ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai penjaminan fidusia atas objek yang berupa
bangunan dalam perspektif teori pemisahan horizontal. Pada tesis in akan dibahas
mengenai dua hal. Pertama, pembahasan mengenai penerapan asas pemisahan
horizontal terhadap bangunan yang didirikan di atas tanah milik orang lain sebagai
objek jaminan fidusia dalam teori dan praktik. Kedua, pembahasan mengenai
permasalahan-permasalahan yang selama ini terjadi dalam praktik pemberian
fidusia atas objek berupa bangunan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode
penelitian yuridis normatif, dimana data penelitian ini sebagian besar berasal dari
studi kepustakaan dan wawancara dengan beberapa narasumber. Hasil dari
penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa Fidusia atas bangunan dapat terjadi karena
hukum tanah di Indonesia menganut asas pemisahan horizontal yang merupakan
warisan dari hukum adat. Asas pemisahan horizontal bertujuan untuk melindungi
pihak yang hanya memiliki bangunan tanpa memiliki tanah. Meskipun dalam
hukum tanah nasional menganut asas pemisahan horizontal, namun dalam
praktiknya fidusia atas bangunan bukanlah suatu pilihan hukum bagi pemilik
tanah atau bangunan yang ingin menjaminkan asetnya sebagai jaminan utang
secara terpisah. Karena pengaturan fidusia atas bangunan ini telah diatur
sedemikian rupa sehingga hanya bangunan yang didirikan di atas hak atas tanah
tertentu (yang bukan merupakan objek Hak Tanggungan) yang bisa dijadikan
objek jaminan fidusia. Sedangkan kendala-kendala yang banyak menimbulkan
permasalahan dalam praktinya, antara lain disebabkan karena belum adanya
sertipikat atas bangunan sebagai tanda bukti kepemilikan, fidusia didaftarkan
dengan sistem online sehingga rawan terjadinya fidusia ulang, belum terdapat
suatu peraturan yang terintegrasi antara peraturan-peraturan dalam bidang hukum
jaminan, kebendaan, dan tanah mengenai fidusia atas bangunan, serta objek
jaminan yang hanya mengenai bangunan, maka akan ada kendala ekseskusi.
ABSTRACTThis thesis is concerning about building that is built on the land owned by other as
fiduciary object from horizontal separation principle perspective. This thesis is
mainly focusing about two problems. Firstly, the horizontal separation principle
that is applied to a building that built on the land owned by other as a fiduciary
object in theory and practice. Secondly, issues that occurred from fiduciary of the
building that built on the land owned by other. This study uses a normative
research, whereby the research data is largely derived from the literature study and
interviews. The results of this research stipulates that fiduciary of the buildings
can be conducted according to Indonesian land law which is adopting the
horizontal separation principle, inherited from Indonesian customary law. The
horizontal separation principle aims to protect those who only have a building
without having the land. Although the national land law embraces horizontal
separation principle, in practice, fiduciary of building is not an option for the
owner of the land or buildings who wanted to collateralize their assets separately.
Because the fiduciary of the building regulations has been arranged in a way that,
only buildings which built on certain land rights (which is not a Mortgage object)
that can be classified as fiduciary object. Meanwhile the constraints that cause a
lot of problems in practice, is partly due to the absence of the buildings certificate
as the proof of ownership. Fiduciary, which registered with the online system, is
so prone to re-fiduciary, yet there is no rule that integrates all regulations in the
field of security law, material, and land law, furthermore, to the object itself which
is only a building that built on the land owned by other, there will be problems in
execution process.;This thesis is concerning about building that is built on the land owned by other as
fiduciary object from horizontal separation principle perspective. This thesis is
mainly focusing about two problems. Firstly, the horizontal separation principle
that is applied to a building that built on the land owned by other as a fiduciary
object in theory and practice. Secondly, issues that occurred from fiduciary of the
building that built on the land owned by other. This study uses a normative
research, whereby the research data is largely derived from the literature study and
interviews. The results of this research stipulates that fiduciary of the buildings
can be conducted according to Indonesian land law which is adopting the
horizontal separation principle, inherited from Indonesian customary law. The
horizontal separation principle aims to protect those who only have a building
without having the land. Although the national land law embraces horizontal
separation principle, in practice, fiduciary of building is not an option for the
owner of the land or buildings who wanted to collateralize their assets separately.
Because the fiduciary of the building regulations has been arranged in a way that,
only buildings which built on certain land rights (which is not a Mortgage object)
that can be classified as fiduciary object. Meanwhile the constraints that cause a
lot of problems in practice, is partly due to the absence of the buildings certificate
as the proof of ownership. Fiduciary, which registered with the online system, is
so prone to re-fiduciary, yet there is no rule that integrates all regulations in the
field of security law, material, and land law, furthermore, to the object itself which
is only a building that built on the land owned by other, there will be problems in
execution process."