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Rini Santy
"Kejadian gizi kurang pada remaja putri (rematri) sering terluputkan dari penglihatan dan pengamatan biasa, padahal kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) sebagai indikator keberhasilan pembangunan nasional terletak ditangan remaja. Menurut Susenas 1999-2003, 35 - 40% Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) 15-19 tahun berisiko Kekurangan Energi Kronis (ICED). Keadaan gizi kurang merupakan akibat dari asupan energi yang tidak cukup. Salah satu cars until menentukan keadaan gizi seseorang adalah dengan mengetahui Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) yaitu membandingkan berat badan dan tinggi badan (kg/m2).
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran status gizi remaja putri di Kota Bukittinggi dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis data primer dengan pendekatan kuantitatif observasional. Rancangan penelitian adalah potong lintang (cross sectional). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari-Maret 2006. Remaja putri pada penelitian ini diwakili oleh siswi kelas III SLTA (SMA, MA, dan SMK) usia 16 - 18 tahun yang dikategorikan remaja akhir yang sangat dekat dengan masa kehamilan. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara systematic random sampling. Sampel berjumlah 156 orang yang tersebar pada 11 sekolah. Variabel terikat adalah IMT dan variabel babas adalah asupan energi, kebiasaan makan, citra tubuh, pengetahuan gizi, kelompok sebaya, aktivitas fisik, dan karakteristik orang tua. Analisis data dilakukan secara bertahap dimulai dengan univariat, bivariat (chi square) dan multivariat (multiple logistic regression).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata IMT rematri adalah 20,69 kg/m2 + 2,63. Proporsi siswi yang mempunyai IMT<18,5 kg/m2 sebesar 19,9% dengan penyebaran 14,1% kekurangan gizi tingkat ringan dan 5,8% kekurangan gizi tingkat berat. Rata-rata asupan energi adalah 1694 kalori. Rata-rata kontribusi protein terhadap total energi sebesar 11,8%, lemak 26,7% dan karbohidrat 58,7%. Rata-rata asupan energi dibandingkan AKG adalah total energi 77%, protein 93,6%, lemak 65,3% dan karbohidrat 84,7%.
Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan ada hubungan bermakna antara total energi, kebiasaan makan dan citra tubuh dengan IMT rematri. Variabel total energi merupakan variabel yang dominan mempengaruhi status gizi IMT rematri.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disarankan kepada pengambil keputusan bidang kesehatan agar menyusun program penanggulangan dan peneegahan masalah gizi remaja. Kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan antara lain artaiah mengadakan pelatihan untuk petugas khusus promosi gizi dan pelatihan guru BP/guru olah raga mengenai pemantauan status gizi, melaksanakan promosi gizi secara intensif dengan lebih mengarahkan sasaran penyuluhan ke sekolah serta membuat sarana penyuluhan yang disesuaikan dengan karakter remaja.Untuk Dinas Pendidikan agar dapat mengintegrasikan materi kesehatan khususnya pengetahuan gizi ke dalam kurikulum, menggiatkan UKS dan KKR untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan KMS anak sekolah, menyediakan ruang UKS yang dilengkapi dengan timbangan, microtoise, food model dan buku-buku gizi, melaksanakan PSG setiap awal semester dan bekerja sama dengan orang tua siswa untuk dapat menyediakan makan siang di sekolah (school lunch) guna menjaga asupan yang adekuat mengingat sebagian besar waktu dihabiskan di sekolah. Untuk peneliti yang berminat melakukan penelitian status gizi remaja agar menggunakan indikator status gizi yang memperhitungkan pacu tumbuh yang sesuai dengan remaja Indonesia serta penelitian citra tubuh secara mendalam yang diduga mempengaruhi perilaku makan remaja.

The incident of malnutrition at girls is often neglected from common sight and observation, whereas the quality of human resources as the indicator of a successful national development is laid on their hand. According to the National Health Survey (Susenns) of 1999 2003, 35 - 40% women in productive age (WUS) of 15 - 19 are at risk of Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK). Malnutrition is resulted from the insufficient consumption of energy. One of ways to determine the nutritional condition of a person is finding out the Body Mass Index (BMI) of him/her, namely by comparing his/her body weight with his/her height (kg/mi).
This research is aimed at obtaining the description of nutritional status of girls in Bukittinggi and factors related to it. It was conducted by analyzing primary data using observational quantitative approach. The design of the research is cross sectional. The research was carried out from February until March 2006. The girls studied are represented by the third-grade female students of senior high schools (senior high school, islamic senior high school, and middle vocational school) of 16 -18 who are categorized as a last teenager who is very close to pregnant period. The sample was selected by systematic random sampling. It was totally 156 students who are distributed at 11 schools. The dependent variable is BMI and the independent variable are energy consumption, eating habit, body image, knowledge on nutrition, peer group, physical activities, and parents' characteristics. Data was analyzed gradually, starting from univariate, bivariate (chi square), until multivariate (multiple logistic regression).
The results show that the BMI of the female students is 20.69 kg/m2 ± 2.63 on average. The proportion of students having BMI<18.5 kg/m2 is 19.9% all of which is distributed to 14.1% of light level of malnutrition and 5.8% for heavy level of malnutrition. Intake per day is 1694 calorie on average with protein contributed to intake is 11,8%, fat 26,7% dan carbohydrat 58,7%. Intake energy compared with Recommended Dietary Allowence (RDA) are total energy consumption 77%, protein 93,6%, lemak 65,3% and carbohydrat 84,7%.
Bivariate analysis indicates that there is a significant relation between energy consumption, eating habit, body image, by BMI. Variable energy consumption the dominant variable influencing BMI.
Based on the results, it is suggested that the decision maker in health areas begin to set up prevention and control program for nutritional problems of teenagers. Activities which can be conducted among others are training for special personnel of nutritional promotion and BP/sport teachers on nutritional status monitoring, conducting nutritional promotion intensively which is more focusing on education at schools, and setting up educational facilities adjusted to teenager character. It is also recommended that the Educational Office integrate health matters, especially nutritional knowledge into the curriculum, activate UKS and KKR to optimize the using of KMS of school students, provide UKS room equipped with scale, microtoise, food model and nutrition books, conduct PSG at the beginning of every semester and cooperate with students' parents to provide school lunch to maintain adequate intake, considering that most of their time is spent at school. Suggestion for the researcher to use nutritional status that adjusted growth spurts Indonesian girls and study of factor body image which influence food habit.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Arlyando Hezron
"Latar Belakang. Densitas tulang yang rendah pada usia lanjut antara lain dipengaruhi oleh gangguan produksi dan metabolisme vitamin D, konsumsi alkohol, aktivitas fisik yang kurang, indeks massa tubuh (IMT) yang rendah, merokok yang berlebihan dan asupan kaisium yang rendah. Asupan kalsium, indeks massa tubuh dan kapasitas fisik diketahui berpengaruh pada densitas massa tulang.Korelasi antara asupan kaisium, IMT dan kapasitas fisik dengan densitas massa tulang masih kontroversi dan di Indonesia masih belum banyak diteliti khususnya di Panti Werda.
Tujuan. Mengetahui korelasi asupan kalsium, IMT, kapasitas fisik dengan densitas massa tulang lumbal dan femur wanita usia lanjut serta gambaran densitas massa tulang lumbal dan femur, jumlah asupan kalsium, gambaran IMT,dan kapasitas fisik wanita usia lanjut di Panti Werda.
Metodalogi. Studi potong lintang dilakukan pada wanita usia lanjut (?60 tahun) di Panti Werda. Subyek penelitian didapat dengan metode cluster random sampling dan yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi. Kriteria inklusinya adalah berusia 60 tahun atau lebih, jenis keiamin perempuan, masih dapat mandiri (ADL Barthel >16), dan bersedia ikut daiam penelitian. Dilakukan uji korelasi Pearson dengan aiternatif uji korelasi Spearman jika sebaran data tidak normal untuk mengetahui korelasi antara asupan kalsium, IMT dan kapasitas fisik dengan densitas massa tulang lumbal dan femur.
Hasil. Selama periode Maret-Mei 2005 dilakukan penelitian terhadap 51 wanita usia lanjut di 2 Panti Werda Jakarta dan Bekasi. Median usia 70,5 (7,5) tahun, median asupan kalsium 283 gram/hari, IMT 22,28 (4,2) kg/m2 dan kapasitas fisik sebesar 4,8(1,6) Metz. Sedangkan rerata densitas tulang lumbal 0,842(0,I64) gramlcm2 dan densitas tulang femur 0,652(0,097) grarnlcm2. Didapatkan korelasi bermakna antara IMT dengan densitas massa tulang lumbal dan femur (r = 0,677 ; p = 0,000 dan r = 0, 508 ; p = 0,000), dan tidak didapatkan korelasi antara asupan kalsium dengan densitas massa tulang lumbal dan femur (r = 0,146 ; p = 0,308 dan r = 0,096 ; p = 0,501) dan kapasitas fisik dengan densitas massa tulang lumbal dan femur (r=0,016; p=0,913 dan r=0,143 dan nilai p=0,318).
Kesimpulan. Didapatkan korelasi antara IMT dengan densitas massa tulang lumbal dan femur sedangkan korelasi antara asupan kalsium dan kapasitas fisik dengan densitas tulang lumbal dan femur wanita usia lanjut di Panti Werda belum dapat dibuktikan. Prevalensi densitas tulang lumbal dan femur wanita usia lanjut di panti werda Jakarta dan Bekasi berkurang sebesar 100% dan 99,8%., asupan kalsiumnya rendah, indeks massa tubuh normal dan kapasitas fisik tingkat menengah.

Low bone density in elderly may be caused by decreased production and metabolic dysfunction of vitamin D metabolism, alcohol consumption, decreased physical activity, low BMI, excessive smoking, and low calcium intake. Calcium intake, BMI and physical capacity had already been known to have influence on BMD. The correlation between calcium intake, BMI and physical capacity with BMD is still controversial and there is not much data in Indonesia regarding of it especially in elderly population.
To investigate the correlation between calcium intakes, body mass index and physical capacity with lumbar and femoral bone mass density of elderly women in nursing homes.
A cross sectional study was conducted in elderly women in nursing homes. Subjects were obtained by cluster random sampling method and fulfilled inclusion criteria Inclusion criteria were age more than 60 years old, female, and Barthel index >16. We have done Pearson correlation test with Spearman test as alternative if data distribution was not normal.
A cross sectional study was conducted on 51 elderly women in 2 nursing homes in Bekasi between March and May 2005. Median age was 70.5 years, median calcium intake 283 gram/day, BMI 22.28 ± 42 kg/m2 and physical capacity 4.8 ± 1,6 metz. Mean of lumbar BMD was 0.842 ± 0.164 gram/cm2 and mean femoral BMD was 0.652 ± 0.097 gram/cm2. We found significant correlation between BMI and lumbar and femoral BMD (r).677;p).000 and r =508; p=0.000) and there was no correlation between calcium intake and lumbar and femoral BMD (rO.146;p-0.000 and r=0.096;p=0.50 l ). There were no correlation found between physical capacity and lumbar and femoral BMD (r).016;p 0.913 and r-0.143 and p O.318).
This study showed correlation between BMI and lumbar and femoral BMD. We found no correlation between calcium intake and physical capacity with femoral and lumbar BMD in elderly women in nursing homes in Jakarta and Bekasi. Prevalensi of lumbar BMD and femoral BMD of elderly women in nursing homes in Jakarta was decreased (100% and 99,8%).Calcium intake was low, BMI was normal and physical capacity was moderate level.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Purpose: The body mass index (BMI) before lung transplantation (LT) is a benchmark of the post-LT survival. The aim of the study is to determine the BMI inadequate for the post-LT survival.
Methods: We examined the survival after LT in patients grouped into the following BMI categories: <18.5 kg/m2 (underweight), 18.5-24.9 kg/m2 (normal weight), 25-29.9 kg/m2 (overweight), and ≥30.0 kg/m2 (obese) according to the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. A more detailed categorization was made for further evaluation of the underweight group: mild (17.0 ≤ BMI < 18.5 kg/m2) and severely underweight (BMI <17.0 kg/m2).
Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the post-LT survival between underweight and normal-weight patients (5-year survival: 78.7 vs. 76.1%). Patients with BMI <17.0 kg/m2 had a worse prognosis than those with 17.0 ≤ BMI < 18.5 kg/m2 (5-year survival: 70.3 vs. 90.0%).
Conclusions: Standard BMI categorization per the WHO criteria is inadequate for determining the post-LT survival, especially in underweight patients. For the nutritional evaluation of underweight pre-LT patients, BMI <17.0 kg/m2 should be used instead of BMI <18.5 kg/m2."
Tokyo: Springer, 2017
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tria Astika Endah
"Osteoporosis merupakan salah satu Pcnyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) yang menjadi beban kesehatan mayarakat di negara bcrkembang tezmasuk di Indonesia. Osteoporosis discbut sebagai silent disease karena pada stadium awal tidak menimbulkan gejala yang nyata. Osteoporosis bisa menyerang laki-iaki maupun perempuan dan lebih berisiko pada usia Ianjut. Osteoporosis adalah suatu penyakit yang memiliki karakteristik yang khas, yaitu rendahnya massa tulang disertai pcrubahan-perubahan mikro arsitcktur dan mundumya kualitasjaringan pada tulang. Kondisi ini pada akhimya dapat menyebabkan tenjadinya pcningkatan kerapuhan tulang dan rneningkatkan risiko terjadinya fraktur pada tulang.
Pengukuran Dcnsilas Massa Tulang (DMT) dapat dilakukan dengan mcnggunakan alat densitomcter tulang. Metode ini mcncntukan kandungan mineral tulang pada seluruh tulang. Dengan uji Densitas Massa Tulang (DMT) dapat didiagnosis terkena osteoporosis ataukah tidak. Pengukuran dapat dilakukan pada tulang belakang, tuiang pinggul, tulang pergelangan tangan, tumit atau pun jari tangan. Mctode Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) mcngukur densitas tulang pada tumit. Daiam mendiagnosis terjadinya osteoporosis, alat tersebut mengukur keoepatan gelombang suara yang bergerak sepanjang tulang.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dengan kejadian osteoporosis pada kelompok dewasa usia 40 sampai 65 tahun di Kota Depok. Disain penclitian yang digunakan adalah disain studi kasus kontrol dengan jumlah keseluruhan subjek yang diteliti scbanyak 116 orang yaitu tcrdiri dari 29 orang kasus dan 87 orang kontrol (1 : 3). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2008. Populasi adalah seluruh orang dewasa laki-laki maupun perempuan bemsia antara 40 sampai 65 tahun yang menetap atau tinggal di wilayah Kota Depok, Jawa Barat. Kelompok kasus ditetapkan dengan kriteria seluruh orang dewasa laki-Iaki maupun perempuan benlsia 40 sampai 65 tahun yang tinggal di ernpat lokasi penclitian terpiiih (Pesona Khayangan, Mutiara Depok, Durian Mekar RW 02 dan RW 03) di Kota Depok, Jawa Barat yang didiagnosis osteoporosis menggunakan alat Achilles Exprem/Insight rnetode Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) dengan scnsitivitas alat sebesar 97%, diperoleh nilai t-score 5 -2,5 SD, sedangkan jika nilai t-score 2 -1 SD ditctapkan sebagai kontrol.
Hasil analisis multivariat dengan menggunakan analisis regresi logistik ganda model faktor risiko menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan bermakna antara IMT dengan osteoporosis (p-vaIue<0,05}. Nilai Odds Ratio (OR) dari hasil uji statistik diperoleh hasil bahwa subjek dengan IMT ‘kurang’ berisiko terkena osteoporosis sebanyak l85,8 kali dibandingkan dengan subjek yang mempunyai IMT ‘nom1al’. Dari hasil analisis tersebut terbukti bahwa 11 (sebelas) variabel mempakan variabel confounder yaitu terdiri dari merokok, aktivitas olahraga, tingkat pendidikan, tingkat pcngetahuan, pekexjaan, pendapatan, frekuensi konsumsi buah, frekuensi konsumsi minuman penghambat penyerapan kalsium, asupan protein, asupan vitamin C, serta asupan vitamin D.
Perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai osteoporosis dengan menggunakan jumlah subjek yang lebih banyak untuk disain kasus kontrol. Selain itu juga dapat dilakukan penelitian lain dengan mengukur kadar kalsium dalam darah pada subjek disamping pengukiuan terhadap Densitas Massa Tulang (DMT). Dapat juga diiakukan penelitian berikutnya dengan disain studi yang berbeda yaitu dengan disain studi kohort. Hal ini ditujukan untuk rnengetahui lebih lanjut mcngenai pengaruh faktor-faktor risiko lainnya yang berkaitan dengan osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is one of non-communicable diseases that becomes problem among people in developing countries, including in Indonesia. Osteoporosis is known as silent disease where in the first stadium does not have a significant symptom. Osteoporosis may attack men and women and it is higher risk to old people. Osteoporosis has specific characters they are low of bone weight repeated with micro-architecture changes and the decrease of bone tissues quality. This condition, at the end, may cause the increase of bone brittle and bone fracture risk. Bone Mass Density (BMD) measurement was done by using bone densitomcter. This method measures mineral content in the bone. The osteoporosis can be diagnosed by using the Bone Mass Density test. The measurements were carried out from back bone, hip bone, wrist bone, heel bone, and fmgers bone.
Quantitative Ultrasound Method measured the heel bone density. It measured the speed of sound wave moving throughout the bone while diagnosing the osteoporosis. The objectives are to find out the relation between Body Mass Index (BMI) and osteoporosis to adult people aged 40 - 65 years in Depok in 2008. Case contorol study design was carried out in this research by using 116 subject as samples divided into 29 case and 87 control (I : 3). The research was done on May 2008. Population involved in this research were men and women aged between 40 until 65 years old, lived or stayed in Depok, West Java. The osteoporosis was measured by using Achilles Express/Insight with Quantitative Ultrasound Method with 97% tools sensitivity, resulted the t-score (osteoporosis : 5 -2.5 SD decided as case, while normal : 2 -1 SD as control). Case and control stayed in 4 (four) selected location (Pesona Khayangan, Mutiara Depok, Durian Mekar RW 02 and RW 03) in Depok, West Java.
The multivariat analysis by using risk factor model with double logistic regression analysis shows that there is a significant relation between Body Mass Index (BMI) and osteoporosis (p-value < 0.05). Odds Ratio (OR) value from statistical test shows that people ‘under’ Body Meight Index (BMI) are high risk to osteoporosis, 185.8 times than people above ‘normal’ Body Mass Index (BMI). The iinal result from multivariate analysis proved that 11 (eleven) variables were confounder; there were smoking, exercise activity, education level, knowledge level, jobs, earning, fruit consumption frequency, calcium absorption resistor drinking frequency, protein intake, Vitamin C intake, and Vitamin D intake. It is necessary to carry out next step research by sampling more case and control population, not only measuring Bone Mass Density (BMD) but also measuring blood calcium content with different study design by using kohort study. This will find out, further, the effect of other risk factors dealing with osteoporosis.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benny Budiman
Background: antiretroviral drug-related liver injury (ARLI) is a drug-induced hepatotoxicity due to antiretroviral medication (ARV). It commonly disrupts compliance to treatment and causes treatment discontinuation in HIV-infected patients. Several studies have been conducted on predisposing factors for ARLI including studies on body mass index (BMI) and cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4). The association of BMI and CD4 with ARLI remains controversial as previous studies have demonstrated different outcomes. Our study was conducted to identify the association of low baseline BMI and CD4 cell count as risk factors for ARLI in HIV-infected patients. Methods: this is a cross-sectional study. Subjects were 75 patients with HIV-AIDS who received ARV therapy using fixed-dose combination (tenofovir, lamivudine, efavirenz) at the Teratai HIV outpatient clinic of Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung city. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test was performed prior to starting ARV treatment and the test was repeated on the sixth month of therapy. Results: there was no significant difference on the proportion of low baseline CD4 count between ARLI and non-ARLI group (p=0.155). Bivariate analysis demonstrated that regarding the proportion of low baseline BMI, there was a significant difference between ARLI and non-ARLI group (p= 0.001). Multivariate analysis using logistic regression showed that BMI of < 18.5 kg/m2 increased the risk for developing ARLI by 5.53 fold; while CD4 cell count of < 200 cells/µL did not the risk. Conclusion: our study indicates that low baseline BMI may increase the risk for developing ARLI; while low baseline CD4 cell count does not; therefore, we suggest that ALT test should be performed on a routine basis among HIV-AIDS patients for early detection of ARLI, particularly in patients with low BMI."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2019
610 UI-IJIM 51:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lola Annisya
"Kebugaran merupakan kemampuan seseorang untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik sehari-hari tanpa merasakan kelelahan yang berlebihan. Kebugaran dapat dinilai dari Nilai VO2max yaitu tingkat maksimum dimana oksigen dapat dimanfaatkan oleh tubuh selama aktivitas maksimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui beberapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan nilai VO2max (kebugaran) yang diukur menggunakan Queen’s College Step Test. Desain studi penelitian ini adalah cross sectional yang dilakukan pada 156 siswa laki-laki kelas X, XI, dan XII di SMAN 7 Mataram. Variabel dependen dari penelitian ini yaitu nilai VO2max dan variabel independen terdiri dari status gizi (IMT), aktivitas fisik, frekuensi asupan gizi makro, konsumsi sumber kafein, kualitas tidur, tingkat stress, perilaku merokok, dan COVID-19. Status kebugaran didapatkan melalui klasifikasi nilai VO2max yang selanjutnya dibagi menjadi kategori tidak bugar dan bugar, status gizi diukur menggunakan antropometri, aktivitas fisik diukur menggunakan International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), frekuensi asupan gizi makro diukur menggunakan Food Frequenty Questionnaire (FFQ), konsumsi sumber kafein diukur menggunakan kuesioner, kualitas tidur diukur menggunakan Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), tingkat stres diukur menggunakan Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), dan perilaku merokok serta COVID-19 diukur menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 34,6% siswa yang tidak bugar. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kebugaran berdasarkan nilai VO2max dengan IMT (p-value = 0,012), dan perilaku merokok (p-value = 0,037). Peneliti menyarankan agar siswa tetap mempertahankan kebugaran dengan meningkatkan aktivitas fisik terutama untuk menjaga kesehatan selama pandemi.

Physical fitness is a person's ability to carry out daily physical activities without feeling fatigue. Physical fitness can be assessed from the VO2max value, which is the maximum level of oxygen can be utilized by the body during maximum activity. The purpose of this study was to determine several factors related to the value of VO2max (fitness) which was measured using the Queen’s College Step Test. The study design of this research was cross sectional which was conducted on 156 male students in grades X, XI, and XII of SMAN 7 Mataram. The dependent variable of this study is VO2max value and the independent variables consist of nutritional status (BMI), physical activity, frequency of macronutrient intake, caffeine source consumption, sleep quality, stress level, smoking behavior, and COVID-19. The status was obtained through the classification of VO2max values which were further categorized into unfit and fit categories, nutritional status measured using anthropometry, physical activity measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), frequency of macronutrient intake measured using the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), caffeine source consumption. measured using a questionnaire, sleep quality using the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), stress levels measured using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and smoking and COVID-19 behavior measured using a questionnaire. The results showed that there were 34.6% of students who were not fit. The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between fitness based on VO2max value and BMI (p-value = 0.012), and smoking behavior (p-value = 0.037). Researchers suggest that they maintain fitness by increasing physical activity, especially to maintain health during the pandemic."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nurbaya
"Dalam rangka pengembangan kontrasepsi pria, penggunaan kombinasi testosteron enantat (TE) dan progesteron pada orang Kaukasia hanya mencapai azoospermia 70% sedangkan orang Asia mencapai 100% azoospermia (Moeloek, 1998). Faktor yang mungkin dapat menimbulkan perbedaan dalam menekan produksi sperma diduga disebabkan oleh faktor genetik dan faktor lingkungan antara lain perbedaan asupan makanan antara orang Kaukasia dan orang Asia. Adapun ciri makanan negara Barat mengandung lemak dan protein tinggi sedangkan karbohidrat rendah. Sebaliknya untuk orang Asia mengandung lemak dan protein rendah, namun kandungan karbohidratnya tinggi. Dari penelitian dilaporkan bahwa asupan makanan seperti karbohidrat, lemak dan protein mempengaruhi konsentarsi SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). SHBG adalah glikoprotein plasma, diproduksi oleh sel hati, mempunyai afinitas yang tinggi terhadap dihidrotestosteron (DI-FT) dan jugs mengikat estrogen tetapi daya ikatnya lebih rendah. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Sutyarso, 1997 pada hewan coba (Macaca Fascicularis) dengan memberikan model makanan orang Asia yaitu karbohidrat 70%, protein 15% dan lemak 15%. Hasil yang diperoleh kadar testosteron bebas pada hewan coba tersebut lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hewan coba yang diberi makanan lemak dan protein tinggi. Oleh karena itu kami merasa perlu mengadakan penelitian pada kelompok masyarakat Pegawai Negeri Sipil Golongan I yang mengkonsumsi karbohidrat tinggi namun protein dan lemak rendah. Pengukuran konsentarsi SHBG menggunakan ImmunoRadiometric Assay (IRMA). Untuk mengetahui asupan makronutrien yaitu karbohidrat, protein dan lemak dilakukan pencatatan makanan (Food recall) selama tiga hari berturut-turut. Pengukuran kadar testosteron total dan kadar testosteron bebas menggunakan RadioImmuno Assay (RIA). Penelitian yang telah dilakukan Longcope dkk, 2000 pria dewasa di AS Body Mass Index (BMI) merupakan faktor yang dapat untuk memperkirakan (prediktor) konsentrasi SHBG di dalam tubuh.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi SHBG 41,76 nmol/L. Asupan makronutrien yaitu karbohidrat 256,28 gram (56,24%), protein 43,92 gram(9,68%) dan lemak 69,28 gram (34,08%), kadar testosteron total 6,43 ng/mL, kadar testosteron bebas 22,39 pa/mL, Body Mass Index (BMI) 21,69 kg/m2. Dengan menggunakan "Pearson Correlation Coefficient" antara konsentrasi SHBG dengan karbohidrat (r=0,093), lemak (r=0,051), protein(r=0,002), kadar testosteron bebas (r=0,256), kadar testosteron total,(r=0,518) dan Body Mass Index(BMI)(r=-0,519) mempunyai hubungan. Hasil analisis Regresi Ganda antara konsentrasi SHBG dengan BMI dan kadar testosteron total mempunyai hubungan yang erat dengan tingkat signifikan 0,000 (P<0,05).

The Relationship Between Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) Serum Concentration With Diet Macronutrient Testosterone and Body Mass Index (BMI) in Man of Civil Servant of Grade IThe development of male contraception, the combination of using Testosterone Enantate (TE) and progestogen to Caucasian people was only have azoospermia 70% whereas Asian people only have 100% azoospermia (Moeloek, 1998). The factor which might be rised the different in emphasizing the production of sperm is caused by genetic factor and environment factor are the different of food construction between Caucasian people and Asian. The food characteristic in west country contain fat and high protein but low carbohydrate. On the other hand Asian people contain fat and low protein but high carbohydrate. From the study is reported that the food component like carbohydrate, fat and protein was effecting the SHBG concentration. SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) is glikoprotein plasma, produced by cell liver, having a high affinities to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and also bounding estrogen but the bounding was to low. From the study research by Sutyarso, 1997 to the experiment animal (Macaca fascicularis) by giving the food model of Asian people like carbohydrate 70%, protein 15% and fat 15%. The report that can get is the degree of free testosterone to experiment animal 15 more higher than the experiment animal who giving a food such as fat and high protein. Because of that we feel need to do research to people who work as Civil Servant of Grade I who had consumption high carbohydrate whereas protein and fat low. The measuring of SHBG concentration is using Immuno Radidmetric Assay (IRMA). To know the composition macronutrient like carbohydrate, fat and protein is doing the food registration (food recall) during continuously three days. The measuring of total testosterone concentration and free testosterone concentration are using Radioimmuno Assay (RIA).
The study research by Long cope et at, 2000 male in USA Body Mass Index (BMI) is factor how to predict the concentration of SHBG in body.The research result showed the value average of SHBG concentration 41,76 nmole/L. The composition macronutrient like carbohydrate 256,28 gram (56,24%), protein 43,92 gram(9,68%) and fat 69,28 gram(34,08%), total testosterone 6,43 ng/mL, free testosterone 22,39 pq/mL, Body Mass Index (BMI) 21,69 kg /m2. By using "Pearson Correlation Coefficient" between SHBG concentration with carbohydrate (r=0,093), fat (r=0,051), protein (r=0,002), free testosterone (r=0,256), total testosterone (r=0,518) and Body Mass Index (BMI)(r=-0,519) have relationship. The result of analysis double regression between SHBG serum concentration with Body Mass Index (BMI) and total testosterone have bight relationship with signification level 0,000 (P<0,05)."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghina Khairunnisa
"Penatalaksanaan standar tuberkulosis (TB) yang disusun WHO memiliki tingkat keberhasilan yang tinggi. Namun, masalah kesehatan pasien pasca-TB, seperti anemia, belum banyak diketahui. Padahal, anemia merupakan masalah kesehatan yang umum pada pasien TB dan dapat terjadi persisten bahkan setelah pengobatan selesai. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi dan gambaran anemia pada pasien pasca-TB serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan. Pada penelitian cross sectional ini, subjek diambil dari 3 kecamatan di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan dengan metode total sampling. Karakteristik subjek dan gambaran klinis didapat dari wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Data gambaran radiologis didapat dari foto polos toraks. Kadar hemoglobin dan laju endap darah (LED) diperoleh dari pemeriksaan darah perifer lengkap.
Data indeks massa tubuh (IMT) diperoleh dari pengukuran antropometri. Dari 78 sampel, didapatkan prevalensi anemia pada pasien pasca TB sebesar 19,2% yang terdiri dari anemia mikrositik hipokrom (60%) dan normositik normokrom. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara anemia dengan gambaran klinis, baik batuk, demam atau keringat malam, sesak napas, dan nyeri dada (p>0,05). Anemia juga tidak berhubungan dengan gambaran infiltrat, kavitas, maupun peningkatan LED (p>0,05). Terdapat hubungan antara IMT<18,5 kg/m2 dengan anemia (p=0,013), OR 5,0 (95% CI 1,28-19,46). Anemia masih menjadi masalah kesehatan pada pasien pasca-TB dan berhubungan dengan rendahnya status gizi pada pasien pasca-TB.

Standard tuberculosis (TB) treatment that has been established by WHO has high success rate. Yet, health problem among post-TB patient, such as anemia, has not been studied, though anemia is common health problem in TB patient and can persists even after successful treatment. The study aimed to fnd out prevalence of anemia in post-TB patients and its associated factors. In this cross sectional study, subject was enrolled from 3 subdistrict in Timor Tengah Selatan district, using total sampling method. Subject characteristic and clinical presentation of TB was obtained by interview based on questionnare. Data of radiologic finding was collected by conducting chest X-Ray. Hemoglobin level and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was obtained from complete blood count.
Body mass index (BMI) is calculated from anthropometric measurement. Involving 78 subject, this study found prevalence of anemia in post-TB patient is 19,2% consisted of normositic normochromic (60%) and micrositic hypochromic anemia. Neither cough, fever or night sweat, breath difficulty nor chest pain has associaton with anemia (p>0,05). Anemia also has no association with infiltrate, cavity, and elevated ESR (p>0,05). There is association between BMI <18,5 kg/m2 and anemia (p=0,013 ), OR 5,0 (95% CI 1,28-19,46). Anemia still become a health problem for post-TB patient and it is associated with poor nutritional status among post-TB patient.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fani Handayani
Prevalensi BB lebih (27%) dan obesitas (36%) crew di PT. X lebih tinggi dari
prevalensi nasional, menandakan terdapat masalah kesehatan pada PT. X. Tujuan
penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui faktor risiko perilaku kesehatan yang
berkontribusi terhadap IMT. Desain penelitian ini adalah sequential dengan dua
tahap, tahap pertama menggunakan analisis kuantitatatif untuk melihat faktor
risiko perilaku kesehatan, tahap kedua dengan menggunakan content analysis
kualitatif untuk melihat predisposing, enabling, dan reinforcing factors yang
melatarbelakangi perilaku kesehatan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
terdapat perbedaan faktor risiko yang melatarbelakangi crew pada kebiasaan
olahraga dan aktivitas fisik, pola makan dan keseimbangan energi, durasi tidur,
serta stres kerja.

Prevalence of overweight (27%) and obesity (36%) crew at PT. X are higher than
the national prevalence, indicating health problems. The objective was to
determine the health behavior risk factors that contribute to BMI. The study
design is sequential with two stages, the first using quantitative analysis to see
health behavior risk factors, the second using qualitative content analysis to see
the predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors behind the health behavior. The
results showed that there were differences in risk factors that led to crew on
exercise habits and physical activity, diet and energy balance, sleep duration, and
work stress."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library