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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Blom, Leendert
Eindhoven: Joh Luuk, [date of publication not identified]
660.2 BLO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karla Carolina
Abstrak :
Kegiatan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apotek (PKPA) mengimplementasikan pekerjaan kefarmasian oleh apoteker baik di Industri Farmasi maupun Apotek dalam mewujudkan hak asasi manusia atas kesehatan, dua diantaranya adalah pemastian mutu produk yang diproduksi di industri farmasi dan pelaksanaan pelayanan farmasi klinik di apotek. PT Harsen Laboratories berkomitmen dalam pemastian mutu yang diproduksinya terhadap salah satu produknya berupa suplemen vitamin C dengan melakukan validasi metode analisis penetapan kadar berdasarkan USP 43 dengan spektrofotometri Uv-Vis. Parameter yang diuji mampu menunjukan validasi metode analisa penetapan kadar telah digunakan sesuai dengan tujuannya, berdasarkan parameter kesesuaian sistem (%RSD 0.06), spesifisitas (%interfensi 1.19), linearitas (r2 0.9973), akurasi (%recovery 100.01), keterulangan (%kadar 0.9), reprodusibilitas dengan perolehan RSD pada dua analis dan laboratorium, dan robustness (%RSD terhadap stabilitas larutan 1,4 ; %RSD terhadap panjang gelombang 0.2 dan %RSD terhadap penyimpanan 0.4%). Sementara itu, melalui Program Rujuk Balik (PRB), Apotek Kimia Farma Condet bekerja sama dengan BPJS Kesehatan untuk memberikan pelayanan pemberian obat pasien PRB., pertimbangan klinis, serta mempertimbangkan kerasionalan obat. Pada praktiknya, PRB sebagai anggota BPJS dengan riwayat penyakit kronis mendapatkan resep yang telah baik dari segi adminitratif, farmasetik maupun klinis. Peresepan obat terhadap pasien penyakit kronis cukup rasional, sehingga pasien mendapatkan obat yang tepat berdasarkan kebutuhan klinis dengan jangka waktu yang cukup. ......Apotek and Pharmaceutical Industry which realizing human right to health, they are ensuring the quality of products what produced in the pharmaceutical industry and implementing clinical pharmacy services at Apotek. PT Harsen Laboratories is committed to ensuring the quality its product which is products in the form of vitamin C supplements, by validating the assay analysis method based on USP 43 with UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The parameters tested are able to show the validation of the assay analysis method has been used according to its purpose, based on system suitability parameters (%RSD 0.06), specificity (% interference 1.19), linearity (r2 0.9973), accuracy (% recovery 100.01), repeatability (% level 0.9), reproducibility with RSD gain in two analysts and a laboratory, and robustness (%RSD to solution stability 1.4; %RSD to wavelength 0.2 and %RSD to storage 0.4%). Meanwhile, through the Referral Back Program (PRB), Kimia Farma Condet Pharmacy collaborates with BPJS Health to provide drug delivery services for PRB patients. As a clinical pharmacy service, review of prescriptions and evaluation of drug use in chronic disease patients is carried out based on administrative, pharmaceutical, clinical considerations, and taking into account the rationale of drugs. In practice, PRB as a member of the BPJS with a history of chronic disease gets a prescription that is good from an administrative, pharmaceutical and clinical perspective. Prescribing drugs for chronic disease patients is quite rational, so that patients get the right drug based on clinical needs with a sufficient period of time.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gockenbach, Mark S.
Abstrak :
Partial differential equations (PDEs) are essential for modeling many physical phenomena. This undergraduate textbook introduces students to the topic with a unique approach that emphasizes the modern finite element method alongside the classical method of Fourier analysis. Additional features of this new edition include broader coverage of PDE methods and applications, with new chapters on the method of characteristics, Sturmiouville problems, and Green functions, and a new section on the finite difference method for the wave equation. The author continues to emphasize Fourier series and finite element methods, which were the primary scope of the first edition.
New York: American Management Association, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Esmailzadeh, Ebrahim
Abstrak :
This book covers both classical and modern analytical methods in nonlinear systems. A wide range of applications from fundamental research to engineering problems are addressed. The book contains seven chapters, each with miscellaneous problems and their detailed solutions. More than 100 practice problems are illustrated, which might be useful for students and researchers in the areas of nonlinear oscillations and applied mathematics. With providing real world examples, this book shows the multidisciplinary emergence of nonlinear dynamical systems in a wide range of applications including mechanical and electrical oscillators, micro/nano resonators and sensors, and also modelling of global warming, epidemic diseases, sociology, chemical reactions, biology and ecology.
Netherlands: Springer Dordrecht, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasya Luthfiyyah
Abstrak :
Obat merupakan bahan atau campuran bahan yang digunakan untuk diagnosis, pencegahan, penyembuhan, pemulihan, peningkatan kesehatan, dan kontrasepsi manusia. Industri farmasi yang memiliki izin edar harus memastikan obat memenuhi standar keamanan, khasiat, mutu, dan informasi produk sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan. Sistem mutu industri farmasi mengharuskan dokumentasi seluruh kegiatan pembuatan obat untuk membangun, mengendalikan, dan memantau kualitas obat, dengan contoh protokol yang mencakup kualifikasi, validasi, verifikasi, dan uji stabilitas. Verifikasi metode analisis, menggunakan instrumen seperti spektrofotometri inframerah, UV-Visible, dan KCKT, menegaskan validitas data laboratorium. Peraturan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makan mengatur bahwa obat harus mematuhi standar Farmakope Indonesia, yang diikuti oleh PT. Pfizer Indonesia dengan mengonversi metode analisis sesuai Farmakope Indonesia Edisi 6. PT. Pfizer Indonesia menetapkan standar internal untuk protokol verifikasi metode analisis di laboratorium kimianya, termasuk pembuatan protokol verifikasi metode analisis spektrofotometri inframerah berdasarkan Farmakope Indonesia Edisi 6. ...... Medicines are substances or mixtures of substances used for diagnosis, prevention, healing, recovery, health improvement and human contraception. The pharmaceutical industry that ensures distribution permits for drugs must meet safety, efficacy, quality and product information standards in accordance with statutory regulations. The pharmaceutical industry quality system requires documentation of all drug manufacturing activities to establish, control, and integrate drug quality, with example protocols that include qualification, validation, verification, and stability testing. Verification of analytical methods, using instruments such as infrared spectrophotometry, UV-Visible, and HPLC, confirms the validity of laboratory data. The regulations of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency stipulate that medicines must comply with the standards of the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia, which PT. Pfizer Indonesia with the analysis conversion method according to the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia Edition 6. PT. Pfizer Indonesia sets internal standards for analytical method verification protocols in its chemical laboratories, including creating infrared spectrophotometric analytical method verification protocols based on the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia Edition 6.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laras Andria Wardani
Abstrak :
Asam askorbat adalah senyawa kimia yang disebut juga vitamin C dengan rumus molekul C6H8O6 larut dalam air dan memiliki sifat antioksidan. Karena sifatnya yang menguntungkan bagi kesehatan, maka kebutuhan manusia akan vitamin C semakin meningkat. Semakin berkembangnya produk-produk makanan, minuman, obatobatan dsb, yang mengandung vitamin C maka diperlukan pengawasan terhadap kadar vitamin C dalam produk tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukannya validasi metode analisis vitamin C dengan spektrofotometri UV-Visibel yang selanjutnya digunakan untuk analisis vitamin C pada minuman buah kemasan. Parameter metode validasi dalam penelitian ini meliputi uji presisi, uji linearitas, uji selektifitas, batas deteksi, batas kuantifikasi, uji sampel, dan uji akurasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapat panjang gelombang yang terpilih untuk asam askorbat adalah 243 nm untuk 30 s/d 100 ppm dan 265 nm untuk 30 s/d 0 ppm. Hasil analisis data untuk linieritas, didapatkan koefisien relasi (r) pada 265 nm yaitu 0,997 dan pada 243nm yaitu 0,998. Dengan Limit deteksi adalah 0,607 ppm dan limit kuantitasi adalah 2,024 ppm. Akurasi dari metode ini ditentukan berdasarkan hasil perolehan kembali menggunakan metode spike standar, sedangkan presisi diukur dengan menghitung simpangan baku relative. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa metode analisis dalam penetapan kadar asam askorbat dengan spektrofotometri UV-Visible merupakan metode yang baik digunakan, relative murah dan mudah yang dapat menghasilkan ketelitian dan ketepatan yang tinggi. ......Ascorbic acid is a chemical compound also known as vitamin C with molecular formula C6H8O6 dissolve in water and has antioxidant properties. Because it is beneficial to health, the human need for vitamin C increases. The continued development of food products, beverages, medicines, etc., which contain vitamin C it is necessary to supervise the levels of vitamin C in the product. In this study does validate methods of analysis of vitamin C with UV-visible spectrophotometry was then used for analysis of vitamin C in fruit drinks packaging. Parameter validation methods in the study include a test of precision, linearity test, test of selectivity, detection limit, quantification limit, the test sample, and test accuracy. Based on research results obtained for the selected wavelength ascorbic acid was 243 nm for 30 s/d 100 ppm and 265 nm for 30 s/d 0.607 ppm. The results of analysis for linearity, obtained relation coefficient (r) at 265 nm is 0.997 and 243nm is 0.998. With the detection limit is 0.607 ppm and the limit of quantization was 2.024 ppm. The accuracy of this method is determined based on the results of spike recoveries using standard methods, while the precision is measured by calculating the relative standard deviation of repeated measurements by ten times. From the results of the study concluded that the method of analysis in the determination of ascorbic acid levels by UV-Visible spectrophotometry is an excellent method to use, relatively inexpensive and easy to produce high precision and accuracy.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library