ABSTRAKKabupaten Banggai memiliki potensi unggulan daerah dari sector maritime berupa
perikanan tangkap, tetapi implementasi manajeman penangkapannya belum
optimal. Ikan pelagis besar merupakan salah satu potensi unggulan di kabupaten
ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran daerah potensial
keberadaan ikan pelagis besar di perairan Kabuaten Banggai dengan
menggabungkan teknologi knowledge base dan teknologi Geographic Information
System (GIS). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi klorofil-a dan
suhu permukaan laut yang bersumber dari data citra aqua modis selama kurun
waktu 7 (tujuh) tahun. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebaran potensial ikan
pelagis besar di perairan Kabupaten Banggai. Umumnya sebaran potensi ikan
pelagis besar di perairan Kabupetan Banggai memiliki kelas kerapatan rendah,
sedang, dan tinggi pada wilayah Kecamatan Boalemo dan Kecamatan Masama
pada bulan Juli dan Agustus dengan wilayah cukup luas, dan wilayah dengan
kelas kerapatan rendah, sedang dan tinggi yang selalu ada sepanjang tahun pada
wilayah Kabupaten Morowali dan Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan.
ABSTRACTBanggai district has excellent potential areas of fisheries maritime sectors, but the
implementation is not yet optimal for fisheries management, the big pelagic fish
are one of the excellent potential in this district (Banggai District). The purpose of
this study was to determine the distribution of potential areas where the big
pelagic fish in the ocean of the Banggai District by integrated technology
knowledge base and Geographic Information System (GIS). The study was
conducted by identifying chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature derived from
the fashionable aqua image data over a period of 7 (seven) years. Results from this
study is the potential distribution of big pelagic fish in the ocean of the Banggai
district. Generally the potential distribution of big pelagic fish in the ocean of the
Banggai island have low, medium, and high density grade in the District of
Boalemo and the District Masama in July and August with a fairly wide area, and
areas with a low density grade, medium and high are always there along year in
the area Morowali and Banggai Kepulauan, Banggai district has excellent potential areas of fisheries maritime sectors, but the
implementation is not yet optimal for fisheries management, the big pelagic fish
are one of the excellent potential in this district (Banggai District). The purpose of
this study was to determine the distribution of potential areas where the big
pelagic fish in the ocean of the Banggai District by integrated technology
knowledge base and Geographic Information System (GIS). The study was
conducted by identifying chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature derived from
the fashionable aqua image data over a period of 7 (seven) years. Results from this
study is the potential distribution of big pelagic fish in the ocean of the Banggai
district. Generally the potential distribution of big pelagic fish in the ocean of the
Banggai island have low, medium, and high density grade in the District of
Boalemo and the District Masama in July and August with a fairly wide area, and
areas with a low density grade, medium and high are always there along year in
the area Morowali and Banggai Kepulauan]"