ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) sebagai dana
investasi khusus yang dimiliki pemerintah pusat, dibentuk untuk tujuan-tujuan
makroekonomi. SWF mengelola aset untuk mencapai tujuan financial dan
melaksanakan serangkaian strategi penanaman modal yang meliputi investasi aset
keuangan di luar negeri. Santiago Principles yang difasilitasi dan didukung IMF
pada bulan Oktober 2008 telah berhasil merumuskan arahan bagi negara-negara
peserta IMF yang telah memiliki SWF yaitu Generally Accepted principles and
Practices (GAPP). Kajian penelitian dalam perspeltif Hukum Ekonomi
lntemasional -
ABSTRACTThis thesis studies the SWFs which are defined as special purpose investment
funds or arangements, owned by the general government. Created by the
general govemment for macroeconomic purposes. SWFs hold, manage, or
administer assets to achieve financial objectives, and employ a set of investment
strategies, which include investing in foreign financial assets. Santiago principles
facilitated and supported by IMF in October 2008 has succeeded in identif,ing
and drafting a set of Generally Accepted Principles and practices (GApp). ihi;
subject is studied in Intemational Economic Law's perspective."