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Ditemukan 16 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abdul Khair
"Pengomposan dengan cacing tanah merupakan proses pembuatan kompos dengan melibatkan organisme makro cacing tanah. Kerja sama antara cacing tanah dengan mikroorganisme dapat memberi dampak pada proses penguraian yang dilakukan oleh mikroorganisme tersebut dibantu dengan keberadaan cacing tanah. Oleh karena bahan-bahan yang akan diurai oleh mikroorganisme telah diurai lebih dahulu oleh cacing, maka kerja mikroorganisme lebih efektif dan lebih cepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan cacing tanah terhadap lama waktu pengomposan sampah organik dari rumah tangga dengan menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimen. Objek penelitian adalah seluruh sampah organik dari rumah tangga yang diambil secara acak pada satu rumah tangga. Variabel penelitian adalah lama waktu pengomposan yang diukur setelah penambahan cacing tanah dan proses pengomposan selesai. Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian berupa meteran, kalender, higrometer, dan penciuman (organoleptik). Analisis statistik menggunakan uji beda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa data terdistribusi secara normal, kesetaraan varians, dan tidak ada perbedaan antara lamanya waktu pengomposan dengan menggunakan atau tanpa menggunakan cacing tanah. Disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan cacing tanah dan lamanya waktu pengomposan sampah organik rumah tangga.
......Composting with earthworms is composting process by involving earth-macroorganism. Cooperation between earthworms and microorganisms may impact on decomposition process done by the microorganisms as assisted by the existence of earthworms. Because any materials to be decomposed by microorganisms had been decomposed by earthworms earlier, microorganisms would work more effectively and quickly. This study aimed to determine effects of using earthworms toward household organic waste composting length of time by using experimental design of study. The object of study was all organic waste taken randomly from one household. Variable of study was composting length of time measured after addition of earthworms and composting process completed. Tools used in this study were measuring tape, calendar, hygrometer and smelling sensory (organoleptic). Statistical analysis used differ test. Results of study showed data was normally distributed, equality of variance and no difference found between composting length of time with or without using earthworms. In conclusion, there is no relation found between the use of earthworms and the household organic waste length of time."
Banjarmasin: Polytechnic of health of banjarmasin, environmental health department, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Ayu Prabha Pradnya Kani
"DKI Jakarta merupakan provinsi terpadat di Indonesia dengan produksi sampah hingga 3,11 juta ton pada tahun 2022. Komposisi sampah terbesar adalah sampah organik, sehingga penanganannya penting untuk dilakukan. Salah satu alternatif yang dapat dilakukan adalah pengomposan vermi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hasil kompos dari pengomposan vermi dan potensi penurunan massa sampah organik akibat pengomposan vermi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di TPS 3R Sadar Raya dengan metode kuantitatif melalui pendekatan eksperimental yang melibatkan persiapan reaktor, bedding, feedstock, serta pelaksanaan pengomposan vermi. Hasil dari kompos vermi akan dibandingkan dengan hasil kompos caspary di TPS 3R Sadar Raya berdasarkan standar SNI 19-7030-2004 dan Permentan No. 11 Tahun 2007. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan kontrol harian, pengomposan vermi berjalan baik dengan pH, kadar air, dan suhu pada rentang optimal. Kompos vermi juga menunjukkan warna dan bau seperti tanah. Namun, berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium, hasil kompos vermi belum memenuhi parameter kadar air, C-organik, rasio C/N, pH, P2O5, dan K2O berdasarkan kedua standar. Maka, kompos vermi dinyatakan belum matang dan belum stabil apabila dibandingkan dengan hasil kompos caspary, sehingga perlu dilakukan penambahan waktu dari proses pengomposan dan proses curing ataupun penambahan variasi feedstock dengan kotoran hewan ternak.
......DKI Jakarta is Indonesia's most populous province, generating up to 3,11 million tons of trash by 2022. Organic waste makes up the majority of waste, so it must be managed properly. One option is to compost using the vermi technique. As a result, the purpose of this study was to assess the compost production from vermi composting as well as the potential decrease in organic waste mass caused by vermi composting. This study was carried out at TPS 3R Sadar Raya utilizing a quantitative method combined with an experimental strategy that included the preparation of reactors, bedding, feedstock, and vermi composting. The results of vermi compost will be compared to the results of caspary compost at TPS 3R Sadar Raya using SNI 19-7030-2004 and Permentan 11/2007. The results showed that, based on daily management, vermi composting is performing well, with pH, moisture content, and temperature within the ideal range. In addition, vermi compost exhibited soil-like color and odor, indicating maturity. However, laboratory test findings show that the vermi compost does not meet the moisture content, C-organic, C/N ratio, pH, P2O5, and K2O criteria specified in SNI 19-7030-2004 and Permentan 11/2007. As a result, vermi compost is considered immature and unstable when compared to caspary compost, necessitating an extension of the composting and curing processes, as well as the addition of feedstock variations such as cattle manure."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Musyafa Rois
"Kota Depok merupakan bagian dari wilayah aglomerasi Jabodetakbek (Jakarta Bogor Depok Tanggerang Bekasi) yang tergolong kawasan metropolitan. Tata kelola kota Depok harus mengimbangi kota-kota lain yang tergabung dalam wilayah aglomerasi tersebut. Salah satu permasalahan yang dimiliki oleh kota metropolitan adalah volume sampah yang besar dan memerlukan penanganan khusus. Kota Depok memiliki luas wilayah 200.29 Km2 dengan jumlah penduduk 1.179.813 jiwa. Volume sampah yang dihasilkan mencapai 600 Ton sampah/ hari (Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, 2018). Dari jumlah tersebut, terdapat sampah yang tidak terkelola sebanyak 528 ton/hari. Komposisi sampah di kota Depok didominasi oleh sampah sisa makanan sebesar 40%, ranting kayu serta daun 15%, kertas 5%, plastik 10%, logam 2%, kain tekstil 8%, karet kulit 2%, kaca 3%, dan lain-lain 15%. Pada penelitian terdahulu mengungkapkan bahwa sampah anorganik yang terkelola di kota Depok sebesar 20%, sedangkan sampah organik yang terkelola sebesar 3,64%. Alasan rendahnya angka sampah organik yang terkelola dikarenakan keterbatasan daya tampung unit pengolahan sampah yang ada. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, diperlukan pendekatan khusus yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi pengolahan sampah organik di kota Depok. Pendekatan yang dilakukan diharapkan dapat melihat berbagai perspektif sehingga hasil yang didapat juga memberikan dampak yang besar bagi pengolahan sampah organik di kota Depok. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan adalah design thinking yang terdiri dari tahapan emphatise, define, ideate, prototype, dan test.
Perancangan solusi sistem pengelolaan sampah organik dengan pendekatan design thinking bertujuan merancang sistem pengolahan sampah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. produk yang dihasilkan berupa aplikasi komunikasi antara aktor pengelolaan sampah. Dengan aplikasi tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan angka sampah organik yang terkelola dan mengurangi penimbunan sampah organik (landfill) di Tempat Pembungan Akhir (TPA).

Depok City is part of the agglomeration area of Jabodetakbek (Jakarta Bogor Depok Tanggerang Bekasi) which is classified as a metropolitan area. The governance of Depok city must compensate for other cities incorporated in the agglomeration area. One of the requirements of a metropolitan city is a large volume of waste and requires special handling. Depok City has an area of 200.29 Km2 with a population of 1,179,813 inhabitants. The volume of waste produced reaches 600 tons of waste / day (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2018). Of this amount, 528 tons / day of unmanaged waste. The composition of waste in Depok is 40%, wood branches and 15% leaves, 5% paper, 10% plastic, 2% metal, 8% textile fabric, 2% rubber skin, 3% glass, and others-lay 15%. In the initial research revealed that inorganic waste that is managed in Depok is 20%, while managed organic waste is 3.64%. The reason for the low number of managed organic waste is considering the capacity of existing waste processing units.
Based on the above problems, it should be considered that can be used to overcome the processing of organic waste in the city of Depok. The results carried out are expected to be able to see the various perspectives obtained also provide a large amount of processing of organic waste in the city of Depok. One discussion that can be done is design thinking which consists of stages of emphatise, define, ideaate, prototype, and test. The design of an organic waste management system solution with an approved design thinking discusses a waste treatment system that fits the needs of the community. the product produced consists of communication applications between waste management actors. With this application, it is expected to increase the number of managed organic waste and reduce the accumulation of organic waste (TPA) in Final Disposal Sites (TPA)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isi Ringkasan :
Kali Surabaya memegang peranan sangat penting bagi kehidupan warga Kotamadya Surabaya dan sekitarnya yang berjumlah hampir dua juta enam ratus ribu jiwa, karena air Kali Surabaya ini merupakan air baku PDAM Kotamadya Surabaya. Oleh karenanya pengendalian pencemaran air Kali Surabaya perlu dilaksanakan dengan baik.
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut karakteristik maupun kualitas Kali Surabaya perlu diteliti. Untuk menganalisis masalah ini digunakan data sekunder dari tahun 1991 sampai 1994, tentfama parameter BOD. Analisis difokuskan terhadap variabel debit, sumber pencemar, BOD, dan pengembangan rumus Met Calf & Eddy Lt = Lo. e 4'. Bila terdapat pertambahan cemaran BOD digunakan rumus konsentrasi campuran: C camp = C1Q1+C2 Q2 (Q1 + Q2) dengan menggunakan rumus-rumus tersebut, maka kadar BOD pada setiap titik di sepanjang Kali Surabaya dapat diperkirakan. Penggunaan rumus atau model tersebut bergantian tergantung situasinya.
Dari hasil ini dibuat kurva yang menyatakan hubungan antara kadar BOD dan lokasi sumber pencemar dengan keterangan jarak dari Mlirip.
Model atau perhitungan tersebut diplotkan dengan hasil observasi pengukuran BOD pada 11 titik lokasi pengambilan contoh selama pemantauan 4 bulan (April-Juli 1994). Ternyata model tersebut memperlihatkan kurva yang baik.
Terdapat 19 pabrik di sepanjang Kali Surabaya yang diperhitungkan dalam penelitian ini, dan 6 pabrik yang merupakan sumber pencemar yang potensial. Karena pengolahan air limbah kurang efektif, mengakibatkan kualitas air Kali Surabaya melampaui baku mutu air golongan B (bahan baku air minum).
Dari 6 pabrik yang potensial mencemari tersebut, terdapat 3 pabrik yang letaknya di bagian hilir Karangpilang, tetapi di bagian hulu Ngagel.
Perhitungan simulasi BOD dilakukan, apabila 3 pabrik yang memiliki potensi mencemari tersebut mengoiah air limbahnya hingga memenuhi standar (30 mg/l - SK Gubernur Jatim no. 414/1987), sehingga kadar BOD di intake Karangpilang dapat memenuhi air golongan B (SK Gubernur .Jatim no.413/1987). Demikian juga di Ngagel.
Bila 3 pabrik lainnya yang terletak di bagian hi lir Karangpilang memenuhi baku mutu air limbah Jatim, maka kualitas air Kali Surabaya di Ngagel akan lebih baik

Water Pollution Study Due To Organic Waste A Case Study Of The Surabaya River, East JavaSummary
The river of Surabaya has an important role and function for sustaining the health and well being of the people who live along and in the surrounding of the river. Almost 2.6 million people of the Municipality of Surabaya rely on the river for their drinking water supply. Hence efforts to control the river pollution need to be well organized and implemented
In this connection, Study on the characteristics as well as the quality of the river is considered as the first step in the framework of good river pollution control implementation. It was conducted through a detailed analysis, based on secondary data of 1991 to 1994 viewed from the BOD evaluation parameter.
Analysis was focussed on the variables of flow rate, pollution sources, BOD, using the model developed by Met Calf & Eddy Lt = Lo. e 4', and the formula Cmix = CI Q1 + C2 Q2 (Q1+Q2) by using those formulas the BOD values could be predicted at every spot along the river. The use of the model and the formula is interchangable according to any new pollution source.
The model then was observed and applied across the real situation in the field at 11 spots within 4 months (April-Juli 1994). Apparently the model is applicable to the river by comparing the BOD prediction curve.
Along the river there are 19 factories and only 6 factories are considered as the most potential sources of pollution. At present most of those factories do not treat the waste water discharge and caused the decline in the quality of the river.
The study manipulates BOD values of three factories up stream of Karangpilang intake and three factories down stream of Karangpilang intake but up stream of Ngagel intake.
If water discharge of three factories, which is up stream of Karangpilang intake, comply with effluent standard (30 mg /1 - SK Gubernur Jatim no. 414/1987), so that the BOD value at Karangpilang intake fulfill the stream standard category B (SK Gubernur Jatim no. 413/1987). The same is true a1 Ngagel as well.
Father, if those. factories situated downstream of Karangpilang meet the East Java waste wafer discharge standard, thence the Surabaya river water quality at Ngagel will be much better.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Reynaldi Sofyan
"Sampah organik merupakan salah satu jenis sampah yang memiliki jumlah terbesar di Indonesia. Rumah tangga dan Restoran merupakan sumber terbanyak yang menghasilkan sampah organik khususnya sampah makanan. Salah satu teknologi untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah melalui proses biokonversi dengan larva Black Soldier Fly (BSF). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk [1] menganalisis karakteristik sampah organik rumah tangga dan restoran; [2] menganalisis proporsi sampah organik dari rumah tangga dan restoran terhadap efektivitas biokonversi larva BSF; [3] menganalisis pengaruh penambahan substrat dengan campuran sampah organik rumah tangga dan restoran terhadap efektivitas biokonversi larva BSF. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Berdasarkan hasil analisis proksimat, sampah organik rumah tangga, sampah organik restoran, dan lumpur susu memiliki kadar air masing-masing sebesar 73%, 81%, dan 82%. Berdasarkan hasil biokonversi, memberikan gambaran bahwa kelompok kontrol dengan proporsi sampah rumah tangga dan restoran 30:70 memiliki nilai WRI tertinggi jika dibandingkan dengan proporsi lainnya. Hasil tersebut dapat disebabkan karena sampah organik restoran memiliki keadaan yang lebih murni dibandingkan sampah organik rumah tangga. Sementara, penambahan substrat limbah susu tidak dapat meningkatkan nilai WRI, namun penambahan substrat dapat meningkatkan terhadap nilai ECD, RGR, dan RSR. Hasil tersebut dapat disebabkan karena lumpur susu memiliki kadar air yang lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan kadar air yang dimiliki oleh sampah organik rumah tangga dan sampah organik restoran.
......Organic waste is one type of waste that has the largest amount in Indonesia. Households and restaurants are the largest sources of organic waste, especially food waste. One technology to overcome this is through a bioconversion process with Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae. This research aims to [1] analyze the characteristics of household and restaurant organic waste; [2] analyzed the proportion of organic waste from households and restaurants on the effectiveness of bioconversion of BSF larvae; [3] analyzed the effect of adding a substrate mixed with household and restaurant organic waste on the effectiveness of bioconversion of BSF larvae. The instrument used in this research was an experiment. Based on the results of proximate analysis, household organic waste, restaurant organic waste, and milk sludge have water contents of 73%, 81%, and 82% respectively. Based on the bioconversion results, it shows that the control group with a proportion of household and restaurant waste of 30:70 has the highest WRI value when compared to other proportions. These results can be caused because restaurant organic waste is purer than household organic waste. Meanwhile, the addition of milk waste substrate cannot increase the WRI value, but the addition of substrate can increase the ECD, RGR and RSR values. This result could be caused by milk sludge having a higher water content compared to the water content of household organic waste and restaurant organic waste."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kegiatan operasional harian tempat-tempat publik terutama di Kampus Universitas Indonesia seperti kantin, ruang kelas, dan tempat lainnya selalu menghasilkan sampah setiap harinya. Sampah yang dihasilkan pun bermacammacam, dari organik maupun sampah anorganik. Kehadiran Laboratorium Parangtopo di UI sebagai pionir pengolahan sampah organik telah membuat sampah organik bernilai ekonomi yang menjanjikan. Maka dari itu, perlu ada sebuah mekanisme/sistem untuk melakukan pemantauan/pelacakan terhadap alur sampah dari hulu (awal sampah diproduksi) sampai ke hilir (sampah telah diterima Laboratorium Parangtopo) demi mengetahui kualitas sampah organik pada setiap tempat publik tersebut (misal fakultas teknik, fakultas hukum, dan lain-lain). Penelitian ini berfokus pada rancang bangun sistem pelacakan alur/supply chain sampah di UI menggunakan teknologi RFID dan perangkat IoT berupa ESP32. Metode penelitian melibatkan wawancara dan observasi langsung di Laboratorium Parangtopo, fakultas, dan ruang publik di Universitas Indonesia. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa jumlah sampah yang sedang dikirim ke Laboratorium Parangtopo dan meneruskan data tersebut ke server pusat di Laboratorium Parangtopo untuk pengolahan data lebih lanjut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dibangun berhasil mengimplementasikan teknologi RFID dan IoT dengan baik, dengan pengujian fungsional menunjukkan semua fitur berjalan sesuai harapan, pengujian kinerja menunjukkan jarak baca perangkat kurang dari 2 sentimeter serta kecepatan setiap fitur mengirim data ke server kurang dari 2 detik setelah pengujian sebanyak 40 kali untuk setiap fitur yang ada.
......The daily operational activities in public places, especially at the University of Indonesia campus such as cafeterias, classrooms, and other areas, always generate waste every day. The waste produced varies, including both organic and inorganic waste. The presence of the Parangtopo Laboratory at UI as a pioneer in organic waste processing has made organic waste economically promising. Therefore, a mechanism/system is needed to monitor/track the waste flow from upstream (the initial production of waste) to downstream (waste received by the Parangtopo Laboratory) to determine the quality of organic waste in each public place (e.g., the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Law, etc.). This research focuses on designing a waste flow/supply chain tracking system at UI using RFID technology and IoT devices such as the ESP32. The research method involves interviews and direct observations at the Parangtopo Laboratory, faculties, and public spaces at the University of Indonesia. The data collected includes the amount of waste being sent to the Parangtopo Laboratory and transmitting this data to the central server at the Parangtopo Laboratory for further data processing. The research results show that the system successfully implements RFID and IoT technology, with functional testing demonstrating that all features operate as expected, performance testing indicating a reading distance of less than 2 centimeters, and the speed of each feature sending data to the server being less than 2 seconds after 40 attempts of testing for each feature."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Shafira Rachmadhini
"Keberadaan sampah di badan air dapat mempengaruhi penurunan kualitas lingkungan perairan. Di mana sampah sisa makanan dan sampah taman mendominasi pencemaran sampah di Sungai Ciliwung sebesar 68,63%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dinamika konsentrasi, laju perubahan, dan simulasi perubahan konsentrasi COD dan amonia akibat keberadaan sampah organik spesifik pada badan air. Dilakukan pengambilan air sampel di Sungai Ciliwung, Depok yang diuji dengan perlakuan penambahan sampah sisa makanan dan sampah taman menggunakan reaktor batch skala laboratorium. Korelasi pengaruh jenis sampah organik spesifik terhadap dinamika konsentrasi COD dan amonia di investigasi menggunakan Kruskal-Wallis. Laju pembentukan dan penguraian COD dan amonia di investigasi dengan melibatkan penggunaan ODE linear faktor pengintegrasian. Sehingga dapat diperoleh hasil simulasi dengan bantuan opsi analisis solver pada Microsoft Excel. Hasilnya didapatkan bahwa keberadaan sampah sisa makanan dan sampah taman mempengaruhi perubahan konsentrasi COD dan amonia pada badan air, yang dibuktikan dengan hasil uji Kruskal Wallis untuk nilai Hhitung COD dan amonia berturut turut 14,81 dan 10559,4 yang lebih besar daripada nilai kritisnya sebesar 9,49. Untuk parameter COD, diperoleh nilai laju pembentukan (k1) untuk sampah sisa makanan adalah 0,126-0,145 per hari dan sampah taman adalah 0,086-0,0827 per hari. Adapun laju degradasi (k2) untuk sampah sisa makanan adalah 0,437-0,517 per hari dan sampah taman adalah 0,368-0,342 per hari. Sedangkan untuk amonia, (k1) sampah sisa makanan adalah 0,00017-0,000175 per hari dan sampah taman adalah 0,00055-0,00051 per hari. Adapun laju nitrifikasi (k2) sampah sisa makanan adalah 0,1179-0,1391 per hari dan sampah taman adalah 0,2456-0,3481 per hari. Sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa degradasi sampah sisa makanan menjadi COD atau amonia (k1) dan laju degradasi COD akibat sampah sisa makanan (k2) lebih signifikan dibandingkan dengan sampah taman. 
......The presence of waste in bodies of water can affect the decline in the quality of the aquatic environment. Food waste and garden waste dominate the waste pollution in the Ciliwung River by 68.63%. This study aims to analyze the dynamics of concentration, rate of change, and simulate changes in COD and ammonia concentration due to the presence of specific organic waste in water bodies. Water samples were taken from the Ciliwung River in Depok, which were tested with the treatment of adding food waste and garden waste using a laboratory-scale batch reactor. The correlation of the influence of specific organic waste types on the dynamics of COD and ammonia concentration was investigated using Kruskal-Wallis. The formation and degradation rates of COD and ammonia were investigated by involving the use of linear ODE integration factor. Thus, simulation results can be obtained with the help of the solver analysis option in Microsoft Excel. The results showed that the presence of food waste and garden waste affects the changes in COD and ammonia concentration in water bodies, which was confirmed by the Kruskal-Wallis test results for the calculated H values of COD and ammonia, which were 14.81 and 10559.4, respectively, greater than their critical values of 9.49. For the COD parameter, the formation rate (k1) values for food waste ranged from 0.126 to 0.145 per day, while for garden waste it ranged from 0.086 to 0.0827 per day. The degradation rate (k2) for food waste ranged from 0.437 to 0.517 per day, while for garden waste it ranged from 0.368 to 0.342 per day. As for ammonia, the formation rate (k1) for food waste ranged from 0.00017 to 0.000175 per day, while for garden waste it ranged from 0.00055 to 0.00051 per day. The nitrification rate (k2) for food waste ranged from 0.1179 to 0.1391 per day, while for garden waste it ranged from 0.2456 to 0.3481 per day. Therefore, it can be concluded that the degradation of food waste into COD or ammonia (k1) and the degradation rate of COD due to food waste (k2) are more significant compared to garden waste."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riki Ruhimat
Organic waste matter is a basic material for compost production. Compost can be made from fallen leafes which are produced from abscission metabolism plant. Bogor Botanical Garden has a compost processor unit that can be used to grind litter leaves from the garden. There are three main step that are collecting litter leaves, fermenting, and filtering. Composting metode is applied in two different condition that are aerob and anaerob. Compost organic mature is used to fertilize plant collection in the garden including nursery, reintroduction, plat selling and ecopark. Quality of compost in Bogor Botanical Garden is under standard and its capacity is not sufficient to support for each unit needs. Technical composting process in Bogor Botanical Garden is presented in this article."
Bogor: Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya, LIPI, 2008
580 WKR 8:2 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paraginta Basaria
"The performance of anaerobic digestion (AD) to process organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) can be improved with various pre-treatments. Mechanical pre-treatments, mainly chopping, have shown to be the most economical and relatively effective method to increase contact between the substrate and microorganisms. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of OFMSW particle size on CH4 gas formation in a laboratory-scale Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) assay. The research was conducted for 35 days at a temperature of 35°C with three sizes of OFMSW co-digested with cow manure. OFMSW with particle sizes of 10-13 mm, 4.76-10 mm, and 2-4.76 mm produce CH4 gas with an average of 114.7+14.7 ml, 101.7+0.5 ml, and 110.9+10.8 ml, respectively, while methane yield was 0.277 L CH4/g VS, 0.208 L CH4/g VS, and 0.229 L CH4/g VS, respectively. Particle size is more likely to have an influence on the hydrolysis and acidogenesis processes, as demonstrated by the significant difference of VFA value, but not on the biogas potential. Particle sizes of 13-15 mm produce 19.25 mg VFA/L, while the size range of 2-4.76 mm produces 118.1 mg VFA/L."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:8 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nainggolan, Roy Charles
Pengolahan sampah organik, dapat berjalan dengan baik apabila sampah tersebut mempunyai kadar air dan komponen organik besar. Karakteristik sampah di kawasan PT. Bumi Serpong Damai yang terbanyak adalah sampah organik, yaitu mencapai 80 % dari seluruh sampah yang dihasilkan.
Dengan adanya pengolahan sampah organik sistem composting di PT. Bumi Serpong Damai, maka sampah-sampah yang seharusnya di buang ke tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) dapat dimanfaatkan kembali untuk dijadikan kompos.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan nilai C/N rasio dalam sampah organik dan proses pengomposan yang optimal agar proses pengomposan dapat berjalan dengan baik serta kompos yang dihasilkan mengandung unsur hara yang besar.
Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sampah organik yang ada di kawasan Bumi Serpong Damai, dengan perlakuan sebagai berikut : sampah organik C/N.rasio maksimal (> 20-40 : 1) dengan terowongan bambu (PSO.BSD-1), sampah organik C/N rasio optimal (20-40 : 1) dengan terowongan bambu (PSO.BSD-2), sampah organik C/N rasio minimal (< 20-40 : 1) dengan terowongan bambu (PSO.BSD-3), sampah organik C/N rasio maksimai (> 20-40 1) tanpa terowongan bambu (PSO.BSD-4), sampah organik C/N rasio optimal (20-40 : 1) tanpa terowongan bambu (PSO.BSD-5), sampah organik C/N rasio minimal (< 20--40 : 1) tanpa terowongan bambu (PSO.BSD-6). Kemudian diulang sebanyak lima kali.
Sampah organik yang telah berubah menjadi kompos, berwarna kehitaman setelah mengalami pembusukan secara aerob sulit dikenali lagi dari bahan asal dan terjadi perubahan sifat kimianya.
Komposisi sampah organik (perbandingan C/N rasio) berpengaruh positif dengan lama proses pengomposan dan kandungan unsur hara dalam kompos (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, C, C/N). Sedang proses pengomposan berpengaruh negatif dengan lama proses pengomposan.
Kandungan logam berat dalam kompos menunjukkan bahwa pada semua perlakuan menghasilkan kompos yang mengandung logam berat jauh di bawah standar US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Menerapkan pengolahan sampah organik dengan sistem komposting dengan bahan baku yang mempunyai perbandingan C/N rasio optimal (sampah buah-buahan), di PT. Bumi Serpong Damai.
The Effect of Organic Waste Variation C/N Ratio by This organic processing plant runs well only when the waste contains water and main organic component. The organic waste at PT. Bumi Serpong Damai reaches as high as 80 percent of the total garbage.
With the existence of this compost system organic waste processing plant, PT. Bumi Serpong Damai can recycle the organic waste and make use of the resulted compost. And such an advantage prevents the waste from being disposed at the final garbage dump.
Specific study had been conducted to figure out the C/N ratio contained in the organic waste and in the optimal compost process so that the compost process ran in order and the compost had sufficient fertile substances.
The raw material used in such a specific study was the organic waste found at PT. Bumi Serpong Damai. This organic waste had certain characteristics and went through the following treatment : organic waste having maximum C/N ratio of being > 20 - 40 : 1 with bamboo tunnel (PSO.BSD-1), organic waste having optimum C/N ratio of being 20 - 40 : 1 with bamboo tunnel (PSO.BSD-2), organic waste having minimum C/N ratio of being < 20 - 40 : 1 with bamboo tunnel (PSO.BSD-3), organic waste having maximum C/N ratio of being > 20 - 40 : 1 without bamboo tunnel (PSO.BSD-4), organic waste having optimum C/N ratio of being 20 - 40 : 1 without bamboo tunnel (PSO.BSD-5), organic waste having minimum C/N ratio of being c 20 - 40 : 1 without bamboo tunnel (PSO.BSD-B). This treatment is subject to a five-time repetition.
The resulted compost has dark and blackish color after going through the decaying process and its origin becomes unidentifiable, due to the chemical characteristic changes.
Organic waste composition, or the C/N ratio, influences the length of the compost process and the fertile substances contained in the resulted compost such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, c, and C/N. On the other hand, the compost process negatively affects its length.
The treatment applied in the processing plant has produced compost in which the amount of heavy metal substances contained in the compost is lower than the EPA standard.
The use of compost system organic waste processing plant with raw material of having optimum C/N ratio (disposed fruits) at PT. Bumi Serpong Damai.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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