ABSTRAKUntuk mengurangi penggunaan air bersih, IPA Karanggayam PDAM Tirtamarta
Yogyakarta dapat menggunakan kembali air backwash sand filter. Karakteristik
air backwash sand filter mengandung Fe sebesar 8,205 mg/L dan Mn sebesar
2,682 mg/L. Manganese ore constructed wetland diajukan dalam penelitian ini
untuk penyisihan besi dan mangan. Penelitian menggunakan subsurface
horizontal flow manganese ore constructed wetland dengan dimensi 120x60x40
cm3, sistem batch, menggunakan tanaman Phragmites australis, dan variasi waktu
tinggal dari hari 1 - 5. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan penyisihan kekeruhan,
besi, mangan dan COD meningkat seiring bertambahnya waktu tinggal. Dengan
waktu tinggal 1 hari, sistem ini menyisihkan kekeruhan, besi, mangan dan COD
sebesar 70,97%; 91,95%; 83,16%; dan 55,22%. Kandungan besi pada tanaman
Phragmites australis di akhir penelitian pada akar, daun dan batang yaitu 635,28
mg/kg; 96,99 mg/kg dan 34,73 mg/kg. Kandungan mangan pada tanaman
Phragmites australis di akhir penelitian pada daun, akar dan batang yaitu 26,30
mg/kg; 22,87 mg/kg dan 6,15 mg/kg. Kandungan manganese ore murni terbesar
adalah komponen pirolusit (MnO2) yaitu sebesar 90,68% kemudian setelah
penelitian berkurang menjadi 39,11%. Desain manganese ore constructed wetland
skala lapangan berukuran 26,4x11,7x1 m3 dengan debit 80 m3/hari. Setelah
pengolahan dari manganese ore constructed wetland, air backwash sand filter
telah memenuhi standar baku mutu air bersih sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan
ABSTRACTTo reduce their fresh water consumption, IPA Karanggayam PDAM Tirtamarta
Yogyakarta can reuse sand filter backwash water. The characteristic of sand filter
backwash water contains exceeded Fe 8,205 mg/L and Mn 2,682 mg/L.
Manganese ore constructed wetland was proposed in this research for the removal
of iron and manganese.This research used subsurface horizontal flow manganese
ore constructed wetland with dimension is 120x60x40 cm3, batch system, using
Phragmites australis, and detention time from 1 day to 5 day. The result show that
the removal of turbidity, iron, manganese and COD increased accordingly with
the increase of detention time. With the detention time at 1 day, the turbidity, iron,
manganese, and COD removal were up to 70,97%; 91,95%; 83,16%; dan 55,22%
in this system. In the end of the research, Phragmites australis root, leaves, and
stem contains 635,28 mg/kg; 96,99 mg/kg and 34,73 mg/kg of iron. Also
Phragmites australis leaves, root, and stem contains 26,30 mg/kg; 22,87 mg/kg
and 6,15 mg/kg of manganese. The biggest component in manganese ore is MnO2
(pyrolusit) up to 90,68% and decreased up to 39,11% in the end of the research.
The design of manganese ore constructed wetland with dimension 26,4x11,7x1 m3
and rate of flow 80 m3/hari. After the treatment of manganese ore constructed
wetland, sand filter backwash water fulfilled the quality standard so can be reuse."