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Ditemukan 15 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Riza Permitasari
Latar belakang: Kegagalan perawatan saluran akar dapat disebabkan oleh mikroorganisme yang resisten. E.faecalis merupakan bakteri resisten dengan prevalensi yang paling banyak ditemukan pada kegagalan perawatan saluran akar. E.faecalis dapat membentuk biofilm di dalam saluran akar sehingga 1000 kali lebih resisten terhadap fagositosis, antibodi, dan antimikroba dibandingkan dalam bentuk planktonik. Diperlukan larutan irigasi dari bahan alami atau herbal, yang efektif membuhun E.faecalis untuk menghindari efek samping yang diakibatkan oleh bahan irigasi sintetik. Tujuan: Menganalisis efek antibakteri Xanthorrhizol yang berasal dari Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb terhadap biofilm Enterococcus faecalis isolat klinis. Metode: Dilakukan uji hitung koloni dan MTT Assay untuk menilai persentase eradikasi E.faecalis setelah pemaparan xanthorrhizol dengan berbagai konsentrasi (0,5%, 0,75%, 1%, 1,25%, dan 1,5%) serta CHX 2% sebagai kontrol positif. Hasil: Analisis data menggunakan uji One-Way ANOVA dan uji Post-Hoc Bonferroni untuk melihat perbedaan antar kelompok. Xanthorrhizol konsentrasi 0,5%, 0,75%, 1%, 1,25%, dan 1,5% mampu menurunkan jumlah biofilm E.faecalis isolat klinis. Xanthorrhizol konsentrasi 1% secara statistik tidak berbeda bermakna dengan CHX 2% dalam kemampuannya sebagai antibakteri E.faecalis
(p>0,05) namun berbeda bermakna dengan kelompok 0,5%, 0,75%, 1,25%, dan 1,5% (p>0,05) dengan nilai eradikasi E.faecalis lebih rendah. Kesimpulan: Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa xanthorrhizol efektif sebagai antibakteri terhadap biofilm E.faecalis.

Background: Failure of root canal treatment can be caused by resistant microorganisms. E.faecalis is the most prevalent resistant bacterium found in root canal treatment failure. E.faecalis can form biofilms inside root canal so that it is 1000 times more resistant toward phagocytosis, antibodies, and antimicrobials than when it is in its planktonic form. An irrigation solution made from natural or herbal ingredients, which effectively kills E.faecalis is needed to avoid side effects caused by synthetic irrigation materials. Objective: To analyze the antibacterial effect of xanthorrhizol derived from Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb on clinical isolates of Enterococcus faecalis biofilm. Method: Colony count and MTT Assay were performed to assess the percentage of E.faecalis eradication after exposure to xanthorrhizol with various concentrations (0,5%, 0,75%, 1%, 1,25%, and 1,5%) and CHX 2% as a positive control. Results: Data analysis used One-Way ANOVA test and Bonferroni Post-Hoc test to see differences between groups. Xanthorrhizol concentrations of 0,5%, 0,75%, 1%, 1,25%, and 1,5% were able to reduce the number of clinical isolates of E.faecalis biofilms. Xanthorrhizol 1% concentration was not statistically significantly different from 2% CHX in its ability as an antibacterial to E.faecalis biofilm (p>0,05) but was significantly different from groups of 0,5%, 0,75%, 1,25%, and 1,5% (p>0,05) with lower E.faecalis eradication values. Conclusion: From the study results, can be concluded that xanthorrhizol is effective as an antibacterial against E.faecalis biofilms."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Priscilla Arlyta S.
"Latar Belakang : Enterococcus faecalis merupakan bakteri yang mampu membentuk biofilm dan banyak ditemukan pada kasus kegagalan perawatan saluran akar.
Tujuan : Melihat daya antibakteri kitosan dan klorheksidin terhadap E. faecalis dalam biofilm.
Metode : Deteksi dan kuantifikasi E. faecalis dalam biofilm yang hidup pasca pemaparan bahan uji, dengan real time PCR.
Hasil : Terdapat perbedaan jumlah bakteri yang signifikan antara kedua kelompok bahan uji terhadap kontrol (p ≤ 0,05), tetapi tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok kitosan dan klorheksidin.
Kesimpulan : Daya antibakteri kitosan 2% terhadap biofilm E. faecalis sebanding dengan klorheksidin 2%.
......Background : Enterococcus faecalis has an ability to form biofilms and become a predominant bacteria that plays a major role in the etiology of persistent lesions after root canal treatment.
Aim : To analyze the efficacy of chitosan and chlorhexidine against E. faecalis in biofilms.
Methods : Detection and quantification of E. faecalis DNA that survive and live after immersing the biofilm in antibacterial solution, with real time PCR.
Result : Statistically there is significant difference of living E. faecalis between chitosan and control and between 2% chlorhexidine and control (p ≤0,05). But there is no significant different between chitosan and chlorhexidine (p>0,05).
Conclusion : Antibacterial effectivity of chitosan is equal to chlorhexidine against E. faecalis in biofilm."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andriani Octavia
"Latar Belakang: Ekstrak bawang putih memiliki efek antibakteri terhadap berbagai bakteri Gram-positif dan Gram-negatif serta bakteri anaerob seperti Lactobacillus dan E. faecalis. Enterococcus faecalis merupakan bakteri Gram-positif fakultatif anaerob yang mampu menginvasi tubuli dentin dan resisten terhadap bahan irigasi dan medikamen intrakanal. Bahan irigasi saluran akar yang digunakan saat ini adalah bahan kimiawi yang dapat membahayakan jaringan periapikal dan benih gigi permanen jika terdorong ke apeks. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektivitas ekstrak bawang putih terhadap viabilitas Enterococcus faecalis dari isolat klinis saluran akar gigi sulung non vital. Metode Penelitian: Uji MTT digunakan untuk menilai viabilitas E. faecalis setelah pemaparan ekstrak bawang putih dengan berbagai konsentrasi (10%, 25%, 50% dan 100%) dan CHX 2% sebagai kontrol positif. Hasil: Analisis data menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan uji Post-Hoc Mann Whitney untuk melihat perbedaan antar kelompok. Ekstrak bawang putih konsentrasi 10%, 25%, 50% dan 100% mampu menurunkan viabilitas E. faecalis. Nilai viabilitas antara kelompok ekstrak bawang putih konsentrasi 25%, 50% dan 100% berbeda tidak bermakna (p>0,05) namun berbeda bermakna dengan kelompok ekstrak 10% dan kelompok CHX 2% (p<0,05) dengan nilai viabilitas E. faecalis lebih rendah. Kesimpulan: Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak bawang putih efektif dalam menurunkan viabilitas E. faecalis.
Background: Garlic extract exhibits antibacterial effect against wide variety of gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as anaerobic bacteria such as Lactobacillus and E. faecalis. Enterococcus faecalis is a Gram-positive facultative anaerobe capable of invading the dentin tubules and is resistant to several irrigating solutions and intracanal medicament. Commonly used irrigating solutions are from chemical substances that can compromise the periapical tissue and permanent tooth germs if extruded from apex. The aim of this study was to analyse the effectivity of garlic extract against viability of E. faecalis from clinical isolate of non-vital primary root canals. Method: MTT assay was used to determine the viability of E. faecalis after exposure of different concentrations of garlic extract (10%, 25%, 50%, 100%) and CHX 2% as positive control. Result: Analysis was done using Kruskal-Wallis; the post-hoc test was done for multiple comparisons at a 0,05 significance level. All concentrations of garlic extracts were able to reduce viability of E. faecalis. Viability score between 25%, 50% and 100% extracts were not significantly different from one another (p>0,05), however they were significantly different from 10% extract and CHX 2% (p<0,05) with lower viability score. Conclusion: The results showed that garlic extract were effective to reduce viability of E. faecalis."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zaki Mubarak
"Objective: To investigate the phenotype and genotype of E. faecalis isolated from the root canal and saliva of primary endodontic patients with periapical lesions.
Methods: Eighte variations en adult male and female individuals suffering from primary endodontic infection, either with or without periapical lesions, were involved in this study. Root canal scraping and saliva were collected from each subject and used for bacterial quantitation using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Enterococci were isolated using ChromAgar medium and then identified using both biochemical (Gram staining and catalase tests) and molecular biology (conventional PCR) methods. Gelatinase activity, polysaccharide capsul profile and mRNA ace expression level were determined using microbiological, biochemical and molecular biology approach, respectively. Genotype of E. faecalis was determined based on nucleotide sequence of ace and gelE genes analyzed using web-based 3730xl DNA Analyze software.
Results: The results showed that except for its proportion, no significant difference was found in phenotypes (gelatinase activity and mRNA ace expression levels) and genotypes (polymorphism of Cps operon and variation of ace and gelE nucleotide sequences) of E. faecalis isolated from the root canal and saliva of primary endodontic patients had or had no periapical lesions.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that E. faecalis proportion had a role in the occurrence of periapical lesions in the primary endodontic patients, but not gelatinase activity, mRNA ace expression level, Cps operon polymorphism or ace and gelE nucleotide sequence variations."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Ibrahim
"Latar belakang: Jeruk memiliki khasiat untuk kesehatan karena megandung vitamin, antioksidan, dan senyawa lain. Jeruk purut (Citrus Hystrix) merupakan jenis jeruk yang memiliki senyawa fenol yang tinggi. Jeruk purut memilki potensi antibakteri terhadap bakteri Gram-positif dan Gram-negatif. Daun jeruk purut mengandung senyawa bioaktif seperti flavonoids, fenolik, tannin dan minyak esensial. Pada fase vegetative, kandungan flavonoid jeruk purut tertinggi pada daun tua. Efek antibakteri flavanoids adalah dengan mekanisme menghambat sintetik asam nukleat, menghambat fungsi membran sitoplasma sel, dan merubah permeabilitas membran sehingga memengaruhi sifat patogenitas bakteri Tujuan: Mendapatkan perbedaann efek antibakteri berbagai konsentrasi larutan ekstrak daun jeruk purut terhadap biofilm Enterococcus faecalis. Mendapatkan perbedaan efek antibakteri larutan ekstrak daun jeruk purut konsentrasi 2,5%, 5%, 10% dan 20% dan NaOCl 2,5% terhadap bakteri Enterococcus faecalis. Metode: Empat kelompok sampel diuji dengan larutan ekstrak daun jeruk purut masing masing 2,5%, 5%, 10%, dan 20%. Kelompok kontrol positif dilakukan pemaparan NaOCl 2,5%, dan kelompok kontrol negatif tanpa perlakuan. Efek antibakteri dilihat dari jumlah koloni pada media BHI agar. Hasil: Rerata koloni bakteri Enterococcus faecalis dari masing masing kelompok dengan nilai p=0,00 (berbeda bermakna). Nilai koloni tertinggi pada kelompok kontrol negatif dan larutan ekstrak daun jeruk purut 2,5% dan terendah pada kelompok kontrol positif dan larutan ekstrak daun jeruk purut 20%. Kelompok ekstrak daun jeruk purut dengan konsentrasi 2,5%, 5%, 10% dan 20% menunjukan perbedaan bermakna dengan kompok positif NaOCl 2,5% dan kelompok kontrol negatif. Kelompok ekstrak daun jeruk purut dengan konsentrasi 2,5% juga memiliki perbedaan bermakna dengan konsentrasi 10% dan 20%. Kesimpulan: Konsenstrasi larutan ekstrak daun jeruk purut 20% memiliki efek antibakteri Enterococcus faecalis yang paling baik dibandingkan pada konsentrasi 10%, 5%, 2,5%. Efek antibakteri larutan ekstrak daun jeruk purut 2,5%, 5%,10% dan 20% terhadap bakteri Enterococcus faecalis lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan larutan NaOCl 2,5%.
......Citrus contains vitamin, antioxidant, and other compounds that beneficial to the health. Lime (Citrus Hystrix) contains high concentration of phenol that has antibacterial potential against gram-positive and gram-negative bacterias. Lime leaf contains bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, phenolic, tannin, and essential oils. In vegetative state, old lime leaf contains the highest concentration of flavonoids. Flavonoids inhibit synthetic of nucleatic acid and citoplasmic cell membrane's function of bacteria, and affect bacterial pathogenetic by altering its membrane permeability.Objective: To obtain the difference of antibacterial effects of various lime extract concentration (2,5%; 5%; 10%; and 20%) and 2,5% of NaOCl against Enterococcus faecalis biofilm. Methods: Four sample groups tested using 2,5%; 5%; 10%; and 20% concentration of lime extract. 2,5% concentration of NaOCl was used as positive control group and no treatment was used as negative control group. Antibacterial effects were observed by the amount of bacterial colonies in BHI agar. Results: The mean of Enterococcus faecalis in each group with p=0.00 (significant). Negative control group and 2.5% lime extract concentration group had the highest amount of bacterial colonies. Positive control group and 20% lime extract concentration group had the lowest amount of bacterial colonies. All sample groups showed significant difference with positive and negative control group. 2.5% lime extract group had significant difference with group of 10% and 20% lime extract concentration. Conclusion: 20% lime extract concentration showed higher potential of antibacterial against Enterococcus faecalis than 2,5%; 5%; and 20% concentration. Antibacterial effects of lime extract in every concentration groups were lower than 2,5% NaOCl"
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Wati Zahroh
"Penelitian biodegradasi pewarna tekstil Congo Red telah dilakukan menggunakan bakteri Enterococcus faecalis. Biodegradasi dilakukan pada medium Bushnell Haas yang ditambahkan 1.000 ppm (0,1%) Congo Red dengan konsentrasi inokulum 18 x 107 (CFU/ml) sebanyak 1%, 5% dan 10%. Persentase biodegradasi diukur dengan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis (λ 490 nm) menunjukkan bahwa persentase degradasi terbaik diperoleh pada inokulum 10% yang telah mendegradasi 98,10% Congo Red pada hari pertama. Penelitian selanjutnya 2.500 ppm (0,25%) dan 5.000 ppm (0,5%) Congo Red menunjukkan bahwa bakteri Enterococcus faecalis mampu mendegradasi 5.000 ppm (0,5%) Congo Red hingga 96,88% pada hari ke dua puluh satu.
......Research on the biodegradation of textile dye Congo Red has been carried out using Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. Biodegradation was performed in a Bushnell Haas medium containing 1.000 ppm (0,1%) of Congo Red which was inoculated with 1% , 5 % and 10 % inoculum (18 x 107 CFU/ml). The percentage of biodegradation as measured by UV - Vis Spectrophotometer (λ 490 nm ) showed that the highest degradation (98,10%) was obtained from 10% inoculum after one day incubation period. Further experiments using 2.500 ppm (0,25%) and 5.000 ppm (0,25%) Congo Red showed that the bacteria still had the ability to degrade 96,88% of 5.000 ppm (0,5%) Congo Red after twenty one day incubation period."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nur Fajriyah
"Latar Belakang: Karies gigi berkaitan dengan bakteri Streptococcus sanguinis yang berfungsi sebagai pionir pembentukan biofilm, serta Enterococcus faecalis yang ditemukan dalam kegagalan perawatan saluran akar. Propolis dilaporkan sebagai agen antibakteri karena mengandung flavonoid berupa apigenin dan tt-farnesol yang dapat menghambat aktivitas enzim glukosiltransferase dan mempengaruhi integritas membran bakteri.
Tujuan: Menganalisis efektivitas pasta gigi ekstrak propolis UI dalam menghambat pembentukan biofilm Streptococcus sanguinis atau Enterococcus faecalis.
Metode: Biofilm Streptococcus sanguinis atau Enterococcus faecalis yang telah dipaparkan pasta gigi ekstrak propolis UI dengan konsentrasi 2.5mg/ml, 5mg/ml, dan 10mg/ml kemudian diinkubasi selama 4 jam (fase adhesi), 12 jam (fase akumulasi aktif) dan 24 jam (fase maturasi) pada suhu 37ºC. Persentase potensi hambat pembentukan biofilm dinilai dengan menggunakan MTT assay.
Hasil: Persentase potensi hambat pembentukan biofilm Streptococcus sanguinis tertinggi pada fase akumulasi aktif dan Enterococcus faecalis pada fase maturasi dengan konsentrasi 10mg/ml. 
Kesimpulan: Efek paparan pasta gigi ekstrak propolis UI dalam menghambat pembentukan biofilm Streptococcus sanguinis atau Enterococcus faecalis berbeda pada tiap durasi pemaparan dan variasi konsentrasi yang digunakan.
......Background: Dental caries is related to the Streptococcus sanguinis bacteria which functions as a pioneer in biofilm formation, and Enterococcus faecalis which is found in failure of root canal treatment. Propolis has been reported as a potent antimicrobial material by containing flavonoids such as apigenin and tt-farnesol that inhibit glucosyltransferase enzyme activity and disrupt membrane.
Objective: To analyze the effect of toothpaste containing propolis extract in inhibit Streptococcus sanguinis or Enterococcus faecalis biofilm formation.
Methods: Streptococcus sanguinis or Enterococcus faecalis biofilm that has been exposed by propolis UI extract toothpaste at concentration 2.5mg/ml, 5mg/ml, dan 10mg/ml was incubated for 4 hours (adherence phase), 12 hours (active accumulation phase) and 24 hours (maturation phase) at 37ºC. The percentage of inhibition was tested with MTT assay.
Result: Inhibition percentage of Streptococcus sanguinis the highest is on active accumulation phase and Enterococcus faecalis biofilm is on maturation phase at concentraton 10mg/ml.
Conclusion: Propolis UI extract toothpaste effect on inhibiting biofilm formation of Streptococcus sanguinis or Enterococcus faecalis is different for each time and concentration."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Sandini
"Latar Belakang : E. faecalis merupakan penyebab infeksi persisten pasca perawatan saluran akar. Menghilangkan seluruh bakteri dari saluran akar masih menjadi masalah dalam perawatan endodontik. Penggunaan larutan irigasi dengan penambahan laser dioda sebagai perangkat tambahan adalah upaya untuk eliminasi tersebut.
Tujuan: menganalisis dan membandingkan daya anti bakteri laser dioda sebagai perangkat tambahan irigasi dengan larutan irigasi NaOCl 2,5 ,CHX 2 terhadap biofilm E. faecalis isolat klinis.
Metode : menghitung jumlah koloni CFU biofilm E. faecalis isolat klinis pasca pemaparan bahan uii.
Hasil : laser dioda memiliki daya anti bakteri terhadap biofilm E. faecalis isolat klinis terlihat pada kelompok kontrol salin. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna p
......Background: E. faecalis is often found in persistent intra radicular infection after endodontic failure treatment. Eliminating all bacteria in the root canal remains a problem in root canal management. Using irrigant with laser diode as adjunct is to eliminate the bacteria.
Aim: To analyze and compare the effectivity of diode laser, 2 chlorhexidine and 2,5 natrium hypochlorite against biofilm Of E. faecalis.
Method: score the antibacterial effects of the irrigant and diode laser with colony form unit CFU.
Result: Diode laser has antibacterial effectivity against E. faecalis biofilm. There is significant difference p 0,05 between irrigant with diode laser as an adjunct."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: E.faecalis isolat klinis merupakan bakteri yang menyebabkan lesi periapeks persisten. Bioceramic dan Mineral Trioxide Aggregate merupakan siler yang mempunyai sifat anti bakteri.
Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis efek anti bakteri siler Bioceramic dan MTA terhadap E.faecalis isolat klinis pada waktu 2 menit segera , 4 jam initial setting , 1 dan 7 hari setelah pengadukan siler.
Metode: Efek anti bakteri siler Bioceramic dan MTA diperiksa dengan direct contact test. Masing-masing siler dikontakkan langsung dengan E.faecalis isolat klinis 2 menit, 4 jam, 1 dan 7 hari setelah pengadukan siler. Suspensi ini dioleskan pada medium agar dan diinkubasi 24 jam untuk melihat koloni bakteri yang tumbuh CFU/ml.
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara siler Bioceramic dan MTA pada waktu 7 hari, antara siler Bioceramic pada waktu 2 dan 4 jam serta waktu 4 jam dan 7 hari setelah pengadukan siler.
Kesimpulan: siler Bioceramic dan MTA mempunyai efek anti bakteri yang baik terhadap E.faecalis pada saat segera, initial setting, dan 1 hari setelah pengadukan siler, pada waktu 7 hari setelah pengadukan, siler MTA yang paling baik. Siler MTA mempunyai efek anti bakteri yang konstan sampai 7 hari Keywords : Entereococcus faecalis isolat klinis, Siler Bioceramic dan Mineral Trioxide Aggregate MTA
......Background: E.faecalis isolate clinic is a kind of bacteria that cause persistent periapical lesion. Bioceramic and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate are sealers that having antibacterial properties.
Aim: To analyze antibacterial effect of Bioceramic and MTA sealers against E.faecalis isolate clinic at 2 minutes fresh , 4 hours initial setting , 1 day and 7 day after mixed the sealers.
Methods: Antibacterial effect of Bioceramic and MTA sealers was assessed by direct test contact. Each sealer was contacted with E.faecalis isolate clinic at 2 minutes, 4 hours, 1 day and 7 days after mixed the sealers. This suspension was swab in agar medium and incubated for 24 hours. The colony in agar plates is counted with colony forming unit CFU .
Result: The significant differences was shown by Bioceramic and MTA at 7 days, between Bioceramic at 2 minutes fresh and 4 hours initial setting also at 4 hours initial setting and 7 days after mixed the sealer.
Conclusion: Both of Bioceramic and MTA sealers have a good antibacterial effect at fresh, initial setting and 1 hour after mixed the sealer but at 7 days, MTA was the greater. MTA sealer has a constant antibacterial effect until 7 days. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dahmar Luciana Jufri
"Latar belakang: Fokus desinfeksi saluran akar saat ini telah mengalami perubahan dari desinfeksi agresif menjadi proteksi selektif, yang memiliki tujuan utama untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang sesuai, oleh karena itu, bahan irigasi alami sebagai pendamping mulai banyak diteliti potensialnya karena relatif aman. Larutan irigasi dengan kualitas optimal yang dapat membersihkan saluran akar secara menyeluruh sendiri masih belum tersedia dan meskipun ada perkembangan baru di bidang penelitian yang relevan, solusi yang lebih mendekati kualitas ideal belum dikembangkan. Cuka apel dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan alternatif alami yang aman untuk mengeliminasi biofilm sekaligus smear layer, sehingga berpotensi untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan efek antibakteri bahan irigasi sintetik NaOCl 1,5% dan 2,5% dibandingkan dengan larutan cuka apel terhadap E. faecalis. Metode: Biofilm E. faecalis isolat klinis dibagi menjadi tujuh kelompok sampel untuk dipaparkan dengan bahan uji larutan cuka apel konsentrasi 2,5%, 5%, 10%, kontrol positif NaOCl 1,5%, 2,5% dan kontrol negatif tanpa perlakuan, efek antibakteri dilihat menggunakan metode MTT Assay dan hitung koloni. Hasil: Didapatkan hasil dari kedua uji yang dilakukan bahwa larutan cuka apel konsentrasi 2,5% memiliki efek antibakteri terhadap biofilm E. faecalis tertinggi dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi 5% dan 10%. Kesimpulan: Efek antibakteri larutan cuka apel 2,5%, 5%, dan 10% lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan larutan NaOCl 1,5% dan 2,5% terhadap biofilm E. faecalis.
......Introduction: The current focus of root canal disinfection has changed from aggressive disinfection to selective protection, which has the main goal of creating a suitable environment, therefore, natural irrigation materials as a companion have begun to be studied for their potential because they are relatively safe. Irrigation solutions of optimal quality that can thoroughly clean root canals on their own are not yet available and despite new developments in the relevant research area, solutions closer to the ideal quality have not yet been developed. Apple cider vinegar can be used as a safe natural alternative for eliminating biofilm as well as the smear layer, so it has the potential to be developed further. Objective: To determine the differences in the antibacterial effect of synthetic irrigants NaOCl 1,5% and 2,5% compared to apple cider vinegar solution against E. faecalis. Methods: Clinical isolates of E. faecalis biofilm were divided into seven sample groups to be exposed to test materials for apple cider vinegar concentrations of 2,5%, 5%, 10%, positive control NaOCl 1,5%, 2,5%, and negative control without treatment, the antibacterial effect was seen using the MTT Assay method and colony count. Results: The results of the two tests were obtained that a 2.5% concentration of apple cider vinegar had the highest antibacterial effect on E. faecalis biofilm compared to 5% and 10% concentrations. Conclusion: The antibacterial effect of 2,5%, 5%, and 10% apple cider vinegar solutions was lower than 1,5% and 2,5% NaOCl solutions on E. faecalis biofilm.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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