H. Atang Tachyat A.R
Abstrak :
Angka kematian ibu dan angka kematian bayi di masih tinggi yaitu 4,21 dan 60 per 1000
kelahiran hidup pada-tahun 1992. Berbagai faktor risiko telah diketahui sebagai penyebab
langsung dan tidak langsung dari kematian ibu dan bayi. Pelayanan antenatal atau
Antenatal Care yang baik diyakini merupakan salah satu upaya yang mempunyai daya
ungkit besar dalam usaha menurunkan angka kematian ibu dan bayi.
Secara kuantitas cakupan pemeriksaan kehamilan di Puskesmas menunjukkan peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Sampai tahun 1991 sebanyak 81.9 % ibu hamil telah tercakup peiayanan antenatal Puskesmas, namun bam 55 % ibu hamil yang memperoleh pelayanan antenatal 4 kali atau lebih (Depkes,1992).
Suatu peneUtian cosas-sect tonal dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Cianjur pada bulan Mei -
# Juni 1995, bertujuan unluk mengetahui faktor-faktor risiko kehamilan yang berhubungan
dengan kualilas (adekuasi) pemanfaatan pelayanan antenatal serta faktor lain yang mempengaruhi hubungan tersebut, dilihal dari sudut pengguna pelayanan yaitu ibu hamil pengunjung Puskesmas. Data diperoleh dari hasil wavvancara, pemeriksaan fisik umum, pemeriksaan kebidanan dan 1 fb ( mctoda Sahli) terhadap 210 orang rcsponden- Pemanfaatan pelayanan dikatakan adckuat bifa ibu memeriksakan kehamilannya kepada pclugas kesehatan pada umur kehamilan trimester pcrtama, paling scdtkil satu kali pada trimcsler-2 dan 2 kali pada trimcster-3.
Hasit penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 68.1 % responden memeriksakan kehamilannya
pada umur kehamilan trimester pertama, namun hanya 45.2 % ibu yang tergolong memanfaatkan pelayanan secara adekuat. Dari 17 variabel yang diteliti rata-rata tiap ibu memiliki 3 jenis variabel risiko, 17.3 % ibu termasuk kelompok risiko tinggi. Anemia (Hb
Maternal and infant mortality rates are still high in Indonesia, i.e. 4.21 and 60 per 1000 livebirths respectively in 1992. Various risk factors are known as direct and indirect causes of maternal and infant deaths. A good antenatal care (ANC) is believed as one of the effort that has great impact in lowering both maternal and infant mortality rates. The coverage of ANC at the health centres in Indonesia tends to increase quantitatively. Until 1992 it was reported that 81.9 % of expecting mothers were covered by health centres, but only 55 % had had four times or more visits ( Ministry of Health, 1992 ).
A cross sectional study has been conducted in Cianjur Regency in May-June 1995, identifying the pregnancy risk factors which were related to the quality (adequacy) of
utilization of ANC from the view of users, i.e. expecting mothers attending health centres,
* and to find oui other factors which influence the relationship. Utilization of ANC is difined
as adequate if the expecting mother had her first ANC visit to health personnel during the first trimester, at least once in the second trimester and two consecitive visits in the third trimester of her gestational age. The data were collected from 210 respondent through direct interviews, general physical and obstetric examinations, and Sahli's method for determination oi'hemogobin concentration.
The study revealed that 68.1 % of expecting mothers visited health personnel for the first ANC during the first trimester of gestational age, but only 45 % of them had utilized ANC adequately. Among the 17 variables of the risk factors included in this study, averagely every expecting mother possesed 3 kinds of risk variables and 17.3 % of the mothers were high risk group. Anemia (Hb
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