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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
J. Satrio
Depok: Rajawali Pers, 2021
346.06 SAT p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Hipertensi merupakan faktor risiko nomor satu dari kematian di seluruh dunia. Berdasarkan hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) tahun 2007 diketahui bahwa prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia mencapai 31,7%, sedangkan di Kabupaten Bogor sebesar 23,3%. Jemaah haji sebelum pemberangkatan ibadah haji, terlebih dahulu melaksanakan pemeriksaan kesehatan di tingkat puskesmas dan kabupaten/kota.
Hasil rekapitulasi laporan pemeriksaan kesehatan calon jemaah haji di Kabupaten Bogor tahun 2012 bahwa kasus hipertensi pada jemaah haji sebanyak 695 orang (21,4%) dari seluruh penyakit sistem sirkulasi dan pembuluh darah.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui distribusi kasus hipertensi pada jemaah haji di Kabupaten Bogor, mengetahui hubungan antara umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, pekerjaan, indeks massa tubuh, gula darah, dan kolesterol dengan kejadian Hipertensi pada jemaah haji usia 40 tahun keatas, serta memberi masukan bagi pengelola kesehatan haji di Kabupaten Bogor. Analisis data menggunakan Cox Regression. Hipertensi adalah suatu keadaan dimana tekanan darah sistolik diatas 140 mmHg dan atau tekanan diastolik lebih besar dari 90 mmHg.
Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah cross sectional. Penelitian bersumber dari data sekunder yaitu hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan jemaah haji di tingkat puskesmas. Variabel yang diteliti adalah umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, pekerjaan, indeks massa tubuh, gula darah, dan kolesterol. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada April-Mei 2013 dengan sampel sebanyak 1.155 orang.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara umur, pendidikan, dan indeks massa tubuh dengan kejadian hipertensi pada jemaah haji usia 40 tahun keatas di Kabupaten Bogor tahun 2012. Pencegahan dan pengendalian hipertensi sangat diperlukan untuk menurunkan prevalensi dan mencegah komplikasinya pada jemaah haji Kabupaten Bogor.
......Hypertension is a risk factor for a number of deaths across the world. Based on the results of Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2007 known that the prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia reached 31.7%, while in Bogor regency of 23.3%. Pilgrims before departure pilgrimage, first carry out medical examinations at the health centers and district / city. Recapitulation health inspection reports prospective pilgrims in Bogor regency in 2012 that cases of hypertension on the pilgrims as many as 695 (21.4%) of the entire circulatory system diseases and blood vessels.
The purpose of this study to determine the distribution of cases of hypertension on pilgrims in Bogor Regency, knowing the relationship between age, gender, education, occupation, body mass index, blood sugar, and cholesterol to the incidence of hypertension in the pilgrim age 40 or older, as well as provide input Hajj for health managers in Bogor regency. Data analysis using Cox Regression. Hypertension is a condition where the blood pressure above 140 mmHg and systolic or diastolic pressure greater than 90 mmHg.
Design used in this study is cross-sectional. Research derived from secondary data is the result of health examination at the health center level pilgrims. The variables studied were age, gender, education, occupation, body mass index, blood sugar, and cholesterol. The experiment was conducted in April-May 2013 with a sample of 1,155 people.
The results showed no relationship between age, education, and body mass index with incidence of hypertension among pilgrims age 40 or older in Bogor regency in 2012. Prevention and control of hypertension is necessary to reduce the prevalence and prevent complications in Bogor regency pilgrims."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syafira Anindya Dhika M
"Peningkatan prevalensi obesitas sentral di Indonesia diikuti dengan terjadinya peningkatan prevalensi aktivitas fisik yang kurang. Risiko meningkat saat usia ≥40 tahu, hal ini berkaitan dengan pengurangan aktivitas fisik dan kecenderungan gaya hidup yang menetap yang membuat orang dewasa yang lebih tua lebih rentan untuk mengalami obesitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan aktivitas fisik terhadap kejadian obesitas sentral pada usia ≥ 40 tahun di Indonesia bedasarkan data IFLS 5. Penelitian ini merupakan studi analitik dengan desain cross sectional yang menggunakan data sekunder IFLS 5 Tahun 2014. Sampel yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 9.124 orang. Analisis cox regression dilakukan untuk mengetahui besar risiko aktivitas fisik terhadap obesitas sentral. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan prevalensi obesitas sentral pada usia ≥ 40 tahun di Indonesia adalah 44,8 %. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan responden yang kurang aktif secara fisik memiliki risiko 1,049 kali untuk mengalami obesitas sentral dibandingkan responden yang cukup aktif secara fisik setelah dikontrol variabel jenis kelamin tinggal (95% CI 1,012-1,087). Kepada masyarakat disarankan untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik sedang dan kuat dengan prinsip BBTT (Baik,Benar, Terukur, dan Teratur).
......The increase in the prevalence of central obesity in Indonesia is followed by an increase in the prevalence of physical inactivity. The risk increases at age ≥40 years, this is related to the absorption of physical activity and the tendency for a sedentary lifestyle that makes older adults more susceptible to obesity. This study aims to determine the relationship between physical activity and the incidence of central obesity at the age of ≥ 40 years in Indonesia based on IFLS 5 data. This research is an analytic study with a cross-sectional design using IFLS 5 secondary data in 2014. The samples analyzed in this study were 9,124. person. Cox regression analysis was performed to determine the risk of physical activity on central obesity. The results of the study explain the prevalence of central obesity at the age of ≥ 40 years in Indonesia is 44.8%. Multivariate analysis showed that respondents who were less physically active had 1,049 times the risk of developing central obesity compared to respondents who were quite physically active after controlling for the remaining sex variable (95% CI 1,012-1,087). The community is advised to carry out moderate and vigorous physical activity with the principle Good, Right, Measured, and Regular."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zynda Hirwindio
"Diundangkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 membawa akibat bagi Perseroan Terbatas (PT) yang sudah sah sebagai badan hukum dan sedang proses menjadi badan hukum untuk segera menyesuaikan anggaran dasarnya dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007. Penyesuaian anggaran dasar PT diatur pada Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 dalam Pasal 157 dan Pasal 158. Penyesuaian dilakukan paling lambat 1 tahun sejak tanggal diundangkan, sehingga batas terakhir penyesuaian anggaran dasar adalah 16 Agustus 2008. Organ dalam PT yang mempunyai kewajiban untuk menjalankan PT yaitu Direksi. Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 bentuk tanggung jawab Direksi untuk melakukan pengurusan PT diatur dalam Pasal 92 ayat 1 dan 2. Tindakan Direksi yang tidak melakukan penyesuaian anggaran dasar atau lalai dalam melakukan penyesuaian anggaran dasar ini memberi akibat yang cukup besar bagi PT yang bersangkutan dan Direksi itu sendiri. Kerugian PT atas tidak dilakukannya penyesuaian diatur dalam Pasal 157 ayat 4.
Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut diatas, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana pertanggung jawaban Direksi PT dalam hal penyesuaian anggaran dasar PT berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 dan akibat hukum apa yang timbul bagi Direksi dan PT itu sendiri yang belum melakukan penyesuaian anggaran dasarnya. Metode penelitian dalam penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode normatif yuridis, dengan tipe penelitian eksplantoris yaitu dengan mengkaji dan menganalisis hubungan antara suatu gejala dengan gejala lainnya dengan didasarkan kepada peraturan-peraturan yang berkaitan untuk mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan yang diajukan, berkaitan dengan hal tersebut dalam penelitian ini digunakan data sekunder, dimana untuk memperoleh data sekunder tersebut maka alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi dokumen, yang dilakukan dengan data tertulis baik merupakan bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tertier. Dalam penulisan ini juga dilakukan wawancara dengan beberapa informan, untuk kemudian data-data yang diperoleh dilakukan ananlisis secara kwalitatif.
Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Direksi merupakan satu-satunya organ dalam PT yang bertugas melakukan pengurusan dan mewakili PT baik di dalam atau di luar pengadilan. Pengurusan PT oleh Direksi wajib dilakukan dengan itikad baik dan penuh tanggung jawab oleh karena itu Direksi mempunyai kewajiban untuk melakukan penyesuaian anggaran dasar PT. Kerugian bagi PT yang tidak menyesuaikan anggaran dasarnya yaitu dapat dimohon pembubarannya oleh Kejaksaan dan pihak yang berkepentingan melalui pengadilan. Bagi Direksi akibat hukum yang timbul dengan tidak menjalankan tugasnya dengan menyelenggarakan RUPS untuk menyesuaikan anggaran suatu PT hingga lewat dari tenggang waktu satu tahun yang telah ditentukan oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 yaitu tindakan Direksi tersebut termasuk dalam unsur-unsur perbuatan melawan hukum sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 1365 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Selain itu akibat hukum lain yang timbul bagi Direksi yaitu mengenai tanggung jawab Direksi yang tadinya mandiri menjadi tanggung jawab renteng karena adanya suatu perubahan dalam anggaran dasar PT yang seharusnya di daftarkan dan diumumkan pada instansi yang berwenang tidak dipenuhi.
......The legalization of the LLC Law Number 40/2007 causing all the Limited Liability Company (LLC) which already have legal institution and those are in the process to be a legal institution to adjust their Articles of Association (AoA) with the LLC Law. Adjustment of LLC AoA were regulated in LLC Law Number 40/2007 under chapter 157 and chapter 158. The adjustment must be executed at the latest one year after the date of the Law appointed, therefore the latest limit of changing LLC AoA were on August 16, 2008. The party in the LLC who has obligation to conduct LLC was the Board of Directors (BoD). According to LLC Law Number 40/2007, the BoD responsibilities to conduct LLC were stated in chapter 92 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2. The BoD act who do not execute adjustment of the LLC AoA or fail to arrange adjustment of the LLC AoA will cause big consequences to the LLC and the BoD itself. The LLC loss due to negligence of adjustment was stated in the chapter 157 paragraph 4.
Based on the above matters, the aim of this study was to investigate on how the LLC BoD responsibility in adjustment their AoA to be in line with the LLC Law Number 40/2007 and what is legal consequences arise for the BoD and for the LLC who has not yet arrange the adjustment of their AoA. The research method used in this thesis was by applying normative jurisdiction method with explanatory observation. The relationship between one and other symptoms were observed and then analyzed based on the related regulations to find answer of the raised questions. Due to this matters, secondary data for this research were collected, which obtained from literature studies by using written source of data including primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Interviewing few informers was also used in this paper and then the data gathered were analyzed by qualitative method.
The result of the study indicated that BoD was solely party in the LLC who has to undertake the arrangement and in charge the LLC both inside and outside the court. The arrangement of LLC by BoD have to conduct with a good will and full responsibilities, therefore the BoD has obligation to make adjustment of LLC AoA. The LLC loss due to no adjustment in the LLC AoA include the LLC closed asking by the Prosecutor or by the concern party through the court. The legal consequences raised for those of BoD who do not conduct the General Meeting of Shareholders for adjustment of the LLC AoA until exceed the one year limit as stated in the LLC Law Number 40/2007, therefore, those BoD act were considered against the law as ruled in the chapter 1365 of Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Another legal consequences for the BoD due to their amendment in the LLC AoA but not submitted and announced to the Government and the party in charge were change of BoD responsibilities who at first is one person responsibility to become collective responsibilities."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retia Rismawati
"Latar belakang: Diabetes melitus tipe 2 merupakan penyakit yang menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat tidak hanya di Indonesia, namun juga di dunia karena prevalensinya yang terus meningkat. Hipertensi yang juga merupakan faktor risiko diabetes melitus tipe 2 memiliki prevalensi yang sangat tinggi di Indonesia. Tidak hanya itu, prevalensi kedua penyakit tersebut meningkat seiring bertambahnya usia, dimulai dari usia ≥40 tahun. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan hipertensi dengan kejadian diabetes melitus tipe 2 pada populasi berusia ≥40 tahun di Indonesia. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Sumber data yang digunakan berasal dari hasil Riskesdas 2018. Terdapat sebanyak 15.026 partisipan berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi penelitian. Hasil: Prevalensi diabetes melitus tipe 2 dan hipertensi pada populasi berusia ≥40 tahun di Indonesia masing-masing sebesar 21,3% dan 51,8%. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara hipertensi dengan diabetes melitus tipe 2 pada populasi berusia ≥40 tahun di Indonesia (PR = 1,64; 95%CI: 1,526 – 1,763). Efek gabungan antara hipertensi dengan obesitas sentral memiliki risiko sebesar 2,07 kali lebih besar terhadap kejadian diabetes melitus tipe 2 setelah dikontrol oleh jenis kelamin dan obesitas. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara hipertensi dengan kejadian diabetes melitus tipe 2 pada populasi berusia ≥40 tahun di Indonesia. Risiko diabetes melitus tipe 2 yang lebih tinggi terjadi pada orang yang mengalami hipertensi dan obesitas sentral. Saran: Perlu dilakukan deteksi dini diabetes melitus tipe 2 dan hipertensi sedini mungkin, terutama bagi penduduk yang berusia ≥40 tahun dan mengalami obesitas sentral.
......Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a disease that is still a public health problem not only in Indonesia, but also in the world because of its increasing prevalence. Hypertension, which is also a risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus, has a very high prevalence in Indonesia. Not only that, the prevalence of both diseases also increases with age, starting from 40 years of age. Objective: To determine the relationship between hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus in a population aged ≥40 years in Indonesia. Methods: This study used a quantitative method with a cross sectional study design. The source of the data used comes from the results of Riskesdas 2018. There are 15.026 participants based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study. Results: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension in the population aged ≥40 years in Indonesia are 21,3% and 51,8%, respectively. There is a statistically significant relationship between hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the population aged ≥40 years in Indonesia (PR = 1,64; 95%CI: 1,526 – 1,763). The combined effect of hypertension and central obesity has a risk of 2,07 times greater for the type 2 diabetes mellitus after being controlled by gender and obesity. Conclusion: There is a relationship between hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the population aged ≥40 years in Indonesia. The risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus is higher in people with hypertension and central obesity. Suggestion: It is necessary to detect type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension as early as possible, especially for people aged ≥40 years and experiencing central obesity."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonius P.S. Wibowo
"Pekerjaan penerbitan pers merupakan pekerjaan yang bersifat kolektif, artinya melibatkan beberapa orang, yaitu pemimpin redaksi, redaktur pelaksana, redaktur, wartawan, penulis, pencetak, dan penerbit. Dalam kaitannya dengan sifat kolektif dari pekerjaan tersebut, timbul permasalahan tentang siapa yang harus bertanggungjawab secara hukum apabila pers memuat suatu tulisan atau menurunkan suatu berita yang sifatnya dapat sebagai tindak pidana. Menurut KUHP, dalam hal demikian maka beberapa orang tersebut dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban pidana secara bersama-sama. Untuk menentukan hukuman masing-masing peserta harus dilihat lebih dahulu sejauh mana peranan masing-masing perserta dalam tindak pidana yang terjadi. Berbeda dengan KUHP, menurut UU Nomor 11 Tahun 1966 jo UU Nomor 04 Tahun 1967 jo UU Nomor 21 Tahun 1982 (UU Pokok Pers), dalam hal terjadi tindak pidana pers, yang dipertanggungjawabkan secara pidana cukup satu orang saja, yaitu pemimpin redaksi atau redaktur atau wartawan atau penulisnya sendiri. Pertanggungjawaban pidana demikian disebut waterfall system, sebab seseorang dapat mengalihkan pertanggungjawaban tersebut kepada orang lain. Undang-undang pers yang baru, yaitu UU Nomor 40 Tahun 1999, meskipun telah secara tegas menyatakan tidak berlaku lagi UU Pokok Pers, dalam prakteknya undang-undang tersebut masih dipergunakan. Melalui UU Nomor 40 tahun 1999 tersebut, dibuka kemungkinan untuk menuntut pertanggungjawaban pidana terhadap insan pers (pemimpin redaksi, redaksi, wartawan, dan lain-lainnya) sekaligus terhadap perusahaan persnya. Pertanggungjawaban pidana perusahaan pers ini, tidak dikenal di dalam UU Pokok Pers. "
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indria Purnama Sari
Tujuan: Menentukan hubungan ukuran tumor dan derajat histopatologi dengan metastasis tulang pada pasien kanker payudara berusia dibawah 40 tahun di RS Kanker Dharmais, membantu meningkatkan kualitas tatalaksana bagi klinisi.
Metode: Analisa menggunakan data sekunder. Hasil ukuran tumor dikelompokkan menjadi ≤ 5 cm dan > 5 cm berdasarkan AJCC TNM staging system diperoleh melalui pencitraan radiologi payudara dari sistem PACS dan derajat histopatologi menurut derajat histopatologi Nottingham kombinasi diperoleh dari hasil ekspertise patologi anatomi, serta evaluasi metastasis tulang menggunakan skintigrafi tulang berdasarkan total populasi pasien kanker payudara berusia dibawah 40 tahun.
Hasil: Jumlah subyek penelitian 32 perempuan kanker payudara berusia dibawah 40 tahun periode Januari 2011 hingga Juli 2014 di RS Kanker Dharmais. Tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara ukuran tumor dengan metastasis tulang (P= 0,715 (Fisher exact test), OR=1,71 (0,32-9,36)). Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara derajat histopatologi dengan metastasis tulang (P=0,010, P < 0,05).Dari 10 subyek derajat histopatologi tinggi, ternyata semua subyek mengalami metastasis tulang negatif. Pada subyek dengan derajat histopatologi sedang didapatkan 8 dari 15 subyek yang mengalami metastasis tulang. Pada subyek penelitian dengan derajat histopatologi rendah didapatkan 6 dari 7 subyek mengalami metastasis tulang negatif. Rerata usia 33,2 tahun dan simpang baku 3,7 tahun memiliki kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi (P=0,024). Terdapat data tambahan dan ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara Cerb-b2/HER-2 positif dengan metastasis tulang (P=0,049 (P < 0,05), Odds Ratio=5,67 (0,84 ? 43,16)).Prevalensi metastasis tulang yaitu sebesar 28,1%.
Kesimpulan: Pasien kanker payudara berusia dibawah 40 tahun dengan ukuran tumor besar tidak memiliki kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi. Pasien dengan derajat histopatologi tinggi tidak memiliki kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi, namun ditemukan angka kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi pada derajat histopatologi sedang. Terdapat dua faktor lain yang juga mempunyai hubungan dengan kejadian metastasis tulang yaitu usia dan Cerb-br/HER-2. Rerata usia 33,2 tahun dengan simpang baku 3,7 tahun pada pasien kanker payudara berusia di bawah 40 tahun memiliki kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi. Cerb-b2/HER-2 positif pada pasien kanker payudara berusia di bawah 40 tahun memiliki kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi dengan resiko kejadian sebesar 5,67 kali. Prevalensi metastasis tulang cukup tinggi pada pasien kanker payudara berusia dibawah 40 tahun yaitu sebesar 28,1%.

Objective: Determine the relationship of tumor size and histopathology grade with bone metastases in breast cancer patients under 40 years old in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, to help improve the quality of management of the clinician.
Methods: Analysis using secondary data. The results of tumor size are grouped into ≤ 5 cm and> 5 cm based on the AJCC TNM staging system from PACS system, obtained through breast radiology imaging and histopathologic grade according to histopathological Nottingham combination obtained from the anatomical pathology expertise, the evaluation of bone metastases using bone scintigraphy. These analyses are based on the total population of breast cancer patients under 40 years old.
Results: The study subjects are 32 female breast cancer under 40 years old from January 2011 to July 2014 Dharmais Cancer Hospital. There is no significant relationship between the tumor size with bone metastasis (P = 0.715 (Fisher exact test), OR = 1.71 (0.32 to 9.36)). There is a significant relationship between the histopathology grade with bone metastases (P = 0.010, P <0.05). From 10 subjects with high grade histopathology, all subjects have no bone metastases. In subjects with moderate grade histopatholog, 8 of 15 subjects have bone metastases. In subjects with a low grade histopathology showed 6 of 7 subjects have no bone metastases. The mean age of 33.2 years and standard deviations of 3.7 years had a higher incidence of bone metastases (P = 0.024). There are additional data and found a significant association between Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive patients with bone metastases (P = 0.049 (P <0.05), odds ratio = 5.67 (0.84 to 43.16)). The prevalence bone metastasis is equal to 28.1%.
Conclusion: Breast cancer patients under 40 years with large tumor size did not have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Patients with a high grade histopathology do not have higher incidence of bone metastases, but found the incidence of bone metastases was higher in moderate grade histopathology. There are two other factors that also have a relationship with the incidence of bone metastases, that are age and Cerb-br / HER-2. The mean age of 33.2 years with standard deviations of 3.7 years in patients with breast cancer under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive breast cancer patients under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases with the risk of occurrence 5.67 times. The prevalence of bone metastases in breast cancer patients under the age of 40 years is quite high equal to 28.1%.;Objective: Determine the relationship of tumor size and histopathology grade with bone metastases in breast cancer patients under 40 years old in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, to help improve the quality of management of the clinician.
Methods: Analysis using secondary data. The results of tumor size are grouped into ≤ 5 cm and> 5 cm based on the AJCC TNM staging system from PACS system, obtained through breast radiology imaging and histopathologic grade according to histopathological Nottingham combination obtained from the anatomical pathology expertise, the evaluation of bone metastases using bone scintigraphy. These analyses are based on the total population of breast cancer patients under 40 years old.
Results: The study subjects are 32 female breast cancer under 40 years old from January 2011 to July 2014 Dharmais Cancer Hospital. There is no significant relationship between the tumor size with bone metastasis (P = 0.715 (Fisher exact test), OR = 1.71 (0.32 to 9.36)). There is a significant relationship between the histopathology grade with bone metastases (P = 0.010, P <0.05). From 10 subjects with high grade histopathology, all subjects have no bone metastases. In subjects with moderate grade histopatholog, 8 of 15 subjects have bone metastases. In subjects with a low grade histopathology showed 6 of 7 subjects have no bone metastases. The mean age of 33.2 years and standard deviations of 3.7 years had a higher incidence of bone metastases (P = 0.024). There are additional data and found a significant association between Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive patients with bone metastases (P = 0.049 (P <0.05), odds ratio = 5.67 (0.84 to 43.16)). The prevalence bone metastasis is equal to 28.1%.
Conclusion: Breast cancer patients under 40 years with large tumor size did not have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Patients with a high grade histopathology do not have higher incidence of bone metastases, but found the incidence of bone metastases was higher in moderate grade histopathology. There are two other factors that also have a relationship with the incidence of bone metastases, that are age and Cerb-br / HER-2. The mean age of 33.2 years with standard deviations of 3.7 years in patients with breast cancer under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive breast cancer patients under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases with the risk of occurrence 5.67 times. The prevalence of bone metastases in breast cancer patients under the age of 40 years is quite high equal to 28.1%.;Objective: Determine the relationship of tumor size and histopathology grade with bone metastases in breast cancer patients under 40 years old in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, to help improve the quality of management of the clinician.
Methods: Analysis using secondary data. The results of tumor size are grouped into ≤ 5 cm and> 5 cm based on the AJCC TNM staging system from PACS system, obtained through breast radiology imaging and histopathologic grade according to histopathological Nottingham combination obtained from the anatomical pathology expertise, the evaluation of bone metastases using bone scintigraphy. These analyses are based on the total population of breast cancer patients under 40 years old.
Results: The study subjects are 32 female breast cancer under 40 years old from January 2011 to July 2014 Dharmais Cancer Hospital. There is no significant relationship between the tumor size with bone metastasis (P = 0.715 (Fisher exact test), OR = 1.71 (0.32 to 9.36)). There is a significant relationship between the histopathology grade with bone metastases (P = 0.010, P <0.05). From 10 subjects with high grade histopathology, all subjects have no bone metastases. In subjects with moderate grade histopatholog, 8 of 15 subjects have bone metastases. In subjects with a low grade histopathology showed 6 of 7 subjects have no bone metastases. The mean age of 33.2 years and standard deviations of 3.7 years had a higher incidence of bone metastases (P = 0.024). There are additional data and found a significant association between Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive patients with bone metastases (P = 0.049 (P <0.05), odds ratio = 5.67 (0.84 to 43.16)). The prevalence bone metastasis is equal to 28.1%.
Conclusion: Breast cancer patients under 40 years with large tumor size did not have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Patients with a high grade histopathology do not have higher incidence of bone metastases, but found the incidence of bone metastases was higher in moderate grade histopathology. There are two other factors that also have a relationship with the incidence of bone metastases, that are age and Cerb-br / HER-2. The mean age of 33.2 years with standard deviations of 3.7 years in patients with breast cancer under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive breast cancer patients under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases with the risk of occurrence 5.67 times. The prevalence of bone metastases in breast cancer patients under the age of 40 years is quite high equal to 28.1%., Objective: Determine the relationship of tumor size and histopathology grade with bone metastases in breast cancer patients under 40 years old in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, to help improve the quality of management of the clinician.
Methods: Analysis using secondary data. The results of tumor size are grouped into ≤ 5 cm and> 5 cm based on the AJCC TNM staging system from PACS system, obtained through breast radiology imaging and histopathologic grade according to histopathological Nottingham combination obtained from the anatomical pathology expertise, the evaluation of bone metastases using bone scintigraphy. These analyses are based on the total population of breast cancer patients under 40 years old.
Results: The study subjects are 32 female breast cancer under 40 years old from January 2011 to July 2014 Dharmais Cancer Hospital. There is no significant relationship between the tumor size with bone metastasis (P = 0.715 (Fisher exact test), OR = 1.71 (0.32 to 9.36)). There is a significant relationship between the histopathology grade with bone metastases (P = 0.010, P <0.05). From 10 subjects with high grade histopathology, all subjects have no bone metastases. In subjects with moderate grade histopatholog, 8 of 15 subjects have bone metastases. In subjects with a low grade histopathology showed 6 of 7 subjects have no bone metastases. The mean age of 33.2 years and standard deviations of 3.7 years had a higher incidence of bone metastases (P = 0.024). There are additional data and found a significant association between Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive patients with bone metastases (P = 0.049 (P <0.05), odds ratio = 5.67 (0.84 to 43.16)). The prevalence bone metastasis is equal to 28.1%.
Conclusion: Breast cancer patients under 40 years with large tumor size did not have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Patients with a high grade histopathology do not have higher incidence of bone metastases, but found the incidence of bone metastases was higher in moderate grade histopathology. There are two other factors that also have a relationship with the incidence of bone metastases, that are age and Cerb-br / HER-2. The mean age of 33.2 years with standard deviations of 3.7 years in patients with breast cancer under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive breast cancer patients under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases with the risk of occurrence 5.67 times. The prevalence of bone metastases in breast cancer patients under the age of 40 years is quite high equal to 28.1%.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Syarief Umar
Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Hukum Program Magister Kenotariatan, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thalia Mufida
Obesitas merupakan penyakit yang banyak ditemukan baik di Indonesia maupun di dunia. Obesitas dapat menyebabkan berbagai komplikasi, dan salah satu komplikasi yang sering terjadi adalah low back pain LBP . Obesitas dan LBP berpengaruh terhadap fungsi keseimbangan seseorang, dan apabila keseimbangan terganggu, pasien akan mudah terjatuh dan aktivitas sehari-harinya terganggu sehingga kualitas hidup menurun. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis terhadap hubungan antara derajat obesitas dengan keseimbangan postural pada wanita berusia di atas 40 tahun yang mengalami LBP. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan mengambil data dari rekam medik sejumlah 60 sampel. Data derajat obesitas dan keseimbangan hasil pemeriksaan Romberg dimasukkan dalam tabel 2x2 dan di analisis dengan metode chi square. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah terdapat hubungan antara derajat obesitas dengan keseimbangan postural pada wanita berusia di atas 40 tahun yang mengalami LBP p < 0,05 . Odds ratio antara obesitas derajat 1 dibandingkan derajat 2 untuk memiliki keseimbangan yang baik adalah 3,755. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi akibat adanya penurunan sensitivitas pada mekanoreseptor plantar, dan kondisi tulang belakang yang hiperlordotik sehingga keseimbangan terganggu

Obesity can leads to many complications one of the most common complication is low back pain LBP . Obesity and LBP can affect postural balance, and if postural balance is disturbed, then it is prone to fall and it causes hardship when doing daily activities. The purpose of this study is to find out the correlation between degree of obesity and postural balance on obese women aged 40 and above that also experience low back pain. This is a cross sectional study. Data of the patient body mass index and postural stability Romberg rsquo s test result are obtained from RSCM rsquo s patient rsquo s medical records. The data are then analyzed with chi square method. After the analysis, it is found that there is an association between degree of obesity and postural balance on obese women aged 40 and above that also experience low back pain p 0.05 . The odds ratio of 1st degree obesity compared with 2nd degree obesity to have better balance is 3.755. Further explanation of the result is obesity patient tend to have decreased plantar rsquo s mechanoreceptor sensitivity because it obtained excessive pressure from the body weight. Also obesity and LBP cause hiperlordotic position of the spine. Those two mechanisms cause disturbance in balance.Keywords obesity low back pain postural balance female aged 40 and above "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karimah Nasar
"Obesitas merupakan akumulasi berlebihan lemak pada jaringan adiposa dan telah menjadi masalah utama di beberapa negara berkembang, terutama Indonesia. Obesitas menyebabkan komplikasi low back pain. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kerusakan struktur dari tulang belakang akibat peningkatan beban yang harus ditopang tubuh. Rasa nyeri tersebut menyebabkan penurunan tingkat aktivitas fisik, lalu menurunkan tingkat kebugaran dengan melihat nilai VO2 max. Dalam penelitian ini, dianalisis hubungan antara tingkat kebugaran dengan derajat obesitas pada wanita berusia >40 tahun yang mengalami komplikasi low back pain. Metode yang digunakan adalah cross sectional dengan 60 sampel dari rekam medis pasien dari RSCM, Jakarta. Data variabel derajat obesitas dan tingkat kebugaran kemudian dimasukkan dalam tabel 2x5 untuk diuji menggunakan metode chi square. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah terdapat hubungan antara tingkat kebugaran dengan derajat obesitas wanita berusia >40 tahun yang mengalami komplikasi low back pain
......Obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat on adipose tissue cell and has become a major problem in some developing countries, especially Indonesia. Obesity causing low back pain, it is caused by the damage that is happened on the structure of the spine due to increase on the load that must be supported by the body. Those pain can cause decrease in physical activity levels, and causing reduce to the level of the fitness, and then causing reduce the level of fitness by examining the value of the VO2 Max. This research analyzes the relationship between the fitness level in obesity women with aged more than 40 years who have complications of low back pain. The method used is cross sectional with 60 samples from medical records of patient on RSCM Jakarta. The variable degree of obesity and the level of the fitness then being inputted in the table 2x5 to be tested by using chi square method. The result found that there is relationship between the level of the fitness of woman with obesity aged more than 40 years who have low back pain complication."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library