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Ditemukan 179 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rahayu Hartini
Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, 2002
346.078 RAH h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahayu Hartini
[Place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified], [date of publication not identified]
346.078 RAH h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara
Jakarta: CINLES, 2000
347.01 ABD a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunawan Widjaja
Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 1999
346.078 GUN k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Meisa Putri
Abstrak :
Financial distress dapat dianggap sebagai peringatan dini masalah yang dapat menyebabkan kebangkrutan. Memprediksi kebangkrutan menjadi salah satu hal yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan untuk menemukan keadaan kesehatan keuangan perusahaan. Sebanyak 585 firm-year pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dijadikan sampel untuk penelitian ini di mana 113 di antaranya dikategorikan dalam kondisi financial distress. Model prediksi kebangkrutan dapat diperiksa untuk menilai situasi ekonomi perusahaan untuk tujuan lebih lanjut. Altman dan Ohlson adalah beberapa peneliti terkenal yang modelnya dirujuk untuk mengevaluasi kesehatan perusahaan.

Financial distress can be regarded as an early warning of trouble that can lead to bankruptcy. Predicting bankruptcy becomes one thing that companies can do to discover the state of the company's financial health. A total of 585 firm-years of manufacturing companies that listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange are sampled for this research where 113 of them are categorized in financial distress state. Bankruptcy prediction models may be examined to assess a company's economic situation for further purposes. Altman and Ohlson are some of notable researchers to which their models are referred to evaluating the health of companies.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laksamana Bimo Budiman
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis BUMN non jasa keuangan untuk dapat mengantisipasi kebangkrutan dan mendapatkan hasil antara Altman Z Score dan KEP-100/MBU/2002. Penelitian ini menggunakan rasio-rasio keuangan dari tahun 2016-2018. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan menggunakan sumber data sekunder dari laporan internal perusahaan dan website resmi lainnya. Hasil yang didapatkan dengan metode Altman Z Score di tahun 2016 terdapat 4 BUMN yang diprediksi bangkrut, di tahun 2017 terdapat 7 BUMN yang di prediksi bangkrut, dan di tahun 2018 terdapat 6 BUMN yang diprediksi bangkrut. Adapun dengan metode KEP-100/MBU/2002 tidak ada perusahaan yang berada di kategori tidak sehat. Penelitian ini diharapkan berguna bagi para pengambil keputusan di BUMN untuk menghadapi tantangan dan meningkatkan performa perusahaan.

Focus of this research is to analyze performance of nonfinancial sector state owned enterprises (SOE's) in Indonesia using Altman Z Score's bankruptcy prediction analysis and The Decree No. KEP-100/MBU/2002 issued by Ministry of Stated Owned Enterprises of Indonesia on June 2002 in order to find main factors that cause potential bankruptcy in the company and as a reference for company's performance improvement. This research is quantitative with the use of data from company's financial report from 2016-2018. The result based on Altman Z Score shows that in 2016 4 SOE's are predicted bankrupt, in 2017 7 SOE's are predicted bankrupt and in 2018 6 SOE's are predicted bankrupt. Whilst using KEP-100/MBU/2002 there is no SOE predicted bankrupt. This study could be used by SOE's decision makers to tackle the challenge and improve company's performance.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maman Sudirman
Abstrak :
Sebaqai akibat dari krisis moneter yang berkepanjangan yang dimulai sejak pertengahan tahun 19997 yang lalu, saat ini makin banyak dunia usaha yang tidak dapat memenuhi
kewajibannya. Dalam dunia hukum, debitur yang tidak dapat memenuhi kewajibannya kepada kreditur dapat dinyatakan pailit. Karena bila hal ini dibiarkan berlarut-larut akan
dapat mengganggu tatanan_kehidupan ekonomi yang sudah ada. Untuk mengatasi dampak negatif makin banyaknya debitur yang akan bangrut, maka pemerintah telah mengeluarkan Undang- Undang Kepailitan No. 4 Tahun 1998 tentang Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang tentang Kepailitan dan Lembaga Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (PKPU} ini dalam hukum dagang dikenal dengan nama Surseance
van betaling atau suspension of payment, yang diatur dalam Peraturan Kepailitan, Sth. 1905-217 jo. Stb. 1906-348, Bab II, dari pasal 212 sampai dengan pasal 279. Debitur yang menunda atau mengetahui bahwa dia tidak akan dapat
melanjutkan membayar utang-utangnya yang sudah bisa ditagih, dapat mengajukan permohonan penundaan pembayaranutangnya melalui pengadilan. Dalam kasus penundaan pembayaran, bahwa debitur berada dalam keadaan sulit untuk dapat memenuhi (membayar) utangya secara penuh, misalnya, perusahaan debitur pada saat itu menderita kerugianQ kebakaran yang menimpa pabrik, resesi ekonomi, dan lain-
lain. Kesulitan debitur seperti itu belumlah menjadi indikasi kearah kebangrutan {kepailitan}. Apabila debitur diberikan waktu, ia akan sanggup (mampul untuk memenuhi
atau melunasi utangnya secara penuh. Untuk itulah, debitur dapat memohon penundaan pembayaran dengan tujuan agar iabisa memperbaiki ekonomi dan perusahaannya tersebut. Dengan demikian Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (PKPU} dapat dijadikan alternatif yang menguntungkan baik bagi kreditur maupun debitur dibandingkan jika perusahaan yang insolven langsung dipailitkan, akan tetapi hal tersebut tidak
menutup kemungkinan adanya kerugian-kerugian, baik bagi debitur maupun bagi kreditur.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Mahesa Panji Putra
Abstrak :
Karya akhir ini membahas mengenai 4 model prediksi kebangkrutan yang popular saat ini, dua model berdasarkan data akuntansi yaitu Altman Z scores (1968) dan Ohlson O scores (1980) dan dua model berdasarkan data pasar yaitu Merton model (1974) dan KMV model (1995). Penulis melakukan penelitian terhadap 4 model prediksi kebangkrutan pada 23 perusahaan bangkrut dan 40 perusahaan tidak bangkrut di Indonesia pada kurun waktu 2001-2011. Dari hasiltersebut kami menemukan bahwa KMV model mengungguli model-model yang lainnya dalam hal validasi model, dengan nilai akurasi tertinggi.

This paper asses about 4 popular bankruptcy model, two was accounting based models Altman Z scores (1968) and Ohlson O scores (1980) and two was market based models Merton model (1974) and KMV model (1995). We measure this 4 bankruptcy model bya applied this model into 23 bankruptcy company and 40 non bankruptcy company in Indonesia from 2001-2011. From the result we find that KMV model has relative more explanatory power than other model, with the best accuracy ratio than others models.
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deny Martin
Abstrak :
The economy of Indonesia has rapidly grown since its first economic
turmoil in 1997/1998. The annual growth rate of the GDP exceeded 6% in the last
four years despite the global economies slow down due to the consequences of
‘bubble’ subprime mortgage that ruined most of the world’s financial institutions.
The growth significantly energizes the local economic activities either in the
industrial market or in the capital market.
In spite of the ‘bull’ market, the risk of financial distress remains alive and
the economic direction might change because of the volatility of business
environment. There is no firm protected or immune from financial adversity that
may result in failure, insolvency, default or bankruptcy. Plummeting stock price,
reduced dividend payment, consecutive net loss, massive lay-offs, pending
obligations and a fair number of other negative signs are common association with
financial distress.
Widely recognized, financial distress prediction models may be examined
to assess a firm’s economic situation for further purposes. Altman, Ohlson,
Zmijewsky, Fulmer, and Springate are some of notable researchers to which their
models are referred to evaluating the soundness of a firm. However, each market
has its own financial distress environment that in consequence any financial
distress prediction model requires an evaluation whether or not the model
adequately fits to a certain market, in particular Indonesia for this case. The
importance of predictors and accuracy will minimize producing misleading results
from the economic forecast.
The results of this testing against the first hypothesis showed that none of
the adjusted models included all the variables of the base model, respectively.
There were some variables with insufficient explanatory power to predict the
cessation of activities of the tested firms. The second hypothesis argued that the
adjusted models were less capable than those developed originally in terms of

The economy of Indonesia has rapidly grown since its first economic
turmoil in 1997/1998. The annual growth rate of the GDP exceeded 6% in the last
four years despite the global economies slow down due to the consequences of
‘bubble’ subprime mortgage that ruined most of the world’s financial institutions.
The growth significantly energizes the local economic activities either in the
industrial market or in the capital market.
In spite of the ‘bull’ market, the risk of financial distress remains alive and
the economic direction might change because of the volatility of business
environment. There is no firm protected or immune from financial adversity that
may result in failure, insolvency, default or bankruptcy. Plummeting stock price,
reduced dividend payment, consecutive net loss, massive lay-offs, pending
obligations and a fair number of other negative signs are common association with
financial distress.
Widely recognized, financial distress prediction models may be examined
to assess a firm’s economic situation for further purposes. Altman, Ohlson,
Zmijewsky, Fulmer, and Springate are some of notable researchers to which their
models are referred to evaluating the soundness of a firm. However, each market
has its own financial distress environment that in consequence any financial
distress prediction model requires an evaluation whether or not the model
adequately fits to a certain market, in particular Indonesia for this case. The
importance of predictors and accuracy will minimize producing misleading results
from the economic forecast.
The results of this testing against the first hypothesis showed that none of
the adjusted models included all the variables of the base model, respectively.
There were some variables with insufficient explanatory power to predict the
cessation of activities of the tested firms. The second hypothesis argued that the
adjusted models were less capable than those developed originally in terms of
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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