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Fery Ariska Dewi
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: MTA modifikasi merupakan perkembangan material MTA konvensional sebagai upaya untuk memperbaiki sifat fisiknya. Tujuan: Menganalisis perbedaan kebocoran mikro antara MTA konvensional dan MTA modifikasi pada penutupan perforasi. Metode: Empat puluh spesimen gigi premolar dengan perforasi lateral, ditutup dengan MTA konvensional dan MTA modifikasi. Setelah 24jam, spesimen direndam dalam tinta india selama 24jam. Kebocoran mikro dinilai dengan melihat penetrasi tinta india menggunakan mikroskop stereo (20x). Uji statistik menggunakan Chi-Square (p<0,05) Hasil: MTA modifikasi menunjukkan nilai kebocoran mikro (0,5-1mm) lebih kecil (25%) dibandingkan MTA konvensional (45%), namun tidak berbeda bermakna. Kesimpulan: Terlihat kebocoran mikro pada penutupan perforasi, baik menggunakan material MTA konvensional maupun MTA modifikasi. ......Background: Modified MTA is an advancement of MTA to improve its undesirable properties. Objective: To analyze the microleakage of conventional MTA and modified MTA in perforation treatment. Methods: Forty specimens of human’s premolar teeth with lateral perforations were sealed by conventional MTA and modified MTA. After 24 hours, the specimens were immersed in Indian ink for 24 hours. The score of microleakage was determined using stereo microscope (20x). Statistical analysis was done by Chi Square (p<0,05). Result: Less microleakage score (0,5-1mm) was detected in modified MTA (25%) compared to conventional MTA (45%), although not statistically significant. Conclusion: Microleakages were detected in both conventional and modified MTA as material for perforation treatment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Made Rika Trismayanti
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kebocoran anastomosis adalah komplikasi yang dapat terjadi pasca dilakukannya reduksi manual, reseksi dan anastomosis end-to-end pada kasus intususepsi. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kebocoran anastomosis antara lain teknik operator, kondisi lokal usus, kondisi umum pasien dan grading kolagen yang terbentuk pada proses penyembuhan luka. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh perubahan grading kolagen usus pasca reseksi anastomosis terhadap kebocoran pada kasus intususepsi. Metode: Dua puluh satu tikus Sprague-dawley dilakukan laparatomi untuk dibuat model intususepsi (IN). Setelah 45 menit dilakukan destrangulasi selama 10 menit, dinilai adanya nekrosis dan dilanjutkan reseksi anastomosis. Tikus dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, kelompok A : reseksi anastomosis pada batas usus yang nekrosis, kelompok B : reseksi anastomosis pada batas usus yang mengalami trombosis pembuluh darah mesenteriumnya, dan kelompok C : reseksi anastomosis pada batas usus yang sehat. Sampel usus yang direseksi diperiksa secara Histopatologi untuk menilai grading kolagen. Setelah 5 hari dilakukan laparatomi ulang, dinilai secara subjektif ada tidaknya kebocoran anastomosis, lalu diambil sampel segmen anastomosis usus untuk dinilai kembali grading kolagennya. Diharapkan jika terjadi kenaikan grading kolagen, anastomosis akan paten, sebaliknya jika terjadi penurunan akan terjadi perforasi. Hasil: Kelompok A: grading kolagen menurun dengan perforasi 6 (85,7%), grading kolagen tetap tanpa perforasi 1 (14,2%). Kelompok B: grading kolagen menurun dengan perforasi 2 (28,6%), tetap dengan perforasi 1 (14,3%), meningkat tanpa perforasi 4 (42,9%). Kelompok C: grading kolagen meningkat tanpa perforasi 5 (71,4%), menetap tanpa perforasi 2 (28,6%). Kesimpulan: Terdapat perubahan grading kolagen pasca reseksi anastomosis usus yang mempengaruhi tingkat kebocoran anastomosis pada kasus intususepsi
Background: Anastomosis leakage is a common complication following manual reduction, resection and end-to-end anastomosis in treating intussusceptions. Factors influencing the anastomosis leakage such as surgeon?s technique, local bowel condition, systemic condition of patients and the concentration of collagen in the bowel tissue during the anastomosis healing. Aim: To study the effect of collagen concentration changes after resection and anastomosis procedure, in relation to the anastomosis leakages in intussusceptions case. Methods: 21 Sprague-dawley rats were performed laparotomy to create the intussusception model (IN). The IN models were applied for 45 minute, after the bowel considered necrotic, destrangulation were performed for 10 minutes continued with resection and anastomosis on 3 group of resection margin: A on necrotic margin of bowel, B: on the thrombotic mesenterium vessel margin, C: on normal bowel margin. Resected bowels were sent for histopathology examination of collagen concentrations. After 5 days, another laparotomy was performed and the anastomosis leakages were subjectively assessed. The anastomosed segments were sampled for collagen concentration and grade. Results: In study group A the collagen grading were found to be decreased with 6 leakages occurred (85.7%) and 1 subject (14.2%) with stable collagen grading and no leakages. From group B, subjects with decreased collagen and leakages were 2 (28.6%), and 1 subjects (14.3%) were stable in grading with leakages, and 4 subjects (42.9%) with increased collagen without leakages. In Group C, 5 rats (71.4%) had increased collagens without leakages, and 2 rats were at stable collagen grade without leakages. Conclusion: There were collagen grade changes in bowel anastomosis that affect the extent of leakages in intussusceptions case
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Odetta Natatilova Halim
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Perforasi tukak peptik PTP merupakan komplikasi penyakit tukak peptik yang memiliki angka morbiditas dan mortalitas yang cukup tinggi. Luaran pasien yang maksimal dapat dicapai dengan perawatan optimal disertai alokasi sumber daya yang sesuai dengan statifikasi pasien berdasarkan kelompok risikonya. Skor peptic ulcer perforation PULP merupakan sistem penilaian terbaru untuk prediksi prognosis pasien PTP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan skor PULP dalam prediksi mortalitas pasien PTP di Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo RSCM. Metode penelitian: Studi potong lintang analitik dilakukan dengan mengambil total sampel 52 pasien PTP yang datang ke RSCM pada periode Januari 2011-Juni 2015. Pasien perforasi gaster/duodenum akibat trauma dan keganasan gaster/duodenum, pasien yang tidak menjalani pembedahan dan pasien yang sudah menjalani pembedahan di luar RSCM dieksklusi. Analisis statistik diolah dengan program SPSS 20 for windows, untuk menilai variabel apa yang secara independen memengaruhi mortalitas pasien PTP dan bagaimana akurasi skor PULP dalam prediksi mortalitas pasien PTP. Hasil penelitian: Variabel syok saat masuk rumah sakit dan awitan penyakit >24 jam merupakan prediktor independen mortalitas pasien PTP dengan nilai kemaknaan masing-masing 0,04 dan 0,03. Nilai area under the curve skor PULP dalam prediksi mortalitas pasien PTP mencapai 71,60 95 IK 53,80 -89,40. Kesimpulan: Penggunaan skor PULP dinilai cukup baik untuk prediksi mortalitas pasien PTP di RSCM. Kata kunci: Perforasi tukak peptik, skor peptic ulcer perforation PULP , mortalitas, syok, awitan penyakit. ...... Background: Perforated peptic ulcer PPU is a complication of peptic ulcer disease with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Maximum outcomes could be achieved by optimal care combined with allocation of resources in accordance with patient's risk stratification. Peptic ulcer perforation PULP score is the newest scoring systems for predicting the prognosis of PPU patients. This study aims to determine the application of PULP score in predicting mortality of PPU patient in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Method: A cross sectional analytical study carried out by taking the total sample of 52 patients who came with PPU to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in the period of January 2011 June 2015. Those with perforation at stomach duodenum due to trauma and malignancy, those who did not undergo surgery and those who have undergone surgery outside Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital were excluded. Statistical analysis is processed with SPSS 20 for windows, to determine which variables independently afffect the mortality of PPU patients and how is the accuracy of PULP score in predicting mortality of PPU patients. Results: Shock on admission and onset of disease 24 hours were independent predictors of mortality in PPU patients p value 0.04 and 0.03 respectively. The value of area under the curve of PULP score in predicting mortality in PPU patients was 71.60 95 CI 53.80 89.40. Conclusions: PULP score is considered good enough to predict mortality of PPU patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Keywords Perforated peptic ulcer, peptic ulcer perforation PULP score, mortality, shock, onset of disease.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Ade Sari Nauli
Abstrak :
Latarbelakang: Apendisitis telah menjadi salah satu keadaan kegawatdaruratan medis yang membutuhkan penanganan medis segera. Apendisitis yang tidak ditangani segera dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya perforasi apendiks dan berakhir dengan terjadinya ruptur. Apendiks yang ruptur dapat menyebabkan drainase transluminal dari saluran pencernaan ke rongga abdomen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik apendisitis perforasi menurut lokasi perforasi dan umur pasien. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang dengan anilisis secara deskriptif. Sampel diambil dari semua sediaan histopatologi dari tahun 2005 hingga 2007 dengan diagnosis apendisitis perforasi. Sampel yang diperlukan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 68 sampel. Dalam penelitian ini pasien dikelompokkan menurut dekade umur sedangkan lokasi perforasi dibagi menjadi pangkal, tengah, dan ujung apendiks. Hasil: Bagian tengah apendiks (45.58%) lebih banyak mengalami perforasi daripada bagian pangkal dan ujung apendiks. Kejadian perforasi terbanyak ditemukan pada pasien yang berusia antara 11 sampai 20 tahun atau pada kelompok dekade kedua (30.9%). Kesimpulan: Bagian apendiks yang paling sering mengalami perforasi pada apendisitis adalah pada bagian tengah dan kejadian perforasi terbanyak ditemukan pada kelompok usia dekade kedua (umur 11-20 tahun). Background: Appendicitis has been one of the emergency situations which need immediate medical intervention. If appendicitis is not treated immediately the appendix can undergo perforation and eventually rupture. The rupture of the appendix can cause transluminal drainage from the alimentary tract to the abdominal cavity and eventually causing some complications. This study aims to identify the characteristics of perforated appendicitis according to the location of perforation and the patient's age. Method: The study is a cross-sectional descriptive study. The sample is taken from all appendicitis perforation cases from year the year of 2005 until 2007. The sample needed is 68. In this study patients are grouped according to age decade, while the location of perforation into base, middle, and tip of the appendix. Results: The perforated area is more found in the middle (45.58%) than in the base or the tip of the appendix. The perforation rate mostly found in the age between 11 to 20 year or the second decade group of age (30.9%). Conclusion: The perforated area mostly found in middle of the appendix and the perforation rate mostly found in the second decade group of age (age 11-20 year).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Palupi, Maharani Ratna
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh diameter perforasi terhadap koefisien absorpsi bunyi pada material gipsum secara eksperimen dengan menggunakan metode pengukuran yang tercantum dalam ISO 354-1985. Sampel divariasikan terhadap kondisi tanpa perforasi dan terhadap diameter perforasi yaitu 0,8 mm, 1,2 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm dan 12 mm. Ada dua konfigurasi sampel yang diteliti, yaitu sampel lapis tunggal (Sampel T) dan sampel sandwich (Sampel S). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan koefisien absorpsi bunyi hingga 27,97% seiring dengan penambahan diameter perforasi terutama di frekuensi 125 Hz, 250 Hz, dan 500 Hz. Kenaikan koefisien absorpsi bunyi juga terjadi pada saat diberikan sisipan rockwool di antara dua panel gipsum. Kedua konfigurasi sampel dengan diameter perforasi 12 mm bisa digunakan sebagai pilihan bahan penyerap bunyi untuk pengendalian bunyi di frekuensi 125 Hz, 250 Hz, dan 500 Hz.
ABSTRACT Investigation on the influence of the perforation diameter to the sound absorption coefficient in the gypsum material has been conducted experimentally by using measurement methods in ISO 354-1985. The samples were varied on the condition perforation. Perforation diameter about none, 0.8 mm, 1.2 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm. There were two configurations of samples, namely a single-layer samples (Sample T) and sandwich samples (Sample S). The results show the increasing in sound absorption coefficients up to 27,97% along with the addition of diameter perforations, especially in the frequency of 125 Hz, 250 Hz, and 500 Hz. The increasing in sound absorption coefficient also occur during insertion of rockwool between two gypsum panels. Both sample configuration with 12 mm diameter perforation can be used as a sound absorbent material to control sound at frequencies of 125 Hz, 250 Hz, and 500 Hz., Investigation on the influence of the perforation diameter to the sound absorption coefficient in the gypsum material has been conducted experimentally by using measurement methods in ISO 354-1985. The samples were varied on the condition perforation. Perforation diameter about none, 0.8 mm, 1.2 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm. There were two configurations of samples, namely a single-layer samples (Sample T) and sandwich samples (Sample S). The results show the increasing in sound absorption coefficients up to 27,97% along with the addition of diameter perforations, especially in the frequency of 125 Hz, 250 Hz, and 500 Hz. The increasing in sound absorption coefficient also occur during insertion of rockwool between two gypsum panels. Both sample configuration with 12 mm diameter perforation can be used as a sound absorbent material to control sound at frequencies of 125 Hz, 250 Hz, and 500 Hz.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Lianda
Abstrak :
Approximately 60% of patients who die due to melanoma have gastrointestinal metastases at autopsy, yet ante mortem diagnosis is uncommon. The small bowel is the most frequent intestinal site of metastasis and prognosis is very poor with a median survival after operation was 6.2 months (range: 1-42 months). Bowel metastases may appear radiologically as polypoid mucosal lesions, submucosal nodules, diffuse infiltration with thickening of the intestinal wall, or serosal implants. Bowel obstruction due into intussusceptions is common clinical presentation of gastrointestinal metastasis; other presentation include gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation and large masses.We reported a case of m eta static melanoma to small bowel, whose had hematemesis melena, abdominal pain, diarrhea and weight loss without primary cutaneus melanoma. Gastroduodenoscopy appeared normal. The ultrasonography of bowel showed a"doughnut" configuration with concentric rings of bowel wall. Left lateral decubitus abdominal radiographies showed free air appearances. Laparatorny reported three location of invaginalion (intussuception) with multiple polyposis at ileo-jejttnal segment (29 pieces of polyp) and jejunum perforation. Resection and end-to end anastomosis of the. affected segment had been performed with no serious complication after this. Miscroscopical examination of specimen showed metasiatic melanoma malignant in 3 lymph nodes. Eight weeks later patients died with distant metastases to brain.
The Indonesia Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henry Suropati
Abstrak :
Material komposit merupakan salah satu jenis material yang saat ini banyak dikembangkan karena dapat menggabungkan sifat-sifat dari material yang menyusunnya. Dengan keunggulan tersebut, material komposit dapat diaplikasikan pada berbagai bidang, salah satunya untuk aplikasi balistik. Dalam penelitian ini komposit yang dikembangkan adalah komposit laminat yang terdiri dari pelat AA6061 sebagai matriks yang diperkuat dengan kawat baja karbon tinggi berdiameter 1.4 mm yang disusun satu arah dan adhesif polyurethane yang berperan untuk merekatkan fasa matriks dan penguat. Komposit tahan peluru dibuat berdasarkan metode laminasi dengan susunan kawat searah. Karakterisasi yang dilakukan berupa pengujian impak, pengujian balistik, dan pengamatan foto makro pada daerah perforasi. Pengujian balistik dilakukan berdasarkan standar NIJ 0108.01 dengan tipe proyektil berkaliber 9 mm (tipe II) dan 7.62 mm (tipe III).Pada penelitian ini juga membandingkan harga impak dan diameter perforasi antara komposit berpenguat kawat baja 1 mm yang disusun (00/900/00) dengan komposit berpenguat kawat baja 1.4 mm yang disusun satu arah. Hasil pengujian impak menunjukkan bahwa harga impak semakin meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan fraksi volume kawat. Material komposit yang dibuat memiliki ketahanan yang baik terhadap beban impak dari proyektil 9 mm, tetapi ketahanannya rendah terhadap beban impak dari proyektil 7.62 mm. Ketahanan balistik komposit penguat 1.4 mm lebih kuat dibandingkan komposit penguat 1 mm, pada pengujian balistik 7.62 mm (Tipe III NIJ 0108.01) menghasilkan diameter perforasi komposit penguat 1 mm lebih besar dibandingkan dengan komposit penguat 1.4 mm. ......Composite materials, is one of the types of materials currently being developed because it can combine the material properties that constitute them. One of the many types of developing composite is aluminum composite. This type of composite can provide good mechanical properties with low weight materials than conventional metallic material. Therefore, the aluminum composite material is very promising for the ballistic applications as bullet-proof material. In this study developed a composite consisting of laminated composite plates as matrix AA6061 reinforced with Unidirectional high carbon steel wire of 1.4 mm-Diameter and polyurethane adhesive that works to strengthen the matrix and reinforce bonding, composite variables is done by varying the volume fraction of wires that 2.5%, 5% and 7,5%. Laminate composites was made by manual lamination method, the arrangement of composite reinforced was unidirectional. The characterization was carried out by impact testing, ballistics testing, and macrograph examination on the perforation area. Ballistic testing conducted in accordance with NIJ 0108.01 standards, and the projectiles type are 9 mm (type II) and 7.62 mm (type III). In this research also compare impact value and perforation diameter between laminated composites reinforced by unidirectional high carbon steel wire of 1.4 mm-diameter with laminated composites reinforced by (00/900/00) high carbon steel wire of 1 mm-diameter The results showed that the higher the volume fraction of the wire, the higher the impact value of the laminate composite. The laminate composite was able to withstand the projectile of 9 mm calibre, but was fail under 7.62 mm projectile. Balistic resistant of composite reinforced by 1.4 mm stronger than composite reinforced by 1 mm, in balistic test with 7.62 mm (Tipe III NIJ 0108.01) produce diameter perforation of composite reinforced by 1 mm has bigger penetration than composite reinforced by 1.4 mm.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library