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Basuki Rahmat
Abstrak :
Jaringan telekomunikasi untuk sistem tenaga listrik menjadi salah satu fasilitas pendukung penting untuk monitor dan kontrol sistem tenaga pada jaringan distribusi dalam cakupan area luas. Jaringan demikian bisa dipandang sebagai jaringan syaraf sistim tenaga. Teknologi Broadband Power Line Communication(Broadband PLC) terkini dengan standar HomePlug AV dan IEEE P1901 bisa menawarkan landasan guna menggelar jaringan sensor-synchrophasor pada jaringan distribusi tenaga untuk menjadikan suatu sistim smart grid. Trafik paket data acak melewati slave-station jaringan sensor-synchrophasor dengan kapasitas buffer terbatas dan kanal keluaran tunggal, dapat dimodelkan sebagai antrian paket data acak pada slave-station jaringan Broadband PLC. Akses kanal transmisi bersama dari sejumlah sensor-synchrophasor pada kanal keluaran slave-station menuju sentral kontrol sistim tenaga pada master-station diatur oleh skema protokol MAC kombinasi CSMA/CA dan TDMA. Gangguan tenaga listrik bisa menyebar luas dalam jaringan distribusi tenaga, akibatnya sejumlah sensor-synchrophasor berpotensi membangkitkan trafik paket data acak melewati slave?station menuju master-station secara bersamaan. Situasi demikian, mengakibatkan kompetisi akses kanal transmisi bersama menuju master-station, dan berdampak pada sistim antrian dalam slave-station mengalami kondisi jenuh. Disisi lain, munculnya gangguan tersebut, bisa menurunkan kekuatan maupun kapasitas kanal komunikasi pada jaringan Broadband PLC. Lebih lanjut, situasi itu mengakibatkan munculnya paket loss antrian yang tidak diharapkan, dan menyebabkan informasi kondisi jaringan distribusi melewati slave-station menjadi tidak utuh ketika sampai di sentral kontrol sistim tenaga. Penelitian ini memodelkan antrian paket data acak pada slave-station jaringan Broadband PLC dengan pendekatan rantai Markov. Dengan asumsi bahwa kedatangan paket data acak pada suatu antrian dengan kapasitas buffer terbatas serta server tunggal, model tersebut secara ringkas dapat dinyatakan dengan notasi Kendal?s sebagai BMAP/M/1/B. Model ini sebagai model terbaru untuk sistim antrian paket data acak pada slave-station jaringan Broadband PLC sebagai jaringan sensor-synchrophasor dalam jaringan distribusi tenaga. Model juga dinyatakan dengan formula matematik dan ditunjukkan dengan diagram kedaan rantai Markov Multiphase Batch Poisson dalam 3 fasa-Markov. Analisis model antrian paket data acak pada kondisi jenuh menunjukkan terjadinya probabilitas paket loss sebagai fungsi laju kedatangan, laju layanan dan kapasitas buffer data dalam antrian. Dari simulasi numerik sistim antrian pada kondisi jenuh, untuk tiap 1000 kedatangan paket data acak dengan laju kedatangan bervariasi acak antara 14 Mbps hingga 150 Mbps; kapasitas buffer 64 Mbit serta laju layanan tetap pada 100 Mbps, muncul probabilitas paket loss bervariasi acak antara 0 hingga 33.5 %, dengan nilai rata-rata 6.75 %. Selanjutnya, jika kapasitas buffer antrian dinaikkan dari 16 Mbit ke 128 Mbit, diperoleh penuruan probabilitas paket loss maksimum dari 5.42 % menjadi 0.38 % terhadap kenaikan laju kedatangan paket data secara linier. Antrian paket data pada kapasitas buffer tetap 64 Mbit dengan laju layanan berubah dari 85; 100; 120; 135; hingga 150 Mbps, diperoleh rata-rata probabilitas paket loss maksimum 1.2 %. Pada laju layanan 85 Mbps, probabilitas paket loss maksimum adalah 1.1 %, jika laju layanan dinaikkan menjadi 100 Mbps maka probabilitas paket loss turun menjadi (2.3) x (10-4) %, sementara jika laju layanan dinaikkan menjadi 120 Mbps, probabilitas paket loss turun menjadi (0.1) x (10- 4 )%. Selanjutnya, eksperimen numerik yang diekspresikan secara grafis, menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan laju layanan dapat menurnkan probabilitas packet loss dengan 6,78 kali lebih rendah dibandingkan penambahan kapasitas buffer. Oleh karena itu, secara teknis peningkatan kinerja sistem antrian paket data pada jaringan Broadband PLC akan lebih signifikan dengan peningkatan laju layanan dari pada penambahan kapasitas buffer. Untuk mengatur laju layanan antrian terhadap variasi acak laju kedatangan paket data dapat digunakan metode kontrol adaptif yang di tanam dalam Medium Access Control pada jaringan Broadband PLC. ......Telecommunication network over the power system is one of the important support facilities for monitoring and controlling over wide-area coverage of power distribution network. Such networks can be viewed as neural network of power systems. Latest Broadband Power Line Communication (Broadband PLC) technology with HomePlug AV or IEEE P1901 standard may offer a platform for synchrophasor-sensor network in power distribution network to establish a smart distribution grid. Random data traffic passing through the slave-station of synchrophasor-sensor network with limited buffer capacity and single output channel can be modeled as a randomly data packet queue on slave-station of Broadband PLC network. The access of shared transmission channel from a number synchrophasor-sensor to output channel of slave-station into the central master control of the power system regulated by a combination MAC protocol scheme of CSMA /CA and TDMA. The electric power disturbance may be spread in the power distribution network, resulting in a sensor-synchrophasor potentially generate random packet traffic passing through a slave-station into master-station simultaneously. Such situation, cause to packet contention on shared channel into master-station, and impact to be saturated of the queue system. The other hand, occurs of the disturbance may reduce to bandwidth or capacities of communications channel of Broadband PLC network. Further, that situation leads to occur unexpected packet loss, and cause to be not intact the information of distribution network condition passing through slave-station when reached on central of power systems control. This research is modeling of the random data packet queue on slave-station of Broadband PLC network with Markov chain approach. Assuming that arrival of randomly data packet on a queue with limited buffer capacity and single server, thus model could be stated concisely by Kendal's notation as BMAP/M/1/B. This is a newest model for random packet queuing system on slave-station of Broadband PLC network as synchrophasor-sensor network of power distribution network. Furthermore, thus model also is expressed by the mathematical formula and shown by the state transition diagram of Markov chain Multiphase Batch Poisson in 3-phase Markov. Analysis of random data packet queuing model in saturated conditions shows a packet loss is dependents on arrival rate, service rate and buffer capacity the queue. From the numerical simulation of the queuing system in saturated conditions, for each 1000 data packet arrival on 64 Mbit buffer capacities, 100 Mbps service rate, and random packet arrival rate between 14 Mbps to 150 Mbps, causes packet loss with probability between zero (0) to 33.5%, with the average is 6.75%. Furthermore, if the queue buffer capacity increased from 16 Mbit to 128 Mbit, obtained maximum probability of packet loss may decrease from 5.42 % to 0.38 % to the linearly increase in packet arrival rate. On queue data packet on 64 Mbit fixed buffer capacity with service rate varied on 85; 100; 120; 135; up to 150 Mbps, obtained an average maximum packet loss probability at 1.2 %. At service rate 85 Mbps, the maximum packet loss probability is 1.1%, if service rate increased to 100 Mbps, the packet loss probability decreased to (2.3) x (10-4)%, while if service rate increased to 120 Mbps, the packet loss probability decreased to (0.1) x (10-4)%. Further, numerical experiments are graphically expressed, shows that the increases of service rate can reduce the packet loss probability by 6.78 times lower than buffer capacity additions. Hence, technically to improvement of the packet queuing system performance on Broadband PLC network, more significantly by increases of service rate than adding of buffer capacity. To regulate of queue service rate to the random variation of data packet arrival rate can be use an adaptive control method that embedded in Medium Access Control of Broadband PLC network.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Comer, Douglas E.
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1997
004.6 COM c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mcconnell, John
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall International, 1988
004.6 MCC i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Morrow, Robert
New York : McGraw-Hill , 2004
004.68 MOR w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Comer, Douglas E.
Abstrak :
Appropriate for all introductory-to-intermediate courses in computer networking, the Internet, or Internet applications; students need no background in networking, operating systems, or advanced mathematics. Leading networking authority Douglas Comer presents a wide-ranging, self-contained tour of the concepts, principles, and technologies that enable today's Internet to support applications ranging from web browsing to telephony and multimedia. Comer begins by illuminating the applications and facilities offered by today's Internet. Next, he systematically introduces the underlying network technologies and protocols that make them possible. With these concepts and technologies established, he introduces several of the most important contemporary issues faced by network implementers and managers, including quality of service, Internet telephony, multimedia, network security, and network management. Comer has carefully designed this book to support both top-down and bottom-up teaching approaches. Students need no background in operating systems, and no sophisticated math: Comer relies throughout on figures, drawings, examples, and analogies, not mathematical proofs.
Harlow, Essex: Pearson, 2015
004.6 COM c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Mardhika Putra
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan individual keseluruhan terhadap sistem e-recruitment pada sebuah job board online, yang dalam hal ini adalah Jobstreet Indonesia. Untuk tidak menimbulkan kebingungan, istilah kepuasan (satisfaction), reaksi (reaction), maupun persepsi (perception) diklarifikasi memiliki makna yang sama di penelitian ini. Sylva dan Mol (2009) menggunakan ketiga istilah ini untuk mendeskripsikan konstruk yang sebenarnya sama, dengan demikian ketiga istilah itu dapat digunakan bergantian tanpa mengubah maksudnya. Responden adalah 101 orang yang pernah melamar pekerjaan yang dicantumkan di situs tersebut. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keadilan yang dipersepsikan dan imej seleksi dengan internet mempengaruhi kepuasan individual keseluruhan. Selain itu, ditemukan juga bahwa terdapat perbedaan persepsi terkait ketersediaan informasi di antara mereka yang tidak pernah melamar dengan mereka yang pernah melamar pekerjaan melalui Jobstreet Indonesia setidaknya sekali sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian dibahas dan beberapa saran diberikan berdasarkan temuan-temuan tersebut. ...... This study aims to analyze factors influencing individual overall satisfaction regarding e-recruitment system in a job board online, which is Jobstreet Indonesia. To null confusion, it is clarified that satisfaction, reaction, and perception have same meaning in this study. Sylva and Mol (2009) used these terms to describe same construct, so those three terms can be used interchangably. The respondents were 101 of those ever applied job vacancies posted in the website. The results showed that fairness perception and internet selection image influences the individual overall satisfaction. Also, it was found that there is different perception regarding information provision between those who never applied and those ever applied to job vacancies through Jobstreet Indonesia for at least once before. The results is discussed further and advices are given based on the findings.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kamal Djunaedi
Abstrak :
Pada tahun 2001 IETF membentuk suatu kelompok kerja baru Next Step in Signaling (NSIS) untuk menyelidiki arsitektur dan protokol untuk umum dan aplikasi pensinyalan spesifik. NSIS diharapkan dapat mendukung berbagai aplikasi signaling yang dapat menginstal dan memanipulasi suatu status atau keadaan dalam suatu jaringan. Pada Thesis ini dilakukan simulasi jaringan, dimana beberapa trafik dijadikan trafik yang tidak berkelas pada protokol NSIS. Dari hasil simulasi terlihat perilaku dari video streaming, ketika dijalankan secara bersamaan dengan HTTP dan FTP, menunjukkan dominasi dan mempengaruhi dari perilaku kedua jenis trafik tersebut. Penggunaan Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) sebagai traffic control pada protokol NSIS memberikan kepastian akan bandwidth terhadap kebocoran bandwidth. ......In the year 2001 IETF Working Group Next Step in Signaling (NSIS) to investigate the architecture protocol generically and specific application signaling. NSIS expected can support various application signaling able to installation and manipulation state in network. These Research writer plans to simulation the network, where some traffic are made unclassed in NSIS protocol. The result of simulation is present behavior of video streaming, when run concurrently with HTTP and FTP, it's the domination and influence from behavior both types of the traffic. The Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) as traffic control at protocol NSIS give certainty would bandwidth to leakage.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parapat, Ruston
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Molyneux, Robert E.
Westport: Libraries Unlimited, 2003
004.6 MOL i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benson, Tim
Abstrak :
The aims and scope of the second edition are unchanged from the first edition. The major market is in health informatics education. The three part format, which covers principles of health interoperability, HL7 and interchange formats, and SNOMED CT and clinical terminology, works well. In the US, The ONC (Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology) has estimated that the HITECH stimulus will create more than 50,000 new jobs for health informatics professionals, who need to be educated.
London: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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