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Dewi Fitria
Tesis ini membahas mengenai penempatan Calon TKI nurse dan
careworker di Jepang yang merupakan salah satu kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia
dan Jepang dalam program Government to Government/antarpemerintah dalam
kerangka IJEPA. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan metode studi
pustaka, kualitatif dan wawancara kepada narasumber yang bertujuan untuk
mengetahui masalah-masalah dan dampak yang terjadi dalam kebijakan program
penempatan ini.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia dan Jepang perlu
menjalankan komitmen masing-masing agar pelaksanaan penempatan calon TKI
di Jepang dapat berjalan sesuai dengan harapan kedua negara dan calon TKI itu
sendiri. Kualitas calon TKI harus ditingkatkan khususnya keterampilan berbahasa
Jepang guna menjadi registered nurse dan certified careworker di Jepang.
Pemerintahan kedua negara juga harus memberikan penjelasan yang sebenarbenarnya
terkait pra, masa dan purna penempatan yang antara lain meliputi
penjelasan upah kerja, tugas calon TKI dan jenjang karir.

The focus of this study is the placement of Indonesian nurse and careworker
candidate in Japan which is one of Indonesia and Japan?s policy in the program of
Government to Government on the frame of Indonesia Japan Economic
Partnership Agreement (IJEPA). This research is descriptive research using
literature and interview to the informant that aims to identify the issues and
impacts that occur in this placement program policies.
The researcher suggests that the government of Indonesia and Japan need to
perform their commitment for the implementation of the placement so it can work
in accordance with the expectation of both countries and the Indonesian candidate
themselves. The quality of the candidate should be improved, especially for
Japanese language so they can be able to be a registered nurse and certified
careworker in Japan. Governments of both countries should also provide
explanations related pre, period and after placement which includes explanations
wages, their duties and career.;The focus of this study is the placement of Indonesian nurse and careworker
candidate in Japan which is one of Indonesia and Japan?s policy in the program of
Government to Government on the frame of Indonesia Japan Economic
Partnership Agreement (IJEPA). This research is descriptive research using
literature and interview to the informant that aims to identify the issues and
impacts that occur in this placement program policies.
The researcher suggests that the government of Indonesia and Japan need to
perform their commitment for the implementation of the placement so it can work
in accordance with the expectation of both countries and the Indonesian candidate
themselves. The quality of the candidate should be improved, especially for
Japanese language so they can be able to be a registered nurse and certified
careworker in Japan. Governments of both countries should also provide
explanations related pre, period and after placement which includes explanations
wages, their duties and career., The focus of this study is the placement of Indonesian nurse and careworker
candidate in Japan which is one of Indonesia and Japan’s policy in the program of
Government to Government on the frame of Indonesia Japan Economic
Partnership Agreement (IJEPA). This research is descriptive research using
literature and interview to the informant that aims to identify the issues and
impacts that occur in this placement program policies.
The researcher suggests that the government of Indonesia and Japan need to
perform their commitment for the implementation of the placement so it can work
in accordance with the expectation of both countries and the Indonesian candidate
themselves. The quality of the candidate should be improved, especially for
Japanese language so they can be able to be a registered nurse and certified
careworker in Japan. Governments of both countries should also provide
explanations related pre, period and after placement which includes explanations
wages, their duties and career.]"
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marwanto Rolasta
"Sebagai negara maju di segala bidang dan disegani oleh negara-negara eropa. Jerman membutuhkan tenaga kerja pada sektor  kesehatan. Permintaan tenaga kesehatan ini disambut baik oleh Indonesia. Maka, sejak tahun 2020 dilandasi dengan MoU, kedua negara melangsungkan kerja sama pengiriman pekerja  migran Indonesia secara  antarpemerintahan (G to G). Tujuan dari pemerintah Indonesia ini adalah melindungi warga negaranya dari pra bekerja hingga setelah bekerja dilaksanakan oleh BP2MI. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan Metode Pendekatan Yuridis Normatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data pendukung lainnya seperti pendapat para ahli, hasil wawancara, jurnal ilmiah, dan pengambilan dokumen resmi. Kemudian data tersebut dikumpulkan dan disajikan dalam bentuk uraian sistematis. Data-data yang diperoleh dianalisis dan dijabarkan dengan peraturan hukum positif yang berkaitan dengan objek penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kerja sama antara Indonesia dengan Jerman dalam pengiriman pekerja migran Indonesia ke Jerman berlangsung juga karena adanya program triple win. Di batch pertama proses penempatan pekerja migran Indonesia ke Jerman berjalan dengan baik, akan tetapi setelah memasuki masa pelatihan banyak yang mengundurkan  diri dari proses perekrutan. Banyaknya yang mengundurkan diri menimbulkan masalah bagi pemberi kerja. Oleh karena itu pada batch kedua negara bersepakat untuk memberikan sanksi denda dengan membayar biaya pelatihan mengikuti kursus bahasa Jerman. Kesepakatan kedua negara ini layer diakibatkan calon pekerja migran Indonesia telah mengisi dan  menandatangani formulir pernyataan partisipasi.
......As a developed state in all sector and respected by European Country. Germany needs worker in health sector. This request for health workers was welcomed by Indonesia, which has unemployment problems. So, since 2020 based on the MoU, the two country have cooperated in sending Indonesia Migrant Workers with G to G Program (Intergovemental). The research method used in this research is using the Normative Juridical Approach Method. The data used are primary data and other supported daya by expert opinions, interviews, scientific journals and official document retrieval. Then the data is collected and presented in the form of a systematic description. The data obtained were analyzed and described with positive legal regulations relating to the object of research. Based on the results of the research the cooperation between Indonesian and Germany in sending Indonesian Migrant Workers to Germany also took place because of the triple win program. In the first batch the process of placing Indonesian migrant workers to Germany was good, but after entering the training period many resigned from the recruitment process. The large number of resigning poses a problem for employers. Therefore, in the second batch, the countries agreed to impose by paying training fees for taking German language course. The agreement between the two countries is layered because prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers have filled out and signed a participation Statement form."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library