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Ditemukan 29 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nur Fitri Izzati Ramadhani
"Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI) gagal mengesahkan Rancangan Undang Undang Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual (RUU PKS) pada 2019, yang merupakan RUU usulan DPR pada 2016 dalam RUU Program Legislasi Nasional (Prolegnas) Prioritas 2014-2019. Pembahasan RUU ini cukup lama sejak dirumuskan pada 2014, dan hingga 2019 pembahasan hanya sampai pada tingkat pertama karena menuai pro-kontra di masyarakat. Studi ini fokus menganalisis kegagalan DPR dalam mengesahkan RUU PKS ini dengan menggunaka metode kualitatif berupa wawancara mendalam dan kajian literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan pada dasarnya merupakan isu krusial yang memerlukan solusi melalui sebuah regulasi. RUU PKS dianggap dapat melindungi hak-hak perempuan dari kekerasan. Tetapi pada sisi lainnya, RUU PKS dinilai bertentangan dengan moral maupun ajaran agama bahkan sampai dianggap melegalkan seks bebas ataupun LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender). Masih melekatnya budaya patriarki, kurangnya komitmen maupun pemahaman representasi politik para anggota legislatif dalam membela hak-hak perempuan, juga masih adanya seksisme institusional di lembaga legislatif Indonesia, menjadi temuan dari penelitian terkait penyebab gagalnya pengesahan RUU PKS pada tahun 2019.
......The People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) failed to pass the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS) in 2019, which was the draft proposed by the DPR in 2016 in the 2014-2019 Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) Bill. The discussion of this bill has taken a long time since it was formulated in 2014, and until 2019 discussions only reached the first level because of the pros and cons in society. This study focuses on analyzing the failure of the DPR in passing the PKS Bill by using qualitative methods in the form of in-depth interviews and literature review. The results showed that sexual violence against women is basically a crucial issue that requires a solution through a regulation. The PKS Bill is considered to be able to protect women's rights from violence. But on the other hand, the PKS Bill is considered to be contrary to moral and religious teachings and is even considered legalizing free sex or LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender). The inherent patriarchal culture, lack of commitment and understanding of the political representation of legislators in defending women's rights, as well as institutional sexism in the Indonesian legislature, are findings from research related to the failure to ratify the PKS Bill in 2019."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shara Monarizka
"Saat ini ditemukan banyak kasus kekerasan seksual yang dialami oleh para perempuan di Indonesia yang diungkap oleh media massa. Peran media massa dalam penyebaran informasi pun lantas menjadi krusial karena dapat berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan pandangan masyarakat terhadap kasus tersebut. Ditambah lagi dengan kemajuan teknologi, masyarakat pun dapat dengan mudah mengakses pemberitaan terkait melalui gawai dan sejenisnya. Adapun salah satu kasus kekerasan seksual yang pemberitaannya diungkapkan secara berkelanjutan hingga pada akhirnya menjadi perbincangan nasional adalah kasus yang dialami oleh Baiq Nuril, korban pelecehan seksual secara verbal yang juga dipidanakan atas pelanggaran UU ITE untuk pencemaran nama baik oleh mantan Kepala Sekolah bernama Muslim. Kasus tersebut pun merambah menjadi wacana internasional yang diberitakan terus-menerus yang salah satunya oleh The Jakarta Post, media massa di Indonesia yang berbahasa Inggris dengan target audiens menengah ke atas. Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana The Jakarta Post merepresentasikan Baiq Nuril sebagai korban pelecehan seksual dari segi ideasional (gagasan) dan interpersonal (hubungan antarpartisipan). Penelitian ini juga mengkaji bagaimana keberpihakan The Jakarta Post terhadap Baiq Nuril. Dengan menggunakan ancangan campuran, yaitu kualitatif dan kuantitatif, penelitian ini mengaplikasikan analisis wacana kritis oleh Fairclough (2010) dan linguistik fungsional sistemik oleh Halliday dan Matthiessen (2014), khususnya yaitu transitivitas dan modus. Sebanyak 27 teks berita tentang kasus Baiq Nuril di The Jakarta Post diperoleh secara daring sebagai sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa baik dari segi ideasional maupun interpersonal, Baiq Nuril secara utama direpresentasikan sebagai korban pelecehan seksual sekaligus korban UU ITE. Keberpihakan The Jakarta Post sebagai korban pelecehan seksual sekaligus korban UU ITE. Keberpihakan The Jakarta Post terhadap Baiq Nuril ditunjukkan dengan bagaimana Baiq Nuril ditampilkan sebagai pihak yang tidak bersalah dan lantas memperoleh banyak simpati serta dukungan dari berbagai kalangan, seperti aktivis dan lembaga keagamaan hingga pemerintah daerah setempat.
......Nowadays, there are many cases of sexual violence experienced by women in Indonesia that are revealed by the mass media. The role of the mass media in disseminating information is crucial because it can influence public‟s views on the case. Along with technological advances, public can easily access related news through gadgets and so on. One of the cases of sexual violence whose news was continuously disclosed until it eventually became a national discourse was the one experienced by Baiq Nuril, the victim of verbal sexual harassment who was also convicted of violating the ITE Law for defamation by a former school principal named Muslim. The case has become an international discourse that was being reported by media continuously, such as The Jakarta Post which is the English-speaking mass media in Indonesia targeting the middle and upper middle class. In this regard, this study examines how The Jakarta Post actually represents Baiq Nuril as a victim of sexual harassment from both ideational and interpersonal perspectives. This study also examines how The Jakarta Post takes sides with Baiq Nuril. By conducting a mixed approach, namely qualitative and quantitative, this study applies critical discourse analysis by Fairclough (2010) and systemic functional linguistics by Halliday and Matthiessen (2014), especially transitivity and mode. A total of 27 news texts about Baiq Nuril in The Jakarta Post are obtained online as the primary data source in this study. The results of the analysis show that from both ideational and interpersonal perspectives, Baiq Nuril is primarily represented as a victim of sexual harassment as well as a victim of the ITE Law. The way The Jakarta Post advocates Baiq Nuril is shown by how Baiq Nuril is represented as the innocent party that gets a lot of sympathy and support from various groups, from activists and religious institutions to the local government."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ana Nadila
"Skripsi ini mencoba membahas bagaimana memahami kontestasi wacana yang muncul dalam memahami substansi draft RUU Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual melalui pendekatan pluralisme agonistik Chantal Mouffe dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Pendekatan pluralisme agonistik menjadi pendekatan alternatif dalam memahami keberlangsungan demokrasi di tengah kondisi pluralitas masyarakat. Konsep ini merupakan alternatif dari pendekatan demokrasi liberal yang memusatkan demokrasi pada tujuan untuk mencapai konsensus yang rasional. Mouffe melalui konsep pluralisme agonistiknya mengkritik bahwa orientasi demokrasi liberal pada proses pencapaian konsensus yang rasional telah mengeliminasi “the Political” sehingga berpotensi menghambat terciptanya pluralisme publik dalam kehidupan demokrasi itu sendiri. Adapun kontestasi wacana antara pihak yang mendukung dan menolak pengesahan RUU P-KS menjadi relevan untuk dipahami menggunakan pendekatan pluralisme agonistik karena kontestasi yang terjadi melibatkan wacana dengan pendekatan yang masih belum bisa menemukan titik kesepakatan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan pluralisme agonistik, kontestasi wacana dalam memahami RUU P-KS merupakan refleksi dari hidupnya proses demokrasi. Berlangsungnya kontestasi wacana ini merupakan wujud ‘konsensus konfliktual’ (conflictual consensus) di mana artinya adalah merayakan keberagaman melalui pluralisme yang sarat konflik.
......his thesis discusses about how to understand discourse between supporters and opponents of the Sexual Violence Eradication Bill using the concept of agonistic pluralism by Chantal Mouffe through qualitative research methods. Agonistic pluralism is an alternative approach to understand the process of democracy in divided society like Indonesia. Through this concept, Mouffe criticizes about democracy concept in liberal paradigm that tends to eliminate “the Political” because of its orientation to achieve rational consensus. The orientation of liberal paradigm democracy in a rational consensus process can hinder the creation of public pluralism in democratic it self. Discourse between supporters and opponents of RUU P-KS is relevant to be understood in agonistic pluralism concept because this discourse involves irreconcilable thoughts. By using an agonistic pluralism concept, the discourse in understanding the Sexual Violence Eradication Bill is a reflection of the existence of democracy. The ongoing discourse is a form of “conflictual consensus”, which means celebrating diversity through pluralism which is full of conflicts."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seli Muna Ardiani
"Kekerasan seksual selama ini banyak dipahami dalam definisi subjektif. Maknanya bergantung pada pengetahuan dan batasan subjek penahu. Untuk memecahkan masalah ini, Superson mewakili model feminis analitik, mencoba merumuskan suatu kerangka definisi objektif yang melepaskan kondisi-kondisi: 1) subjek A tidak mengetahui apa itu kekerasan seksual, 2) subjek A tidak mendefinisikan bahwa tindakan B terhadapnya adalah kekerasan seksual, 3) subjek A mengetahui bahwa B melakukan kekerasan seksual terhadapnya namun enggan untuk mengartikulasikan. Studi ini merupakan bentuk dukungan terhadap gagasan objektivitas di dalam kekerasan seksual sekaligus koreksi dengan mempertimbangkan diskusi yang berkembang di dalam teori feminisme. Secara khusus, proses pertimbangan dan kritik yang saya lakukan menggunakan kerangka realisme konstruksi sosial Sally Haslanger. Sehingga, rekonseptualisasi atas definisi objektif saya formulasikan melalui kekuatan konstruksi sosial konstitutif. Amatan ini juga ditujukan pada implikasi argumen objektivitas di dalam kebijakan kekerasan seksual di Indonesia yang saya khususkan yakni UU TPKS (Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual No 12 Tahun 2022). Permasalahan tersebut saya urai dalam dua rumusan pertanyaan: 1) Bagaimana argumen objektivitas di dalam kekerasan seksual: 1.a) Bagaimana problem pendefinisian kekerasan seksual? 1.b) Bagaimana pemeriksaan argumen objektif dan sumbangsihnya dalam perdebatan teori feminisme mengenai kekerasan seksual?, 2) Apa implikasi teoretik argumen objektivitas bagi kebijakan kekerasan seksual? Kesimpulannya, argumen objektivitas memberikan sumbangan bagi perdebatan teori feminisme, yakni melalui pemeriksaan realisme konstruksi sosial kausal dan konstitutif. Dua model ini mampu menunjukkan mana argumen lemah dan kuat dalam tiga perspektif feminisme mengenai kekerasan seksual (natural-biologi, sosiokultural, dan liberal). Pembedaan tersebut setidaknya berguna dalam melihat keluasan tindakan kekerasan seksual di dalam UU TPKS. Kendati demikian, keluasan permasalahan yang ada dalam UU TPKS tidak sepenuhnya mampu ditangkap oleh model ini. Oleh karenanya, saya memberikan catatan tambahan yang menyangkut dimensi korban kekerasan seksual dan tindakan yang belum diakomodir di dalam UU TPKS.
......Sexual violence has been widely understood in terms of subjective definitions. Its meaning depends on the knowledge and limitations of the knowing subject. To solve this problem, Superson represents the analytic feminist model, trying to formulate an objective definitional framework that releases the conditions: 1) subject A does not know what sexual violence is, 2) subject A does not define that B's actions against him are sexual violence, 3) subject A knew that B had sexually assaulted her but was reluctant to articulate it. This study is a form of support for the idea of objectivity in sexual violence as well as a correction by considering the discussions that developed in feminism theory. In particular, the process of consideration and criticism that I carried out used the framework of Sally Haslanger's social construction realism. Thus, I have formulated a reconceptualization of the objective definition through the power of constitutive social construction. This observation is also aimed at the implications of objectivity arguments in the policy of sexual violence in Indonesia, which I specifically focus on, namely the UU TPKS (Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence No. 12, 2022). I will describe the problem in two questions: 1) What is the argument for objectivity in sexual violence: 1.a) How is the problem of defining sexual violence? 1.b) How is the objective argument examined and its contribution to the feminist theory debate on sexual violence? 2) What are the theoretical implications of the objectivity argument for sexual violence policy? In conclusion, the objectivity argument contributes to the debate on feminism theory, namely through an examination of the realism of causal and constitutive social constructions. These two models are able to show which arguments are weak and strong in the three feminist perspectives regarding sexual violence (natural-biological, sociocultural, and liberal). This distinction is at least useful in looking at the breadth of acts of sexual violence in the UU TPKS. However, the breadth of the problems contained in the UU TPKS cannot be fully captured by this model. Therefore, I provide additional notes concerning the dimensions of victims of sexual violence and acts that have not been accommodated in the UU TPKS."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Colfer, Eoin
""Artemis Fowl is facing his deadliest enemy yet. Himself. Artemis is no stranger to trouble. In fact, he is a magnet for it. Man-eating trolls, armed and dangerous (not to mention high-tech) fairies, and flame-throwing goblins - he's seen the lot. He had decided to forego criminal activity of the more magical kind. Now his mother is gravely ill. Artemis Fowl must travel back through time to steal the cure from the cultures of the young criminal mastermind... Artemis Fowl. That's right. With fairy ally Captain Holly Short by side, Artemis is going back in time to do battle with himself in Eoin Colfer's latest book Artemis Foul and the Time Paradox."-- Back cover.
Teenage criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl has a new mission - and this time, it's personal. Artemis's mother is dangerously ill, and the only way to find a cure is for Artemis - with Holly Short by his side - to go back in time to battle his younger, more evil self..
Artemis's mother has contracted a deadly disease -- and the only cure lies in the brain fluid of African lemurs. Unfortunately, Artemis himself was responsible for making the lemurs extinct five years ago. Now he must enlist the aid of his fairy friends to travel back in time and save them. Not only that, but he must face his deadliest foe yet...his younger self."
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2018
823 COL a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guritnaningsih A. Santoso
"This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of three intervention programs, i.e. CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy), humor appeal advertisements (positive ads), and fear appeal advertisements (negative ads) in reducing aggressive driving behavior. 196 young adults age between 18?35 years old, who are considered to be at risk in performing aggressive driving behavior had completed four self report inventories. The four inventories measures perception on traffic conditions, degree of frustration, anger emotion, and driving behavior. Analysis of mix factorial desigm shows that CBT intervention program is more effective than the advertising intervention program, particularly in reducing the degree of frustration and emotional upset. However, no significant difference between humor appeal and fear appeal advertisements in reducing the level of frustration and anger emotion. Moreover, CBT program as well as the other two advertising intervention programs is not sufficient enough to reduce driving behavior. Based on the A-BC Theory of Emotonal Arousal proposed by Ellis, this result indicates that safety driving behavior (factor C) among young drivers cannot be achieved through these intervention programs, although their belief and emotion (factor B) has been changed. This study implies that other modification behavior technique, i.e. strong penalty from the authority (police) is needed to encourage safer driving behavior of Indonesian young driver.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas tiga jenis program intervensi, yaitu Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), iklan dengan tampilan humor (iklan positif), dan iklan dengan tampilan menakutkan (iklan negatif) dalam menurunkan perilaku mengemudi secara agresif. Partisipan terdiri atas 196 pengemudi yang tergolong dalam kelompok usia dewasa muda (usia 18?35 tahun), yaitu usia dimana individu berisiko untuk menampilkan perilaku mengemudi secara agresif. Kepada partisipan dilakukan pengukuran dengan menggunakan empat macam inventori lapor diri, yaitu inventori untuk mengukur persepsi mengenai kondisi lalu lintas, derajat frustrasi, emosi marah, dan perilaku mengemudi. Analisis dengan menggunakan desain mix-faktorial menunjukkan bahwa program intervensi CBT lebih efektif dibandingkan program intervensi iklan, khususnya dalam menurunkan derajat frustrasi dan emosi marah. Sedangkan antara iklan dengan tampilan humor dan iklan dengan tampilan menakutkan tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan dalam menurunkan derajat frustrasi dan emosi marah. Baik program CBT maupun kedua jenis program intervensi iklan tidak cukup efektif untuk menurunkan perilaku mengemudi secara agresif. Mengacu pada Teori A-B-C tentang ketergugahan emosi yang dikemukakan oleh Ellis, maka hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sasaran akhir yaitu perilaku mengemudi secara aman (faktor C) pada pengemudi usia dewasa muda tidak dapat tercapai walaupun keyakinan dan emosi mereka (faktor B) berhasil diubah menjadi lebih positif. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa untuk sampai terjadinya perubahan perilaku mengemudi secara aman diperlukan teknik modifikasi perilaku yang lain, misalnya pemberian sangsi yang kuat dari pihak otoritas yaitu polisi."
Depok: Faculty of Psychology University of Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marsden, John
Sydney: Macmillan, 1996
823.3 MAR d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jackson, Holly
"Pip is about to head to college, but she is still haunted by the way her last investigation ended. She's used to online death threats in the wake of her viral true-crime podcast, but she can't help noticing an anonymous person who keeps asking her: Who will look for you when you're the one who disappears? Soon the threats escalate and Pip realizes that someone is following her in real life. When she starts to find connections between her stalker and a local serial killer caught six years ago, she wonders if maybe the wrong man is behind bars. Police refuse to act, so Pip has only one choice: find the suspect herself-or be the next victim. As the deadly game plays out, Pip discovers that everything in her small town is coming full circle . . . and if she doesn't find the answers, this time she will be the one who disappears"
New York: Delacorte Press, 2021
813 JAC g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fisher, Janet
Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1994
R 016.823 FIS i
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Green, John, 1977-
"It all begins with a fugitive billionaire and the promise of a cash reward. Turtles All the Way Down is about lifelong friendship, the intimacy of an unexpected reunion, Star Wars fan fiction, and tuatara. But at its heart is Aza Holmes, a young woman navigating daily existence within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.
Sixteen-year-old Aza never intended to pursue the mystery fugitive billionaire Russell Pickett, but there's a hundred-thousand-dollar reward at stake and her Best and Most Fearless Friend, Daisy, is eager to investigate. So together they navigate the short distance and broad divides that separate them from Russel Pickett's son, Davis. Azra is trying. She is trying to be a good daughter, a good friend, a good student and maybe even a good detective, while also living within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts."
Bandung: Qanita, 2018
813 GRE t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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