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"The objective of the experiment is to describe the influence of common carps hypophysis extract administration on gonad development of female tropical eel , Anguilla bicolor bocolor...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adam Recarlo Zulkarnaen
"Penelitian mengenai pengaruh pengaruh pH air terhadap kematangan gonad ikan Rainbow boesemani (melanotaenia boesemani allen and cross, 1980) telah dilakukan. Sebanyak 150 ikan yang terdiri atas ikan jantan dan betina dibagi ke dalam 5 kelompok yang dipelihara dalam air dengan rentang nilai 6?7 (PK), pH 5?6 (P1), 7?8 (P2), 8?9 (P3),dan 9?10 (P4) selama 30 hari. Nilai IGS digunakan sebagai parameter utama, sedangkan persentase sel spermatozoa dan oosit tingkat V digunakan sebagai data pendukung. Nilai IGS terbesar pada ikan jantan dan betina (1,34% dan 3,92%) didapatkan pada P2, sedangkan nilai IGS jantan dan betina terendah (2,36% dan 0,93%) didapatkan pada P1. Persentase spermatozoa dan oosit tingkat V tertinggi (23,97% dan 21,87%) didapatkan pada P2, sedangkan persentase terendah (17,37% dan 9,28%) didapatkan pada P1. (Hasil uji analisis variansi (ANAVA) 1 faktor (P < 0,05) menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh perbedaan pH terhadap nilai IGS ikan Melanotaenia boesemani . Hasil uji beda nyata terkecil (LSD) (P < 0,05) menunjukkan adanya perbedaan nyata antara P1 dengan seluruh kelompok perlakuan lainnya; namun tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan nyata pada kelompok perlakuan lainnya. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa pH dengan rentang nilai 5?6 memberikan pengaruh negatif terhadap kematangan gonad dari M. boesemani.

A study about the effect of water pH value on gonad maturity of boesemani Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani Allen and Cross, 1980) has been conducted. A total of 150 fishes consisted of male and female fishes divided into 5 groups which kept with different pH values : 6?7 (PK), 5?6 (P1), 7?8 (P2), 8?9 (P3),and 9?10 (P5). The GSI value was used as the primary parameter, while the percentage of spermatozoa and stageV oocyte was used as supporting data. The highest IGS value for both the male and female fish (1.34% and 3.92%) was obtained at P2, while the lowest value (2.36% and 0.93%) was obtained at P1. The highest percentage of spermatozoa and stage V oocytes (23.97% and 21.87%) was obtained at P2, while the lowest percentage (17.37% and 9.28%) obtained at P1. The result of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) (P <0.05) showed that different pH affect the IGS value of M.boesemani. The result of least significant difference (LSD) (P <0.05) showed a significant difference between P1 with all other treatment groups while there are no differences between other treatment groups. It proved that the pH value range of 5-6 negatively M.boesemani? gonadal maturity."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhilrahman Muhammad
"Berbagai macam senyawa pencemar dapat dengan mudah masuk ke wilayah laut, salah satunya melalui buangan limbah dari kapal. Limbah kapal berupa asap dan buangan minyak, tentu dapat merusak ekosistem laut. Salah satu senyawa pencemar yang dapat terlepas ke laut dari limbah kapal yaitu Polyclic Aromatic Hydrocabon (PAH). PAH seperti naftalena, benzo[a]pirena dan dibenzo[a,h]anthrasena dikategorikan sebagai senyawa karsinogenik bagi manusia berdasarkan International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keberadaan dan korelasi senyawa naftalena yang terdapat pada sedimen dan gonad bulu babi Diadema setosum di Pulau Rambut, Pulau Semak Daun, dan Pulau Damar Besar. Sampel diambil dari masing masing arah mata angin yang berbeda di pulau sebanyak tiga individu dan tiga titik sedimen di tempat bulu babi berasal. Analisis senyawa PAH dilakukan dengan mengekstrak sampel. Sampel dikering-bekukan terlebih dahulu menggunakan alat Freeze-dry Büchi Lyovapor. Sampel kemudian dimaserasi menggunakan pelarut n-heksana dan diuapkan menggunakan alat Rotary Evaporator Büchi R-100. Ekstrak akan dianalisis menggunakan Ultra High Performance Liquid Chormatography. Seluruh sampel baik sedimen dan gonad mengandung naftalena dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda-beda. Konsentrasi naftalena tertinggi berada di bagian selatan kedua pulau. Konsentrasi naftalena pada sedimen di Pulau Rambut sebesar 11,72 ppm sedangkan untuk gonad sebesar 6,83 ppm. Konsentrasi naftalena pada sedimen di Pulau Damar Besar sebesar 3,13 ppm, sedangkan untuk gonad sebesar 4,71 ppm. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara konsentrasi naftalena yang berada di sedimen dengan di gonad.

Various kinds of pollutant such as waste disposal from ships can certainly damage the marine ecosystem. One of the pollutants that can be released into the sea from ship waste is Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocabon (PAH). Content of PAHs such as naphthalene, benzo [a] pyrene and dibenzo [a, h] anthracene are categorized as carcinogenic compounds for humans based on the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). This study aimed to determine the existence and correlation between naphthalene compounds found in sediments and gonads of Diadema setosum sea urchins in Rambut Island, Semak Daun Island, and Damar Besar Island. Samples were taken from each stations with different wind directions on the island as many as three individuals and three sediment points where the sea urchins found. Analysis of naphthalene compounds was done by extracting the sample. Before extracting, samples were frozen using the Freeze-dry Büchi Lyovapor. The samples were macerated using n-hexane solvent and evaporated using the Rotary Evaporator Büchi R-100. The extraction results were analyzed using Ultra High Performance Liquid Chormatography. Both of sediment and gonad samples contain naphthalene with different concentrations. The highest concentration of naphthalene in Rambut Island sediment was 11,72 ppm whereas for the gonads it was 6,83 ppm, meanwhile in Damar Besar Island sediment was 3,13 ppm, while for the gonads was 4,71 ppm. There is no correlation between the concentration of naphthalene in the sediment and the gonad."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dadang Kusmana
"A study on the structure of the gonad of Fluta alba was made in the Laboratory. Data concerning the sexuality and body length showed that the smallest female and male recorded were 17.6 and 21.1 cm respectively. It was also found that smallest intersexes were 25 to 29.9 cm. One of the intersexual eels collected had the longest body length, i.e. 64.4 cm. Histological evidence showed that the change of the gonad from female to male were usually found after the lost of ovarian tissues and of proliferation of the interstitial cells in the inner zone of the gonadal lamella. At the same time the formation of the testicular lobules occured by proliferation of spermatogonia. The karyotype of Fluta alba exhibited six pairs (12 chromosomes) and all chromosomes were metacentric. There were no differences in number and morphological structures of chromosomes among sexes, therefore it is suggested that the change of the gonadal function in F. alba is not a genetically inherited, but it might be due to the hormonal regulations produced by the gonad."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Permintaan pasar terhadap ikan lele dumbo (clarias sp) semakin bertambah dari tahun ke tahun, sehingga produksinya terus ditingkatkan. Ketersediaan benih yang berkualitas dalam jumlah cukup dan berlanjut menjadi suatu keharusan bagi pembudidaya untuk menunjang peningkatan produksi. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi adalah dengan peningkatan frekuensi pemijahan, diantaranya melalui proses percepatan kematangan gonad. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan proses pemacuan kematangan gonad ikan lele baik di musim pemijahan maupun diluar musim pemijahan dengan menggunakan hormom PMSG mix dan penambahan spirulina pada pakan."
577 LIMNO 19:2 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bahrain Utama Prawira
"Data pengaruh suhu terhadap reproduksi ikan rainbow boesemani (Melanotaenia boesemaniAllen & Cross) diperlukan untuk mendukung upaya optimalisasi budidaya ikan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu air terhadap indeks gonad somatik (IGS) dan kenampakan histologi gonad ikan rainbow boesemani. Sebanyak 75 ekor ikan jantan dan 75 ekor ikan betinadibagi secara merata ke dalam 5 akuarium ikan jantan dan 5 akuarium ikan betina, kemudian dipelihara pada suhu berbeda, yaknitanpa pengaturan suhu air (kontrol), suhu air 260C, suhu air 280C,suhu air 300C, dansuhu air 320C, selama 30 hari. Rerata IGS tertinggi terdapat pada ikan yang dipelihara pada suhu 260C dengan nilai 1,43%(ikan jantan) dan 3,6%(ikan betina), sedangkan rerata IGSterendah terdapat pada ikan yang dipelihara pada suhu 320C dengan nilai 0,82% (ikan jantan) dan 1,33%(ikan betina). Rerata persentase spermatid/spermatozoa tertinggi terdapat pada ikan jantan yang dipelihara pada suhu 280C dengan nilai 23,1% sedangkan yang terendah terdapat pada ikan jantan yang dipelihara pada suhu 320C dengan nilai 18%. Rerata persentase oosit tahap V tertinggi terdapat pada ikan betina yang dipelihara pada suhu 260C dengan nilai 27,4% sedangkan yang terendah terdapat pada ikan betina yang dipelihara pada suhu 320C dengan nilai 10,6%.

Information about the effect of water temperature on reproduction of boesemani rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani Allen & Cross) is needed to support optimalization of its cultivation. This research was done to acknowledge the effect of water temperature on gonadosomatic index (GSI) and gonad histology of boesemani rainbowfish. As much as 75 male and 75 female fish were evenly distributed into 5tank of male fish and 5 tank of female fish, then these fish were kept in various water temperature, namelywithout water temperature arrangement, 260C water temperature, 280C water temperature, 300C water temperature, and 320C water temperature,for 30 days. The highest average of GSI found on fishes kept on 260C by the value of 1.43% (male) and 3.6% (female), while the lowest found on fishes kept on 320C by the value of 0.82% (male) and 1,33% (female). The highest average of spermatid/spermatozoa percentage found on male fishes kept on 280C by the value of 23.1%, while the lowest found on male fishes kept on 320C by the value of 18%. The highest average of level 5 oocyte percentage found on female fishes kept on 260C by the value of 27.4%, while the lowest found on female fishes kept on 320C by the value of 10.6%."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Slim mudskipper, parapocryptes sp. is commanly found in estuary and brackish water pond area. Study on gonad maturity and food habits of this fish was done from February to June 2002...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pritha Hanindita Sudarawerti
Pengaruh warna wadah pemeliharaan terhadap kematangan gonad ikan rainbow kurumoi (Melanotaenia parva Allen, 1990) telah diteliti sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas gonad indukan. Seratus delapan puluh ekor M. parva yang terdiri atas 90 ekor ikan jantan dan 90 ekor ikan betina berusia ± 7 bulan dibagi menjadi enam set perlakuan (K, P1, P2, P3, P4, dan P5); masing-masing dipelihara dalam 12 wadah polypropylene berwarna transparan, merah, biru, hijau, kuning, dan putih selama 30 hari. Ikan jantan dan betina dipelihara terpisah. Nilai IGS digunakan sebagai parameter utama dengan didukung oleh persentase sel spermatozoa dan sel oosit tahap V pada preparat histologi gonad ikan. Nilai IGS jantan dan betina tertinggi (0,873 % dan 2,617 %) terdapat pada P4 (wadah kuning), sedangkan nilai IGS jantan dan betina terendah (0,364 % dan 1,275 %) terdapat pada P5 (wadah putih). Persentase sel spermatozoa dan oosit tahap V tertinggi (60,01 % dan 29,05 %) terdapat pada P4 (wadah kuning), yaitu sedangkan persentase sel spermatozoa dan oosit tahap V terendah (28,62 % dan 11,07 %) terdapat P5 (wadah putih).
Effect of different tank colours on gonad maturity of kurumoi rainbowfish (Melanotaenia parva L.) was tested on this study. A hundred and eighty M. parva, consisted of 90 male and 90 female fishes at ± 7 months of age, was divided to six experimental groups (K, P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5), which kept for 30 consecutive days in 12 polypropylene tanks with 6 colour types: transparent, red, blue, green, yellow, and white, respectively. Male and female fishes was kept on different tanks. The GSI value was counted as the primary parameter, while the percentage of spermatid/spermatozoa and stage V oocytes was counted from gonadal histology preparations as supportive data. The highest GSI value of male and female groups (0,873 % and 2,617 %) was found on P4 (yellow tank), while the lowest GSI value of both gender (0,364 % and 1,275 %) was found on P5 (white tank). The highest percentage of spermatozoa and stage V oocytes (60,01 % dan 29,05 %) was found on P4 (yellow tank), while the lowest percentage of spermatozoa and stage V oocytes (28,62 % dan 11,07 %) was found on P5 (white tank).
;Effect of different tank colours on gonad maturity of kurumoi rainbowfish (Melanotaenia parva L.) was tested on this study. A hundred and eighty M. parva, consisted of 90 male and 90 female fishes at ± 7 months of age, was divided to six experimental groups (K, P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5), which kept for 30 consecutive days in 12 polypropylene tanks with 6 colour types: transparent, red, blue, green, yellow, and white, respectively. Male and female fishes was kept on different tanks. The GSI value was counted as the primary parameter, while the percentage of spermatid/spermatozoa and stage V oocytes was counted from gonadal histology preparations as supportive data. The highest GSI value of male and female groups (0,873 % and 2,617 %) was found on P4 (yellow tank), while the lowest GSI value of both gender (0,364 % and 1,275 %) was found on P5 (white tank). The highest percentage of spermatozoa and stage V oocytes (60,01 % dan 29,05 %) was found on P4 (yellow tank), while the lowest percentage of spermatozoa and stage V oocytes (28,62 % dan 11,07 %) was found on P5 (white tank).
, Effect of different tank colours on gonad maturity of kurumoi rainbowfish (Melanotaenia parva L.) was tested on this study. A hundred and eighty M. parva, consisted of 90 male and 90 female fishes at ± 7 months of age, was divided to six experimental groups (K, P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5), which kept for 30 consecutive days in 12 polypropylene tanks with 6 colour types: transparent, red, blue, green, yellow, and white, respectively. Male and female fishes was kept on different tanks. The GSI value was counted as the primary parameter, while the percentage of spermatid/spermatozoa and stage V oocytes was counted from gonadal histology preparations as supportive data. The highest GSI value of male and female groups (0,873 % and 2,617 %) was found on P4 (yellow tank), while the lowest GSI value of both gender (0,364 % and 1,275 %) was found on P5 (white tank). The highest percentage of spermatozoa and stage V oocytes (60,01 % dan 29,05 %) was found on P4 (yellow tank), while the lowest percentage of spermatozoa and stage V oocytes (28,62 % dan 11,07 %) was found on P5 (white tank).
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library