ABSTRAKMasyarakat dan keadilan sosial adalah kedua tema pembahasan yang tidak terpisahkan. Baik dari pemikiran sosial-politik Barat maupun Timur, pembahasan mengenai bagaimana masyarakat seharusnya dan apa yang disebut dengan keadilan sosial terus didiskusikan dari waktu ke waktu. Perbedaan muncul tatkala gagasan mengenai masyarakat dan keadilan sosial dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sosial politik yang ada dan dipengaruhi oleh corak keyakinan agama. Sayyid Qutb dan Ali Syariati memiliki ideologi tersendiri mengenai masyarakat dan keadilan sosial.
Sayyid Qutb yang merupakan salah satu tokoh utama gerakan Ikhwanul Muslimin pada masa rezim Gamal Abdul Nasser berusaha menanamkan Islamisme fundamental dalam memahami tatanan masyarakat ideal dan mewujudkan keadilan sosial dengan menekankan perhatiannya pada penerapan hukum Syariah Islam dan mendirikan negara Islam yang adil, plural, harmonis, dan supra nasional. Ia banyak mengungkapkan idealismenya tersebut dalam karya-karyanya seperti Ma?alim fi at Thariq, al Adalah al Ijtima?iyyah fi al Islam, Tafsir fi Zilal Quran, dan judul-judul lainnya.
Sementara Ali Syariati yang seorang intelektual dan ideolog revolusi Iran, meski menjadikan Islam sebagai landasan pemikirannya, lebih memusatkan perhatiannnya kepada bagaimana melakukan perubahan sosial untuk menemukan jati diri bangsa Iran. Karya-karyanya lebih banyak menyerukan kepada bagaimana masyarakat yang ideal dan keadilan sosial yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh corak aliran Sosialisme. Ia aktif memberikan ceramah di universitas dan lembaga keagamaan seperti Hosseiniyeh Ershad. Karya-karyanya yang terkenal baik berupa buku, syair, maupun kumpulan ceramahnya yang dibukukan seperti On the Sociology of Islam, What Is to Be Done: The Enlightened Thinkers and Islamic Renaissance, dan lainnya.
ABSTRACTSociety and social justice are two issues that always correlated. Either from Western socio-politics or Eastern, the discussion about how an ideal society should be and what social justice is, will always be studied from time to time. The difference emerges when an idea about society and social justice are influenced by current social and political situation, culture and religious belief. Sayyid Qutb and Ali Shariati both have their own idea about society and social justice.
Sayyid Qutb is the main Brotherhood of Muslim activist in the time of Gamal Abdel Nasser regime. He tried to combine the fundamental school of Islamism into the social order and to establish social justice with emphasizing of Sharia Law establishment into society. He sees Islam can build a just, undiscriminating, harmony, and also a universal State. This idealism has written in many of his books: the Milestones, Social Justice in Islam, and other titles.
Meanwhile Ali Shariati, the Iranian revolutionary ideologue and also a Muslim intellectual seeks Islam as the fundamental foundation of society and social justice like Sayyid Qutb did while putting more concerns about reformate society itself and finding the true Iran identity. His writings and lectures talks more about what an ideal society is and a social justice influenced by Socialism school of thought. He was an active lecturer at Hosseiniyeh Ershad and other institutions. Gaining a lot of younger followers. His books and lectures are published and collected under titles: On the Sociology of Islam, What Is to Be Done: The Enlightened Thinkers and Islamic Renaissance, and other titles.;Society and social justice are two issues that always correlated. Either from Western socio-politics or Eastern, the discussion about how an ideal society should be and what social justice is, will always be studied from time to time. The difference emerges when an idea about society and social justice are influenced by current social and political situation, culture and religious belief. Sayyid Qutb and Ali Shariati both have their own idea about society and social justice.
Sayyid Qutb is the main Brotherhood of Muslim activist in the time of Gamal Abdel Nasser regime. He tried to combine the fundamental school of Islamism into the social order and to establish social justice with emphasizing of Sharia Law establishment into society. He sees Islam can build a just, undiscriminating, harmony, and also a universal State. This idealism has written in many of his books: the Milestones, Social Justice in Islam, and other titles.
Meanwhile Ali Shariati, the Iranian revolutionary ideologue and also a Muslim intellectual seeks Islam as the fundamental foundation of society and social justice like Sayyid Qutb did while putting more concerns about reformate society itself and finding the true Iran identity. His writings and lectures talks more about what an ideal society is and a social justice influenced by Socialism school of thought. He was an active lecturer at Hosseiniyeh Ershad and other institutions. Gaining a lot of younger followers. His books and lectures are published and collected under titles: On the Sociology of Islam, What Is to Be Done: The Enlightened Thinkers and Islamic Renaissance, and other titles.;Society and social justice are two issues that always correlated. Either from Western socio-politics or Eastern, the discussion about how an ideal society should be and what social justice is, will always be studied from time to time. The difference emerges when an idea about society and social justice are influenced by current social and political situation, culture and religious belief. Sayyid Qutb and Ali Shariati both have their own idea about society and social justice.
Sayyid Qutb is the main Brotherhood of Muslim activist in the time of Gamal Abdel Nasser regime. He tried to combine the fundamental school of Islamism into the social order and to establish social justice with emphasizing of Sharia Law establishment into society. He sees Islam can build a just, undiscriminating, harmony, and also a universal State. This idealism has written in many of his books: the Milestones, Social Justice in Islam, and other titles.
Meanwhile Ali Shariati, the Iranian revolutionary ideologue and also a Muslim intellectual seeks Islam as the fundamental foundation of society and social justice like Sayyid Qutb did while putting more concerns about reformate society itself and finding the true Iran identity. His writings and lectures talks more about what an ideal society is and a social justice influenced by Socialism school of thought. He was an active lecturer at Hosseiniyeh Ershad and other institutions. Gaining a lot of younger followers. His books and lectures are published and collected under titles: On the Sociology of Islam, What Is to Be Done: The Enlightened Thinkers and Islamic Renaissance, and other titles.;Society and social justice are two issues that always correlated. Either from Western socio-politics or Eastern, the discussion about how an ideal society should be and what social justice is, will always be studied from time to time. The difference emerges when an idea about society and social justice are influenced by current social and political situation, culture and religious belief. Sayyid Qutb and Ali Shariati both have their own idea about society and social justice.
Sayyid Qutb is the main Brotherhood of Muslim activist in the time of Gamal Abdel Nasser regime. He tried to combine the fundamental school of Islamism into the social order and to establish social justice with emphasizing of Sharia Law establishment into society. He sees Islam can build a just, undiscriminating, harmony, and also a universal State. This idealism has written in many of his books: the Milestones, Social Justice in Islam, and other titles.
Meanwhile Ali Shariati, the Iranian revolutionary ideologue and also a Muslim intellectual seeks Islam as the fundamental foundation of society and social justice like Sayyid Qutb did while putting more concerns about reformate society itself and finding the true Iran identity. His writings and lectures talks more about what an ideal society is and a social justice influenced by Socialism school of thought. He was an active lecturer at Hosseiniyeh Ershad and other institutions. Gaining a lot of younger followers. His books and lectures are published and collected under titles: On the Sociology of Islam, What Is to Be Done: The Enlightened Thinkers and Islamic Renaissance, and other titles.;Society and social justice are two issues that always correlated. Either from Western socio-politics or Eastern, the discussion about how an ideal society should be and what social justice is, will always be studied from time to time. The difference emerges when an idea about society and social justice are influenced by current social and political situation, culture and religious belief. Sayyid Qutb and Ali Shariati both have their own idea about society and social justice.
Sayyid Qutb is the main Brotherhood of Muslim activist in the time of Gamal Abdel Nasser regime. He tried to combine the fundamental school of Islamism into the social order and to establish social justice with emphasizing of Sharia Law establishment into society. He sees Islam can build a just, undiscriminating, harmony, and also a universal State. This idealism has written in many of his books: the Milestones, Social Justice in Islam, and other titles.
Meanwhile Ali Shariati, the Iranian revolutionary ideologue and also a Muslim intellectual seeks Islam as the fundamental foundation of society and social justice like Sayyid Qutb did while putting more concerns about reformate society itself and finding the true Iran identity. His writings and lectures talks more about what an ideal society is and a social justice influenced by Socialism school of thought. He was an active lecturer at Hosseiniyeh Ershad and other institutions. Gaining a lot of younger followers. His books and lectures are published and collected under titles: On the Sociology of Islam, What Is to Be Done: The Enlightened Thinkers and Islamic Renaissance, and other titles.;Society and social justice are two issues that always correlated. Either from Western socio-politics or Eastern, the discussion about how an ideal society should be and what social justice is, will always be studied from time to time. The difference emerges when an idea about society and social justice are influenced by current social and political situation, culture and religious belief. Sayyid Qutb and Ali Shariati both have their own idea about society and social justice.
Sayyid Qutb is the main Brotherhood of Muslim activist in the time of Gamal Abdel Nasser regime. He tried to combine the fundamental school of Islamism into the social order and to establish social justice with emphasizing of Sharia Law establishment into society. He sees Islam can build a just, undiscriminating, harmony, and also a universal State. This idealism has written in many of his books: the Milestones, Social Justice in Islam, and other titles.
Meanwhile Ali Shariati, the Iranian revolutionary ideologue and also a Muslim intellectual seeks Islam as the fundamental foundation of society and social justice like Sayyid Qutb did while putting more concerns about reformate society itself and finding the true Iran identity. His writings and lectures talks more about what an ideal society is and a social justice influenced by Socialism school of thought. He was an active lecturer at Hosseiniyeh Ershad and other institutions. Gaining a lot of younger followers. His books and lectures are published and collected under titles: On the Sociology of Islam, What Is to Be Done: The Enlightened Thinkers and Islamic Renaissance, and other titles., Society and social justice are two issues that always correlated. Either from Western socio-politics or Eastern, the discussion about how an ideal society should be and what social justice is, will always be studied from time to time. The difference emerges when an idea about society and social justice are influenced by current social and political situation, culture and religious belief. Sayyid Qutb and Ali Shariati both have their own idea about society and social justice.
Sayyid Qutb is the main Brotherhood of Muslim activist in the time of Gamal Abdel Nasser regime. He tried to combine the fundamental school of Islamism into the social order and to establish social justice with emphasizing of Sharia Law establishment into society. He sees Islam can build a just, undiscriminating, harmony, and also a universal State. This idealism has written in many of his books: the Milestones, Social Justice in Islam, and other titles.
Meanwhile Ali Shariati, the Iranian revolutionary ideologue and also a Muslim intellectual seeks Islam as the fundamental foundation of society and social justice like Sayyid Qutb did while putting more concerns about reformate society itself and finding the true Iran identity. His writings and lectures talks more about what an ideal society is and a social justice influenced by Socialism school of thought. He was an active lecturer at Hosseiniyeh Ershad and other institutions. Gaining a lot of younger followers. His books and lectures are published and collected under titles: On the Sociology of Islam, What Is to Be Done: The Enlightened Thinkers and Islamic Renaissance, and other titles.]"