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Yeti Hariyati
Latar Belakang:Artritis Reumatoid (AR) merupakan penyakit inflamasi sendi autoimun yang multi-sistemik persisten, eksaserbatif dan progresif. Anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin antibodies (Anti MCV) adalah autoantibodi golongan anti citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) yang memiliki sensitifitas sama namun lebih spesifik dibandingkan dengan anti cyclic citrullinated protein (Anti CCP). Anti MCV berkaitan erat dengan gen HLA DRB1*04 yang berperan penting dalam patogenesis AR. Studi korelasi anti MCV dengan destruksi sendi dan aktifitas penyakit masih kontroversial dan karakteristik pasien AR di Indonesia yang berbeda, menjadi alasan penting dilakukannya penelitian ini.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara kadar anti MCV dengan destruksi sendi dan aktifitas penyakit pada pasien artritis reumatoid
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang pada 37 pasien AR berdasarkan kriteria EULAR/ACR 2010 yang berobat di poliklinik Reumatologi RSCM periode September-Nopember 2014 dengan metode consecutive sampling. Anti MCV diukur dengan metode ELISA. Penilaian destruksi sendi menggunakan skor Sharp yang dimodifikasi Van der Heijde (SSvH) sedangkan aktifitas penyakit dinilai dengan disease activity score (DAS) 28 meliputi DAS 28-CRP dan DAS 28-LED. Korelasi anti MCV dengan destruksi sendi dan aktifitas penyakit dinilai dengan uji korelasi Spearman serta p untuk kemaknaan. Data penyerta lain adalah data demografis, jenis dan dosis terapi, status gizi, faktor reumatoid (FR), CRP, LED, dan darah tepi.
Hasil: Sebanyak 37 subjek diikutsertakan pada penelitian ini, dengan 34 (91,9%) adalah perempuan. Anti MCV positif ditemukan 26 subjek (70,3%), sedangkan FR positif ditemukan 21 (56.%). Median anti MCV didapatkan 26 IU/ml (minimal 10 IU/ml, maksimal 151 IU/ml) termasuk titer rendah. Median SSvH yaitu 31 (2-107), dengan nilai median erosi 5(0-49) dan joint space narrowing (JSN) 26 (0-64). Rerata nilai DAS 28-CRP 2,69 (SB 1,34) dan median DAS 28-LED 4,08 (2,10-5,97) yang masing-masing termasuk dalam kelompok aktivitas penyakit rendah dan sedang.Pada analisis bivariat didapatkan korelasi positif yang lemah antara anti MCV dengan SSvH sebesar r = 0,393 (p=0,016) dan korelasi positif yang lemah antara anti MCV dengan skor DAS 28-CRP (r=0,365, p=0,013) namun tidak ada korelasi antara anti MCV dengan skor DAS 28-LED.
Simpulan: Terdapat korelasi positif lemah yang bermakna antara titer anti MCV dengan destruksi sendi dan skor aktivitas penyakit DAS 28-CRP, korelasi antara titer anti MCV dengan skor DAS 28-LED tidak ada.;

Background:Rheumatoid Arthritis is a multi-systemic, persistent, exasperated and progressive auto immune joint inflamation disease. Anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin antibodies (Anti MCV) is an auto antibody in the category of anti citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) that has same sensitivity but more specific compared with anti cyclic citrullinated protein (anti CCP). Anti MCV is closely related to gen HLA DRB1*04 which has important role in pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Study on correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction and disease activity is still controversial and the different characteristics of AR patients in Indonesia become a strong reason for this study.
Objective:The aim of this study was to described the correlation between anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin (anti MCV) with joint destruction and disease activity of in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Methods:This is a cross-sectional study on 37 RA patients based on criteria of EULAR/ACR 2010 who came to Rheumatology outpatient clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, period of September ? November 2014 with the method of consecutive sampling. Anti MCV is measured with ELISA method, while joint destruction is scored with Sharp score modified with Van der Heijde ( SSvH ). disease activity score (DAS) 28 is used in disease activity covering DAS 28-CRP and DAS 28-LED. Correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction as well as disease activity is measured with Spearman correlation test with p for significance. Other supporting data include demography, type and dose of therapy, nutrition status, rheumathoid factor, CRP, LED, and peripheral blood.
Results:37 subjects were taken into this study, with 34 (91,9%) are women. Positive anti MCV was found in 26 subjects (70,3%) while positive FR was found in 21 subjects (56%). Median of anti MCV was obtained 26 IU/ml (minimal 10 IU/ml, maximal 151 IU/ml )which is including in low titer. Median of SSvH was 31 (2 ?107) with erosion median score of 5 (0-49) and joint space narrowing (JSN) of 26 (0-64). Average score of DAS 28-CRP was 2,69 (SD1,34) and median score of DAS 28-LED was 4,08 (2,10-5,97), each of which is included in low and medium disease activity. In bivariate analysis it?s found that there is a weak significant positive correlation between anti MCV and SSvH of r = 0,393 (p=0,016) and between anti MCV and score of DAS 28-CRP (r= 0,365 , p=0,013) but there is no correlation between anti MCV and score of DAS 28-LED.
Conclusion:There is a weak significant positive correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction and level of disease activity score DAS 28-CRP. Apart from that, there is no correlation between anti MCV and DAS 28-LED., Background:Rheumatoid Arthritis is a multi-systemic, persistent, exasperated and progressive auto immune joint inflamation disease. Anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin antibodies (Anti MCV) is an auto antibody in the category of anti citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) that has same sensitivity but more specific compared with anti cyclic citrullinated protein (anti CCP). Anti MCV is closely related to gen HLA DRB1*04 which has important role in pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Study on correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction and disease activity is still controversial and the different characteristics of AR patients in Indonesia become a strong reason for this study.
Objective:The aim of this study was to described the correlation between anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin (anti MCV) with joint destruction and disease activity of in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Methods:This is a cross-sectional study on 37 RA patients based on criteria of EULAR/ACR 2010 who came to Rheumatology outpatient clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, period of September – November 2014 with the method of consecutive sampling. Anti MCV is measured with ELISA method, while joint destruction is scored with Sharp score modified with Van der Heijde ( SSvH ). disease activity score (DAS) 28 is used in disease activity covering DAS 28-CRP and DAS 28-LED. Correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction as well as disease activity is measured with Spearman correlation test with p for significance. Other supporting data include demography, type and dose of therapy, nutrition status, rheumathoid factor, CRP, LED, and peripheral blood.
Results:37 subjects were taken into this study, with 34 (91,9%) are women. Positive anti MCV was found in 26 subjects (70,3%) while positive FR was found in 21 subjects (56%). Median of anti MCV was obtained 26 IU/ml (minimal 10 IU/ml, maximal 151 IU/ml )which is including in low titer. Median of SSvH was 31 (2 –107) with erosion median score of 5 (0-49) and joint space narrowing (JSN) of 26 (0-64). Average score of DAS 28-CRP was 2,69 (SD1,34) and median score of DAS 28-LED was 4,08 (2,10-5,97), each of which is included in low and medium disease activity. In bivariate analysis it’s found that there is a weak significant positive correlation between anti MCV and SSvH of r = 0,393 (p=0,016) and between anti MCV and score of DAS 28-CRP (r= 0,365 , p=0,013) but there is no correlation between anti MCV and score of DAS 28-LED.
Conclusion:There is a weak significant positive correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction and level of disease activity score DAS 28-CRP. Apart from that, there is no correlation between anti MCV and DAS 28-LED.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyserinck, Johs
Schiedam Roelants 1908
839.35 Hav zd
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyserinck, Johs
Schiedam Roelants 1908
839.35 Hav zd
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research was aimed for knowing the influence of EM-4(effective microorganism-4)adudition and the most effective concentration of EM-4 in comspost media for straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea (Bull ex Fr)Sing) production......"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Preciosa Regina de Joya
As a response to Peter Jackson s call for a Southeast Asian Area Studies beyond Anglo America, this paper argues that the achievement of this salient objective hinges on an understanding of the idea of positionality and what it entails. Drawing from reflections from Filipino scholars, positionality can be understood not merely as one determination through geographic location or self knowledge of ones
condition within the politics of knowledge production rather, it is the power and opportunity to claim a place from which one understands reality in ones own terms, and the capacity to effect influence within her intellectual domain. In redefining positionality as such, one realizes that crucial to establishing Southeast Asian Area studies beyond Anglo America is acknowledging the importance of the vernacular in the
production and circulation of knowledge, as well as the constant danger of English as the global lingua franca, established in the guise of an advocacy that resolves unevenness by providing equal opportunity for all intellectuals to gain global prominence. This paper argues that, instead of trying to eradicate unevenness, one can acknowledge it as the condition of being located in a place and as a privilegedposition to think and create beyond the shadow of Anglo American theory."
327 SUV 11:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Reza Aditya Nugroho
"Gerakan tanah merupakan bahaya geologi utama di dunia yang menyebabkan tingginya jumlah korban manusia hingga kerugian harta benda yang sangat besar, serta mengakibatkan kerusakan pada sumber daya alam, ekosistem, dan infrastruktur. Selama periode Januari 2020 hingga Desember 2021, bancana gerakan tanah telah menjadi bencana yang paling rawan terjadi di Kabupaten Wonosobo, yakni sebanyak 238 kejadian. Bahkan, beberapa dari kejadian tersebut memakan korban jiwa yakni satu orang meninggal dunia di Kecamatan Kaliwiro, satu orang meninggal dunia di Kecamatan Kepil, dan dua orang meninggal dunia di Kecamatan Watumalang. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini dilakukan agar dapat menentukan zona kerentanan gerakan tanah yang berguna dalam membantu proses mitigasi risiko sehingga segala bentuk kerugian dapat diminimalisasi. Zona kerentanan gerakan tanah pada Kabupaten Wonosobo divisualisasikan dengan peta kerentanan gerakan tanah. Sebanyak 242 titik gerakan tanah dikumpulkan untuk menghasilkan peta inventori. Titik tersebut kemudian dibagi menjadi 168 (70%) sebagai data training dan 74 (30%) sebagai data testing. Parameter yang dipertimbangkan terdiri dari berbagai parameter penyebab seperti aspek lereng, curvature, elevasi, kemiringan lereng, jarak dari sungai, litologi, tata guna lahan dan satu parameter pemicu, yaitu curah hujan. Selain itu, dilakukan pengurangan resolusi terhadap turunan data DEM seperti aspek lereng, curvature, elevasi, kemiringan lereng menjadi 8, 17, 25, dan 40 m untuk melihat pengaruhnya terhadap akurasi model. Semua parameter diolah menggunakan piranti ArcGIS untuk mengasilkan peta parameter. Peta parameter selanjutnya digabungkan dan dianalisis menggunakan metode frequency ratio dan weight of evidence untuk menghasilkan peta kerentanan gerakan tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kabupaten Wonosobo memiliki kecenderungan terhadap kerentanan gerakan tanah dengan tingkatan rendah, sedang, hingga tinggi. Berdasarkan data resolusi DEM 8 m dan 17 m, tingkatan kerentanan didominasi oleh kelas sedang. Namun pada data resolusi DEM 25 m dan 40 m, tingkatan kerentanan didominasi oleh kelas rendah. Peta kerentanan masing-masing resolusi kemudian diuji nilai AUC nya menggunakan success rate curve untuk melihat keberhasilan model dan prediction rate curve untuk mengukur akurasi prediksi model. Setelah dilakukan validasi, resolusi tinggi ternyata tidak berbanding lurus dengan kualitas akurasi model. Akurasi success rate mengalami puncaknya pada resolusi DEM 25 m sedangkan prediction rate pada resolusi DEM 17 m.
......Landslide is a major geological hazard in the world that causes a high number of human casualties to enormous property losses, as well as causing damage to natural resources, ecosystems and infrastructure. During the period from January 2020 to December 2021, landslide disasters have become the most prone to disasters in Wonosobo Regency, with 238 incidents. In fact, some of these incidents claimed lives, namely one person died in Kaliwiro District, one person died in Kepil District, and two people died in Watumalang District. Therefore, this research was conducted in order to determine the susceptibility zones of landslide which are useful in assisting the risk mitigation process so that all forms of losses can be minimized. The landslide vulnerability zone in Wonosobo Regency is visualized with a landslide susceptibility map. A total of 242 landslide points were collected to produce an inventory map. These points are then divided into 168 (70%) as training data and 74 (30%) as testing data. The parameters considered consist of various causal parameters such as slope aspect, curvature, elevation, slope, distance from river, lithology, land use and one trigger parameter, namely rainfall. In addition, the resolution of the DEM data derivatives was reduced, such as slope aspects, curvature, elevation, slope to 8, 17, 25, and 40 m to see the effect on model accuracy. All parameters are processed using the ArcGIS tool to produce a parameter map. Then the parameter maps are combined and analyzed using the frequency ratio and weight of evidence methods to produce a landslide susceptibility map. The results of the study show that Wonosobo Regency has a tendency towards low, moderate and high susceptibility to landslide. Based on DEM 8 m and 17 m resolution data, the susceptibility level is dominated by the moderate class. However, in DEM 25 m and 40 m resolution data, the susceptibility level is dominated by the low class. Then the susceptibility map of each resolution is tested for AUC value using a success rate curve to see the success of the model and a prediction rate curve to measure the accuracy of model predictions. After validation, it turns out that high resolution is not directly proportional to the quality of the model accuracy. Success rate accuracy peaks at DEM 25 m resolution while prediction rate at DEM 17 m resolution."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library