"[Skripsi ini membahas topik mengenai penerapan tarif Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) atas jasa bongkar muat pada PT BSB. Jasa bongkar muat merupakan sutau jasa penunjang angkutan laut yang melakukan pemindahan barang dari palka
kapal ke lambung kapal atau sebaliknya. PPN atas jasa bongkar muat itu sendiri sama seperti ketentuan PPN pada umumnya. Dalam penelitian ini, PT BSB melakukan dua kesalahan terkait dengan mekanisme PPN-nya. Kesalahan
pertamanya ialah menggunakan nilai lain sebagai DPP-nya serta tidak membuat faktur pajak. Kesalahan tersebut tentunya menimbulkan sanksi administrasi pajak, namun dengan adanya fasilitas penghapusan atau pengurangan sanksi administrasi pajak pada tahun 2015 yang berdampak positif bagi PT BSB, di mana PT BSB menjadi terbebas dari sanksi administrasi pajak.
......The idea of this study is practice for Value Added Tax (VAT) rate of stevedoring. Stevedoring is one of the supporting systems for shipping services which is the process of loading and unloading ships. VAT of stevedoring is similar to the general VAT regulation. In this study, PT BSB does two errors on their VAT mechanism. The first error is uses other as the tax base for the VAT calculations and the second one is PT BSB does not prepares tax invoice. Those errors must be arouses administrative penalties, but there is a facility that grants elimination or deduction for the administrative penalty in 2015 that has positive impacts for PT BSB, which is be spared from tax administrative penalty., The idea of this study is practice for Value Added Tax (VAT) rate of stevedoring.
Stevedoring is one of the supporting systems for shipping services which is the
process of loading and unloading ships. VAT of stevedoring is similar to the
general VAT regulation. In this study, PT BSB does two errors on their VAT
mechanism. The first error is uses other as the tax base for the VAT calculations
and the second one is PT BSB does not prepares tax invoice. Those errors must be
arouses administrative penalties, but there is a facility that grants elimination or
deduction for the administrative penalty in 2015 that has positive impacts for PT
BSB, which is be spared from tax administrative penalty]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016