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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Dental biomaterials reviews the materials used in this important area, their performance and how such performance can be measured and optimised. Chapters review optical and electron microscopy imaging techniques for dental biomaterial interfaces. Specific materials such as dental cements, fibre-reinforced composites, metals and alloys are discussed. There is an analysis of stresses, fracture, wear and ageing in dental biomaterials as well as an evaluation of the performance of dental adhesives and resin-dentine bonds. Chapters also review ways of assessing the performance of dental handpieces, crowns, implants and prostheses. The book also reviews the use of computer models in such areas as bond strength and shape optimisation of dental restorations." "With its distinguished editors and team of experienced contributors Dental biomaterials: Imaging, testing and modelling will provide researchers, materials scientists, engineers and dental practitioners with an essential guide to the use and performance of dental biomaterials"
Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Pub, 2008
617.695 DEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hatrick, Carol Dixon
St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders : Elsevier, cop, 2016
617.695 HAT d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Duxford: Woodhead Publishing, 2027
617.6 CLI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alla, Rama Krishna
New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2013
617.695 ALL d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noort, Richard van
Suitable for undergraduate revision and exam preparation, this book presents dental material science in an accessible, easy-to-read format perfectly tailored to the needs of the busy dental student. It covers the basic science, clinical dental materials and laboratory materials used in the construction of fixed and removable prostheses"
Edinburgh: Mosby Elsevier, 2013
617.695 NOO i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prakash, Vijay
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2019
617.695 PRA t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Features a number of reviews documenting the properties and failure mechanisms of metallic implant materials. Covers body/oral environment and its impact on implant material performance, the basic concepts of biocompatibility, tissue attachment mechanisms, biophysical and biomechanical requirements of implant materials, and more."
Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International, 2003
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mia Damiyanti
The objective of this study was to find out the relationship between prior learning and performance of final test on dental material science. A sample of 70 respondents was randomly selected from students in the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, Jakarta. The data were taken through objective (for entry learning) and essay tests. The relation among prior learning and final test on dental material science was analysed by partial correlation and multiple regression techniques. The resulting findings are as follows: there was a positive correlation between student's prior learning and performance of final test (r=0.533). This study also revealed that the mean score of students ability on prior learning and final test were higher than their theoretical mean score. It can be concluded that prior learning significantly contributed to learning achievement in dental material science."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ellyza Herda
"Material tambal amalgam sebagai material tambal gigi belakang sampai saat ini masih merupakan produk luar negeri, terutama amalgam kandungan tembaga tinggi. Pada tahun pertama penelitian ini telah dapat dibuat amalgam kandungan tembaga tinggi. Identifikasi fasafasa yang ada baik pada paduan amalgam maupun amalgamnya telah dilakukan dengan teknik diffraksi sinar-x. Dari hasil analisa kualitatif dengan diffraksi sinar-x, didapat bahwa paduan amalgam dan amalgamnya terdiri dari fasa-fasa yang sesuai dengan fasa-fasa yang terdapat pada amalgam kontrol. Walaupun secara fisik telah sesuai dengan amalgam kontrol, namun perlu diketahui kekuatan ikatan antara fasa-fasa dan di dalam fasa itu sendiri. Sehingga pada tahun kedua ini telah dilakukan uji sifat fisik, mekanik, kimia, dan Jaya tahan korosi dad amalgam yang telah dibuat pada tahun pertama. Pengujian ini dilakukan sesuai standar dan acuan yang ada, dan kemudian dibandingkan dengan amalgam kontrol.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan material tambal amalgam kandungan tembaga tinggi yang memenuhi standar mutu dan dapat diproduksi di Indonesia serta terjangkau oleh masyarakat.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian laboratoris in vitro dari 2 macam amalgam kandungan tembaga tinggi yang telah dibuat, dan 1 macam amalgam produk luar negeri sebagai kontrol. Komposisi kirnia amalgam I adalah 60Ag-27Sn-13Cu, dan amalgam II adalah 59Ag-27Sn-13Cu-lPd. Penelitian ini meliputi uji perubahan dimensi, uji kekerasan, Creep, emisi nap Hg, sifat termal, korosi, dan metalografi. Bentuk dan cara pembuatan spesimen dilakukan sesuai standar ISO 1559-1986. Cara uji dan evaluasi hasil uji untuk perubahan dimensi dan sifat Creep dilakukan berdasarkan standar ISO 1559-1986. Pengujian sifat termal dan kehilangan berat saat pemanasan menggunakan Differential Scanning Calorimeter dan
Thermogravimeter yang dilengkapi dengan program untuk menganalisa hasil pemanasan. Uji kekerasan mengacu kepada literatur yang ada, karena masih belum ada standar untuk kekerasan amalgam. Demikian pula untuk uji emisi uap Hg dan uji korosi. Dalam hal uji korosi, kecepatan korosi dihitung berdasarkan standar ASTM G 102 - 89.
Dari hasil uji perubahan dimensi, amalgam I dan II mempunyai nilai perubahan dimensi yang lebih kecil daripada amalgam kontrol. Nilai perubahan dimensi untuk amalgam I adalah - 1,8 mikron/cm, - 2,3 mikron/em untuk amalgam II, dan - 2,8 mikron/cm untuk amalgam kontrol. Hasil ini memenuhi standar, karena standar menetapkan maksimum perubahan dimensi adalah ± 20 mikronlcm. Pengujian creep pada amalgam I dan II mengalami fracture sebelum pengujian selesai, sehingga belum didapat nilai creep dari amalgam I dan Amalgam kontrol mempunyai nilai creep 1,8 %, dimana standar menetapkan creep maksimum adalah 3 %. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk sifat creep dari amalgam I dan II. Uji kekerasan permukaan amalgam yang telah mengeras sempuma menghasilkan nilai kekerasan yang dapat diterima berdasarkan acuan yang dipakai, yaitu bahwa kekerasan amalgam adalah 90 -110 VHN. Uji kekerasan pada amalgam I menghasilkan nilai kekerasan 116,23 VHN, amalgam II 125,6 VHN dan amalgam kontrol 145,7 VHN. Pada pemanasan terjadi transformasi fasa y~ menjadi fasa RI pada amalgam I, II, dan amalgam kontrol. Pada amalgam I transformasi terjadi pada temperatur 88° C, amalgam II mengalami transformasi pada temperatur 110,20 C dan amalgam kontrol pada temperatur 108,5° C. Pada transformasi ini tidak terjadi pembebasan Hg yang dibuktikan dengan uji kehilangan berat, dimana pemanasan sampai 200° C menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan berat dalam amalgam. Peranan penambahan palladium terlihat pada amalgam II, dimana Pd 1 % berat dapat menstabilkan sifat termal amalgam. Dari hasil uji emisi uap Hg, maka amalgam I, II, dan amalgam kontrol melepaskan Ag, Hg, dan Cu ke dalam larutan elektrolit, terutama larutan elektrolit yang mengandung ion Cl dan fosfat. Perak dan Cu secara umum paling banyak dilepaskan oleh amalgam kontrol, dan Hg oleh amalgam IL Dari beberapa literatur nilai pelepasan elemen-elemen tersebut sangat bervariasi sehingga sulit menetapkan batas-batas yang sesuai untuk masing-masing amalgam. Pada pengujian korosi didapat kecepatan korosi yang paling tinggi pada amalgam kontrol. Amalgam I mengalami kecepatan korosi yang Iebih rendah dari amalgam II. Dari uji metalografi didapat gambaran mikrostruktur permukaan amalgam I, II, dan amalgam kontrol.. Gambaran metalografi ini menunjukkan bahwa permukaan amalgam terdiri dari banyak fasa.
Dari hasil keseluruhan uji laboratoris in vitro terhadap sifat fisik, mekanik, kimia,.dan daya tahan korosi serta metalografi dari amalgam I, II dan amalgam kontrol, didapat bahwa amalgam I dan II masih perlu diperbaiki untuk sifat creep yang berarti menyangkut ikatan antara fasa-fasa dan di dalam fasa itu sendiri. Peranan palladium hanya terlihat pada sifat termal dan belum terlihat pada sifat mekanik dan korosi, meskipun laju korosi amalgam II lebih rendah dari amalgam kontrol.

As a Dental Materials RestorationDental amalgam especially High Cu amalgams used in Indonesia, are usually imported from foreign countries. In the first year of the research a high cu amalgam has been produced. Phase identification had been conducted both in the amalgam allyos and the corresponding amalgams by means of x-ray diffraction techniques. The qualitative x-ray diffraction analysis revealed that the fabricated alloys and its corresponding amalgams contained the same phases as the amalgam control (Solila Nova, England), although the interaction between and within these phases must also be considered to be determine further. On the second year of the research, the test had been followed by the determination of physical, mechanical, chemical as well as the corrosion properties of the fabricated high cu amalgams based on International standar and references, and then compared to the amalgam control.
The purpose of this study is to develop a composition of high Cu amalgam with the following conditions: It can be fabricated in Indonesia, it can he applied in broad range of clinical situations, and inexpensive compared to alternative materials.
This study is in vitro experiment on 2 different compositions of high Cu amalgams fabricated in Indonesia and an imported high Cu amalgams as a control. The composition of these amalgams are 60Ag-27Sn-13Cu for amalgam I, and 59Ag-27Sn-13Cu-lPd for amalgam H. The main test consisted of dimensional change test, microhardness test, static creep, Hg vapor emission, thermal analysis, corrosion resistance and examination of microstructure by metalography. Specimens of amalgams were prepared according to ISO No 1559-1986, as well as the evaluation and testing of dimensional change and creep properties. Determinations on thermal properties were done using Differential Scanninng Calorimeter and therrnografimetric analysis. The evaluations of microhardness results were conducted by literature comparison as there has not been a typical hardness standard test for dental amalgam, and also for the Hg vapor emission test and the corrosion test. The corrosion rate were evaluated according to ASTM standard G 102-89.
The results revealed from the dimensional change examination are both amalgam I and amalgam II had lower dimensional change than the amalgam control. Amalgam I has a dimensional change of - 1,8 micron/cm, amalgam II - 2,3 micron/cm, and the amalgam control has - 2,8 micron/cm. This value is considered accepted with the ISO standard which requires a maximum dimensional change of ± 20 micron/cm. In the creep test, amalgam I and II can not sustain the load and fail before the required time of test has passed. As a result, the creep value of amalgam I and II can not be determined. As for the amalgam control, the creep value was 1,8 % which is below the ISO standard requirements (max 3%). For this reason, investigation should be continued to develop and improve the creep properties of the amalgams. Based on literature and references, the hardness of set amalgams were between 90 - 110 VHN. The hardness number of amalgam I was 116,23 VHN, amalgam II 125,6 VIN and the amalgam control was 145,7 VHN. The results of thermal analysis were as follows ; during heating y, phase will transfom into P, phase. In amalgam I, the phase transformation was detected at 88° C, amalgam II at 110,2° C and the amalgam control at 108,5° C. In the phase transition, the weight of the specimens remained the same after heated to 200° C. This condition can be regarded as a condition that there is no Hg release and that the addition of Pd stabilized the thermal properties of amalgam II. The evaluation of the vapor emission test using Atomic absorbtion spectrophotometer represented a result of the emission of Ag, Hg, and Cu into the electrolyte solution especially which contains CI and phosphate ions. Amalgam control released more Ag and Cu and amalgam II released more Hg than amalgam I. There are various datas in the literature concerning the quantity of the elements emission of dental amalgam into the solution, which more difficult to determine the quantity level of element emission of the amalgams. The corrosion test of the amalgams showed that the corrosion rate of amalgam control was higher than amalgam I and II, and the corrosion rate of amalgam I was less than amalgam II. The metalography examinations to amalgam I, II, and control provide the information of different phases containing in the setting amalgam.
From all of these tests mentioned above, it can be concluded that this study needs further research to improve the creep properties of the fabricated high cu amalgams and to clarify the interaction between the amalgam phases. The effect of palladium addition can be seen in the improvement of thermal stability but can not give a shoug evidence in the improvement of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, eventhough the corrosion rate of amalgam I and II were lower than amalgam control.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 1994
LP 1994 53a
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luh Marcella Amandarista
"Latar Belakang : Studi ini mengevaluasi sifat mekanik kekuatan tekan dan sifat fisik morfologi permukaan Resin Komposit Bulk-fill Packable dengan Flowable. Kedua material ini memiliki kemampuan berpenetrasi cahaya hingga kedalaman 4 mm namun dengan viskositas yang berbeda. Keduanya memiliki kandungan monomer dan konsentrasi filler yang berbeda dimana hal tersebut mempengaruhi sifat mekanik dan fisiknya.
Tujuan : Mengetahui perbandingan kekuatan tekan Resin Komposit Bulk-fill Packable dengan Flowable, serta hubungannya dengan morfologi permukaan.
Metode : 12 spesimen Resin Komposit Bulk-fill Packable dan Flowable disiapkan untuk uji kekuatan tekan lalu dianalisis dengan uji Independent T-test. Kemudian spesimen Resin Komposit Bulk-fill Packable dan Flowable disiapkan untuk analisis morfologi permukaan menggunakan SEM.
Hasil Penelitian : Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna nilai kekuatan tekan antara Resin Komposit Bulk-fill Packable dan Flowable dengan nilai kekuatan tekan RK Bulk-fill Packable lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan Flowable. Resin Komposit Bulk-fill Packable memiliki permukaan eksternal yang lebih tidak beraturan, ukuran partikel yang beragam, dan lebih banyak porus.
Kesimpulan : Resin Komposit Bulk-fill Packable menunjukkan nilai kekuatan tekan yang sama dengan Resin Komposit Bulk-fill Flowable. Material RK Bulk-fill Packable memiliki morfologi permukaan yang tidak beraturan, lebih banyak porus, dan ukuran partikel yang lebih beragam dibandingkan dengan RK Bulk-fill Flowable.
......Background : This study evaluates the compressive strength and surface morphology of the Resin Composite Bulk-fill Packable and Flowable. Both of these materials have the ability to penetrate light to a depth of 4 mm but with different viscosities. Each Resin Composite Bulk-fill have different monomer content and filler concentrations which affect their mechanical and physical properties.
Objective : Knowing the comparison of the compressive strength of Resin Composite Bulk-fill Packable with Flowable, and its relationship with surface morphology. Methods : 12 specimens of Resin Composite Bulk-fill Packable and Flowable were prepared for compressive strength test and then analyzed by Independent T-test. Then specimens of Resin Composite Bulk-fill Packable and Flowable were prepared for surface morphology analysis using SEM.
Results : There was no significant difference in the compressive strength values between Resin Composite Bulk-fill Packable and Flowable with the compressive strength of Resin Composite Bulk-fill Packable being higher than Flowable. Resin Composite Bulk-fill Packable have a more irregular external surface, a variety of particle sizes, and are more porous.
Conclusion : Resin Composite Bulk-fill Packable shows the same compressive strength value as Resin Composite Bulk-fill Flowable. The Resin Composite Bulk-fill Packable material has an irregular surface morphology, more voids, and more diverse particle size compared to Resin Composite Bulk-fill Flowable."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library