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Williams, Greer
New York: Alfred A. Knoff, 1959
576.64 WIL v
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Campak adalah penyakit virus akut(paramyxavirus) sangat mudah menular melalui udara atau kontak langsung namun tergolong penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi. Di Indonesia penyakit campak telah masuk pada tahap reduksi dengan cakupan imunisasi (>90 %) namun Case fatality rate (CFR) eukup tinggi yaitu sekitar 1,7 - 2,4 oleh karena itu penelitian kearah mencari faktor penyebab penyakit campak pads balita dalam hal ini dibatasi pada faktor kesehatan lingkungan dan karakteristik anak balita yang berkaitan dengan kejadian penyakit campak pada balita menjadi sangat beralasan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi frekwensi, hubungan dan mencari model faktor kesehatan lingkungan (16 variabel) dan karakteristik anak balita (5 variabel ) dengan kejadian penyakit campak pada balita. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Garut dengan metode kasus kontrol, jumlali sampel masing masing 150 kasus dan 150 kontrol total 300 sampel (1:1), rentang waktu antara Bolan Juli 2000 aid Bulan Desember 2001.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari 21 Variabel yang dilakukan uji hubungan bevariat ada 15 variabel yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan p 0.05 (hipotesis ditolak). Dan 5 variabel p > 0.05 (hipotesis gagal ditolak).
Model akhir tanpa interaksi didapat lima variabel utama yang berhubungan dengan kejadian campak adalah Imunisasi nilai B (3.340), Jendela (1.468), Vit A ( 1.319), Kepadatan ( 0.885) dan Cahaya (0.846) dengan konstanta -5.218. Faktor paling dominan adalah imunisasi dengan OR 28.228 pada CI 95 % 11.789-67.588, sedangkan setelah melalui uji interaksi terdapat dua variabel tunggal dan 2 yang berinteraksi yaitu 1286 (Imunisasi), 1,393 (Cahaya by Jendela), 0.933 (Kepadatan), dan 0.947 (Cahaya by Vit A) dengan konstanta -3.951 faktor paling dominan yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian campak adalah Imunisasi dengan nilai B = 3.951 dengan QR = 26.72 nilai C195 % = 11.301-63.201
Untuk aplikasi penanganan program ini tentu memerlukan strategi khusus, yang intinya perlu pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat yang komprehensif berupa pelayanan promosi dan pencegahan berupa pelayanan intensif pelaksanaan imunisasi dan pemberian vitamin A serta melaksanakan perbaikan kesehatan lingkungan fisik rumah terutama sistem pencahayaan, jendelanisasi, dan pengurangan kepadatan kamar.

Measles is an accute viruses deseases (paramyxovirus)_ It is very easy infected to other people direct contact, but can be prevented by immunization. In Indonesia measles deseases is in reduction phase with immunimtion trap >90 %, but the Case fatality rate (CFR) is high between 1.7 - 2.4. There efor the study to find the risk factor of measles on childhood in this case is limited on environtmenal health factor and the characteristic of childhood that is associated with measles incidence of childhood is very reasonable.
The purpose of this study is to know the distribution anda freqkfency, the association and find the environment health factors model (16 variables) and characteristik of childhood (5 variable) with the measles incidence on Childhood at Garut District 2000-2001 year.
This study was being done at Garut district using case control method_ The sample of this study is 300 ehilldhood (150 cases and 150 control) the study last from July 2000 --- Descember 2000. The result of this study showed that from 21 variable there is 16 variabels is significant because p < 0.05.
The multivariate final model are : immunization B velue (3.340), Windows (1.468), Vit A ( 1.319), Crowding ( 0.885) and Lighting (0.846), constanta -5.218. The strenght of Factor is immunization with OR 28.228 at CI 95 % 11389-67.588.
Interaksi test result is 3.286 (Imunisation), 1.393 (Light by windows), 0.933 (Croeding, and 0.947 (Lighting by Vit A), constanta -3.951 and strenght factor is Imunisation with B value = 3.951 , OR = 26.72 Cl 95 % = 11.301-63.201
Sugestion for program Aplication cocerning measles program in Garut District is a comprehensif action, covering Promotion, prevention, Curative dan Rehabilitation. The priority program are Immunization programe, Vitamin A, and Rehabilitation of Window, sistem of Lighting Room and reduction of Ovbercrowding.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
T 8197
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Seperti negara-negara di dunia, di Indonesia penyakit infeksi hepatitis A Virus (HAY) hingga saat ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan yang besar. Tingginya angka endemisitas dan maiden HAV mempunyai korelasi dengan tingkat higiene dan kondisi sanitasi, disamping perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS) masyarakat itu sendiri. Secara umum penularan hepatitis A yang paling dominan adalah secara faecal/ oral melalui makanan dan minuman yang terkontaminasi oleh tinja manusia yang mengandung HAV. Di Kabupaten Kebumen, KLB infeksi HAV yang terjadi pada tahun 2001 menunjukkan kemungkinan masih rendahnya kondisi sanitasi dan PHBS dari masyarakat. Disamping itu masih rendahnya cakupan SAB sebesar 33.3% dan SAGA 16,7% merupakan kontribusi yang patut dipertimbangkan.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian infeksi HAV.
Rancangan penelitian menggunakan desain kasus kontrol tidak berpadanan, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 154 orang. Data sekunder berupa data kasus dan kontrol diperoleh dari hasil pemeriksaan serologic oleh Tim Terpadu (Subdit Surveilans, US NAMRU-2 dan DKK Kebumen) yang berasal dari 2 wilayah puskesmas tempat terjadinya KLB infeksi HAV. Sedangkan data primer dikumpulkan dengan mengunjungi responden untuk melakukan wawancara dan pengamatan menggunakan kuisioner disamping pengambilan sampel air, untuk selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan program komputer di Laboratorium Komputer Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia.
Hasil analisis bivariat didapat bahwa terdapat hubungan bermakna antara beberapa faktor risiko yaitu: kualitas bakteriologis air, tempat/sarana b.a.b., cuci tangan setelah b.a.b. dan kebiasaan makan jajan (masing-masing mempunyai nilai pO,05). Hasil analisis multivariat (uji regresi logistik) menunjukkan bahwa faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan kejadian infeksi HAV adalah: jenis sarana b.a.b., kebiasaan cuci tangan setelah b.a.b. dan makan jajan. Pada penelitian ini tidak ditemukan adanya interaksi antara ketiga variabel tersebut.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian iai adalah bahwa orang yang melakukan b.a.b. di JAGA yang tidak memenuhi syarat, mempunyai kebiasaan tidak mencuci tangan setelah b.a.b.(tidak higienis) dan sering makan jajan berisiko lebih besar terserang infeksi HAV. Disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan untuk lebih meningkatkan kegiatan inspeksi sanitasi SAS, secara jangka panjang meningkatkan cakupan SAB & JAGA, melakukan kaponisasi sumur penduduk setelah terjadinya KLB, pemberdayaan masyarakat dan penyuluhan khususnya PHBS dan lingkungan yang saniter. Kepada masyarakat termasuk pengelola usaha makanan jajanan untuk selalu menjaga higiene perorangan dan meningkatkan higiene sanitasi agar kasus serupa tidak terjadi di masa mendatang. Penelitian lanjutan perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan hubungan sebab akibat, disamping memperhatikan variabel-variabel lain yang terkait.
Daftar bacaan: 47 ( 1985-2001)

Related Factors With Infection Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) Occurence in Regency Kebumen, Year 2001 (Case Control Study of Outbreak Hepatitis)Like nations in the world in Indonesia infection hepatitis A virus (HAV) disease till in this time still represent big health problem. Number endemisitas incident HAV and height have correlation with level of hygiene sanitation and beside the clean life behavior and make healthy (PHBS) society itself In general most dominant infection HAV is by faecal oral of through food and beverage which contamination by faeces of human being containing HAV. That happened outbreak infection HAV in regency Kebumen the year 2001 showing the possibility of still lower sanitation and PHBS from society. Lower of coverage of water supply (SAB) equal to 33,3% and family latrine (SAGA) 16,7% representing proper contribution considered. Aims of this research to know epidemiological description and related factors with infection HAV occurrence.
Design of research use not matched case control, with amount of sample as much 154 people. Secondary data of case and control obtained from result inspection of serologic by Inwrought Team (Subdit Surveillance, US NAMRU-2 and DKK Kebumen) coming from 2 region of Public Health Service of place the happening of outbreak infection HAV. While of primary data collected visitedly is respondent to conduct interview and perception use questioner beside take of sample water to know quality of bacteriological Analysis to use computer program in Computer Laboratory of Public Health Faculty University of Indonesia.
Result of bivariate analysis got that there are relation have a meaning of between some risk factor that is quality of water bacteriological, place of excrement (b.a.b), clean hand habit after b.a.b, eat junk food habit and age (each having p value <0,05) with infection HAV occurrence. While other dissimilar risk factor that type of SAS, clean hand habit of before eating and the gender do not related significant (each having p value >0,05). Result of analysis multivariat (Logistic Regression test)) indicating that dominant factors which deal with infection HAV occurrence is: place of b.a.b. type, habit clean hand after b.a.b. and eat junk food habit. At this research is not found an interaction existence of among third the variable.
Conclusion from this research is that one who do b.a.b in JAGA of ineligible, having habit do not clean hand after b.a.b (is not hygienic) and often eat something of the home have risk more attacked by infection HAV. Suggested to Public Health Service to more improve early warning system (SKID), empowerment and the counseling especially of PHBS and healthy environment. To society include the junk food handler always take care of personal hygiene and sanitation in order the similar case is not happened in the future. Continuation research require to be conducted to know causality strength, while considered other variable that related.
Library list: 47 (1985-2001)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abidin Widjanarko
Hepatitis virus adalah lesi inflamasi hati yang difus,
hampir selalu disertai kelainan klinis dan biokimia, dan di
sebabkan oleh infeksi virus. Hepatitis virus akut di Indonesia merupakan penyakit
endemis, hampir sepanjang tahun di rumah-rumah sakit kita dapat menemukan penderita penyakit ini. Dari ketiga jenis hepatitis virus utama
tersebut diatas, hepatitis virus A tidak pernah menjadi kronis sedang-
kan hepatitis B dan NANB dapat menjadi kronis.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1). memperoleh data persentase hepatitis virus A akut, B Akut, dan yang mungkin NANB di RS Persahabatan. (2). Memperoleh data gambaran klinis dan pola enzim hepatitis virus A,B, dan NANB akut.
(3). Memperoleh data banyaknya penderita hepatitis virus akut yang
dirawat di RS Persahabatan setiap bulan. (4). Memperoleh data kronisitas
dari masing-masing hepatitis virus akut tersebut.

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Setiawan
"Measles immunization has been introduced since 1960, thereby markedly reducing the number of cases in developed countries. However, measles epidemics still occur even in developed countries. In the United States, in 1988-1992 an increase in the number of measles cases reaching 50,000 cases was reported. Some of these cases occurred in previously immunized patients. This was thought to be caused by genetic mutation of the measles virus, aside from weaknesses of the vaccine and low immunization coverage.
Since measles immunization was employed in Indonesia, the number of measles patients has decreased. However, epidemics are still frequently reported. About 15-30% of reported cases occurred in those previously immunized, raising the question of whether a genetic difference exists between the wild-type measles virus circulating in Indonesia and the vaccine virus being used. Such a difference may lead to the differences in the antigenicity of the wild-type and vaccine viruses, rendering the resulting antibody incapable of neutralizing the wild-type viruses. Based on the above, this study is aimed to demonstrate the extent of genetic and antigenic differences between the wild-type and vaccine measles viruses.
We conducted an experimental laboratory study to sequence the N, H, and F genes of the wild-type measles viruses (G2, G3, and D9) and the CAM-70 vaccine virus. To show antigenic differences, the wild-type viruses (G2, G3, and D9) and the CAM-70 and Schwarz viruses were injected to BALB/c mice. Serum antibodies of the mice were analyzed using ELISA, cross-neutralization test, and immunoblotting using antigens from the respective viruses.
Results of this study showed that the wild-type and the vaccine viruses differ in the sequence of the N gene by 73-79 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 17-24 residues; the H gene by 60-99 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 13-29 residues; the F gene by 71-88 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 4-3 I residues. Differences between the wild-type and the CAM-70 and Schwarz vaccine viruses were also found in the epitope site of the CTL and antibodies, which are important to virus antigenicity.
We conclude that a significant difference in antigenicity exists between the wild-type measles viruses circulating in Indonesia with the CAM-70 measles virus. We also found the immunogenicity of the CAM-70 and Schwarz vaccine viruses to be lower than that of the wild-type viruses."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Setiawan
"Measles immunization has been introduced since 1960, thereby markedly reducing the number of cases in developed countries. However, measles epidemics still occur even in developed countries. In the United States, in 1988-1992 an increase in the number of measles cases reaching 50,000 cases was reported. Some of these cases occurred in previously immunized patients. This was thought to be caused by genetic mutation of the measles virus, aside from weaknesses of the vaccine and low immunization coverage.
Since measles immunization was employed in Indonesia, the number of measles patients has decreased. However, epidemics are still frequently reported. About 15-30% of reported cases occurred in those previously immunized, raising the question of whether a genetic difference exists between the wild-type measles virus circulating in Indonesia and the vaccine virus being used. Such a difference may lead to the differences in the antigenicity of the wild-type and vaccine viruses, rendering the resulting antibody incapable of neutralizing the wild-type viruses. Based on the above, this study is aimed to demonstrate the extent of genetic and antigenic differences between the wild-type and vaccine measles viruses.
We conducted an experimental laboratory study to sequence the N, H, and F genes of the wild-type measles viruses (G2, G3, and D9) and the CAM-70 vaccine virus. To show antigenic differences, the wild-type viruses (G2, G3, and D9) and the CAM-70 and Schwarz viruses were injected to BALB/c mice. Serum antibodies of the mice were analyzed using ELISA, cross-neutralization test, and immunoblotting using antigens from the respective viruses.
Results of this study showed that the wild-type and the vaccine viruses differ in the sequence of the N gene by 73-79 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 17-24 residues; the H gene by 60-99 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 13-29 residues; the F gene by 71-88 nucleotides, resulting in amino acid substitution of 4-3 I residues. Differences between the wild-type and the CAM-70 and Schwarz vaccine viruses were also found in the epitope site of the CTL and antibodies, which are important to virus antigenicity.
We conclude that a significant difference in antigenicity exists between the wild-type measles viruses circulating in Indonesia with the CAM-70 measles virus. We also found the immunogenicity of the CAM-70 and Schwarz vaccine viruses to be lower than that of the wild-type viruses."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dorothy Sinur Christabella
Kasus dengue masih tinggi di negara-negara endemik, salah satunya Indonesia. Tingkat insidensi penyakit demam berdarah dengue meningkat sejak tahun 1968 sampai 2015. Hingga saat ini belum ada obat antivirus spesifik untuk infeksi dengue. Salah satu penelitian mengenai pengobatan dengue dilakukan dengan menggunakan bahan natural. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa fraksi n-heksana ekstrak daun kenikir memiliki potensi sebagai antivirus DENV dengan nilai IC50, CC50, dan SI sebesar 1.497 μg/ml, 33.247 μg/ml dan 22.209 secara berurutan. Akan tetapi, bagaimana mekanisme penghambatan replikasi DENV paling tepat belum diketahui. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental menggunakan DENV Serotipe 2 Strain NGC dan sel HUH7it-1 yang membandingkan 2 mekanisme hambatan yaitu sesudah infeksi (post infeksi) dan saat-sesudah infeksi (pre-post infeksi). Penentuan persentase penghambatan DENV menggunakan uji focus assay. Sedangkan penentuan persentase viabilitas sel HUH7it-1 menggunakan uji MTT yang dibandingkan dengan nilai viabilitas kontrol DMSO untuk mengetahui efek toksisitas ekstrak. Dari uji tersebut, didapatkan persentase penghambatan DENV dan viabilitas pada mekanisme sesudah infeksi adalah 15,43% dan 138,53%. Sedangkan persentase penghambatan DENV dan viabilitas pada mekanisme saat-sesudah infeksi adalah 6,44% dan 118,12%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme penghambatan antivirus ekstrak daun kenikir fraksi n-heksana adalah pada sesudah infeksi virus

Dengue cases are still high in endemic countries, one of them is Indonesia. The incidence rate of dengue hemorrhagic fever had been increasing since 1968 to 2015. Until now, specific antiviral drug for dengue infection has not been found. One of the research about dengue treatment used natural products. A recent study showed that n-hexane fraction of Cosmos caudatus had the potency of being DENV antiviral drug with the value of IC50, CC50 and SI, 1.497 μg/ml, 33.247 μg/ml and 22.209, respectively. However, the inhibitory mechanism of DENV replication has not been known. This is an experimental study using DENV Serotype 2 Strain NGC and HUH7it-1 cell line that compare 2 inhibitory mechanism, which are post infection and pre-post infection. The inhibitory percentage use focus assay test. And the viability perventage of HUH7it-1 cell is measured by MTT assay to determine the toxicity effect of the extract. From this experiment, the inhibitory percentage of DENV and viability of cell from the post-infection mechanism are 15,43% and 138,53% respectively. Meanwhile the inhibitory percentage and viability from the pre-post infection mechanism are 6,44% and 118,12%. This shows that the inhibitory antiviral mechanism of Cosmos caudatus leaves n-hexane fraction with higher effects is post infection.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Richa Haryanti
"Hepatitis A merupakan penyakit tertua yang penularannya melalui jalur faecal-oral. Kejadian hepatitis A di RS. Awal Bros Bekasi cenderung meningkat setiap tahunnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran epidemiologi hepatitis A di RS. Awal Bros Bekasi Januari 2009 - November 2012. Desain penelitian ini seri kasus. Pemilihan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan penderita hepatitis A berjumlah 93 orang, rata-rata umur penderita 24,44 tahun, didominasi oleh jenis kelamin laki-laki. Lama rawat penderita tergolong pendek. Kasus meningkat pada kuartal keempat tahun 2011 dan kuartal pertama tahun 2012. Berdasarkan data tersebut, diharapkan RS. Awal Bros Bekasi dapat lebih mengoptimalkan pelayanan terhadap penderita hepatitis A.

Hepatitis A is the oldest disease with faecal-oral trasmission. The inicidence of Hepatitis A in Awal Bros Hospital, Bekasi tend to increase every year. The purpose of this research was to investigate epidemiology description of hepatitis A in Awal Bros Hospital, Bekasi January 2009 - November 2012. This research used case series design. The results show that from 93 respondent, the average age of 24,44 years old. The majority gender is the male, and average length of stay of the respondent is short. Cases increased in the fourth quarter of 2011 and first quarter of 2012. From this research, it was concluded that Awal Bros Hospital, Bekasi can be better for the service of people with hepatitis A."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Saraswati
"Indonesia merupakan negara pertama ditemukannya penyakit demam berdarah, yaitu pada tahun 1968. Hingga pada tahun 2004, beberapa studi menemukan bahwa virus dengue serotipe 3 (DENV-3) merupakan penyebab demam berdarah paling dominan dan menyebabkan gejala yang paling berat.
Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui genotype dari DENV-3 di Jakarta yang berguna untuk diagnosis awal dan pengembangan vaksin. Ditambah lagi, primer yang di rancang di penelitian ini berguna untuk penelitian demam berdarah berikutnya. Riset ini diambil dari 100 pasien demam berdarah rawat inap di RSCM dan pengumpulan setiap data dibantu oleh lembaga Eijkman. Sampel diambil dengan consecutive sampling dan dianalisis menggunakan Genetyx v5.1.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mayoritas virus dengue serotipe 3 yang ditemukan di Indonesia termasuk dalam genotipe I yang hampir identik dengan dengue virus serotipe 3 dari Thailand. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa tingkat pasien demam berdarah pada anak-anak lebih tinggi disbanding pasien dewasa. Namun berdasarkan uji chi-square, ditemukan bahwa kategori jenis kelamin, umur dan daerah Jakarta tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan dengan terjadinya demam berdarah.
Para peneliti diharapkan untuk melakukan penelitian lebih lenjut untuk melakukan sequencing lebih banyak lagi dan tidak hanya dilakukan di Jakarta saja tetapi di daerah lain, karena tingkat pasien demam berdarah yang tinggi di Indonesia.

Indonesia was the first country where dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) was found in 1968. Ever since, the increasing cases were reported every year, and this became a major concern of health problem worldwide. In addition, dengue virus (DENV) serotype 3, which cause the most severe clinical manifestation among other dengue virus strands, was found as the most predominant DENV in Indonesia.
This study aimed to find the genotype of the dengue virus in Jakarta to become the base in the development of vaccine and molecular diagnostic. Moreover, this study designed the primer of DENV for future laboratories research. This study was participated by 100 suspected dengue patients in RSCM and data collection was conducted by Eijkman, the research institute. Samples were taken by consecutive sampling and analysed by Genetyx v5.1.
The results gave information that a majority of virus dengue serotype 3 in Indonesia was consisted of genotype I, which is identical with dengue virus serotype 3 in Thailand. Furthermore, we found that the incidence of pediatric dengue patients is higher than adults. However, in accordance with the chi square test, there is no significant relationship between different patient’s categories (gender, age, region).
It is expected that, DNA sequencing for other DENV-3 should be inspected further in Jakarta and this research should also be done in other areas in Indonesia as this country is one of the countries with high yield of dengue evidence.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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