Film-induced tourism telah menjadi fenomena yang berkembang dalam industri pariwisata dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, di mana para wisatawan cenderung mengunjungi suatu destinasi yang ditampilkan dalam sebuah film. Ada banyak penelitian yang telah dikembangkan untuk meneliti fenomena ini, namun, hingga saat ini belum ada penelitian akademis yang menyelidiki mengenai pengaruh
film-pull motives, yang terdiri dari
place, personality dan
performance, terhadap
behavioural intention dari generasi
Millennials. Karena generasi
Millennials cenderung berperilaku berbeda dibandingkan dengan kelompok lainnya karena karakteristik khas mereka, maka, konseptual analisis mengenai
film-pull motives diperkenalkan untuk menyelidiki faktor – faktor dari film yang memotivasi
behavioural intention dari generasi Millennial. Selain itu, efek moderasi dari
film-pull motives juga diteliti terhadap hubungan antara
destination image,
perceived value dan
behavioural intention dari generasi
Millennials. Penelitian ini kemudian menggunakan film 'Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2' karena keberhasilannya di
box office Indonesia pada tahun 2016. Sampel sebanyak 234 responden diperoleh melalui kuesioner online. Hipotesis kemudian diuji dengan menggunakan analisis regresi dan uji t. Analisis
bootstrap kemudian diterapkan untuk menyelidiki efek mediasi dari variabel perantara, yakni
perceived value. Hasil empiris mengungkapkan bahwa
place memiliki pengaruh yang paling tinggi terhadap behavioural intention dari generasi Millennials. Selain itu, juga ditemukan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif dari
destination image terhadap
behavioural intention dari generasi
Millennials. Selain itu,
perceived value dapat memediasi sebagian hubungan antara
destination image dengan
Millennials’ behavioural intention. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa bagi orang – orang yang memiliki
film-pull motives yang kuat, terdapat efek mediasi dari
perceived value, namun untuk orang – orang yang memiliki
film-pull motives rendah, tidak terdapat efek mediasi dari
perceived value. Implikasi teoritis dan manajerial juga disajikan berdasarkan temuan.
Film-induced tourism has been a growing phenomenon in the tourism industry in recent decades, where the tourists tend to visit the particular destination as featured in a film. There have been extensive studies being developed to address this phenomenon, however there is a lack of academic investigation on the film’s pull motivational factor, which is consisted of place, personality, and performance, towards Millennials’ intention to travel. As Millennials tend to behave differently compared to the other cohorts due to their distinctive characteristics, thus, a conceptual analysis of film-pull motives was employed to understanding the role of film attributes in motivating Millennials’ behavioural intention. Also, the moderating effect of film-pull motives was also assessed towards the relationship between destination image, perceived value, and Millennials’ behavioural intention. This study used ‘Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2’ movie due to its success at Indonesia box office in 2016 to understand its effect on film tourism in Yogyakarta. A sample of 234 respondents was obtained through online questionnaires. The hypothesis was tested with the use of regression analysis and Welch t-Test. Bootstrapping analysis then employed to investigate the mediation effect of the mediation variable. The empirical result indicated that place attributes of Yogyakarta as depicted in the movie played major role in motivating Millennials’ behavioural intention. Also, it was found that a positive influence from destination image towards the Millennials’ behavioural intention while perceived value mediated partially the relationship between destination image and Millennials’ behavioural intention. While being compared between the strong motivated Millennials and weak motivated Millennials, it was found that perceived value mediated partially the relationship between destination image and behavioural intention; and for the weak motivated Millennials, the mediating effect of perceived value was not established. The theoretical and managerial implications are also drawn subsequently from the findings."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018