"Skripsi ini membahas faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi turnover intention perawat rumah sakit di berbagai negara Asia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor turnover intention perawat rumah sakit di berbagai negara Asia menggunakan metode literature review berpedoman matriks PRISMA. Tinjauan literatur dilakukan dengan mencari artikel terpublikasi tahun 2015-2020, menggunakan 6 penelusuan database online melalui Library UI online diantaranya EbscoHost, Sage Publication, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Wiley Online dan grey literature. Keyword pencarian yang digunakan adalah "turnover", “turnover intention”, “intention to leave”, “intention to quit”, "hospital", "nurse", “keinginan pindah”, “perawat”. Kriteria inklusi berupa artikel berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, teks lengkap, open access, studi rumah sakit, perawat yang bekerja minimal 1 tahun dan terbatas di Asia. Diperoleh total 3789 artikel. Setelah melalui skrining dan ekstraksi didapatkan 15 artikel relevan untuk dievaluasi lebih lanjut. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi turnover intention perawat rumah sakit di berbagai negara Asia yaitu faktor individu (tingkat pendidikan, usia, status pernikahan, jenis kelamin, persepsi dukungan organisasi), faktor komitmen organisasi, faktor organisasi (stress kerja, burnout, kepuasan kerja, lingkungan kerja), dan faktor lain (kekerasan di tempat kerja, kualifikasi profesional, daerah asal rekrut). Sedangkan faktor yang sering muncul dalam mempengaruhi turnover intention adalah komitmen organisasi, ketidakpuasan terhadap kompensasi, dan kekerasan di tempat kerja.
This study discusses factors affecting turnover intention of hospital nurses in various Asian countries. This study to determine factors of turnover intention of hospital nurses in various Asian countries using literature review method based on the PRISMA matrix. Literature review was carried out by searching for published articles in 2015-2020, using 6 online database searches through the online UI Library including EbscoHost, Sage Publication, ScienceDirect, Scopus, WileyOnline and grey literature. The keywords used "turnover", "turnover intention", "intention to leave", "intention to quit", "hospital", "nurse". The inclusion criteria were articles in English and Indonesian, full text, open access, research in hospitals, nurses who worked for at least 1 year and limited in Asia. Obtained a total of 3789 scientific articles. After going through screening and extraction, 15 articles were relevant for further evaluation. The factors affecting turnover intention of hospital nurses in various Asian countries are individual factors (education level, age, marital status, gender, perceived organizational support), organizational commitment factors, organizational factors (job stress, burnout, job satisfaction, work environment), and other factors (workplace violence, professional qualifications, region of origin of recruits). Meanwhile, factors that often appear in affecting turnover intention are organizational commitment, dissatisfaction with compensation, and violence in the workplace."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021