ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat efektivitas program SRSD (Self-Regulation
Strategy Development) berdasarkan metakognisi untuk meningkatkan
keterampilan menulis karangan pada siswa sekolah dasar. Intervensi yang
dirancang ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa mengembangkan kemampuannya
dalam meregulasi proses menulis karangan secara mandiri. Penelitian ini
menggunakan single subject design dengan melibatkan satu orang partisipan,
yaitu siswa perempuan berusia 11 tahun yang memiliki kecerdasan di atas ratarata
(Skala Wechsler), namun kesulitan dalam menulis karangan. Intervensi dibagi
ke dalam 10 sesi dengan durasi 60 menit pada setiap sesinya. Setelah dilakukan
analisis perbandingan hasil pre-test dan post-test, ditemukan bahwa model SRSD
yang diberikan efektif dalam mengembangkan kemampuan metakognisi, baik
dalam hal planning maupun reviewing dan meningkatkan keterampilan menulis
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to know the effectiveness of SRSD program (Self-Regulation Strategy Development) based on metacognition in improving storywriting skills on elementary students. This intervention expected to helpelementary students to develop their skill in regulating writing processindependently. This study is a single subject research with one student involved.Participant is an eleven years old girl with an above average intelligent quotient(Wechsler Scale), but having problem in story writing. This intervention wasgiven in ten session and 60 minutes for each session. Qualitative analysis wasapplied to measure changes of writing score before and after the intervention. Theresult of this study shows that SRSD model is effective in developingmetacognition, not only planning but also reviewing and improving story writingskills., The purpose of this study was to know the effectiveness of SRSD program (Self-Regulation Strategy Development) based on metacognition in improving storywriting skills on elementary students. This intervention expected to helpelementary students to develop their skill in regulating writing processindependently. This study is a single subject research with one student involved.Participant is an eleven years old girl with an above average intelligent quotient(Wechsler Scale), but having problem in story writing. This intervention wasgiven in ten session and 60 minutes for each session. Qualitative analysis wasapplied to measure changes of writing score before and after the intervention. Theresult of this study shows that SRSD model is effective in developingmetacognition, not only planning but also reviewing and improving story writingskills.]"