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Renaldi Antoni Hamonangan
Penelitian yang dilakukan di Kota Depok ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kedalaman basement, sebagai parameter yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam penentuan lokasi gedung. Kedalaman ruang bawah tanah akan memiliki peran penting dalam menjaga kekuatan bangunan di masa depan. Metode gravitasi sebagai metodologi geofisika digunakan dalam pemetaan struktur permukaan bawah. Karena parameter yang diukur dengan metode gravitasi memiliki laju gravitasi yang disebabkan oleh kerapatan batu yang bervariasi pada permukaan yang lebih rendah. Dengan menggunakan metode Parasnis diketahui bahwa rata-rata berat jenis batu di Kota Depok adalah 1,73 gr cc. Analisis Spektrum Energi ndash Multi Window Test Metode ESA MWT dengan windowing test point menggunakan Complete Bouger Anomaly CBA digunakan untuk mengetahui kedalaman interface pada setiap titik yang diuji. Dan juga dilakukan pemisahan antara anomali regional dan anomali residual dengan transformasi fourier pada software Oasis Montaj. Pemisahan antara anomali regional dan anomali residual dilakukan dengan menggunakan low pass filter. Sedangkan band pass filter digunakan untuk mengurangi noise pada anomali residual. Struktur fraktur dapat diidentifikasi melalui peta anomali residual dan juga dengan menggunakan metode Multi Scale ndash Second Vertical Derivate MS SVD, yang hasilnya memiliki korelasi satu sama lain. Hasil identifikasi kedalaman basement dan struktur rekahan dibuat dalam bentuk peta permukaan bawah, dan juga digunakan untuk memperjelas gambaran.

The research which was done in City of Depok is aimed to determine the deepness of basement, as a parameter that needed to take into a consideration in determining the building location. The deepness of basement will have its critical role in keeping the building strong in the future. The gravity method as a geophysics methodology was used in mapping the structure of lower surface. Because of parameter measured by gravity method has a gravity rate which is caused by varies of stone density of lower surface. By using the Parasnis method, it is known that the average of stone density in city of Depok is 1.73 gr cc. Energy Spectrum Analysis ndash Multi Window Test ESA MWT method by windowing test point using Complete Bouger Anomaly CBA is used to know the depth interface in each tested point. And it is also done a separation between regional anomaly and residual anomaly by transformation fourier at software of Oasis Montaj. Separation between regional anomaly and residual anomaly is done by using low pass filter. Meanwhile, it is used band pass filter to reduce noisy in residual anomaly. Fractur structure could be identified through map of residual anomaly and by using method of Multi Scale ndash Second Vertical Derivate MS SVD as well, in which its result has a correlation one to another. Identification result on the deepness of basement and fractur structure is made in the shape of map of lower surface, and it is also used to make clearer picture."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
PATRA 13 (1-4) 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Proficz, Jerzy
"The dynamic development of digital technologies, especially those dedicated to devices generating large data streams, such as all kinds of measurement equipment temperature and humidity sensors, cameras, radio telescopes and satellites Internet of Things enables more in depth analysis of the surrounding reality, including better understanding of various natural phenomenon, starting from atomic level reactions, through macroscopic processes e.g. meteorology to observation of the Earth and the outer space. On the other hand such a large quantitative improvement requires a great number of processing and storage resources, resulting in the recent rapid development of Big Data technologies. Since 2015, the European Space Agency ESA has been providing a great amount of data gathered by exploratory equipment a collection of Sentinel satellites which perform Earth observation using various measurement techniques. For example Sentinel 2 provides a stream of digital photos, including images of the Baltic Sea and the whole territory of Poland. This data is used in an experimental installation of a Big Data processing system based on the open source software at the Academic Computer Center in Gdansk. The center has one of the most powerful supercomputers in Poland the Tryton computing cluster, consisting of 1600 nodes interconnected by a fast Infiniband network 56 Gbps and over 6 PB of storage. Some of these nodes are used as a computational cloud supervised by an OpenStack platform, where the Sentinel 2 data is processed. A subsystem of the automatic, perpetual data download to object storage based on Swift is deployed, the required software libraries for the image processing are configured and the Apache Spark cluster has been set up. The above system enables gathering and analysis of the recorded satellite images and the associated metadata, benefiting from the parallel computation mechanisms. This paper describes the above solution including its technical aspects."
[s.l.]: Task, 2017
600 SBAG 21:4 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tamon, Max Laurens
"Minahasa adalah salah satu Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II di Sulawesi Utara. Kultur masyarakat Minahasa telah membentuk sistem kehidupan masyarakatnya. Kata Mina'esa yang akhirnya menjadi Minahasa yang berarti "tanah yang dipersatukan", adalah sebutan lain dari "Musyawarah Para Ukung" (Vergadering der Doopshoofden) atau "Dewan Wali Pakasaan" (Raad der Doopshoofden). Dewan ini merupakan "lembaga" tertinggi dalam masyarakat Minahasa yang bertahan hingga akhir abad ke-19.
Dewan Wali Pakasaan dalam fungsinya, dapat menangani berbagai permasalahan yang muncul, utamanya seperti konflik dalam masyarakat Selain itu, lembaga ini berfungsi sebagai sarana untuk menampung aspirasi yang datangnya dari masyarakat serta yang terpenting lagi, lembaga ini dapat melawan apa yang disebut "musuh bersama" yaitu bajak laut Mindanao.
Adat-istiadat/tradisi, selalu menjadi dasar bertindak lembaga ini, karena setiap musyawarah dan apa yang dihasilkan dalam musyawarah itu, selalu didasarkan atas prinsip kebersamaan, yaitu prinsip Mina'esa.
Idealisme L Wenzel selaku Residen pertama di Keresidenan Manado sejak tahun 1824, yang mengedepankan adaptasi program pemerintahannya dengan tradisi Minahasa, tidak terwujud. Wenzel sebaliknya menerapkan sistem pemerintahannya itu dengan mengacu pada sistem hukum Barat, yang secara nyata bertentangan dengan kultur Minahasa.
Kondisi yang diciptakan Wenzel tambat laun menjadi pemicu bagi masyarakat Minahasa, khususnya bagi mereka yang telah berpendidikan Barat, untuk menuntut kepada pemerintah Hindia Belanda agar memberikan otonomi seluas-luasnya bagi Minahasa. Alasannya, pertama, telah ada undang-undang desentralisasi (decentralisatieweb) 1903 tentang otonomisasi di Hindia Belanda; kedua, kuatnya "dorongan" tradisi Mina'esa bagi masyarakat Minahasa; ketiga, walaupun ada beberapa orang anak Minahasa yang duduk sebagai anggota Volksmad, akan tetapi kepentingan Minahasa tidak terakomodasi dalam lembaga itu. Tiga hal inilah yang telah menjadi faktor penentu, sehingga pada tahun 1919, lahirlah apa yang disebut Minahasa Raad (Dewan Minahasa), yang menggantikan fungsi dari Dewan Wali Pakasaan yang telah diselewengkan oleh J.Wenzel dan para penggantinya sepanjang pemerintahannya di Hindia, khususnya di Minahasa.

From Mina'esa to Minahasa Raad (Minahasa Council) the end of Nineteenth Century to the Early of the Twentieth CenturyMinahasa is one the counties in North Sulawesi. The culture of Minahasan society has formed and built their systems and ways of lives. "Minahasa" another name for Vergadering der Doopshoofden (The Forum of the Llkungs) or Rued der Doopshoofden (The Council of Pakasaan). This council was the highest representative in Minahasan society which last until the end of the nineteenth century.
In its function, the council of Pakasaan could overcome kindsof problems such as conflicts which emerged from the people. Furthermore, this council was the place where the people could convey their voices and the most important thing it could fight against the pirates coming from Mindanao that was known as "the enemy of all the Minahasan people".
The customs and the traditions of the people were always the basic principle for the council in taking any decision for the sake of the people. Thus all the results taken this council always reflected their unity and togetherness. This basic principle known as the philosophy of Mina'esa.
Since 1824, J. Wenzel became the first resident in the residence of Manado. As the resident, Wenzel ran his government by applying the mixing of traditions in Minahasa with his own administration program, but unfortunately it did not work. On the other hand, Wenzel ran his government administration system by putting priority on the western law, which obviously contradicted to the culture of Minahasan people.
The condition created by Wenzel eventually became the major source for the Minahasan people especially for those who had received western education to sue their right for governing their own land, claiming the autonomy from the Dutch government. The Minahasan had three reasons for their claim; first, they had already got the law for decentralization (decentralisatieweb) in 1903 which was about the autonomy in Netherlands Indies; second the strong will to conservate the Mina'esa's tradition for the Monaha_san people; third the lack of ability of the Minahasan people who sat in the representative to fight for the sake of Minahasan people. These three reasons became the basic affect that in 1919 they gave birth to the founding of Minahasa Raad (Minahasan Council) which replaced the Pakasaan Council which had been misled by Wenzel and also those who took over his position during his government in Netherlands Indie especially in Minahasa.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michael Christanto
Data gravitasi pada daerah Slawi, Jawa Tengah telah digunakan untuk menentukan kedalaman tiap-tiap horizon dari batas muka densitas. Metode Energy Spectral Analysis ndash; Multi Window Test ESA-MWT berbasis transfomasi fourier merupakan metode yang diterapkan dalam memperoleh nilai kedalaman tersebut. Kedalaman horizon diperoleh melalui hasil analisis energi spektrum berdasarkan transformasi fourier yang telah dilakukan pada data gravitasi yang sudah di-grid. Diawali dengan proses multi window test pada nilai Complete Bouguer Anomaly yang memiliki densitas 2.34 gr/cc yang sudah dalam bentuk grid untuk masing-masing test point dengan tujuan sebagai pemisah dan pembatas dalam melakukan estimasi kedalamannya. Besaran window yang digunakan untuk setiap titik uji dimulai dengan kelipatan 500m 500m, begitu seterunya sampai window ke-15. Jarak antar titik uji adalah sebesar 1000m pada masing-masing lintasan melalui pengukuran gravitasi pada daerah penelitian. Didapatkan kedalaman dari hasil interpretasi analisa energi spektrum untuk tiap-tiap window yang dikorelasikan dengan titik uji dalam satu lintasan. Metode Multi-Scale Horizontal Derivative of The Vertical Derivative MS-HDVD telah diterapkan untuk menentukan dan memetakan stuktur patahan. Dikarenakan daerah penelitian tidak termasuk dalam daerah dengan patahan yang kompleks, maka struktur patahan diasumsikan sebagai border intrusi yang muncul pada Miosen Akhir. Puncak atau top intrusi berada pada kedalaman 620m mdash;755m dibawah permukaan bumi berdasarkan metode ESA-MWT.

The gravity data obtained in Slawi, Central java has been used to determine the depth of each horizon from the density boundary. The Fourier Transformation based Energy Spectral Analysis Multi Window Test ESA MWT is the applied method in obtaining the depth value. The depth of horizon is obtained through the spectrum energy analysis based on the Fourier Transformation that have been performed on the grid gravity data. It began with multi window test process on the value of Complete Bouguer Anomaly which has density 2.340 gr cc, already in the form of grid for each test point, and it serves as separator and limiter in estimating the depth. The size of the window used for each test point began with multiplication of 500m 500m until it gets to the 15th window. The distance between the test point is 1000m on each passage through the gravity measurement in Slawi, Central Java. The depth is obtained from the interpretation results of spectrum energy analysis for each window which is correlated with the test point in a single path. The Multi Scale Horizontal Derivative of the Vertical Derivative MS HDVD methods have been applied to determine and to map the fault structures. Since the area of study is not in the area of complex fractures, the fracture structure is assumed to be the border of intrusion that appeared in the Late Miocene. The peak or top of the intrusion is at 620m 755m depth below the earth rsquo s surface based on the ESA MWT method."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seno Budhi Ajar
Fokus penelitian ini mengenai karakteristik wilayah Ruang Suci Organisasi Kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan adaptasi Organisasi Kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dengan lingkungan dan masyarakat dalam memilih dan mempertahankan keberadaan ruang suci. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa persebaran ruang suci organisasi kepercayaan adalah acak namun terdapat wilayah yang menjadi konsentrasi ruang suci yaitu berada pada bagian barat daya keraton baik dekat maupun jauh dari ?garis axis mundi Yogyakarta? dengan perkembangan ruang suci yang terus menurun jumlahnya dengan titik Klimaks pada periode tahun 1999; karakteristik wilayah lokasi ruang suci yang dekat dengan garis axis mundi terbagi menjadi 3 jenis wilayah pesisir dengan ketinggian 10?25 mdpl, wilayah pusat keraton dengan ketinggian bagian selatan 50?100 mdpl dan bagian utara 100?200 mdpl, wilayah kaki gunung dengan ketinggian 200?300 mdpl dan semuanya berada pada wilayah pemukiman sedangkan kondisi wilayah ruang suci yang berlokasi jauh dari axis mundi mempunyai karakteristik khusus seperti pertemuan 2 sungai atau perbukitan menoreh; Masyarakat Yogyakarta bersikap netral terhadap ruang suci organisasi Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa jika organisasi tersebut resmi dan tidak menganggu lingkungan sosial; dasar pemilihan ruang suci oleh Organisasi Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa lebih banyak didasarkan secara pratical atau politik ruang daripada secara primodial atau puitis ruang.

The focus of the study is regional characteristics of Sacred Space Organization Belief in God Almighty and Adaptation Organizational Belief in the One Almighty God with the environment and the community in selecting and maintaining the existence of sacred space. This study is a descriptive qualitative research design. The study concluded that the distribution of the sacred space of Belief organizations Random however, there is a region at consentration of sacred space that is in the southwestern part of the palace both near and far from the "axis mundi Yogyakarta line" with the development of sacred space that continues to decline in number to the point of climax in the period 1999. Characteristics of the region sacred space location close to the line of the axis mundi is divided into 3 types of coastal areas with an altitude of 10?25 above sea level, the central region of the southern part of the palace with a height of 50?100 above sea level and 100?200 above sea level the north, the region of the mountain with an altitude of 200?300 above sea level feet and all located in residential areas while the condition of sacred space areas located far from the axis mundi has special characteristics such as rivers or hills meeting 2 incise. Community Yogyakarta neutral toward the sacred space of Organizations Belief in One Almighty if the organization authorized and does not disturb the environment sosial. Basic selection sacred space by Faith Organisation Against God Almighty is based more pratical or political space than primodial or poetic space.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library