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Ditemukan 20 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Blau, Joseph Norman
London : Consumers Association , 1991
616.849 1 BLA u
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lockley, John
London : Bloomsbury , 1993
616.072 LOC h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silberstein, Stephen D.
Oxford: ISIS Medical Media, 1998
616.8 SIL h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gatterman, Meridel I.
St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby, 2012
615.5 GAT w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :

The AAOP Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management of Orofacial Pain is an invaluable resource for all health care professionals who evaluate and treat patients with orofacial pain and face the daunting task of "keeping up with the literature" in the rapidly emerging arena of pain management in clinical practice. This new edition continues to emphasize evidence-based knowledge and, for the first time, offers a summary of key points at the beginning of each chapter. Other important changes include an entirely new chapter on sleep and its relationship to pain and well-being; new imaging guidelines for the diagnosis of headache, TMD, and neuropathic pain; a new section on dysesthesias related to neuropathic pain; comprehensive descriptions of SUNCT/SUNA in the chapter devoted to primary headache disorders; and recommendations for quantitative sensory testing, narcotic agreement, and brief screening questionnaires used in patient assessment. Most important, the differential diagnosis and TMD chapters reflect the recommendations of the long-awaited RDC/TMD taxonomy, which will have a significant impact on clinical practice.
Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc, 2013
617.52 ORO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Gedung-gedung perkantoran umumnya dilengkapi dengan sistim sirkulasi udara atau pendingin secara buatan untuk menciptakan kondisi lingkungan kerja yang nyaman. Namun, masih terdapat gejala-gejala sindrom gedung sakit (SGS). Salah satu gejala SGS adalah nyeri kepala SGS (NK SGS) Oleh karena itu perlu dikaji diidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko terhadap timbulnya NK SGS. Kasus dan kontrol diidentifikasi melalui survei terhadap seluruh pekerja di kantor tersebut pada bulan Mei - Agustus 2002 di suatu perkantoran di Jakarta. Kasus adalah subjek dengan NK SGS, kontrol adalah subjek tanpa keluhan NK SGS selama satu bulan terakhir. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 240 orang, dan yang menderita NK SGS sebanyak 36 orang (15%). Bila dibandingkan dengan kecepatan gerakan udara yang normal, maka kecepatan gerakan udara yang cepat memperkecil risiko timbulnya NK SGS sebesar 57% [(rasio odds (OR) suaian = 0,43; 95% interval kepercayaan (CI): 0,19-0,95]. Bila dibandingkan dengan pekerja laki-laki, pekerja perempuan mempunyai risiko NK SGS hampir 3 kali lipat lebih besar (OR suaian = 2,96; 95% CI: 1,29-6,75). Pekerja dengan kebiasaan kadang-kadang sarapan, mempunyai risiko terkena NK SGS lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan yang biasa sarapan (OR suaian = 0,27; 95% CI: 0,10-0,96). Faktor suhu, kelembaban dan kebiasaan merokok tidak terbukti berkaitan dengan NK SGS. Pegawai perempuan mempunyai risiko NK SGS jika dibandingkan dengan laki-laki. Di samping itu, kecepatan gerakan udara yang lambat mempertinggi risiko NK SGS. Oleh karena itu perlu menambah kecepatan gerakan udara untuk mengurangi risiko timbulnya NK SGS terutama terhadap tempat kerja perempuan. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 171-7)
Even though office buildings are usually equipped with ventilation system or air conditioning to create a comfortable working environment, yet there is still found a number of sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms. One of the symptoms of SBS is SBS headache. Therefore, it is crucial to identify risk factors related to SBS headache. Cases were subjects who have suffered SBS headache, and controls were subjects who did not suffered headache for the last one month. Cases and controls were selected through a survey on all of employees in the said office during the period of May to August 2002. Total respondents were 240 employees including 36 people suffered SBS headache (15%). Compared to the normal air movement, faster air movement decreased the risk of SBS headache by 57% [adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 0.43; 95% confidence intervals (CI): 0.19-0.95]. Female employees, compared to the males ones, had a higher risk of getting SBS headache by almost three times (adjusted OR = 2.96; 95% CI: 1.29-6.75). Employees who had breakfast irregularly, had a lower risk to SBS headache than those who have breakfast regularly (adjusted OR=0.31; 95% CI: 0.09-0.84). Temperature, humidity and smoking habits were not noted correlated to SBS headache. Female workers had greater risk of suffering SBS headache. In addition slower air movement increased the risk of SBS headache. Therefore, it is recommended to improve the progress of air in order to reduce the risk of SBS headache, especially for female workplace. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 171-7)
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 12 (3) Juli September 2003: 171-177, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ardiansyah
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Insidens postdural puncture headache menggunakan jarum spinal ukuran kecil belum pernah diteliti di RSUPNCM. Saat ini di tempat kami jarum spinal yang tersedia yaitu jarum spinal Quincke ukuran 25G, 26G, dan 27G. Metode: Penelitian observasional ini dilakukan secara prospektif untuk mencari insidens postdural puncture headache sampai 72 jam pasca-anestesia spinal. Faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan pasien dan prosedur dihubungkan dengan PDPH dan dilakukan analisis regresi linear terhadap faktor-faktor tersebut. Hasil: Insidens postdural puncture headache pasca-anestesia spinal sebesar 6,6%. Kelompok usia <50 tahun memiliki kemungkinan 3 kali PDPH dibanding kelompok umur lebih tua. Jarum spinal 25G/26G Quincke memiliki kemungkinan 2 kali risiko MPDPH dibandingkan jarum 27G. Kesimpulan: Insidens postdural puncture headache setelah anesthesia spinal di RSUPNCM tidak berbeda dengan hasil laporan di tempat lain. ...... Background : Incidence of postdural puncture headache using small spinal needles was not yet investigated in RSUPNCM. In our centre we use Quincke spinal needle sizes 25G, 26G, and 27G. Methods : The incidence of postdural puncture headache was prospectively investigated until 72 hours after spinal anesthesia in 440 patients at RSUPNCM. Patient and procedure related factors were recorded and submitted to multiple logistic regression analysis to determine the relationship of these factors to postdural puncture headcahe. Results: The incidence of postdural puncture headache after spinal anesthesia were 6,6%. The age <50 years old is identified increase three times for PDPH compare to older. Larger needles Quincke (25G/26G) is identified increase twice for PDPH compare to 27G. Conclusion : The incidence of postdural puncture headache after spinal anesthesia at RSUPNCM is comparable to those reported elsewhere.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mustaqim Prasetya
Abstrak :
[Latar Belakang Gangguan penglihatan adalah gejala kedua yang sering muncul pada tumor otak setelah nyeri kepala. Gejala gangguan penglihatan yang paling sering terjadi pada tumor otak adalah penurunan visus atau tajam penglihatan (low vision sampai kebutaan), sedang tanda yang paling sering dijumpai adalah atrofi n. optikus dan papilledema. Penurunan tajam penglihatan yang dialami penderita tumor otak dapat sangat berat hingga berupa kebutaan. Sampai saat ini belum terdapat data angka kejadian gangguan penglihatan sampai kebutaan pada tumor otak di Indonesia. Metode Sebagai studi potong lintang analitik, dikumpulkanlah data pasien penderita tumor otak di atas usia 6 tahun yang datang berobat ke poliklinik Bedah Saraf FKUIRSCM pasien September 2013 hingga Februari 2014 dari catatan rekam medis. Hasil Jumlah pasien tumor otak yang mengalami buta sebanyak 37 orang (34,6 %) dengan usia rata-rata 45,3 (SD 11,3 tahun). Sebesar 86,5 % penderita berada pada usia produktif 15-54 tahun. Dari 37 pasien tumor otak yang buta terlihat proporsi gejala penyerta terbesar adalah sefalgia (terutama sefalgia kronis), diikuti oleh gangguan oftalmologi lain. Data pemeriksaan funduskopi hanya ditemukan pada kurang dari 50 % penderita, dengan temuan yang terbanyak adalah papil atrofi. Kesimpulan Besar angka kebutaan pada pasien tumor otak menunjukkan bahwa kondisi ini tidak hanya menjadi masalah medis saja tetapi juga masalah sosial yang serius. Banyaknya jumlah pasien tanpa data funduskopi menandakan masih lemahnya standar pemeriksaan neurooftalmologi ataupun pencatatan yang ada saat ini, padahal pemeriksaan funduskopi berperan sangat penting mendeteksi dini kejadian tumor otak pada pasien dengan gangguan penglihatan. ......Background Vision impairment is the second most common symptom in brain tumor after headache, with decreased visual acuity or low vision as its most common manifestation, and optic nerve atrophy and papilledema as its most common sign. Blindness may be the final outcome of this impairment. Until now, there is no data regarding the prevalence of vision impairment in brain tumor patient in Indonesia. Method As a analytic cross-sectional study, data is collected from the medical record regarding brain tumor patient above the age of 6 years old who were seen in the neurosurgery facility in FKUI-RSCM from September 2013 to February 2014. Result As much as 37 patient (34,6%) brain tumor patient were found to be blind; mean age was 45,3 years old (SD 11,3 years old), with 86,5% patient was in the productive age 15-54 years old. The commonest related symptoms was headache (especially chronic headache), followed by other ophthalmologic symptoms. Funduscopy data was found only in less than 50% patient; the commonest finding was optic nerve atrophy. Conclusion Blindness rate in brain tumor patient is not just a medical issue, but also a social one. Funduscopy usage must be encouraged more to provide early detection for brain tumor patient with vision impairment.;Background Vision impairment is the second most common symptom in brain tumor after headache, with decreased visual acuity or low vision as its most common manifestation, and optic nerve atrophy and papilledema as its most common sign. Blindness may be the final outcome of this impairment. Until now, there is no data regarding the prevalence of vision impairment in brain tumor patient in Indonesia. Method As a analytic cross-sectional study, data is collected from the medical record regarding brain tumor patient above the age of 6 years old who were seen in the neurosurgery facility in FKUI-RSCM from September 2013 to February 2014. Result As much as 37 patient (34,6%) brain tumor patient were found to be blind; mean age was 45,3 years old (SD 11,3 years old), with 86,5% patient was in the productive age 15-54 years old. The commonest related symptoms was headache (especially chronic headache), followed by other ophthalmologic symptoms. Funduscopy data was found only in less than 50% patient; the commonest finding was optic nerve atrophy. Conclusion Blindness rate in brain tumor patient is not just a medical issue, but also a social one. Funduscopy usage must be encouraged more to provide early detection for brain tumor patient with vision impairment., Background Vision impairment is the second most common symptom in brain tumor after headache, with decreased visual acuity or low vision as its most common manifestation, and optic nerve atrophy and papilledema as its most common sign. Blindness may be the final outcome of this impairment. Until now, there is no data regarding the prevalence of vision impairment in brain tumor patient in Indonesia. Method As a analytic cross-sectional study, data is collected from the medical record regarding brain tumor patient above the age of 6 years old who were seen in the neurosurgery facility in FKUI-RSCM from September 2013 to February 2014. Result As much as 37 patient (34,6%) brain tumor patient were found to be blind; mean age was 45,3 years old (SD 11,3 years old), with 86,5% patient was in the productive age 15-54 years old. The commonest related symptoms was headache (especially chronic headache), followed by other ophthalmologic symptoms. Funduscopy data was found only in less than 50% patient; the commonest finding was optic nerve atrophy. Conclusion Blindness rate in brain tumor patient is not just a medical issue, but also a social one. Funduscopy usage must be encouraged more to provide early detection for brain tumor patient with vision impairment.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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