"Every drug can produce side effect even when used according to standard or recommended methods of administration. Side effect of drugs can involve every organ and system of the body and are frequently mistaken for signs of underlying disease. Similarly, the mouth and associated structures can be affected by many drugs or chemicals. Good oral health including salivary function is very important in maintaining whole body health.
Certain drugs can cause change in the oral cavity. Intrinsic discoloration can occur with the tetracyclines and extrinsic stains are associated with certain metal containing liquids. Gingival hyperplasia can occur with some anticonvulsants, calcium channel blockers, and cyclosporin. Xerostomia are produced by antihypertensives, antipsikosis, antihistamin, antikolinergik and many other drugs. Regarding different parts of the oral system, drug side effects can be categorized to oral mucosa and tongue, periodontal tissue, dental structures, salivary glans, cleft lip and palate, muscular and neurological disorders, taste disturbances, and drug-induced oral infection.
The knowledge about drug-induced oral side effects helps dentist and to better diagnose oral disease, administer drugs, improve patien compliance during drug therapy, and many influence a more rational use of drugs."