tax policy dengan mempertimbangkan alternatif bentuk kebijakan Barang Tidak Kena Pajak untuk seluruh mata rantai produksi dan konsumsi ternak unggas ......The Value Added Tax policy for the poultry sector in Indonesia consists of a VAT Exemption Policy for poultry producers and a Taxable Goods Policy for the government is an effort to maintain the stability of livestock product prices to be affordable for the community and increase meat consumption in the community while providing support for producers to can increase productivity by minimizing the tax burden that must be borne. This study explains the structure of levies and the structure of Value Added Tax incentives in the production and consumption chain of poultry in Indonesia in the perspective of public policy in an effort to increase producer productivity and public consumption and evaluate the policy of Value Added Tax incentive policies in the production and consumption chain of poultry in Indonesia in its efforts to support national food security is seen from an evidence-based policy perspective.
This study uses a qualitative-descriptive method with in-depth interview data collection techniques and documentation studies. The government should revoke the VAT exemption policy at the producer level to avoid the cascading effect on the selling price of poultry products and does not cause distortion of VAT policy so as to reduce the tax burden arising (cost of taxation) in the form of compliance costs that consist of money costs, time costs and psychological costs that have an impact on the efficiency of the related industry. In addition, the Fiscal Policy Agency should replace the non-comprehensive and counterproductive VAT exemption instruments with efforts to increase productivity in accordance with the principle of supply side tax policy by considering alternative forms of Non-Taxable Goods policy for the entire production chain and consumption of poultry